MTL - Stormwind God-v2 Chapter 2048 It's finally the last battle

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Why is Argus?

This is a good question.

Originally, even Duke himself did not know, why is the Burning Legion's dead cave on Argus, the planet from which the Eredars originated?

Unexpectedly, in that secret consultation, the Titans accidentally told Duke the answer.

Because of a despicable and shameless lord named Void, the Duke of the Twenty-Five Twenty-Five Twenty-Five Years Old, the Burning Legion, used the energy of the Well of Eternity to recoil and suddenly distort the largest fortress in the void. Fried.

This shocked the entire Burning Legion, angered Sargeras for 10,000 years and suffered a terrible defeat, which led to a consensus among the top of the Burning Legion that such a seemingly unresolved twisted void may not be so safe.

Since Duke can put the Twisted Nether into the largest firework ever, in the Battle of the Ancients, so that I don't know how many billion demons perish, then Duke can do it once and he can do it the second time.

Therefore, despite the big bang in the battle of ancient times, it did not really hurt the vitality of the three giants of Sargeras, Kilgatan and Archimonde, but it made the three big brothers feel like they were sitting on the floor.

After a long discussion, they made an unexpected and reasonable decision to transfer the three of them and the soul core of all the Void Lords under His Legion to Argus.

Because in Argus, there are enough two Titans to guard.

Aggrama was once one of the noble pantheon titans. After being defeated by Sargeras, he was reborn as the destruction of the Titan by the general evil forces of Sardinia. He is now entangled in the core of Argus, guarding the force sufficient to destroy the universe and the core of the soul of the three big brothers of the Burning Legion.

The other is Argus.

That's right, this is the planet Argus, the Titan born of the planet's star soul. Unfortunately, since the day when the Astral Spirit awakened, he was destined to go wrong.

When Sargeras deceived the two Eredars, he also paid attention to the star soul of Argus. Because this star soul has the power to become a Titan. With the constant infusion of evil energy, by the time of the War of the Ancients, Argus the Silent had become a fallen Titan.

The two fallen Titans, Agramar and Agus, are the ultimate secret weapons of the Burning Legion.

If you do not take advantage of Sargeras's resurrection in Azeroth, Archimonde has not yet been resurrected, and Kil'jaeden will come to the front line once again, a golden opportunity to bring down the two fallen Titans in one breath and destroy the indelible Legion Myth, then no matter how long the resistance is, how many times the similar combat is repeated, the final loss will still not be the Burning Legion.

At this moment, more than one light-year away from Azeroth, a spaceship beyond the imagination of the imaginary is making a leap in the interstellar space.

This kind of space technology that folds the space, ignores the distance, and reaches the destination in a nearly cheating way is a black technology that even Duke's earth has not yet developed.

In the Pantheon, such technology is uncommon.

Outside the porthole, there are numerous light spots flashing past.

Inside the spacecraft, there was a slight tremor.

Sitting on the captain's throne, Duke looked around.

The spaceship is very large. It was originally a spaceship for Titan creations. The bridge alone was as large as ten football fields.

It is full of gorgeous Titan-style decoration, towering columns, and Titan runes everywhere.

And the guy who sailed the ship, it was Olgaron, an observer of Duke's "old friend".

This giant Titan creation, as if composed of constellations, turned back from time to time, showing a smile that was not flattering. This cargo also knows that his destiny is in the hands of Duke.

The captain's throne is so special, it was originally for the guardian or the Titan to sit on. The seat alone is 30 meters by 20 meters, and the total area exceeds 650 square meters, taking into account the protruding corners.

God **** is bigger than the main building of Duke's Duke's Mansion in Stormwind.

Feeling the space flashing fast outside the spacecraft, Duke felt as if he were in a world of silence.

There is a voice in my heart that is becoming extremely clear and exact. This is the last battle.

Crossing over the earth and becoming part of the surging pulse of Azeroth's destiny, merged into the main timeline where countless branches of life and time are gathered, the countless existence of fate, and the voices of billions of struggles, eventually Condensed into today's situation.

As long as the last battle is won, all suffering and all threats will end here.

Perhaps the race for the survival resources of various races is destined that no matter what the world is, there can be no real peace. At least there won't be any horrible and evil forces similar to bugs like the Burning Legion. I will pinch a few planets for you at every turn.

Are you excited?

Are you nervous?


Or just longing for an end?

Duke himself couldn't say clearly.

Furious blood flowed through his body, which was a roar of elements and a roar of spirit and soul, but Duke's heart was extremely quiet.

Quietly watching the star-like light on the main display disappear, his gaze seemed to pass through the time for a moment.

It is his honor to join the world of Azeroth.

No one on earth except him knows that the game they love is actually a projection of a real world in the mind of a game designer.

Game designers who are dubbed glass **** by players will never imagine that there is such a world hidden behind their genius design concept when they make the game "World of Warcraft".

Duke was fortunate enough to see the old Stormwind city annihilate in flames.

I saw a new alliance born from flames and blood.

Thanks to his ‘prophet ability’, he changed the fate of countless so many powerful people and people.

But the reversal of this great fate did not stem solely from his gift. It was the struggle of all Azerothians to destroy destiny, and every hopeful devoted himself to it, writing a new epic with his own blood and life.

Heroes in troubled times!

Looking back on the sheets that were supposed to have died, but with their own destiny changed, they still have a good face.

Suddenly, Duke suddenly felt a sense of satisfaction.

Even in their own spiritual world, looking at them in their memories, one by one, as opposed to their faces, has a strange feeling that shocked them.

In the game, all the regrets were made up.

The situation at hand is more like a vision that all players, including themselves, hoped for!

Duke finally understood that he had never been here alone.

On him, the best wishes of every World of Warcraft player on the planet.

Read The Duke's Passion