MTL - Stormwind God-v2 Chapter 2021 Ssangyong Fight

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What does Dragon Tongue feel like?

Duke is anyway one of the few experienced people in the world.

He just wanted to say that a tongue that can grow long and extremely flexible when needed is definitely a bug.

Normally, there is absolutely no ordinary person sticking his limb into the dragon's mouth. What's the difference from delivering food?

But think about it, this approach is very similar to the circus performers who put their heads and hands into the mouths of lions and crocodiles!

That kind of adrenal hormone is secreted quickly!

The kind of nervousness that the heartbeat instantly accelerates to two hundred times a minute!

Thieves thrill!

Knowing that Ysera would not harm him, he couldn't bear the fact that Du Mou Ke was excited first!

And this dragon tongue is not another dragon tongue.

Unlike Onyxia, who has been trained to train dragons countless times, Ysera sent it by herself. The soft touch, mixed with the feeling of a soft girl similar to Kalia, and the taboo pleasure of conquering the dragon, Duke couldn't bear it.

"Uh, um ... um ..." Ysera responded awkwardly to Duke.

It took a long time for Duke to escape from the dragon's mouth.

"Yesra, it seems ..." In fact, Duke was supporting him with only a few senses and modesty. He felt a bit bad.

Although the hero saves the beauty, and the beauty looks so fair in appearance, but she is Ysera! King of the Green Dragon!

Always feel weird.

Ysera tilted her head, revealing a sweet expression with a bit of dullness: "No wonder Oni said that your swordman is arrogant."



"Wait, the goods really say that? You asked her about me !? God, what are you thinking?"

Ysera didn't answer Duke, she zoomed in directly.

Funny sword!

This is no longer a trance.

It turned out to be agave!

Lying down!

So exciting!

Life was hanging on the line, Duke was desperately struggling, pushing it out according to the dragon's head, but Duke's Excalibur stabbed to the dragon's throat again ...

One round at a time, I do n’t know how many rounds to fight, and finally Duke zoomed in.

Great Summoning!

Deoxyribose Knights!

There was no time for Ysera to react. Dukla took the dragon's legs and overturned the humanoid dragon with his backhand. The still extremely sharp Duke Excalibur turned into a dragon training whip and launched a continuous attack on the dragon's lair!

Dragon Sword!

Click to stab!

Unintentionally, Duke shakes and shakes out 999 combos.

The dragon's voice almost shook through the roof.

Seeing no match, Ysera, who provoked the war, chose a strategic retreat. Who knows that Duke, who is so powerful, chases up, grabs the dragon's waist, bites it on the neck of the dragon, and launches [Backstab].

The dragon broke down completely, crying and begging for mercy.

Unfortunately, Duke didn't hesitate to let go of the dying dragon after 2,333 backstab combos.

While grasping Long Zhifeng with his hand, he was biting Ysera's neck like a molar, and Duke could feel that Ysera changed with each bite of Duke.

From the initial discomfort to the later letting things go, this feels like a thief!

Biting his neck, Duke ordered, "From today on, you are my dragon."


"Can't let other dragons touch you."


It was a long time before Duke held Ysera and asked, "Why is this so?"

"No! It feels like you'll like it better, and I want to try it. I'll do it if I want to. It feels good anyway."

Duke was a little dazed.

Sure enough, a dragon is different from a dragon.

Onyxia is typical of too many ideas. Ysera was just emotional.

How exactly did his relationship with Ysera arise, Duke was also confused.

As Ysera said, it feels right.

Somehow, a dragon joined the harem. Such a mess, Duke didn't know what to tell his wife. Apparently Onyxia agreed with four claws, and Tyrande probably agreed.

The rest ... don't want to.

"Where are you going next?" Ysera became his dragon, and Duke naturally tightened.

"I still have a little bit of power to guard the dragon. I can barely maintain the anti-Titan array on the planet. But I want to take a break from you. I asked Elune and Sister Alexstatha. They said , If there is only one other way in this world that can quickly repair soul damage, it's on you. "

Suddenly remembered something, Ysera suddenly became nervous, and she quickly waved her hand: "No, I ... Actually, that, I didn't want to stab you. I just want to do it. Seek treatment for that, Dragon Temple and me Save less, we are willing to ... "

Duke laughed, and embraced Ysera, who became a bit incoherent because of the tension, and sipped: "Stupid! You are all my dragons. How can I leave you alone."

To supplement his soul, Duke tried more. To complement other beings, and to be a powerful demigod presence, Duke is the first.

This is not an easy task.

Duke inquired about the system elves, and the answer was that if Duke could collect a large number of female dragons, preferably green dragons, as raw materials, after purification, they could theoretically be transferred to Ysera.

In the next few days, Duke ran the Emerald Dream many times, searching for garbage like dragons everywhere.

Ysera's Dragon Soul has a full 36% defect, which is quite an exaggerated proportion.

Under normal circumstances, most of the existence will become crazy or something.

It took Duke a week to get together the necessary materials. When Ysera let go of her mind, let Duke enter her soul to search her memory and compare her spirit.

After three more days of preparation, Duke succeeded in one stroke, repairing Ysera's soul.

The treatment was quite successful, but not 100%.

As a **** shakes a hand, he accidentally bleeds 30g of ***** into the soul of Ysera.

Fortunately, it's just the osplay series.

Then that night, Duke met Ysera in a nurse's outfit. What's more nonsense was that Onyxia was taking advantage of the fact that the battle was slower, and he slipped back and staged a `` Double Dragon Battle ''.

What front?

The blade of Duke Excalibur!

If it weren't for the flames outside, Duke, an aspirant and unruly bastard, it would be like this cat couldn't show up in Karazhan.

Ugh! The heroes of other families don't want a powerful mount.

You see Kurdran Wildhammer next door, there is a Griffin King who has been wandering for decades.

Duke is all right, the pure-blooded fire eagle that the chiefs standard comes with, he does not look straight. Because his mount was first the Black Dragon Princess, then the King of Dreams!

One person has occupied two of the five guardian dragons, and Duke is definitely the only one in the world.

Duke plays dragon training every day, and I have a great reason to heal the guardian dragon Ysera, otherwise Azeroth's anti-Titan array will collapse.

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Read The Duke's Passion