MTL - Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong-Chapter 129 The president's falling lover

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Mrs. Ye looked at Ye Jinzhou and her eyes were full of disappointment. When Ye Jinzhou was going back to China, she actually stopped it.

When Bai Rongkai saw death and could not save, Lili was really awkward. If he was still alive, she had no reason to stop Ye Jinzhou from coming back for revenge, but Bai Rongkai had already died for ten years! Even if this person is guilty, but Bai Mu is innocent... Bai Rongkai is such a person. In the past, he did not kill their mother and son, but gave them a large sum of money to let them leave... Now they are living well, do they have to go back. Is hatred applied to another innocent child?

What is the difference between their actions and Bai Rongkai? No, even more despicable.

Moreover, the most important thing is that she does not want Ye Jinzhou to waste a good life in the hatred of the past, and there is a head of debt, and when is the time to report it... Why does Ye Jinzhou not understand this truth?

However, the child was too big to take care of, and Mrs. Ye did not stop Ye Jinzhou. After more than a year passed, the people did not come back several times. Every time they reported with her, they did not report their worries and only said that they were busy. If it is not a real encounter, she is still in the dark!

Mrs. Ye looked at Ye Jinzhou and sighed: "White is inside, right?"

Ye Jinzhou was somewhat embarrassed to avoid Mrs. Ye’s sight. He could not explain to his mother that he fell in love with the enemy’s son. He was silent for a few seconds and said, “How do you think of coming over?”

Mrs. Ye’s seeing Ye Jinzhou is still obsessed with it, and her heart is even more disappointed. The voice is also severe: “I asked if you are in the middle!”

Ye Jinzhou licked his lips, and the lower jaw line was chilly and had no openings.

Mrs. Ye said: "Well, you don't say, then I will go see it myself." Then he went straight in.

If it is anyone else, Ye Jinzhou can block it, and then only this person can't. He knows his mother very well. The surface seems to be weak. In fact, the inside is tough and has a strong opinion. It is not easy for a person to bring him abroad.

He has always respected his mother very much, and it is even more impossible to make any disrespectful actions against her.

Ye Jinzhou stood in the same place. At this time, he should actually follow up immediately, but suddenly there is no courage to keep up... This is his two favorite people, and their meeting means he must do Make a decision.

Mrs. Ye passed the living room directly, went to the bedroom, and opened the door to see the man on the bed.

The man was handcuffed on the head of the bed, his body was thin and his body was gray and gray. Obviously, the long-term imprisonment made him unbearable. He saw that he came in, looked up and looked at it, even if he was treated like this, his face was still quiet and his eyes were light.

Mrs. Ye looked at him and looked at him for a while. This person was somewhat like Bai Rongkai, but his eyebrows were more like his mother, the pretty gentle woman.

She still remembers how the child looked when he was a child. He was cute and cute since he was a child... He has grown up now. He should have a good life of his own, but he was disturbed by the sudden arrival of Ye Jinzhou. In the end, he was even deprived of his freedom. It’s up.

Yes, she is resentful of Bai Rongkai, resentful of Bai Rongkai’s cold blood and ruthless death, but after so many years, she has already come out. Moreover, all this has nothing to do with Baimu...

The mutual torture of Ye Jinzhou and Bai Mu is the result she least wants to see.

The injured person is suffering and hurting, can the person who applies the injury get the peace of conscience?

Mrs. Ye sighed and looked at Xie He with apology and said, "Xiao Mu, do you remember me?"

Xie He has been watching her since the beginning. He can see the similarities with Ye Jinzhou from her appearance, and then can't help but think of childhood... that always comes to his house, give him a gift to play with him, smile Gentle aunt.

Yeah... why didn’t he recognize Ye Jinzhou earlier, obviously he should remember him...

"Auntie..." Xie He made some hoarse voices. His eyes were a bit complicated. He thought that Mrs. Ye should hate him too. After all, he was the son of Bai Rongkai.

But at this moment, he did not see any hatred in this woman's eyes, only pity.

Mrs. Ye paused and looked at Xie He seriously and said, "I'm sorry."

Xie He suddenly surprised and widened his eyes and looked at her incredulously.

Mrs. Ye said: "I didn't discipline my son. I told him not to come back, but he didn't listen... I apologize for what he did to you."

Xie He thought that he would be accused, or was scorned, and whoever thought it was a sincere apology... This made him feel embarrassed. In the face of such an open-minded woman, he was somewhat moved and looked a little. "This has nothing to do with you."

