MTL - Story of Yanxi Palace-Chapter 5 Draft

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  What happened in the imperial garden was like a small stone thrown into the sea, a small splash of water splashed up, and then quickly returned to calm. The big people turned a blind eye and did not care when they saw it.

   There are more important things waiting for them to see and do.

   "Mother, Queen Mother!" In the courtyard of the Changchun Palace, Ming Yu, a maiden, hurriedly came along and tried her best to follow the airway, "The palace is about to be selected, you should prepare early!"

  It's a big yard, but only jasmine.

   Layers of light white petals are dotted in the dark green leaves. Among them is a plain-clothed woman, holding a golden shear, and trimming the flower branches intently.

   The wind blew through, only the sound of leaves shaking, and the sound of clicks and clicks.

  Did she not hear it, or did she hear it? Mingyu couldn't make up her mind, so she had to squeeze her eyebrows at a beautiful maid nearby.

This maid also wears a plain coat and holds a copper kettle. At first glance, it looks inconspicuous. It looks like a maid who has just entered the palace. In fact, she is the maid of the empress who serves the empress. The weight is among the few among the ladies.

  So what Mingyu dare not say, she can say, she can do what Mingyu dare not do.

   took a step forward, and Er Qing asked in a low voice, "Niang?"

   Kacha, a branch of jasmine left the branch, the plain-clothed woman turned back with her jasmine, the garden was suddenly eclipsed in front of her, and the endless orchid seemed to exist to support her.

  True Vacuum Valley Yulan, independent for the rest of the world.

   is today's queen, Fucha.

   "Today's show girls are striving for battle, I have nothing to prepare for." Queen Fucha closed her eyes, sniffed the orchid in her hand, and smiled softly. "It's better to stay and serve the flowers."

  I was really impatient. The emperor died impatiently. Mingyu scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks, like a monkey who couldn't eat bananas: "How can I do this? Don't you go, don't you give the Chuxiu Palace the chance!"

"Mingyu, be careful!" Er Qing seemed like a monkey monk, but with an unpleasant gaze, Mingyu settled down. Afterwards, she and Yan Yuese said to Queen Fucha, "But it's just a lady It’s a big deal, you should always check it out. Otherwise, the Queen Mother knows, and you should blame you for ignoring the housework!"

   says that when you enter the palace, it looks like the sea. If it is true, the big fish in the sea eats the small fish, and the head in the palace presses the head. It is only the queen mother who can let the queen Fucha lay down the flowering branches.

   "Hey." Queen Fucha got up helplessly and patted the soil on the skirt, "Little grade, so wordy, then go and see!"

   Mingyu was so happy that she jumped three feet tall: "Madam, the minion will dress up for you immediately!"

   turned around and ran, and ran away in a blink of an eye, only dust flying behind her.

   "Really a monkey." Queen Fucha shook her head helplessly.

   "She's just a monkey, and this one--" Er Qing stepped forward and carefully picked the small jasmine ball between the queen's temples. The queen was slightly surprised for a while, but she laughed dumbly.

  The location of the draft is set in the loft of Yanhui in the Royal Garden.

Speaking of dressing up, in fact, I just changed to a slightly cleaner clothes, and then washed away the soil with water. However, even though I was facing the sky, the Queen Fucha still overwhelmed the women in the crowd, one because of her Appearance, the second is because of her status.

   It's just that some people don't take her status into consideration.

   "Hui Guifei is here!"

  As the **** sang, a palace princess with rich make-up and her maid helped her into the attic of Yanhui.

  Some women can't put on makeup, and it looks vulgar as soon as the makeup is strong, such as Queen Fucha.

   But some women must wear heavy makeup and wear jingle bells, such as this Hui Guifei. On the ears are two overflowing Dongzhu pendants. On the wrist is a string of emerald bracelets made of 18 emerald beads and two tourmalines. In particular, a big wing on the head, pearlescent treasure, embedded in Silver emerald butterfly and ruby ​​peony, both of which come to life, and with her pace, the butterfly flutters and the peony vibrates.

If so many pieces of jewelry are placed on another person, I am afraid that this person will become a jewelry shelf. Other people can only see the jewelry, but not her. However, Hui Hui is different. Severely suppressed this pearly treasure.

   She walked tentatively to the back of the emperor to squat and greet her. Whether it was movement or voice, she revealed an undisguised perfunctory: "The concubine congratulates the Queen St. Ann."

  Erqing was expressionless, but Mingyu was already angry. With only one sentence from Queen Fucha, this monkey could jump up and dump her with a set of big ear scrapers. However, Queen Fucha just smiled and said: "No gift."

Before the ceremony was finished, Hui Hui had stood up, walked to the queen's head and sat down, raised her hand to take the tea handed over by the maid, took a sip, and then put down the teacup, and commented on the showgirl outside : "The quality of this year's show girls is not bad, but there are a few beautiful people."

  Queen looks calm: "I am in the Qing Dynasty draft. Since I was different from the previous dynasty, I have to choose a famous origin. The daughter of virtue and morality is served by the emperor. It has nothing to do with appearance."

Hui Hui covered her lips with a smile. This smile seemed to be full of peonies. The country was heavenly and fragrant. Do not say that men, even women, must fold for her demeanor: "Then can not choose a bunch of crooked melons, the emperor looked at it. How worried should it affect the appearance of Huang Si?"

   looks like a normal conversation, but it is a hidden murder. The people around are silent, and the showgirls look down at the ground, even dare not breathe.

