MTL - Story of Yanxi Palace-Chapter 3 Enter the palace

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   enter the palace, some people are happy, some people avoid.

   Not every family is willing to send their daughters into the palace and go to Bona's illusory future.

   has policies on the top and countermeasures on the bottom, and some people falsely claim that their daughter has gotten sick, fearing that the disease will be given to nobles, so they voluntarily cut their qualifications to enter the palace. Although this matter is not legal, it only needs to go up and down. The most important one is no one to report it, and the person above will also close one eye.

   And like Wei Yingluo, when things got up on the street, Zheng Huangqi Zuoling had to manage.

   "Say!" Zheng Huangqi Zuoling snapped, "What's the matter?"

   "This, this..." After a while, Wei Qingtai could find a reasonable explanation.

   "Let me explain." A soft female voice rang behind Wei Qingtai.

  Wei Yingluo was tied with a rope on his body and was inconvenient to walk. He simply walked to the front of Zheng Huangqi Zuoling, raised his face, a blood-stained face, and his eyes contrasted more clearly.

"Master Zuoling, this is Wei Yingluo, this year's maid of choice." She looked calm and straightened, "My father was too spoiled for me, and he did not want to send me into the palace, so I declared that I had lost my heart. Then forced me to marry away..."

   "Enough!" Zheng Huangqi Zuoling heard that he didn't want to listen anymore. He only felt that in the pointing of the people, he himself became a joke. Who blames this? He stared at Wei Qingtai, the culprit in his heart, and killed him, "Girls from the Three Banners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who are all dressed up should choose a court lady. Once they are married in private, let alone you and me, even all of them will participate Collar, all must be condemned. Have you eaten the bear heart leopard gallbladder!"

"I... I..." Wei Qingtai I had been for a long time, and finally only bent his knees slowly, knelt down towards him, and knocked his head down on the ground, "It is all my fault... "

   The matter has reached this point, he can only take all the responsibilities on himself, so as not to drag on the whole family. What's more, he doesn't take it now, and the Hui people will plant all the blame on him, and the means will only be more ruthless and more absolute, lest he have the opportunity to turn over and accuse others...

"Poor parents' hearts." Hearing Wei Yingluo sigh, he knelt beside Wei Qingtai and tapped his forehead to the ground. The blood on his forehead stained the blue brick on the ground, praying, "Father would not let me in Gong is a white-headed maid, and I don’t want my father to be convicted because of me. Please also look at our father-daughter’s affectionate relationship. Forgive him this time, and I will enter the palace on time."

  The word filial piety, since ancient times, has moved people's hearts the most.

  Someone sighed at once: "Good filial daughter, sir, you can spare them this time."

   "Yeah, pitiful parents in the world."

   "I also have a daughter, I can't bear her to marry far, let alone enter the palace, it is really like entering the palace gate like the sea, it is difficult to see you in my life."

  Zheng Huang Qi Zuoling looked at Wei Yingluo with a complicated look.

   Her words gave everyone a step down. Wei Qingtai is not breaking the law, but his father and daughter are affectionate, and he is not oversight, but can take this opportunity to comply with public opinion and become a Qingtian master.

   "Okay." Zheng Huangqi Zuoling nodded slowly. "For the sake of so many people pleading for you, the officer will spare you this time. You can't be confused again, do you understand?"

   "The villain understands." Wei Qingtai said first, he could only understand, he had to understand, and even to express his confession, he had to send Wei Yingluo into the palace himself.

   "Dad, sorry."

  Wei Qingtai turned his head to see Wei Yingluo looking at him firmly, repeating the sentence she said in Yizhuang: "Daughter must enter the palace."

  The matter is up to now, Wei Qingtai has no other choice but to anger and anger: "Go, you go! It's death or alive, let you go, I don't care, I don't care anymore!"

   can only blame the thief God, so dying, but at this time, let Zheng Huangqi lead the way through this street.

  Just, is Zheng Huangqi Zuoling really passing by?

In the crowd, it was also the direction where the yellow flag Zuoling appeared. A middle-aged woman raised her hand and pressed the hat on the top of her head. The hat hanged a black gauze to cover her face, otherwise, Wei Qingtai was asked to see her The face will definitely ask: "Ajin, why are you here?"

   There are not many coincidences in this world. Many coincidences, afterwards liquidation, are all artificial.

"Miss, as you instructed, I brought Zheng Huangqi with the leader." Ajin looked at Wei Yingluo through the gauze, and he sighed in his heart, "I hope I did not harm you, I hope you really can Get what you want, instead of following your sister's footsteps..."

   Faded away from the red wedding dress, put on the court girl Tsing Tsing Yi. On the second day of February in the sixth year of Qianlong in Qianlong, Wei Yingluo walked with the new palace girls in the blossoming royal garden.

