MTL - Story of Yanxi Palace-Chapter 135 without return

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   Xiaojia's words came to an end. Since the future, Hongli no longer set foot in Yanxi Palace, and even forbids others to name Wei Yingluo in front of him.

  Mingyu was anxious in her heart, and went to Li Yu with a special gift, and back and forth several times, Li Yu finally leaked a little tone: "The emperor is still angry."

   "Director Li!" Ming Yu urgently said, "It's clearly Xiaojia's framed order, why is the emperor still angry?"

   "The framing is true, and it is true that the old Fucha master asked to marry Wei Yingluo!" Li Yu smirked.

   Mingyu Na Na for a long time: "But, that's all a thing of the past. Didn't the emperor know it before he ordered her?"

"I know, I know, seeing the two standing up together is another matter." Li Yu said while shaking his clothes, he said something, "Hey, how good What kind of material is good, but the emperor walked through it once and didn't want to wear it anymore, so he had to put it away."

   Change clothes only once, let alone a woman.

Mingyu returned to Yanxi Palace with all his heart and mind, and walked all the way, only to feel desolate, no one in the yard, no one in the ear room, no one in the pantry, and finally entered the inner hall, see Wei Yingluo drink tea Poured himself and rushed over, pouring tea for her while yelling: "What about people? Where did they all die?"

"Mingyu girl." It was easy to come out alone, but it was the kid who stole the child. I saw him walking limpingly, "These people were sent away by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Some people said that Zhong Zu Palace is a dignitary Some of the roof repairers said that the Chengqian Palace was going to clean up the inner courtyard, and there was also a lack of people in the garden cleaning..."

   Mingyu heard more and more fire: "There are people everywhere in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, how can you send people from Yanxi Palace!"

   "Miss Mingyu, don't you understand?" Xiao Quanzi sighed. "The master is cold-eyed by the emperor, and the Yanxi Palace has no hope. Everyone is still trying to find a way out?"

  Mingyu was dumbfounded, and beside him, Wei Yingluo suddenly asked him, "Why don't you leave?"

   Seeing the true feelings in trouble, she and Mingyu actually have the true feelings. What's the matter with this stealing child?

Xiao Quanzi knelt in front of her with a thud: "The minions betrayed you, offended the pure concubine, and betrayed Xiaojia's wife. Such a person has nowhere to go. Therefore, even if the master lives in the cold palace, the minions must accompany them to the end. "

  Wei Yingluo suddenly smiled: "You servant, so blunt, so brave!"

  Little Quanzi: "The master praises, the servants are ashamed."

  Mingyu couldn't see him: "Even if the whole palace slave is dead, the master will not use what you eat inside and out. You pack up your own things and get away!"

Xiao Quanzi still kneeled obediently on the ground without raising his head: "Master, the slave is doing the wrong thing, but the Forbidden City is the Forbidden City. It is common to hold high and step down, betrayal and cruelty. You can't betray anymore by holding it in the master's hand. Therefore, the master wants to use a minion, that is, he finds a loyal dog! The minion is willing to look after your nursing home and swear allegiance to death!"

  Wei Yingluo sighed: "Unfortunately, I don't need a dog to look at this door."

   Xiaoquanzi smiled suddenly, and she was more confident than her: "Master, the emperor just thought about it for a while, and I want to understand in the future, Master and the opportunity to come back, don't be discouraged!"

   "Pure Queen Concubine!"

  Wei Yingluo raised his hand quickly, stopped the words of the two, and then got up to meet: "The concubine pleases the pure concubine."

   People are happy and happy, and today's pure concubine looks radiant and radiant.

  ——Obviously, she built her happiness on Wei Yingluo's pain.

   casually found a chair and sat down with Wei Yingluo to gossip about it. After seeing a few words, the pure concubine turned to look at the jade pot. She turned to look at the jade pot. The jade pot understood, and brought up a set of needlework and satin.

  Wei Yingluo puzzled and looked up at the pure concubine.

"Everyone said that Lingbin was born as an embroidered girl, and her embroidery was brilliant and brilliant," Chun Guifei smiled. "A few days ago, this palace deliberately found a picture of your embroidery and sent it to Shoukang Palace. The empress was very happy and asked. You embroider a Guanyin statue for her."

  Wei Yingluo is unbearable and is also the master of the first house. The pure concubine actually regarded her as an embroidered girl and a servant.

