MTL - Story of Yanxi Palace-Chapter 198 trap

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   There was a lot of chaos on the imperial ship, but it was calm afterwards.

   "Mother." The **** sent by Hongye said, "Danger on board, please leave the boat with the minions."

   originally thought it was a passing incident, but he didn't expect a sudden change.

   "The main palace will not leave." Then he said lightly, and turned to walk towards the deck. The **** was taken aback, afraid that she might have an accident, and called several guards to follow.

   There was chaos on the deck, there were fighting sounds everywhere, corpses everywhere, and one of the white lotus pounced on the successor and was stopped by the guard.

  Under the protection of this pedestrian, he hurried to the queen mother's cabin.

   "Why are you here?" After seeing her, Hiroshi folded her face and frowned.

   then glanced at the burning door, and there was a trace of regret in his eyes: "...Hong Ri, he is your brother after all."

"What's the matter, you're sorry? It's too late!" Hong Ri shouted suddenly, "The emperor is not here, I will preside over the whole situation. Once the fire spreads, the whole boat will be put to the blaze! Queen, please." Take care of the overall situation and think about the hundreds of lives on board!"

   The arrow was on the string, and he had to send it. He regretted it later, but he did not regret it, so he continued to perform the play.

"Keep off!" It was just that he did not want to cooperate with him afterwards. Seeing that he refused to help, he rushed towards the fire by himself, the flames flew over, burned her fingers, and a few blisters were burned all at once. She clenched her teeth and saw that she was about to rush into the door, but with a bang, her head dizzy...

  Hongichi withdrew the hand that stunned her, then shook her body and fell into his arms.

   "The prince." Yuan Chunwang reminded softly, "Bailian teaches people to attack soon."

Hong Ri looked at the successor in his arms, unwilling to let go for a long time, and finally handed over to Yuan Chunwang reluctantly, instructing: "There are heavy guards in the flower hall, escorting the queen to there, Bailian teaches the bandits Give it to me and meet up after the rebellion."

   Even without her cooperation, he wanted to finish the play by himself.

  Honghe led people to the deck, withdrew his sword, and pointed the sword to the long empty path: "Bai Lian teaches the people to set fire to the ship, commits chaos, and kills all on the spot, no one stays!"

  However, the person he really wanted to kill was not the group of White Lotus who was deliberately attracted by him.

   "How did things go?" He asked the **** beside him while the crowd was hacking.

   The other party was uneasy and said, "The reward I just received is that Wu Ge is not in his own room..."

   "What are you talking about?" Hiroshi looked cold.

   The **** carefully defended and said: "Just a piece of fighting on the ship just now, Xu escaped in chaos, and the minions sent people to chase!"

   "The whole ship was searched." Hong Ri reiterated the words, "Never miss one!"

  While not waiting for the other party to leave, another person reported: "Wang Ye, Hangzhou Zhifu sent someone to help!"

  Hong day stunned: "So fast?"

The plan always couldn't keep up with the changes. The temporary backwaters that followed, the early arrival of the prefects in Hangzhou, one accident after another happened, which gave Hongye an ominous hunch in his heart, but he was quickly forced to bear it, thinking: " It doesn't matter how many accidents happened, anyway... Hongli is dead."

  As long as he died, no matter how many accidents happened, his plan was considered successful.

   "Go." Hong Day adjusted his clothes, "Go to the Hangzhou prefecture with this king."

The white lotus believes in more people than kung fu, and is not an opponent of the regular army. Now with the joining of Hangzhou soldiers and horses, they immediately defeated. The sky will be tomorrow, and there will be more and more blood on the deck. As they get smaller, most of the white lotus believers have become corpses.

  In the flower hall, there was a gloomy cloud, and none of them smiled.

"Last night, the queen's cabin went into the water, and the emperor broke into the fire to rescue the empress. The beam fell and blocked the hatch. The emperor and the empress both..." Hong Di choked, "I'm not good, if I Brother Brother rushed into the fire first, how could this happen!"

  Lu Wanwan and Nalan Chunxue heard this and couldn't help crying together. Nalan Chunxue cried while crying: "All the useless waste is all waste!"

