MTL - Stormwind God-v2 Chapter 2018 Greetings from Enzos

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Duke found Enzos annoying. .

Disgusting, sinister, despicable, put a cold gun behind!

The Burning Legion is playing to destroy the world, it is your Enzos fart!

Wake up, Daqing is dead, oh no, your dark empire has died for 25,000 years.

Whatever is left is the reality.

At that time, Sargeras could destroy you ancient gods once, even if he does not represent the Pantheon now, would he still share this planet with you Enzos?

I don't know what Enzos ran out of.

However, it is clear that corroding the Emerald Dream is definitely an important part of a long-planned plot by Enzos.

If there was no system scan, Duke would never know that this afterimage of Xavius ​​still has a huge amount of decaying energy hidden in it. For this part, I am afraid that it will be enough to pollute the Emerald Dream ten times.

In case Duke is really stupid to go up to fight against Xavius, then after shoveling him in a minute, there will be a self-explosion!

After Xavius ​​became huge, the belly with that big belly was full of highly concentrated pus. Detoxification of all spiritual levels.

Once encountered, it is 10,000 times worse than ‘instilling an island nation action movie to a little girl who believes in Santa’. If Duke really touched it by himself, he would be brainwashed in a minute, like Nesario, the good comrade of the earth.

Duke didn't bite the hook, and Enzos's fishing tactics were naturally unsuccessful.

When Dumou broke the boss of the afterimage of Xavius ​​at the least cost, he broke another situation: over there, Ysera was almost kneeling.

Ysera tried to wave his claws, but couldn't stop Cenarius's attack.

"No! Damn, you ..."

Tentacle play or something, it's really exciting.

If it weren't for Ysera or the dragon form, it is estimated that this scene would not dare to describe even the most violent bard.

As Duke had calculated before. Ysera fell into an absolute disadvantage. Because the soul is damaged and cannot use the magic of the dream system, Ysera can only fight with the most primitive attack methods like the first ancestor dragon.

Unfortunately, after shrinking her body shape, all her claws, dragon tail sweeps, dragon wings flaps, and even dragon bites all became less powerful.

The only bright spot is that the dragon's breath of Ysera's natural attributes has purified many of Cenarius' summons.

There are several purified tree spirits; a fawn underneath, a forest sister who knows some natural magic; and ... Malfurion!

Duke didn't expect Malfurion to run here. There was no time to ask Malfurion why he was here. Anyway, the system shows that Malfurion's state is half blood, and his magic is quite a lot.

A great druid who still has huge magic power, as long as there is still a breath, give him a cover, he will beat himself with chicken blood, it will not be long before he will be resurrected with blood.

Duke raised his hand, and a huge ice shield blocked Cenarius's bush of thorns thrown at Malfurion.

Malfurion's face was stunned, then he saw Duke and nodded at Duke.

Duke no longer cares about the green Druid above him, and instead launches a storm on Cenarius.

"Oh! Corrosion! Madness! Only nightmares are eternity!" Cenarius raised his hands and shouted a lot of nonsense peculiar to mental patients.

Duke didn't feel much. He of the Modern Industrial Party was destined to urinate with naturalists.

Mindful, dozens of flame knives appeared out of nowhere, chopping the tentacles and thorns from the fallen Cenarius.

The next second, Duke was shocked!

The flame is very effective against the rotting tentacle vine, and in a blink of an eye, it burns out the tentacles entangled with Ysera. But less than one hundredth of a second, more corrupt vines emerged from the void and continued to entangle on Ysera's dragon body, becoming more and more entangled.

Ysera's neck was breathless.

"Become human!" Duke shouted.

"No" Ysera refused, because being human would mean that she gave up the battle forever. Cenarius has a special meaning to her.

"He's not Cenarius!" Duke suddenly added.

"He is ..." Ysera stunned, forgetting even the struggle.

"Yo, Enzos, are you finally going to play? Even if it's just a small part !?" Duke sneered at Cenarius, who seemed violent and kept using dark plant magic.

Time seemed to freeze, after all Ysera was the former master of this world. She began to look at the degenerate 'adult son' in front of her with the strongest sense she could do.

The next moment, she didn't even say hello to Duke, and she was still quite large and suddenly shrank.

Duke did not hesitate Faithela's decision. A hand reaching out, a mage's hand larger than a man appeared out of thin air, and a hand that pulled back to the form of the night elves.

Almost just pulled into Duke's arms, Ysera fell again. Sure enough, forcing her to fight with her soul damaged was too burdensome for her.

There was a stun in Cenarius's face over there, and then he grinned.

"Hey, hey! What a fun! Duke Marcus, I'm really more and more interested in you." His voice became extremely deep and thick, like stuffy thunder, like drumming, and a kind of transcendental indifferent.

That is the arrogance of being high above all the lives in the world.

"Eh! Enzos, say hello for the first time, I thought you would always shrink into a dark corner and refuse to come out." Duke stared at Isela, who was gasping for a long time because of the pull, and stared Attached was Cenarius of Enzos' will.

'Cenarius' shook the huge index finger of his right hand: "No, no, no, according to your human beings, I am a chess player. If a chess player falls to the end and becomes a chess piece, it is too important. "


Your old man makes good sense. May I sign for you?

"Oh!" Duke turned on taunt mode: "Do you think Sargeras will treat you as a chess player?"

Enzos is speechless.

As an ancient god, it has a high opinion of itself and no one looks down on it. Except for the occasional embarrassment with the old buddies who are also ancient gods, Enzos really did not please anyone.

In the age of the Dark Empire, the ancient gods also refused to accept anyone and attacked each other.

As for Sargeras, it is false to say that he does not hate him.

The advent of the Pantheon ruined the dream of hegemony of the ancient gods. Even if Sargeras fell, Sar always looked down on Enzos' defeat at that time?

The one who knows best is his enemy.

Read The Duke's Passion