MTL - Story of Yanxi Palace-Chapter 195 murderer

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  In the Royal Garden, the flowers and plants suddenly shook, and a cricket suddenly rushed out of the bush. Immediately afterwards, a little boy also rushed out of the bush.

   "Fifteen elder brother!" A bodyguard rushed over to help the little boy rolling on the ground.

The little boy still had grass scraps on his head, he didn't care, he nervously received the fist in front of him, then opened it carefully, glanced inwards, the cricket cried out in his fist, he immediately laughed, naive Cute.

This child is fifteen elder brother, Yong Yan, the youngest son of Wei Yingluo, and the adopted son of Qing Fei. Unlike his mother, he is very cute. Not only the birth mother loves him, but many of the harem concubines also have nothing to do. Love him, even Nalan Chunxue, who has no suspicion with Wei Yingluo, likes to take him to play with him. In order to be able to see him often, he even put down his old complaints with Wei Yingluo.

  Yongyan carefully put the cricket in the palm of his hand, and then walked towards Shang Study, intending to give the singing bug to his teacher.

   "Oops." Turning the corridor, an exclaimed sound, an **** bumped on him, and Yong Yan sat on the ground, the small schoolbag in the back fell apart, and the pen, ink, and paper ink were lost.

"The servant **** it." The **** pressed the brim very low, his head lowered, and could not see his face. He only felt that his voice was nice, and his hands and feet were quick, and he quickly tidied up the things on the ground, holding both hands back. To Yongyan, "The slaves should die in death, please ask for forgiveness!"

  Yongyan smiled at him, did not care about his offense, reached for the schoolbag, and led the bodyguard to continue to walk toward Shang Study, but did not know that behind him, the **** kneeled respectfully on the ground, but the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

   Soon after, a person rushed out of Shang Study and hurriedly entered Yanxi Palace.

In the Yanxi Palace, Qing Fei Lu Wanwan was a guest at Wei Yingluo. Qing Fei had a toothpick in her hand with a piece of apple on it, but before she could deliver the apple to her mouth, the **** fell on her knees In front of him, panting and breathing: "Miss Gui Guiniang, Qingfei Niang, 15 elder brother has an accident!"

   Apple missed, Lu Wanwan and Wei Yingluo got up at the same time, almost in unison: "What's wrong with Fifteen Elder Brother?"

The person was quickly sent back to the Yanxi Palace, a small group of people curled up in the tent, his mouth kept whining like a wounded cub, he cried, and Lu Wanwan also cried with him, Wei Yingluo Feeling uncomfortable, I kept asking the doctor: "How is it?"

  The doctor diagnosed the pulse carefully, and then opened the eyelid of Yongyan with his finger, and finally concluded: "The fifteen elder brother is poisoned."

   Fortunately, the poisoning was not deep. The medical licorice flushed the honey water and fed it to Yongyan. Yongyan finally stopped shaking and quietly slept in Lu Wanye’s arms.

   "For you." Wei Yingluo called Yongyan's personal maid, "What the **** happened, how could the 15th Brother be poisoned? What is poisoned?"

   This incident was awkward, to know that there was someone who was always around Yongyan, and every day the meal was checked, when and where did the other party get the poison?

"Poison is here." The maid held a tray in her hands, and the tray contained a brush. The ink at the nib had dried up and was not washed away. "Grandma used to put the nib in the mouth before writing. Someone will be poisoned by the wolf, and it is also the brother of the elder. It is half written today. Master Liu is pleased with the pen, and he just wants to enjoy it..."

  Lu Wanwan didn't wait for her to finish talking, and quickly walked out of the palace. Wei Yingluo stunned and shouted to her, "Where are you going?"

   "I know who the murderer is." Lu Wanwan gritted his teeth.

  The two soon found Nalan Chunxue.

   "Yongyan is only six years old, you dare to play such a poisonous hand!" Lu Wanwan uncharacteristically, rushed to fight with her, fierce look, like the mother beast protecting the cubs.

   "What are you talking about? Let go, let go!" Nalan Chunxue struggled.

Wei Yingluo urged people to pull the two of them away, and Lu Wanye still looked at each other fiercely: "The wolf is from you, it is poisonous! Yong Yan has been poisoned! A six-year-old child, why are you so cruel? !"

Nalan Chunxue knew what she was saying, and was frightened and then said angrily: "I bought the wolf at Liulichang at a high price. I can swear to the sky that I have never moved my hands and feet! Moreover, you don’t even think about it. The pen is mine Sent, something really happened, I can run away? This is to marry, marry!"

  Lu Wanwan's airway: "The pen and ink are only by your hands, who will blame you?"

   Nalan Chunxue sneered: "Five elder brothers are no longer useful. Four elder brothers entered the clan's palace. If Yong Yan is gone... who do you think would be a fisherman?"

  Lu Wanpeng took a cold breath and blurted out: "Twelve Brothers?"

   Suspected together, they felt that everything was suspicious.

"Okay, the surface is silent, but it's so malicious in the back, it hurts one after another, and now it is implicated in me." Nalan Chunxue gritted his teeth, "This can't be the case, I Go tell the queen mother!"

   "Calm down, this matter has too many leaks, unlike the queen's handwriting." Wei Yingluo persuaded.

The person who knows you the most in the world is not your friend, but your opponent. Wei Yingluo and his successors have been fighting for a long time, and they know her best. If she really wants to deal with someone, she will never dirty her hands. It's about finding ways to let others do it for themselves.

  But neither Nalan Chunxue nor Lu Wanwan could hear her at this moment. The two of them went to the queen mother together and sue her successor.