The Zhifu of Hangzhou has also looked as if it was too late to save the driver, and he has let Hongli die within his jurisdiction. The black gauze hat can’t be kept, but I don’t know what kind of punishment, can’t help but kneel down on the ground, He thumped his chest and said: "Emperor, he is incompetent, he is blamed for his incompetence!"

   was dizzy afterwards and was awakened by their cry, crying silently, and watching the performance of Hiroshi.

  Half day performance, handed Yuan Chunwang a glance, Yuan Chunwang met and said: "Now it is not sad, you still need to preside with the prince! Officials along the coast are waiting for the Holy Drive, what should I do now?"

   The previous scenes were all paved. Hiroshi shook his shirt and was preparing to debut, but the ink painting on the wall of the flower hall suddenly shook, and then made a long sound-squeak.

  After the ink painting, there was a door. The door opened to both sides. Hongli helped the queen mother to come out from inside, glanced around, and finally landed on Hongye's face, smiling like: "Oh, they are all here."

  Hong Day recovered from the shock, and forced a calm salute: "Brother, the servant is unable to save the driver, and it almost caused a disaster. Please ask the brother to punish the crime. But how can the brother from..."

  Hongli smiled and said, "This dragon boat was kept secret when it was designed."

  ......Why don't I know? Hong day was cold.

Seeing that Hongli was not dead, the happiest place was the Zhifu in Hangzhou, that is, the Wusha hat and the Nine people were kept, and wept with joy: "The prince rescued the driver too late and was deeply apprehensive. Fortunately, the emperor and the queen mother were safe. Blessing, the blessing of the world!"

  Hongli nodded: "You are doing very well, coming faster than the good camps and guards stationed on the shore."

  Hangzhou Zhifu was stunned and glanced at the successor.

  The Queen Mother said strangely: "The guards are responsible for guarding on the shore. Even if the camp is far away, there is no fire on the boat. Every day someone is riding with the boat and is specially responsible for monitoring. How can it not be notified?"

  Hongli coldly said "Bring it on."

  A soldier was taken in and collapsed in front of the crowd.

"The queen mother, this person is the soldier responsible for liaising with Yuzhou on the shore. Every four hours, he changes his horse and rides with him. When Yuzhou is in trouble, he does not first report but runs away." Hongli said lightly, "You think, Why is that?"

  The empress dowager died for a lifetime, seeing him like a life and death enemy, said cruelly: "Say, are you collaborating with the white lotus?"

  The soldiers shouted: "No, no minions!"

   "Dare to say no!" The empress was even more angry, "If you are not in collusion with Bailianjiao, how can you dare to neglect your duty?"

  Hongli sighed: "He didn't neglect his duties, but received the order from the summit, Yu Zhou walked through the water, and turned a blind eye. Who would be the summit who dared to issue such an order?"

   For a moment, everyone's eyes gathered on Hongri's face.

   is the person responsible for the security of the southern patrol. He is the person who can send the liaison soldiers. It is him who can give orders to the guards as the summit.

   "Hong Day!" The Queen Mother burst into rage, "You dare to commit chaos!"

  Hong faced with fear and fell on his knees: "Brother, Bailianjiao is a rebel, intending to subvert my Daqing Jiangshan, how dare his brothers collude with them, no brother, no brother really!"

"You ordered the killing of all Bailian believers, and one did not stay." Hongli smiled, "but Hangzhou Zhifu is not under your control. They have caught a few live mouths, including those on the ship and the shore, which can bring you to confront you at any time. , I also want to know earlier, who exactly leaked the defense power of the Yuzhou, and who secretly colluded with the rebel party. Of course, maybe the so-called white lotus—"

   His eyes narrowed and his smile gradually faded from his face. Sen Leng said: "It's just your killer!"

   Anxiety slowly faded from Hong Day's face. He slowly raised his head and looked at Hong Li expressionlessly: "Emperor, it turns out that you have set a trap and deliberately led me to hook."

   The mantis catches the cicada, knowing who is the mantis and who is the cicada.

