MTL - Stormwind God-v2 Chapter 2082 Titans (The Finale)

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"No! No! No no no--"

Sar always growled, struggled, and fought! He struck the planet Azeroth hard.

However, although the planetary defense is weak, there are still some.

For more than 25,000 years, he couldn't help this law formation, even if it was less than 20% of the moment, it still resisted the final attack of President Sa.

"No! I'm not willing! I'm not willing!"

The soul has no soul nucleus, and that is the remnant soul that will keep weakening.

Even as strong as President Sa, still weakened rapidly in the light of the Pantheon's punishment. He already knew his fate. He who has lost the core of his soul cannot fight against the Pantheon, which has gathered all the powers of Titan participation.

The only last thing he could do was to die with Azeroth.

He had a glimpse of the 25,000-year-old planet. He couldn't get it, and he couldn't think of other existences.

Holding the law circle on the planet's shell firmly, Sargeras raised his Titan Artifact sword high.

At this moment, the shadow of Duke suddenly appeared over the empty battlefield. The size of the phantom is not inferior to Sargeras.

Duke uttered a terrifying shout: "Azeroth, what are you still thinking about? Give me strength, or we will all be buried with Sargeras!"

The whole planet suddenly violently trembled, and that was a real ground shaking.

That is the star soul's instinct to protect itself.

It was her last hesitation!

At last it seemed as if he sighed.

The whole planet started to change.

On the continent, on the ocean, in the sky ...

Every life ...

Every existence ...

Whether it is a living thing, or a dead thing that looks inorganic ...

This time, not only the four major elements, all beings opened their souls to the huge Duke phantom in the void.


Tens of millions!

Billions of millions!

Countless existences infuse some unknown mysterious energy into the Duke incarnation of the sky.

In a blink of an eye, Duke's giant incarnation changed from illusory to solid.

This is a new Titan named Duke Marcus in the void.

Over the Pantheon, Amansul froze, and suddenly smiled bitterly. He finally knew what the Duke sly mortal was to guarantee the Azeroth creature he represented and the universal covenant of the Pantheon.

Over there, Duke's substantive avatar held a 20,000 km [Etiyes] in his left hand and a 10,000 km [Song of Light and Shadow] in his right hand, shouting--

"Sargrass, I'm a grass horse!"

"Dangdang!" It was a blockade that looked like a cowardly, woody Etiyesh, and with its supreme power of space, he slammed his sword into Azeroth's sword. .

The next moment, [Song of Light and Shadow] pierced into the chest of Sargeras, who was still strangling.

"Ah-" The fallen Titan fell to the mortal after all, no, it should be said that it was a mortal hero's sword!

"No! No! No no no--" Sargeras yelled, struggling strugglingly. He tried to resist with his evil energy.

But the shining holy sword that was always tied to his chest was the cruelest yoke. Every time he carried a little power, he flashed a golden light again, breaking his power again.

Under the watchful eye of the world's billions of souls, the desperate existence covering the entire planet is rapidly shrinking, captured by the light of the pantheon, unable to resist. As it got smaller, it flew towards the Pantheon.

At this point, behind Duke, an interstellar portal opened. The harem girls headed by Queen Greek and Tyrande rushed out and stood behind Duke.

In addition to them, there is Illidan.

Duke smiled to everyone: "I have a bit of finishing work to go to the Pantheon. It's okay, just go back."

All strong men nodded with the same excitement.

At this time, Tyrande found that Illidan was also following Duke, and he couldn't help but say: "Ilidan, you ..."

The wind-like man Illidan poked his lips: "The moment I burned and invaded 10,000 years and decided to turn to Sargeras, it was for the day to come. I said that I would guard you in my own way and the night Genie. Now, I'm just doing what I want. "

Tyrande wanted to say something, but his mouth squirmed for a long time, and after all, he could not speak a word of dissuasion.

"You bastard, you have been arbitrarily since you were a kid ..."

Illidan didn't care, the appearance clearly said-I am me, a different great man!

When Illidan lifted his feet and was about to leave, a sloppy figure appeared around him-Maiev * Shadowsong!

"What do you ... want to do?" Illidan was naturally hostile to the paranoid woman who had imprisoned him for thousands of years and tortured him for thousands of years.

"I ... I was wrong." Maiev knelt on one knee and bowed down to Illidan.

The truth is clear, Illidan turned out to be a great man worthy of the night elven hero, which is tantamount to Maiev's hatred of Illidan for 10,000 years is a huge mistake. Maiev was ashamed.