Mrs. Ye looked at this kind of thank-you, even more distressed, this child is still so kind and sensible... and Bai Rongkai is not the same. If Xie He is a black-handed and embarrassed generation, and has such a grudge, she may not have any sympathy for him, but he is such a good child...

Even if she was treated and hurt like this, she did not anger and hate her.

Mrs. Ye was very upset. She shook her head slightly. "Small state has no father since childhood. I have to be used to it myself. I am negligent about him. Therefore, I have certain responsibility for such a thing. It is also difficult for you to cause harm. Make up... but you can rest assured that I will look at him in the future and will not let him bother you."

Ye Jinzhou dragged his heavy steps and walked to the door step by step. He heard this sentence, as if he was frozen.

He should be grateful that his mother did not hate the white, nor did he mean to bring the grievances to the next generation, but at the same time he felt sad, and because of this, she would not allow him to continue to force him.

Except for coercion, he has no way to make this person look back, and there is no way for this person to look at him more.

Why did you get to this step?

He has no way to blame anyone, he can only blame himself, he could have won the full love of this person, and his mother will not stop them. He is close to the bright future, and he is arbitrarily arbitrarily arbitrarily arbitrarily arbitrarily...and eventually becomes irreparable.

Mrs. Ye saw Ye Jinzhou coming over and turned to him and said, "The key is taken."

Ye Jinzhou did not move. He had never disobeyed Mrs. Ye before, but at this moment he just didn't want to obey and didn't want to let go. Even if this person is his mother... he does not want to obey.

Mrs. Ye knows her own child. She does not marry him. Instead, she asks in a soothing and peaceful tone: "Do you still hate him?"

Ye Jinzhou shook his head.

Mrs. Ye said, "Why are you going to shut him up?"

Ye Jinzhou pinched his fist and seemed to have a great courage. He slowly said, "I love him, I don't want him to leave me."

Mrs. Ye heard not only was not angry, but smiled. "Do you know? There is nothing in this world that can be snatched. There is only one thing that cannot be obtained by snatching. That is the heart."

Ye Jinzhou's face is white, this truth... He doesn't understand, but he has been reluctant to think about it. He trapped himself in a false fantasy, as long as the person is still by his side, he can leave nothing, nothing to ignore...

However, Mrs. Ye’s words still broke all of this without any mercy, and he had to face the reality clearly.

It’s ridiculous to see how your actions are.

Yes... He has long been accustomed to plundering, from small to large, what he wants, all by himself to **** and win, what you want, just grab it. But...he had no way to forgive him to someone who was extremely disappointed with him.

Ye Jinzhou raised his eyes and his eyes were sad.

Mrs. Ye looked at Ye Jinzhou like this. This unprecedented sadness is a bit of a distress. This is her son who looks like a big eye. Now she falls into such a dilemma. Is she willing to see it? This is why she did not want Ye Jinzhou to return, because she hurts an innocent person... there is no sense of accomplishment.

Although her son seems mature and strong, but it is only a young man in his twenties, his heart is not evil and cold-blooded. Because of the impulse to do harm to innocent people, he will regret it. of.

The result is even worse than she expected. Ye Jinzhou not only regrets, but he also falls in love with the people he hurts...

Mrs. Ye gently sighed, she has sighed several times today. "If you really love someone, you will want him to be happy. My child, I love you very much. I stopped you from coming back to avenge because I am weak or I am foolish, but because I hope that you can be happy and happy, not immersed in hatred. I can let the past things dissipate with the wind. This is also the reason why I have not told you the truth of the year. I hope You can grow up in the sunshine and have your own life. You are not willing to be distorted by resentment from an early age, and you will not use it as a tool for revenge. What's more... although Bai Rongkai is wrong, he does Not a murderer, and he is dead."

"So if you really love Bai Mu, you should let him be free, because if you really love someone, you won't be willing to see him suffering. You will only make yourself more regretful. Or, your so-called love is just selfish. And possession... then I want to stop you, because I can't see you go astray."

Mrs. Ye paused and looked at Ye Jinzhou calmly. "Now, give me the keys."

These words are like a cold water in the same basin, and the leaf Jinzhou is poured from head to toe. His love will only make the people he loves suffer...

Ye Jinzhou’s hand was forced to white, almost shaking, and the key was in his pocket.

If he really loves this person, he should be as determined as his mother said, not willing to hurt him, let him go. But it is precisely because he loves him so much that he is not willing to leave, he can only stay with such means.

Let him go, like a living to dig out the heart, leaving him, as if a knife cuts in his heart.

No matter which choice, it is a painful abyss for him.