  The queen mother hated her successor, and now she has the handle, and it is not true or false. She immediately called people and scolded: "Kneel!"

   succeeded, seeing her somber complexion, she had to kneel down and said: "The concubine didn't know what was wrong, but the queen mother was angry, please express it."

The queen mother stared at her coldly: "As long as you keep yourself safe and manage the harem well, I don't care about the past. I didn't expect you to be tired of being a queen. I was holding the twelve brothers wholeheartedly. ?"

Even if I had such a thought in my mind, I should not say so on my lips. Then I quickly defended and said: "The Queen Mother! This kind of rebellious matter, the concubine would not dare to think about it, and I don’t know who instigated it behind my back. , The concubine wholeheartedly shone on the harem, and honoring the queen mother, there is no heart for it!"

   "People are unsatisfied, they are both in peace, looking back to Shu!" The Queen Mother didn't believe her, and she dropped the sentence, "Kneel here and burn incense, sober and sober!"

   Following some inexplicable reason, the kneeling was also inexplicable, he gritted his teeth and walked a few steps towards her knees, shouting: "The Queen Mother, you have thousands of accusations, and you have to distinguish the concubine!"

The Queen Mother didn’t even give her a chance to explain, and she didn’t look back: "I don’t want to listen to those filthy things, only one thing you remember, the queen has the responsibility of taking care of the emperor’s heir, and then there is the elder brother of the Forbidden City. If something goes wrong, no matter who you do, you will be punished for negligence!"

   She said that she enforced the law impartially, but in the heart of her successor, she was guilty of crimes.

   A joss stick did not last long, but then it seemed to have been kneeling for hundreds of years, and even kneeling into a stone.

   Zhen'er held her hand and carefully sent her back to Chengqian Palace. The parrot sent by Hongye was already cooked. When she saw her, she shouted on the shelf: "Queen Wanfu! Queen Wanfu!"

After seeing that its food box was empty, she let Jin'er add some water to her, and she sat down in her chair tiredly, rubbing her temples and saying, "Who is behind the waves, which caused the Queen Mother to hate me so much ?Concubine Shu, Qingfei, or - Wei Yingluo?"

"Qing Fei doesn't have the courage, Shu Fei doesn't have the brain, it must be Ling Fei!" Zhener said angrily while adding water to the parrot, "The thief shouted to catch the thief, I see, it is clear that she gave the fifteen elder brother herself The poison that has been blamed will ultimately blame you!

   succeeded but did not think it was Wei Yingluo.

  Just like Wei Yingluo knows her, she also knows Wei Yingluo. Although this woman has deep ambitions, she is not the one who will use her children as chess pieces.

   But not her, who would it be?

   "Niang Niang." Feminine voice like snake hissing, the tone is so special, it is Yuan Chunwang when he hears it, he walked in from the outside slowly, "I have something to say to you with the prince."

   then frowned, unpleasantly saying: "Why did you see him again?"

   At this time of turbulence, she must keep her body safe. She will not do anything that is likely to cause misunderstandings, and she will not go to anyone who is likely to cause misunderstandings, including Hongye.

"He and the prince heard about you and were very indignant. They planned to go to the Queen Mother to seek justice for you, but unexpectedly the emperor was there." Yuan Chunwang raised a finger and put it in front of his lips, "Although not deliberately eavesdropping, But in the end I heard amazing news..."

   then understood what he meant, and looked around with his eyes. The **** and the court ladies who were waiting in the house all retreated, leaving only one Jiner still beside him.

   "Speak." Then said, "What news?"

   Yuan Chunwang: "He said to the prince that the emperor wanted to make the concubine the emperor's concubine."

   After a long period of stagnation, he suddenly stood up and said: "No, impossible, this is absolutely impossible! I'm still standing here side by side, how could there be a royal concubine in the Qing Dynasty!"

   For a short while, he was very sad.

  The queen do not believe her, the emperor... don't believe her?

"Queen empress, since the founding of the Qing Dynasty, except for Empress Dong Hsiang, the only concubine who was seriously ill, was given the honor of the concubine, or..." Yuan Chunwang sighed, "There is no queen in the Forbidden City. Gongwu. There is no reason for the queen to be in power, but there is a reason to set up a deputy. The emperor also said..."

   "What else did he say?" Then he asked numbly.

"The emperor also said that since the queen is ill, she should take good care of her." Yuan Chunwang looked respectfully, but her eyes looked at her at all times. "The emperor did this to completely overrule your rights. Once the matter spread, What would the civilians and military officials and the Qing people think? They would think that the queen committed an unforgivable crime before she was deprived of the glory of the queen!"

   Then he slowly fell down and sat on the chair, as if he had turned into a stone man. After a long time, he said blankly: "When?"

   Yuan Chun looked at her inexplicably.

   "When will it be officially established?" The lava that was about to erupt before the volcano was hidden in the voice that followed.

  Yuan Chunwang's lips were slightly unchecked, and then respectfully said: "South Tour Palace."

   "Southern Tour." Then he chewed the word in his mouth for a while, and finally said coldly, "Yuan Chunwang, you go to see the Prince for me, just say—"

Seeing her at this time, he was hesitant, Yuan Chunwang pushed her home and pretended to be an unfair look for her: "Queen empress, the emperor is ready to entrust ownership to the concubine, you really can’t hesitate anymore. !"

  The three words of Concubine Ling have become the nails in her eyes, the thorns in the flesh, and when you see the three words, they will become four characters. Concubine Linghuang? Afterwards, he didn't hesitate and gritted his teeth: "You tell Hongye, no matter what, I must meet him!"

   "嗻." Yuan Chunwang said respectfully.

  After he left, he sat alone at the dressing table and looked at himself in the mirror, only to realize that his face had changed, Hongli’s heart had also changed, everything in the world had changed, and he could not help crying.

Read The Duke's Passion