"Pure concubine." Mingyu was immediately embarrassed by Wei Yingluo, and refused to directly refuse, so he found another excuse. "My master was injured in the past and can only do some superficial work, such as exquisite embroidery like Guanyin... …"

   This is not an excuse.

   Wei Yingluo's life was rough, almost all written on her hand. There are wounds scalded by hot metal, frostbite frozen in the snow, old wounds left by the toilet all day and night, all kinds of scars, even the best ointment can not be removed, it has been like a tree year Like a wheel, it became part of her life and part of her hand.

  No matter how many pure concubines, only lightly said: "This palace has recommended in front of the queen, do you want to tell the queen mother now, can't you?"

  Mingyu also wanted to say something, but Wei Yingluo stopped her words with one glance, and then smiled at Chungui: "Princess, how long will this embroidered image be dedicated to the Queen Mother?"

  The pure concubine smiled and said: "It's not long or short, one month."

   Mingyu: "You--"

   a month? It's good to be able to embroider Zhang Pazi in a month. I also want to embroider a Guanyin statue. This is pure embarrassment!

  Wei Yingluo smiled as he always said: "The princess concubine rests assured, the concubine will do her best."

   Send away the pure concubine, Ming Yu shut the door, gritted her teeth and said: "She clearly came to the ground, how can you easily agree?"

"Pure concubine has already made it clear that the embroidered statue was made for the queen mother. If I openly refuse, it is a great disrespect to the queen mother. She is waiting to grab my handle." Wei Yingluo picked up the needle and thread on the table and said with a solemn face. Go, get all the candles."

   In the night, a candlelight lit in the Yanxi Palace.

   There is a shortage of materials in the palace, and even the most common candles should be saved, so Wei Yingluo deliberately set the wick darker, so that the candles can be burned longer.

   Embroidered under such a dim candlelight, it is inevitable... will stab your fingers.

   "Hey!" Wei Yingluo frowned, put the injured finger into his mouth and sucked it. After the finger no longer bleeds, he continued to drop needle embroidery.

She didn’t sleep, and Mingyu naturally refused to sleep. She stayed beside her, even though she kept rubbing her arms with her hands, she still felt cold, so she opened the charcoal basin and wanted to make the charcoal fire more active, but found that the charcoal fire was gone. .

   Mingyu felt a sour heart, looking around for a moment, and took a bedding from the bed, covering it tightly on Wei Yingluo's shoulders, and then using himself as a charcoal basin, snuggling beside her to warm her.

   "You can't pierce embroideries like you." Wei Yingluo smiled, but didn't push her away.

Ming Yu originally wanted to stay with her until dawn, but gradually, her eyelids became deeper and deeper, unconsciously, she leaned on her shoulder and fell asleep, the dream was as warm as spring, she suddenly opened her eyes, but found that Not a dream, the house is really warm like spring.

   "Hush." ​​Xiao Quanzi squatted on the ground and raised a finger. "Be quiet, Master just fell asleep."

  Wei Yingluo was so exhausted that there was a hint of dawn in the window before she closed her eyes and lay on the bed with the embroidered image, as if to open her eyes and continue the embroidery work in her hand.

Mingyu was very distressed to cover her with a quilt, her eyes turned, and fell on the charcoal basin under Xiao Quanzi's feet. The bright charcoal licked and vomited in the charcoal basin, but there was no trace of pungent smoke, which was very good. Without smoke charcoal, she could not help but be surprised and happy, lowering her voice and said: "Xiao Quanzi, you are very good!"

   Xiaoquanzi just smiled at her, not much.

  If it was just a pot of charcoal fire, Mingyu wouldn't be suspicious. Only if he had someone in the internal affairs department, that person would also give Yanxi Palace a face, not give others, fortunately give a charcoal fire for the winter.

   But soon, Mingyu felt wrong.

During the meal, Xiaoquanzi brought hot pots. For Yanxi Palace now, it is not easy to eat a bite of hot rice and hot dishes in the winter, but when the lid is opened, there are meat and vegetables inside. Not only the delicious Dongpo meat, but also the cabbage that is rare in winter, not only Mingyu, but Wei Yingluo was a little surprised, and asked him: "Xiao Quanzi, where did you get such a good dish?"

   Little Quanzi bite: "It was brought by the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

   Even at night, Wei Yingluo embroidered the statue halfway, and couldn't help covering his mouth and coughed twice. He actually took a trick and took out a box of good loquat cream from his arms and handed it to Wei Yingluo.

