MTL - Story of Yanxi Palace-Chapter 180 regret

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   Summoned the court eunuchs who served in the Changchun Palace, Yuan Chunwang commanded: "From today, there is no need to send Ling Fei to dinner!"

   looked around the crowd, and finally he raised his hand and pointed: "All things in Yanxi Palace will be left to you!"

   "Yes!" Xiao Quanzi responded with a low eyebrow.

   After retreating from others, Yuan Chunwang left him alone to speak.

   Yuan Chunwang said lightly: "You used to be right with me everywhere. Do you know why you should be given a chance?"

   Xiaoquanzi knelt in front of him, lowered his eyebrows and said: "The slave has betrayed Ling Fei. If she is alive, she will never be a slave in the future."

  Yuan Chunwang patted him on the shoulder with a long-term focus: "I don't want to hear half a word of gossip."

  In his eyes, in the eyes of everyone, Xiaoquanzi once again betrayed the old master.

   This person has always been like this, constantly betraying the old master, constantly surrendering to the new master, but because of this, Yuan Chunwang dared to use him, at least until a better master appeared, he was the best dog.

  Although he used him, he did not believe him completely. Yuan Chunwang occasionally came to peek at him to do things. For example, today, he secretly hid in the doorway, and the whole boy snapped a bowl of clear porridge.

  Wei Yingluo startled: "Is it you?"

  Little Quanzi was indifferent: "It's time to eat."

   looked down at the gruel, Wei Yingluo coldly said: "This is my meal? Is this porridge or water?"

  Xiao Quanzi raised his hand and dug his ears, impatiently said: "Who besides me, who wants to come to this ghost place! Don't give your face, don't drink porridge, then be hungry!"

  Outside the door, Yuan Chunwang put the scene into his eyes, smiled coldly, and left with confidence.

  In the Yanxi Palace, he covered the sky with one hand, and the outsiders did not know the inside of the palace, only Wei Yingluo just thought about it behind closed doors. In addition, food, clothing and housing were as usual.

   Fu Heng originally thought so.

   After going down, he was about to leave the palace, and a young **** suddenly came over: "Master Fucha! Master Sauron stayed with the wine all day long, please try to persuade him!"

  Fu Heng did not know who sent him, but knew that what he said was most likely true. Although Hailancha seems to be informal and even has some horses, he is a person with deep affection. Mingyu has lived in his heart and has been in his heart for life.

   Now Mingyu's death is equivalent to digging a piece of meat from his heart, and not accompany a piece of death, or because there is a widow in the family.

   But people's hearts are unpredictable. No one expected that Mingyu would commit suicide. Could it be confirmed today that Hylancha would not do the same stupid thing?

  At this point, Fu Heng felt a trace of anxiety in his heart, and did not need the other party to lead the way. He hurried to the guard station and pushed open the door: "Halancha!"

"Halancha" was wearing a body suit that was obviously unfit, like a child stealing the clothes of an adult, and his hands and feet appeared short. Hearing Fu Heng's voice, "He" turned around and raised his hand to take off his head Hats, such as waterfall black hair, leaned down shoulders.

  Where is Hylanda, clearly...Shen Bi.

   Fu Heng was flustered, turned around and left.

   Shen Bi: "Master Fucha, please stay."

   Fu Heng refused to stay, or did not dare to stay: "Concubine Rong, you openly set up a set of foreign ministers to come here, are you not afraid of being told, you are in disrepute?"

  Shen Bi smiled and stopped his footsteps with just one sentence. She said softly: "If you want to sit and watch Ling Fei encounter something unexpected, just go."

   The door closed again, and the remnant of the **** stayed at the door.

   "Speak." Fu Heng said with a trace of vigilance, "What the hell?"

  Shen Bi took out a pair of veil to play slowly, a pair of dragonflies nestled on each other, she said softly: "Your sachet, Ying Luo's veil, it was a pair."

   Fu Heng frowned.

   "Master Fucha." Shen Bi looked at him curiously. "Yingluo belongs to you. I watched her taken away by others, but now she was abandoned again. Are you not sad at all?"

  Fu Heng is even more vigilant. He knows that the harem is ruining, no less than fighting in the court, and immediately walked away: "Wei Chen does not know what you are saying, leave!"

  Shen Bi shouted behind him: "Wei Yingluo now, but with a stubborn breath!"

  Fu Heng's footsteps.

   "She has offended too many people." Shen Bi said in a diligent way, "When it is down, there is a person who has accounted for it. How long can it be supported by the news, the daily supply of water?"

   Fu Hengnan covered his anger: "This is all thanks to you!"

   Shen Bi: "No, it's because of you!"

  Fu Heng stunned because of him?

   "You and Yingluo originally had a marriage alliance, and finally Lao Yan split, who first betrayed who?" Shen Bi asked him.

   Fu Heng was speechless.

"If it wasn't for being rejected, wouldn't she be the mother of a few children at her current age?" Shen Bi looked at him seriously. "Xianfu, the son, raised the eyebrows in this case, this is the life she should have had. Now... but there is nothing, who do you think is the reason?"

  Fu Heng's fingers clenched into fists, pointing to the crackling sound of his hair.

   "Look." Shen Bi glanced at his hand and giggled. "You are obviously angry, but because of ethics and respect, you still dare not punch me."

   She slowly moved her gaze to his face, the kind of slight contempt and pity that no one could bear.

"It's like you're hindered by etiquette and respect, you can only watch him take away the woman you love, but don't cherish it." Shen Birou said softly, "Finally, you have to worship him, bow your head, and rich. Master Cha, you are so sad."