He thought his plan was perfect. He first instigated the magistrate to present the thin horse gage. He proclaimed Hongli's southern tour to expand the harem in the beauty contest. When he set fire to the ship, Hongli would be killed even if he was not burned. The white lotus of the ship killed, and in the eyes of the people, a ridiculous and embarrassing emperor, who really died, was really dead.

   When the time comes, he will kill all insiders, and then go back to the Forbidden City, supporting the fifteenth elder brother to succeed, and he will hide behind the scenes and become a father regent.

   The result, however, was that the authorities were too clever, and wrongly killed Qing Qing.

   "I didn't expect you to rebel." Hongli slowly turned his head to look at the successor, "more unexpectedly, you are also involved."

   succeeded in shaking his heart: "The emperor, and the prince committed chaos, what is the relationship with the concubine?"

Hongli coldly said: "There is chaos on the ship, and the prince sent someone to siege Ling Gui and Yong Qi, and Qing Fei Shu Fei was not rescued. Only the queen, you have prepared the boat from the beginning, for you to go first! If there is an accident, the two of you must help the twelve elder brothers ascend the throne!"

"...The concubine didn't go when the cabin was in fire, and the concubine didn't go when the white lotus sieged and killed, because you were on the ship! But are you even doubting me? Master Liu!" With a shivering, "You tell the emperor, who sent you the news that the emperor will be in danger, let you come to rescue!"

  Hangzhou Zhifu quickly said: "The emperor, the queen's lady first sent a message to the minister, so that the minister can arrive overnight!"

  Hong Day looked at his successor in disbelief, but he did not look at him, and his eyes were fixed on Hongli.

"The emperor is not in harmony with the prince. The prince tried to win over the concubine, but the concubine refused! The concubine wanted to inform in advance, but the emperor had more trust in the prince. The army has been bought, and it is necessary to report to the nearest Hangzhou!" Then he mourned, "Emperor, even if you doubt the world, you should not doubt the concubine!"

  Hongli just looked at her coldly, not trusting every word she said from her mouth, not every word she took from her heart.

   Li Yu hesitated and wanted to tell him that no matter what the successor had done before, but at the critical moment, she did not leave, as she said in her words.

As a result, he just opened his mouth and thumped in his ear before he could make a sound, but Yuan Chunwang knelt in front of him and shouted loudly, "Emperor, until now, the minions dare not hide from the queen's mother, she Because of his personal affair with the Prince and his intention to kill the emperor and the empress on the way to the South, they conspired to support the twelve brothers to become kings.

   looked at him in disbelief.

   "If the emperor doesn't believe it, you can search and the prince." Yuan Chunwang said judiciously, " will be known after a check."

  Hongli: "Search for the body!"

   "Don't touch me!" Hiroshi struggled, but struggled, but a piece of Yu Ju fell from his arms, and fell to the ground with a sound, breaking a gap.

When he saw that Yu Ju, his face turned white, and he just rushed to pick it up, but he was preempted by Hongli. He played Yu Ju in his hand, and Hong Li's face grew darker, his suspicion looked at her: "Queen , I have seen you wear this piece of jade Jue. Now, what else do you have to say?"

   then turned pale, suddenly turned around, and slap Jin'er hard: "You betrayed me!"

  Although Yuan Chunwang is easy to use, he is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, so he succeeds in using him, but does not believe in him, nor will he be given the opportunity to touch his personal treasure, only Jin'er...

   "Maid, no minions! Yuan Chunwang said everything was for the girl, for the twelve elder brothers!" What is the use of saying this now? No matter how stupid Jin'er was, this time it also reacted. She was deceived by Yuan Chunwang, and her successors were tired. She burst into tears and knelt in front of Hongli. Don’t know anything! If the lady really wants to rebelliously, how can she leak the news?"

  Hong Day was silent for a long while, and he slowly said: "Brother, is a prince who loves the queen, but has nothing to do with the queen. She is almost burned to save you to save you, you should not doubt her!"

   But why don't you call Hongli?

  Yu Ju was stolen by Jin'er, and rebellion was in collusion with Prince and Yuan Chunwang. All the mistakes were committed by others, but she was innocent?

   Hongli looked at his successor, but found that his successor was also looking at him.

   "Emperor." Then he looked at him deeply, "I don't care about others, I just ask you, do you believe me?"