If it was young Illidan, he would probably get angry, and he would punish Maiev with fierce means, but to this day, he has seen everything away: "You ... this ... I forgive you."

"You ... really forgive me?" Two lines of tears flowed under Ma Wei's mask.

"Yes! I forgive you. From the first day I made this decision, I did not ask for any understanding and understanding from my fellow citizens. I can understand at the end of the two that I love and I hate. Sorry, "Illidan said deeply.

"You ... you have to take care," Tyrande said after all.

"Well, I will."

Maiev apparently realized what Illidan was going to do: "I'll go with you! This is what I do best."

Illidan stunned for a long time, and finally accepted the woman who had been with him for the second longest time in his life and was once extremely disgusted, and stood behind him.

Duke smiled and walked across the gate with two elves.

Stepping into the Pantheon, looking at Sargeras, which had shrunk to the size of a human being in the center of the temple, Illidan rushed forward and smashed the head of Sa.

"Sargras, you have it today! Rest assured! I will watch over you forever," Illidan laughed.

Maiev coldly said, "And me!"


One of the original covenants between Duke and the Pantheon was that Illidan proposed that once Sargeras was arrested, he would become at least one of them, guarding Sargeras forever and ever.

Duke looked at an egg and Maiev, but I didn't know what was going on. I thought the two seemed to be a good match?

Glancing twice, Duke wasn't looking.

Everything is a matter of fate.

Over there, Aman'thul sat with the Titans on the throne. Duke noticed that there were two huge chairs on the Pantheon.

That's obviously not the general manager. As a traitor, he is not worthy of a throne.

"this is……"

"Hey! You mortal lord of the gods, took the opportunity of Azeroth's crisis and got Azeroth's Titan power, what else do you pretend to do?" Nogannon, the dream weaver laughed.

Cheeky Du finally laughed embarrassedly.

The Pantheon was too strong, although he wanted to believe the virtues of the Pantheon.

But the festival does not bring life, death does not bring.

What if another traitor comes out of the Pantheon?

Power is of course the most secure in your own hands.

In fact, the last sword of the general manager of SA, created multiple Azeroths, and did not blast Azeroths. Why no Titan knows!

And no one had prepared Duke quickly.

Azeroth stuck with Duke's divine power for so many years, and finally, Duke succeeded.

It can be said to be a lie, or a coincidence.

Amansul began: "As long as you can withstand loneliness and find a suitable planet to cultivate your body, ten thousand years later, you will have the invincible body that stretches across the universe, just like our heyday."

Che, invincible yet.

I didn't know who was beaten into a dog.

The vomiting in his heart turned to vomiting, Duke still had to admit that it was the only Titan that could clean up the Titan.

That power, that size, is not really Titan.

However, Duke shook his head: "No need. You didn't ask me to give up this Titanic power, I'm so grateful."

Amansur smiled bitterly: "It's really alert. Maybe you ... forget it. Anyway, as long as the Pantheon isn't destroyed. The gate of the Pantheon will always be open to you and Azeroth. You are your own, so you should worry less about us Will the covenant be fulfilled? "

Iona smiled: "Let's do it, we have to find the right planet in the universe to cultivate our body again. You know how to contact us if something happens."

"Know." Stealing the power of the Titan, Duke could naturally sense the port opened by the Pantheon to himself. Even if they are separated by hundreds of millions of light years, they can still be clearly sensed.

Carving this Kazgros: "Azeroth is now in a state of great vitality, and the task of protecting her will be entrusted to you. Of course, from this moment, all the guardians above are yours, and you like it. What's up! "

"Well, thank you."

Agramar the Avengers: "Don't worry about the Burning Legion. I will organize a brand new army against them as soon as possible. That is my original duty."

Duke nodded.

The Pantheon left in this way, with satisfaction.

Azeroth was safe, and long suffering came to an end.

It took months for the Titan Creators, the Gods of the Wilderness, and the creatures of all Azeroths to wipe out the demons that were scattered all over the world.

Cheng Jian's Demon Legion is gone. Sporadic demons are expected to clear up for a long time.

The Dark Gate On December 25, 36, the alliance finally officially declared the end of the war-the planet Azeroth finally ushered in real peace!


"Long live the league!"

"Long live Azeroth!"

"Long live King Duke Marcus!"

Hundreds of thousands of souls cheered and the soldiers fired at the sky! People threw hats high into the sky.

In the outer circle of each city, there are a large number of griffins, horned beasts, bipedal dragons, dragons, vagres, and a large number of flying warships flying around the city.

Everyone sang and danced, jubilant.

