MTL - Stormwind God-v2 Chapter 2050 Sneak in?

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Interstellar shuttle has never been easy, let alone go to an unknown planet without even knowing the coordinates of the sky.

It was like this ...

With locals, guides and traitors, that's not a problem.

Along with the folding flight shock that has been with you, the fading stars on the spacecraft's monitoring screen begin to shorten.

Presented in the middle of the picture is a huge planet surrounded by green light. The star itself is quite huge, but unfortunately it does not have the characteristics of a living planet.

It is neither a sea ocean-based ocean planet nor a forest-like terrestrial planet, let alone an Eden planet known as a land of life.

It can even be said that Argus is more like a sun than a star that can emit light by itself, more than a planet with biological reproduction.

Eyes are full of traces of evil energy. In the horizon, a huge yellow-green scar almost divides the entire planet into two halves.

In the middle of the picture is a huge yellow light spot like a vortex, and the edges are all green evil energy.

Looking at his hometown, Velen was heartbroken while changing here, and was also very emotional.

"Twenty-five thousand years, I did not expect that I would return to Argus one day, although I did not know if I was a living ..."

Velen braided, but he never died. For the past ten years, he has been in the soul box with Orgrim. Until Duke reached a cooperation agreement with the Pantheon, as the best native, he 'resurrected' with the help of the Pantheon.

It is hard to say that this is a true resurrection, because the essence of his body is a semi-holy light creature, a semi-metal. It was like the special constitution of half-earth element and half-living creature after the curse of flesh and blood in the earth spirit.

The hoof comforted the teacher: "Master, all right, as long as we win, we can get Argus back. At that time, we can also ask the Pantheon for help to restore Argus. Duke, isn't it?"

The hoof is now sold, of course, only Duke can be counted on.

Duke smiled bitterly.

Nima, Velen is an old thing. I ca n’t help it for a while, and I want to help save another planet ...

However, Duke nodded his head: "Don't worry, as long as you can really defeat the Burning Legion, an argus is absolutely a trivial matter for the Pantheon. They also don't want to see another planet that can keep resurrecting demons. "

That being said, Duke murmured in his mind: If it wasn't for the face of the Alliance, according to the pantheon's temperament that purifies at every turn, it would probably blow up Argus directly.

Even if Velen had confirmed it early, he was relieved to hear the news again in Duke's mouth.

"For the landing point, the suggestion is here, here, or here ..." Velen seemed to randomly point out a few points on the unrecognizable planet of Argus.

Then there were two low-pitched female exclaims around Duke.

"This is really great! There is indeed a weakness in the Legion's defense."

"It is indeed one of the Big Three."

Ereda twins knelt on both knees, slumped to the ground, admiring Velen.

"Ha ha ha!" Velen furiously touched his three beard-like beards: "Even if the planet has changed dramatically, 25,000 years have passed, but some important points are impossible to change. For example The location of the Anthony * Burning Throne. There itself leads to the core of the entire planet. When you control it, you control the entire planet. "

Duke laughed.

No wonder Kil'jaeden has been tirelessly hunting down Velen for 25,000 years. Then the most recent target was the Ereda Gemini.

Oresses: "I got a defense plan through a servant who still had to be loyal to our sisters."

Saloras: "Look, everyone, this is the latest information before we start the jump flight."

As soon as the Geminis raised their hands, they showed the army's defense map of Argus on a huge three-dimensional planet.

Duke didn't care how they made their servants "have to be loyal." He only cared about what he wanted, and soon found it.

At this time, the observer responsible for sailing Olgalon suddenly shouted: "Hell, the Burning Legion expanded the alert range, and received the identification signal of the Legion a lot earlier than expected. They asked us to identify us."

At this moment, all beings set their sights on Illidan.

It's time to verify that the keystones obtained by his demon hunters are valid.

In the spotlight, Illidan took out a rune stone. It was the most loyal demon hunter under his command. It took more than two decades to obtain the ultimate treasure, and it was also his greatest capital to join this ultimate battle.

"Huh! This is Keystone! It is both an interstellar coordinate and the prototype of the entire Burning Legion identification system. No change can bypass it."

The Ereda twins stared at this humble blue rune stone, eyes shining.

The exchange of communication systems and passwords for the last time in the Legion had been at the Battle of the Ancients 10,000 years ago. That time, there was a gangster of Duke, which blew up the twisted void fortress and had to change.

It took just a hundred years to change the password and identification system.

There are ways. The whole system is not only complicated, but the legion is too large.

Tens of thousands of star destroyers, more than one million assault ships, and hundreds of millions of demons need to replace the identification system. This huge project, I do n’t know how many engineers like Moerge.

As a demon, there is no such thing as suffering. He is exhausted and resurrected. He is forced to continue to work, and then exhausted and resurrected ...

Here, Illidan saw his long fingers and black nails, holding keystones, and pressed one into the glowing, perfectly shaped groove on the bridge.

Here, Queen Saloras used a little trick. It appeared to everyone and the other party, which is already a standard, but completely different from her deity.

On the screen, it was an Erida male warlock.

"Open the door. My mother is annoying. I don't know if those clumsy guys take care of my collection these days. If I find that my Enemy Ensemble is missing a voice tonight, I will go crazy."

Soon, the other party replied, "Hi! You're lucky, you actually avoided the trouble because of the trek. However, Azeroth's frontline commander has cut three, and now the spaceship drives us crazy. You just Don't expect any more vacations. "

"What !? My vacation is gone! Jerk! Which idiot's order !?" Salolas's acting skills burst, and she looked like she was so imposing.

The other shrugged, and I looked very desperate: "It was all the orders issued by Commander Kil'jaeden."

"Uh." Saloras looked instantly dispirited.

A few more words of shame, the huge green energy shield surrounding outer space opened a gap and let Duke enter their spaceship. 8)