   Most of the maidens are fifteen or sixteen years old, and they are the most innocent and curious grades in their lives. They are all looking left and right, attracted by a peony flower and attracted by a pink butterfly, but Wei Yingluo does not squint and sees nothing coldly.

   is even thinking, is the flower blooming so beautiful, is it because she sucked the blood of her sister?

"What are you chatting about?" The leading maid of the house could not stand the sparrow-like chatter of this group of people and sneered. "This is the Forbidden City. The first place in the world is a noble place that will allow you to mess around. Speak? Hurry up!"

  Wei Yingluo was about to keep up. A maid beside her pulled her sleeves. Although her voice was lowered, it was enough for all the ladies around her to hear, "Look, look over there!"

Wei Yingluo couldn't help frowning, and felt that the other party was a little restless. The forefoot of the great palace told them not to talk and talk, and her back foot made such a big movement, and it was not her own movement, it was pulling. Everyone went into the water...

   By the way, she remembered that the girl seemed to be called Jinxiu.

   is just as its name suggests, with a pointed face of melon seeds, a sturdy waist of water snake, and the flow of love flows from head to toe, worthy of the gorgeous name such as splendid.

A crowd of little maidens looked around, and saw the depths of the peach blossoms. Several beautiful women came out of the willow, and they were all beautiful in appearance. They were more beautiful than Huajiao. Floating far and near, there are jasmine and rose, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

   A baby-faced little maid blinked her eyes: "Sister Splendid, who are they? Fairy?"

   said that the score was childish, this girl looks like a child, Wei Yingluo remembers that she is the youngest of them, only 14 years old, the name is auspicious.

   The same person as his name, like a New Year's picture doll, watching it makes people feel happy.

"These are the show girls who have passed the re-election and are ready for the palace selection." Ling Long looked envious, and she seemed to stretch out two hands in her eyes, picking up the clothes and jewelry, hairpin ears, and wearing them all On yourself.

"What a beautiful dress." Jixiang also has a look of envy, but this kind of envy is completely different from Linglong. It looks like the little sister next door looks at the sugar cane in your hand, "If I can also put on Such beautiful clothes will be fine."

  Jinxiu heard the words and snorted: "That's all famous ladies. Entering the palace is the master. Even if we pass this test, even if we pass the test, we will only serve their maid, you--"

   Her elbow hit Jixiang: "Less daydreaming!"

   "Be careful!" Wei Yingluo shouted late. Auspicious is very young and weak, so it takes two hands to lift the wooden bucket used for cleaning, and it is particularly difficult to lift. When standing, it shakes a little. Now Jinxiu hits her sore elbow, The wooden barrel immediately came out, and with a clatter, the wooden barrel fell to the ground, and the sewage in it flew out like splashing ink, splashing onto the skirt of a beautiful girl.

   auspicious was terrified, rushed to the other party's feet: "Sorry, sorry, I will clean it for you now..."


   Jixiang was slapped on the ground and rolled in a circle. His whole body was blackened by sewage, like a pitiful stray dog.

   "Dirty minions!" The pretty girl's face was sharp, "My incense cloud yarn was specially bought from Jiangnan, prepared for today's temple selection, you are dirty now, what should I wear to meet the emperor!"

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the minions are really not intentional." Jixiang crawled over and cried out, scrambling to find a clean handkerchief, "The minions wipe you, the minions wipe you immediately..."

"Go away!" The show girl kicked a disgusted face, which was ruthless and fast, and she did not treat the auspicious people as a person, just like a stray stray dog, directly kicked at the other person's face, Luckily, he rolled out and crawled back with both hands and feet. His nosebleeds were flowing, and his head was like pounding garlic: "Sorry, sorry..."

   "Humph!" The show girl looked at the Omiya girl, "Do you say I should spare her?"

  Although the time of getting along is not long, but the human heart is long, seeing this auspicious picture of auspiciousness, many maidens can't bear it, but they are also chilly and dare not speak for auspiciousness, fearing that she will be affected. At this moment, after hearing the words of the show girl, they all looked at the Omiya girl expectantly, expecting the Omiya girl to speak for Jixiang.

  However, Wei Yingluo knew that this was impossible.

   They dared not speak for themselves, how could the maid, a person who has been around for a long time, be an ordinary little maid, offending the future and possibly being a concubine's show girl?

   As expected, the Omiya girl smiled and said: "Wuya Xiaozhu, these girls are all maids who have just entered the palace. They are as stupid as pigs. You can beat or scold, don't get angry!"

  The court ladies heard the words, or showed disappointment, or glared, and then closed their mouths more tightly. Everyone was smart, and the big court ladies did not dare to do things, they were even more afraid to do it.

   At this moment, perhaps the only women with the same status could speak for Auspicious.

   "Sister Wuya." A timid voice sounded, "She is not intentional, you can spare her."

  ......Are there really beautiful women willing to speak for auspiciousness?

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