The enthusiastic young girl enthusiastically threw a kiss to every triumphant soldier, and when it came to the eye, it was a hot kiss.

Then, in the last month, all three deaths led by Durex were banned from sale ...

The Alliance announced that it will hold a hundred-day celebration!

Celebrate the victory of the Anti-Burning Legion!

Every year on October 16th will be St. Duke's Day! Anti-Burning Army Victory Day is every December 25th!

Time passes quickly in the carnival!

In the blink of an eye, I came to the gate of darkness January 1, 38.

In the Temple of Karazhan, the concubine Irohia rushed in, and as soon as she raised her hand, the magical protection of space distortion disappeared.

She broke into the temple study: "Duke ..."

Iluhia looked at the poster on the wall in a smoky way, saying-

Don't go to work!

"Hello! Who knows where Duke's **** went?" After all, Ilucia caught Duke's maid Vanessa.

The maid who had followed Duke since he was a little bit crooked, his face was crimson, and Iluchia smelt a familiar taste at once: "Duke's **** also hit you?"

Vanessa didn't dare to hide, and bowed her head, "Yes, I seduced the master."

"Cut, that guy ... forget it, I can't control him. What about that guy?"

"I can't say. What if the owner hates me?" Vanessa followed Duke for more than 30 years before he achieved positive results, and would rather offend Illucia than sell Duke!

Ilucia teleported directly.

When she appeared in Duke's Palace, she saw the three sisters of the windrunners in the jade body, it seems that they were not cleaned up last night!

At this time, Ilucia found that Jaina was also here.

"Sister Ilucia, are you looking for Duke?"

"Yeah! You too?"

"Huh!" Jaina tooted rosy little mouth angrily: "Determine once a year which magic can be embedded in the magic net, only to get approval from him, the master of the magic net! I wonder where to go !?

Ilucia raised her forehead with a headache: "What should I do? That guy can be anywhere in the world!"

At this time Jaina suddenly burst into a bad smile: "Hey! I had foreseen that I had installed a monitor in the magic net secretly. As long as I saw a few targets, it was easy to catch that color."

Jaina walked in front of a magic mirror in Duke's bedroom and entered a bunch of things.

There will be images soon.

"Is it live?"

"Uh, sometimes it's a video."

Soon, the first video footage appeared, apparently in a sanctuary of the Scarlet Crusade. In the picture, Sally Whiteman is wearing a high slit red robe and holding a staff. For the first time, it looked okay. If you look closely, you can see that Sally is rubbing her beautiful white legs.

"Resurrect! My warrior!"

In the picture, a square white cloth suddenly moved at the point where Du Mou Ke's thighs were lying.

As if the zombies were resurrected, something is rising ...

Jaina's eyes were quick and she quickly switched the screen: "This is obviously a video!"

The next picture is a dungeon, where a tall female elf is bound to death by some tortoise shell. Crying and crying for Vasi's forgiveness.

This time I had fangs in Ilucia.

Since Vasiqi caught the former master hiding in the dark trying to engage in various subversive activities-Queen Azshara, she changed the color of the queen, from the blue and cyan peculiar to the upper elves to white skin. From time to time, Duke went to the dungeon to interrogate the queen and asked her to explain.

The next picture is Tyrande and Shantis, a pair of righteous mothers and daughters hugging in a ball. Lying next to it was the hoof and Kalia's pair of holy lights. Looking at the traces, it was obvious that the murderer of a certain surname Du had escaped.

The last picture, a snowflake in the mirror.

Jaina knew: "Hell, that **** is in the Temple of Dragon Sleep!"

"It's difficult now."

At the highest level of the Longmian Temple, a new villa was once built on the extremely wide top floor. This place has become a sacred place for female dragons of all kinds to challenge the master of dragon sleep.

The blue dragon mm Teregosa, who should have died in the Cataclysm, finally launched his attack on Duke. Who knows that he can't be beaten. Duke's forty-eight type of **** hand only uses six The move brought down Teregosa.

Onyxia was defeated second. The failure was due to Duke's familiarity with his dragon's lair. After several rounds of weakness attacks, Princess Black Dragon fell to the ground.

Ysera was the second to last. Since Duck accidentally input a 10g action movie, Ysera has not been strong. If she accidentally cooperates, she is finished.

The only thing that can really fight Duke is Alekstasza, the head of the five-color dragon king.

Duke caught the humanoid dragon trying to escape, even if the red dragon queen had used her four feet and had not escaped the magic claw. Duke grasped the two dragon horns, and the Excalibur 9999 continued to attack, stabbing Alex Stassa unable to parry him, while the anger continued while he was angry.