   "Enough!" Fu Heng couldn't stand it anymore and said abruptly, "Wei Chen still has something to go, let's go!"

   "Are you going to run away again?" Shen Bi coldly said behind him.

   a cry.

A fist slammed into her violently, with a roar of wind, Shen Bi did not shy away. Seeing that the fist was about to hit her face, she shifted the track at the end and hit the wall beside her heavily The blood immediately bloomed like flowers, Fu Heng bit his lower lip, and his body shivered slightly with anger.

  Looking at Fu Heng, who is almost out of control, Shen Bi's lips slowly lifted up, and a scary smile bloomed.

"That's right." She softly sounded like a guilty voice, "The emperor made you tolerate again and again, but what did he do? Cruel brothers and brothers, robbed his wife... Is such a person worthy of your master? Fu Heng, listen I persuade you to wake up for you and Yingluo!"

  Wake up...


  In the Yanxi Palace, Wei Yingluo was lying on the bed weakly, struggling for a long time, but still could not open his eyes, half asleep and half awake, his lips spit out a word: "Water..."

   Xiaoquanzi walked in, holding a tea in his hand, but not to her, but to Yuan Chunwang who was sitting in the house.

   Yuan Chunwang took a sip of tea and smiled lightly: ""Isn't the cup of fresh water used up every day? "

Wei Yingluo was ill, not only did not get treatment, but was deprived of his meal, a bowl of porridge, a glass of water, often hungry at night, dizzy eyes, can only lie in bed, to reduce Consume, secondly... Asleep, I don't feel hungry.

   "...The emperor ordered me to be placed under house arrest. If I were to die, would you escape?" Wei Yingluo opened his eyes, and his eyes were blurry, and every word spoken was angry.

   "You want to eat or drink water, it is very simple, just one sentence." Yuan Chunwang hinted, "You know what I want to hear, why not say it?"

   "Please?" Wei Yingluo sneered, "I would rather starve to death."

   Suddenly scalp pain, in the scream of Wei Yingluo, Yuan Chunwang grabbed her hair and dragged her all the way from the bed to the bronze mirror.

   "Look at you now." Yuan Chunwang pressed her face to the bronze mirror and smiled, "Is it still the infinite concubine?"

   Dumpy face, thin bones like firewood, not so much as a concubine, but rather a waste concubine in the cold palace, the bones are shredded inch by inch, and only a pair of eyes are still glowing, like a flame in the ashes.

   Yuan Chunwang: "Please me."

   Wei Yingluo: "No."

   " me brother." Yuan Chunwang seemed to take a step back.

   Wei Yingluo still answered the same: "No."

   "...My patience is limited." Yuan Chunwang suddenly smiled, colorful and grim, but with a cruel smile. "Give you the last chance, tell me, do you regret leaving me?"

  Wei Yingluo looked at him in the mirror. His eyes were very complicated. Feelings and resentment mixed together like a snow storm sweeping the sea.

   He really only needs one sentence, even if it is a lie, even if it is just to deceive him... But after waiting for so long, she waited for her gently: "I don't regret it."

"Ah... is that right?" Yuan Chunwang's heart suddenly fell empty, and after a long time, he took Wei Yingluo horizontally and hugged him on the bed, just like the last time he did his brother's duty, and then grabbed her hand Put it on her face, forcing her to stroke her chin, lips, nose, eyes...

   "Remember this face." He told him, "Remember, keep coming to me to settle the bills in my next life."

   Then he finally let go.

   Leaving Wei Yingluo who was coughing constantly, Yuan Chun looked out of the room without looking back, and said to Xiao Quanzi: "From today, that bowl of congee will also be saved."

  Little Quanzi took a breath of air-conditioning: "This is not okay, in case of a real death--"

  Yuan Chunwang smiled: "Making the concubine's temperament strong, after this blow, she was in a state of depression, depression and illness, did you understand?"

   Little Quanzi fought a cold war and buried his head deeply: "Ah!"

  Since you can't be a sibling in this life, then give her a ride and see you in the next life. Yuan Chunwang thought this way and did the same. This matter is not difficult. In the harem, it is too simple to want to let a beloved concubine "sick and die".

   There is only one thing to consider, that is, the matter can be concealed from Hongli, but it cannot be concealed.

After thinking about it for a moment, Yuan Chunwang returned to the Chengqian Temple, without a word, knelt in front of him, "Please ask the Queen Mother to forgive her sins."

   A green parrot on the shelf was pecking at the grain in his hand, and then he turned to him and said, "This palace didn't say anything, you know what's wrong?"

  Yuan Chunwang jumped in his heart. He knew that what he had done could not be conceded, but he did not expect that she would know so soon. It can be seen that she is not completely at ease with him, but must have sent someone to watch beside him.

  His thoughts turned in his heart, but his face was sincere and fearful: "The minions were the masters to dispose of the concubine, not for themselves, but for the queen’s mother."

He said this after trying to figure out his successor's intentions. He listened to it and smiled gently: "You bought a doctor, made a fake medical case, and made Ling Fei die. It was a matter of course, but it was a pity that Yan passed the mark and was too anxious. , The handle will inevitably fall."

  Yuan Chunwang stunned: "That lady means--"

"Ling Fei is going to die, but can't die in the hands of this palace, immediately prepare two things, one is sent to Yangxin Hall, and the other..." Then he paused and looked back at him mysteriously, "still Send to Yangxian Hall."