Ye Jinzhou looked at Mrs. Ye, and turned her head and looked at Xie He.

This multiple-choice question is now in front of him, unable to continue to escape, is to choose one's own pain, or choose two people to suffer together... It is really the moment that must be chosen, the result seems to be unnecessary to think.

If this is the case, let him suffer alone.

Let the people he loves be free.

What ridiculous fantasies can he still have now? Is he going to continue to obsess, so that the two people he loves most are disappointed at the same time? This is his fault...

Ye Jinzhou slightly twitched his lips and wanted to laugh, but he couldn’t laugh. He was so painful that he wanted to die.

For a long time, he spit out a word: "Okay."

This simple word, exhausted his last strength, meant that he finally had to let go, and from then on, no longer appear in the world of the people he loves.

Because I really love someone, even if I suffer from suffering, I only hope that he can be happy.

Instead of dragging him into his abyss together.

[叮, target leaf Jinzhou good feeling 1, current good feeling 99]

Mrs. Ye looked at Ye Jinzhou like this, and looked at this fragile and sad side of this child who was stubborn and strong, and she was very sad. But... Sometimes long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, and the muddy water is hesitant, but it brings more harm to each other.

Let this be the wicked person.

Mrs. Ye took the key from Ye Jinzhou's hand and personally helped Xie He to open. She said: "I let you send you back. Your friend has been looking for you. He is worried about you."

Xie Hezhen looked at Mrs. Ye, lost a moment and said softly, "Thank you."

Mrs. Ye’s look is a bit complicated and sighs: “Don’t thank me, I should stop him earlier.”

Xie He shook his head and wanted to say that I should still thank you, not only because of this incident, but because of your generosity. He and Ye Jinzhou were both small and did not experience this pain, but Mrs. Ye was really Losing her lover, what pain and despair she should have at the time? But despite this, she still chose forgiveness instead of being blinded by hatred and choosing to step out of the abyss instead of staying in the past and not willing to come out.

Xie He stood up and he thought he should leave here.

Since then, he and Ye Jinzhou have no relationship at all, and Ye Jinzhou will not come to entangle him again. He can let go of the past and re-enable his life on the right track. All this is what he hopes, but why... my heart seems to be empty...

In fact, he did not love each other, but those injuries and barriers were engraved there, and those insults and betrayal could not be forgiven.

It is difficult to break the mirror.

"I am leaving." Xie He said to Mrs. Ye, and then did not say anything else, and did not say a farewell to Ye Jinzhou, so he went out from him.

Ye Jinzhou did not move, as if a stone statue, he could not move.

If he is afraid of moving, he will repent and he will be impulsive, and he will once again make things that disappoint the person he loves...

Mrs. Ye always looked at how to go far, and said to Ye Jinzhou: "Go back with me."

Ye Jinzhou’s eyes were lonely. He opened his mouth and slowly said: “Give me a few days, I will arrange the company’s affairs, okay?”

Mrs. Ye nodded.


Xie He walked out of here, and Mrs. Ye’s driver stayed respectfully and sent him back. Only then did she find that she was already in another city hundreds of miles away. It’s no wonder that Lin Ran had not found him for so long.

The driver will send Xie He to C City, and then he will leave.

[444: Hey, it’s so simple for you...]

[Xie He: It’s normal. The state is just a sigh of enthusiasm. I feel so good that I can’t bear to hurt me. The only thing I miss is just a head. However, in other words, it is not as useful as Mrs. Ye said. You can see that this is sober. This child is still very savvy, and people always have to learn to let go. Smile jpg]

[444:......(⊙o⊙) Oh] I feel that it looks a little pitiful...

[Xie He: What's more, a little black house without love and moisture is really unbearable. You see that I am thin. Sigh jpg

[444: ...] He didn't want to say anything.

Xie He returned to his home and gave Lin Ran a call. Lin Ran quickly rushed over. He looked at Xie Hezhen’s thin face and was very upset! Hold him tightly: "Ye Jinzhou that bastard, how is he going to take you?!"

"I'm fine." Xie He whispered, "Let you worry, sorry."

Lin Ran holding the hand of Xie He is shaking, God knows how worried he is. He is very worried about Ye Jinzhou’s injury. After all, Ye Jinzhou is coming for revenge. Although he has reported the police, he has no news for a long time. He is afraid of the day. What I got was the loss of thank you... I was in a terrible battle all the time.

"I really have nothing, Ye Jinzhou... He won't hurt me." Xie He saw Lin Ran unbelief, in order to make him feel at ease, and said: "And he will not come again in the future."