Although the orchids and peonies have different colors, if the two flowers compete, there will be a defeat. Unexpectedly, Queen Fucha seems to have taken a step back, but she is calm and said: "No matter how beautiful the show girls are, they can't be matched. The concubines are very beautiful."

Seeing her retreat, Hui Hui was more proud, and a silver bell-like smirk came out of her mouth, and she smiled and said: "The mother is ridiculous, the concubine is not ashamed, but the peony is the king of flowers, Indeed, not everyone deserves it!"

   "You..." Mingyu was furious, and was about to scold wildly, but she saw the queen waving at her. Although 10,000 were unwilling in her heart, she could only withdraw her fist.

   "The emperor is here!"

Singing and interrupting the confrontation between the two, Shao Qing, a tall and handsome man walked in with his hands on his back. In contrast, his dress was more similar to Queen Fucha, and neither of them had too many jewelry embellishments. The black-green dress is extremely capable and quiet, and there is an ink fragrance especially on the sleeves. It seems that before this, I still deal with a bunch of official documents before the case.

   This person is the current Saint, Hongli.

   "The concubine (minion) respectfully invites Emperor Shengan."

   "Exemption." Hongli quickly walked to the back of Emperor Fucha, reached out to pick her up, and a gentle color appeared on his beautiful face, "Queen doesn't need to be rude."

   The previous sentence was for everyone, but now this sentence is just for her.

  Concubine Hui stared blankly at the hands they shook, her eyes showing a trace of jealousy.

Hongli never saw this jealousy. This draft was more of a routine for him. He helped Queen Fucha sit down, and then he sat down on the imperial court at will, with one hand on his cheek, he gave orders A sentence: "Go ahead."

   "Nuo!" The **** famously said, "Sauchoro Yuri, the daughter of Sauchoro Daojin, the Dali Temple Secretary, is fifteen."

   A tall, thin and beautiful girl came forward.

   Hongli narrowed her eyes and said, "It's so windy today, it's hard to stand."

   "No, no effort." Xiu Nu returned quickly, but unexpectedly, Hui Hui chuckled, "Yeah, emperor, this is too thin, a wind can blow people away."

   Hongli no longer said much, but he also opened his mouth and smiled.

  The **** would look at people's faces the most, and when he saw this, he immediately said, "Gift."

   A young **** immediately came up holding the Shenghua silver plate, but the thin and tall female had no choice but to take the flowers and leave.

   "Gan Ruyu, daughter of Qingtang Tang, the secretary of Shangsiyuan, is sixteen years old."

   A beautiful girl who had turned round and had developed into a ball came forward.

  Hongli smiled with just one glance: "How many meals a day?"

  Since it was the emperor's question, it was difficult to answer, and the round and beautiful woman blushed and said, "Three meals."

   "Not only." Hongli said, "At least five meals, otherwise how to eat such a body, will soon be able to catch up with the sumo wrestlers in the palace."

   There is no need for more sumo wrestlers in the palace, nor in the harem.

   "Gift the flower!" The **** immediately said: "Zhang Jiaruhong, the daughter of Yin Zhangjia Sixian in the Suncheon Mansion, fifteen."

   A dark-skinned charismatic girl stepped forward.

   There have been two show girls before and after the election, and the show girls are somewhat trembling, fearing Hongli to ask questions.

   "Do you soak up the sun every day?" However, he asked again.

   It’s just that the question is too weird. The black-faced girl yelled, and then shook her head blankly: "No, the daughter-in-law stays in the deep boudoir for a long time and rarely goes out to bask..."

   "Haha!" Hui Guifei laughed out loud, "The emperor said you have a dark face, yo, look carefully, there are spots on it!"

The black-faced girl was blushing with tears in her eyes and tears in her eyes. After taking the flower, she turned around and ran away. Behind him was the roll call of the eunuch: "Next, Wuya, the daughter of Wuyaxiongshan, the clerk of Taichang Temple Qingdai, year seventeen."

   Shao Qing, a beautiful woman came out.

   is different from the previous flying posture in the Royal Garden. At this moment, she has converged her body and showed it to outsiders, only her most beautiful side-her walking posture.

Every beauty has her unique features. Queen Fucha, Empress Kong Gu Youlan, Hui Guifei, peony national color, look more beautiful, Uya Qingdai can't compare with these two, but her walking posture is very light and beautiful. Individuals walk together, and others will definitely notice her at first glance.

  Even if she can't notice her posture, she will notice—

   "Hmm?" Hui Guifei suddenly raised her eyebrows, "What is on the ground?"

   Everyone looked around according to their prestige. I saw Uya Qingdai passing by. There were two long strings of lotus marks, which were opened among the show girls and stopped at the foot of Uya Qingdai.

   Overhead, Hongli's voice came: "What's going on with your feet?"

   He really noticed...

   Uya Qingdai was ecstatic, even though he was desperately pressed, it still showed on his face, and even the voice shook with a trace of joy: "Emperor-this is called Step by Step Lotus."

"Is it?" Hongli laughed, not knowing whether it was an illusion in her heart. Uya Qingdai felt that the laughter was a little cold and a bit scary. At the next moment, she heard Hongli coldly said, "Take off her shoes." Now, let me see!"