"Hey! I shouldn't have helped you ... little bastard!"

"Yo! I didn't save you back then, maybe new dragons and beasts have come out." Du Mou Ke Tian was not ashamed.

"I'm so sorry, I should kill you!"

Aleksassa started the Dragon Roar and began to struggle.

It's a pity that it's useless.

Since Du has stolen the Titan's power, she has fallen into the wind.

Regardless of whether Duke was going to beat her or to crush her, she could not resist.

Perhaps this is shame and happiness!

Taking down the four dragons in one breath, Duke was refreshed. Teleported to a secret room in Karazhan, the Ereda twins who were already waiting to help Duke bath, by the way ...

After Duke had groomed himself, he was ready to rush to his last date tonight.

It was a beautiful, human female with a strong eastern charm.

She turned around in front of Duke, showing her graceful body: "How, as the magpie teacher you imagined became."

Ductor cheeks: "Yes!"

After a war, the other party gave Duke a comment: "Well, it hurts, I think, if Sargeras had inserted a sword at that time, would I be so painful."

"..." Duke: "Trust me, then you will die if you don't die."

On the same day, Duke was caught by Jaina. Even if the system wizard was on his way to help him with his official duties, he was still busy for twelve hours.

"I protest! I complain! I want human rights! I want an eight-hour day."

"Fart, you are no longer a human! You **** Titan, who has the ability to toss a lot of sisters every day, has no time to work?" Queen Nobel pinched Duke's ears, completely gone from the pride and bravery of last night's melee And half a push.

The divine light in Duke's eyes transcended the space and fell all over Karazhan, the temple.

Ranger girls are practicing arrows.

Believing in the Light, Kalia, Sally, and Yrel are discussing how to write a new doctrine of light.

Onyxia was instigating more baby dragons to play Dragon Cave Adventures with Duke.

On the surface, the ladies in the harem have their own affairs. In fact, Duke knows that everyone is a bit boring and is looking for things to pass the time. The Burning Legion is like a mountain that has been on the chest for decades. Once the mountain disappeared, without a target and a new head, it suddenly became empty again.

Duke summoned the girls.

"Everyone, I have an important thing to announce-I want to take you to the world where I am. It is a completely different world from Azeroth ..."

One stone stirs up thousands of waves!

The supreme ruler of Azeroth, the true god, and Duke, which has half the power of the Titans, announced that they would travel far.

This made the entire league frypot.

There are various emotions throughout the world, ecstatic, worried, distressed, painful, and everyone's opinions cannot influence Duke's decision.

On the day of departure, the entire Alliance plus the gods of the wilderness and the guardians of the Titans arrived.

Varian gazed at Duke for a long time, and said endlessly, "Do you really feel willing? Here is everything you have created. In this world, you are supreme."

"Reluctant? Of course not! Not to mention that I have the power of Titans. Since I was a child, I longed for the strongest power, the best girl, the most money, and the most power."

"Then ... why ..."

"Maybe I'm afraid I'm bored. I'm either a pick-up girl or a gun girl all day, and the novel ideas in my stomach are almost used up. Stay here again, I'm afraid I'm too boring, and I will make a second cataclysm in the future, and a flood World, and then let the allies of that year crusade themselves or something. "

Duke's remarks scared Prince Anduin next to him: "Uncle Duke, don't scare me. You are my eternal hero!"

Anduin's eyes were full of worship.

Duke shrugged in disapproval: "Hero? No, I'm actually a layman. My highest priority is to save myself, and hope that I and my relatives and friends are safe. On this basis, I don't mind saving the world by the way of."

Beside, the Silver Five Saints were a little surprised.

There is no generous truth, but it is expensive.

Anduin was a bit incomprehensible: "I don't care, I will keep it for you at the Duke's House."

Varian gave a white glance-still at the Duke's Mansion?

Duke smiled: "Yes! In my hometown, Duke is pronounced duke. In common language, it just means 'Duke'! One day Duke, Duke I."

Duke was gone, leaving just like this without leaving a cloud.

Maybe what left to Azeroth is a millennial foundation and a perfect legend!


Feeling dizzy, Duke felt the state was not right, opened his eyes and saw Alekstasza and Alleria who had just vomited Duke's Excalibur.

Then he saw his own costumed ladies, all Azerothian.

"Wait! Are you going out of the street like this? This is my hometown!" Duke was shocked.

Tyrande turned around gracefully, and moved her long ears provocatively: "You forgot, today is chinajoy! We are going to compare, who can win the cosplay contest."


Read The Duke's Passion