MTL - Stormwind God-v2 Chapter 1996 Prelude to the Final War (1)

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"What to do?" Nozdormu asked Duke.

"The Legion is coming. Let Gul'dan do it."

"Are you sure you're not playing with fire?" Nozdormu was already a bit seductive when he asked this sentence.

Duke grinned and told Nozdormu an answer in secret.

Nozdormu's unreal projection suddenly made his elf face very exciting.

"You ... have done everything? The heavens are on Titan. Are you the King of Time and Space or me?" Nozdorm was a little bit upset.

"Stop talking nonsense, give or not?"

"Oh! It's up to you! Anyway, the fate of Azeroth is in the hands of you, the mortal races." Nozdormu ignored.

Thirty minutes later, various sirens rang out in the entire alliance defense system.

Stormwind, Stormwind Fortress.

Although the appearance is still the old-fashioned fortress, it is not the same thing. The outer layer of the fort is covered with a new alloy mixed with ghost iron ore from Pandaria. There is a full-meter-thick alloy exterior wall, which can easily withstand the attack of tnt explosive artillery shells below 3 mm.

Moreover, the fortress is just a cover and an entrance.

The real command has been placed 200 meters below the ground of the Storm Fortress.

"Space fluctuations are abnormal!"

"The report came from the monitoring ship! Seismic waves were detected! Nothing wrong! The source depth was less than fifty meters, almost on the surface. The location was in the middle of the endless sea, and it was determined to be the location of the broken islands!"

ten minutes later.

"Report! Live images from Broken Beach are here! The energy storm above the Broken Isles has weakened, and our reconnaissance boat has transmitted optical images. It is confirmed that it is the demon of the Burning Legion!"

"The number of guards of fear and doomsday found was one thousand ... two thousand ... and growing."

"Identified the Lord of the Burning Legion Abyss, the number is three ... presumed to be the middle-level void lord."

"I found that the Dread Lord could not match the known list. The number is five, and it is presumed to be two middle-level and three low-level void lords."

"The concentration of shadow elements on Broken Beach has increased rapidly ... reporting that we have lost the optical image. The reconnaissance ship Alpha has temporarily confirmed its safety."

As early as half an hour ago, all leaders and generals in the alliance received the invasion warning from Duke as soon as possible.

They all knew that their commander-in-chief was powerful. They were surprised and quickly entered the state, waiting for the final confirmation.

In fact, many leaders have entered combat positions early.

Commanders on the front lines, such as Varian and Kael'thas, arrived at the old fortress Naxxramas hovering over the east of the Broken Isles, and Dalaran to the west.

The magic of the magic net gave them the ability to suspend in the air for a long time.

If it were not for the carrying capacity of the magic net, Duke wouldn't even care to turn the ships into air combat ships.

In practice, it is still more economical for surface warships.

Sitting at the command post of Naxxramas, Duke looked at the misty beach and could not help thinking of the original history on the broken beach. The Alliance and the Horde suffered the worst defeat ever.

Never missed MI7 thief master Madias Shaw was miserable for the first time, he and his elite intelligence personnel were caught and controlled directly, sending misleading information to Stormwind, which directly led to The fiasco of the Alliance and the Horde.

The leaders of the Alliance and Horde, Varian Wrynn and Vol'jin, died on the same day.

Inflicted indelible losses on the Alliance and the Horde.

In addition, there was the death of Lafayette Tirion Fortin, which made countless alliances shed tears.

Since it is up to a passerby here, naturally there will not be those breaking things.

Duke's voice began to be broadcast throughout the alliance's military communications network.

Where there are magical mirror images, countless soldiers circled in circles and looked at the commander-in-chief with an old face quietly.

Duke looked up, his eyes were full of firmness, his eyes were so deep, giving a sense of self-confidence to see through the past and the future, and to grasp the next 5,000 years.

"The Burning Legion is here! As the Alliance has been announcing. What should be said, it's already finished. Everything that should be prepared is ready. Before the war starts, the last thing I want to say is from the first year of the Dark Door, The suffering of the people of Azeroth has been enough. "

"If the alliance was to carry the main force of the Burning Legion 30 years ago, I would have all kinds of fears and fears. Because the alliance at that time was too immature, and long-term peace numbed everyone's nerves. But now We are absolutely different! "

"Look at your side"

"What do you see?"

"The most advanced weapon! The most complete preparation! The widest and most powerful ally!"

"Thirty years! We have faced an unprecedented tide of green orcs, resisted the death army of the Lich King, killed the vanguard of the Burning Legion, and destroyed the ancient **** and its servants."

"Trust me, and trust you!"

"This is just another test of survival and demise!"

"This hurdle, I firmly believe, the Alliance, and the entire Azeroth will step forward."

"There is only one reason"

With that said, Duke paused suddenly.

Then it seemed that all the air in the lungs was squeezed out, every bit and every drop was turned into a roar, a roar, and the thunder blasted in the ears of each league.

"Because we are in battle! We are invincible!"

In a short time, the blood from the heart of the Alliance must be ignited and turned into endless power, which penetrates into every blood vessel in the body.

It is so surging and so shocking.

The passion of the volcanic eruption could not be suppressed at all.

In the Eastern Kingdoms, in Northrend, in Kalimdor, and in Pandaria, outside the Great Vortex of the Endless Sea, every place where there were Alliance soldiers, the same screaming roar.

"We are battle-hardened"

"We are invincible"

The fist held high represents the indomitability of many intelligent creatures of Azeroth.

Facing Evil!

We will never give in!

Listening to the shouts coming back from every corner of the magic net, feeling the roar that could not be blocked even by the hard outer walls of the fortress, everyone in the command was so excited.

Duke waved with a big hand: "Allies! Attack"

Eight thousand newest air-to-air battleships and 22,000 maritime ships sailed towards the broken islands.

This amazing number, this oncoming speed, Rao was long expected that Gul'dan, the world's alliance, would desperately fight back, and all of them were disoriented.

"What a joke, where are so many soldiers in the Alliance?"

Read The Duke's Passion