  Wei Yingluo thought about it, but Mingyu didn't have a city like her. The next day he shouted Xiaoquanzi to one place and asked, "Where did you come from loquat cream?"

   Xiaoquanzi looked innocent: "Leaded by the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

   is the Ministry of Internal Affairs again? Mingyu sneered: "You lied! I went to pick it up early in the morning, and I was fooled by all kinds of things from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I couldn't get it, let alone you?"

  The whole son is speechless.

"There is also a pot of charcoal fire." Mingyu aggressively said, "After I went down, I found that there was pine cypress in it, but the master was devoted to embroidery, and I didn't pay attention to it. Xiao Quanzi... This thing was also given by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. ? If you don’t tell the truth, I’ll tell the master!"

  Xiaoquanzi quickly grabbed her: "No, no, don't go! This is from Sauron's bodyguard!"

   Mingyu had a lot of suspicions in his heart, and even suspected that he was the emperor, but he didn't expect that in the end, what he said from his mouth was actually the person's name...

   "How could it be him?" Mingyu couldn't help murmuring to himself.

   is actually ashamed of him.

   There is a private relationship between the two, Hylanda is a love, but she is private.

   used this feeling as before to extract the news that the pure concubine was going to open Jiangnan City, and then handed it to Wei Yingluo to plan everything behind.

   Things were going very smoothly, but Wei Yingluo persuaded her half: "Don't do this kind of thing in the future, so as not to exhaust your relationship."

"Sister Mingyu?" Xiaoquanzi's voice interrupted her thoughts. Mingyu looked back at him and looked at him with a complicated look, saying, "I know, go ahead and wait for a while, please don't remember Let her be too laborious, even if you can't rest on time, at least eat on time."

   "Got it." Xiao Quanzi asked, "If the master later will ask where you are, how should I return to her?"

   "I..." Mingyu hesitated and replied, "I said I went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to pick up things."

  The Ministry of Internal Affairs cannot naturally receive anything.

  Like Xiaoquanzi, she finally went to the guard station.

   Everyone came, but suddenly he didn't have the courage to go in. Mingyu leaned against the gate and exhaled white breath, melting with the white snow in front of him.

   didn't know how long it was, and suddenly there was a sound behind him; "... Mingyu?"

  She turned around and saw Hylanda striding toward her with a big step meteor, unwrapped her big cloak and wrapped her: "Come, why don't you go in?"

  Halancha is tall and big. His big cloak is wrapped around Mingyu, and the hem is dragged to the ground. The big cloak also contaminated his body temperature, just like the spring breeze, warming Mingyu's frozen body.

   "...What is the situation of Yanxi Palace now, you don't know." Mingyu whispered, "I meet you, it's better not to be seen."

  Hylancha hesitated, and then rubbed her hair: "Fool, will I worry about this? Come in, don't freeze it."

  He opened the door with his own hands, but Mingyu refused to enter, just grasped the big cloak on his body and stood in the original place: "I will not go in. I came here today... I want to come and thank you."

   "Thank me what?" Hylanda hesitated.

   "New charcoal with pine cypress, hot pot, loquat paste and Xiaoquanzi..." Mingyu looked at him with eyes, "Thank you..."

  Hylancha was silent for a while, and suddenly smiled: "Oh, it turns out that you are talking about this kind of thing, I said I want to help you, naturally I will do it!"

   "I..." Mingyu had tears in his eyes. He was afraid that he would see it, and he lowered his head quickly. "I really don't know how to thank you..."

  He was so sincere to her, every sentence he said counted, but she secretly thought of him, hiding a lie in two...

  Hylancha stretched out her hand and slowly fastened the big clasp on her neck. She said warmly: "It's cold, go back."

   Mingyu nodded. When she turned around, she couldn't hold back her tears.

  The wind and snow roared, wiping her back little by little, and Hylancha embraced her arms, leaning on the pillar, and suddenly said: "Come out."

  After another column, Fu Heng slowly turned out.

   "The charcoal fire was sent by me, but I didn't put any cedar incense. As for the hot pot, loquat paste and Xiaoquanzi, I don't know." Hailancha turned to look at him, "What about you? Do you know?"

   Fu Heng was silent.

   "Speak." Hylanda walked over, "You did so much for her, why don't you let her know?"

  Fu Heng finally spoke, he smiled faintly: "There is no need for this."

  I treat her well and should not be her burden. My love for her is also my own business, and I don’t ask for any reward.

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