Xie He did not let Lin Ran stay with him, but stay alone at home.

He closed his eyes and couldn't help but think of Ye Jinzhou. He likes to sleep with him most. When he falls asleep, he is like a child with a sense of security. He always holds him tightly. He will pay for it every day. Do my best to cook and please him, but also spoiled, possessive and terrible, and like jealous jealousy... He looks at his eyes, always full of love, people can always feel his blazing emotion.

These were fake at first, but then? The fake turned out to be true, but it was a pity that it was too late.

Xie He thinks of Ye Jinzhou when he sees himself leaving, the look of desperate sea.

There is no such thing as stalking, no words of pleading, nothing... only the helpless sorrow, because this is really different, and even entanglement can no longer be.

Although Xie He has disappeared for more than a month, it is good for the company to have Lin Ran, and everything is fine.

Lin Ran still cares about the care of Xie He. Although the two are always together, Xie He has regained his previous state. He has not expressed any closeness to Lin Ran, but he is somewhat alienated. He feels that he has not gone completely. It is not appropriate to accept Lin Ran when I come out.

Lin Ran looked at Xie He’s occasional gloomy eyes. Although he didn’t know what happened, he realized that he was afraid that he would not let go of Ye Jinzhou.

He didn't press hard, and it was hard to let go of a deep feeling. He was willing to wait.

Xie He had to use his work to paralyze himself in order to get out of the past. Every day, he was the last one to leave the company.

Late that night, Xie He walked out of the office building and saw a deep and lonely back standing on the side of the street. It seems that he has waited for a century.

Ye Jinzhou heard the footsteps turning around, the black hair was a little messy in front of the forehead, and the dark eyes looked at him deeply.

Xie He’s footsteps stopped in place. He did not walk away indifferently as usual, but looked into Ye Jin’s eyes because he knew that he just came to say goodbye to him.

Ye Jinzhou’s throat moved a little. After a while, he said, “I will leave tomorrow.”

Xie He did not speak.

Ye Jinzhou does not seem to expect any thankfulness to him. He seems to be just the last wish to complete his life. He paused and showed a smile of affection to Xie He. His voice was low and dumb: "I love you. ”

Even if your world doesn't have me since then, I love you as much.

After Ye Jinzhou finished the sentence, he looked at Xie He’s eyes and then slowly and decisively turned around and left step by step.

[Thank you: Baby, give you a task. Smile jpg]

[444: (⊙v⊙) Well! What mission? 】

[Thank you: Did you see the less conspicuous turn over there? There is always a car to fly fast, it is very easy to get a traffic accident here, waiting for a car to come, call me when Ye Jinzhou is two hundred meters away. 】

[444: (⊙o⊙) Oh good! 】

[Xie He: It’s almost detached. I’m so happy with the state and the state. I like high efficiency:)


Xie He looked at Ye Jinzhou's slow-moving figure, and there seemed to be some kind of emotional surge. Suddenly, he said: "I believe."

His voice is not very big, but it is so clear in the silent night, falling into the ears of Ye Jinzhou.

Ye Jinzhou turned sharply and looked at Xie He unbelievably.

What did he hear?

When he was leaving with regret, he finally heard Xie He said that I believe... He believes he loves him.

At this moment, there is no other person in Ye Jinzhou's world. Nothing else, no more feelings. There is only one person in his world... This sentence is like forgiveness to him.

He never expected his love to be accepted, but at least his love was recognized.

This alone is enough.

[叮, target leaf Jinzhou good feeling 1, current good feeling 100]

Ye Jinzhou’s lips trembled a bit, seemingly a thousand words, but I don’t know where to start.

However, at this moment, he saw that Xie He suddenly changed his face and stepped forward to him. At the same time, yell and let go!

What to let it go? Ye Jinzhou has not returned to God, and he was pushed away by Xie He! At the same time, a car quickly drove over, and he would slammed out of it. The rearview mirror of the car ran into the arm of Ye Jinzhou, and pressed close to his body. The gale was like a knife. Generally scraped on his face!

Ye Jinzhou fell to the ground, he heard the harsh brakes in his ear, he looked at Xie He's body fell to the ground, and then the blood flowed out of his body... The line of sight was blood red.

no, I can not……

Ye Jinzhou's arm was weakly hanging on his side, and he squatted up from the ground and walked step by step.

He wanted to hold Xie He up, and he was afraid that he would touch the wound. His eyes were full of despair and despair. At this time, he remembered that he should call for help first, so he quickly called for help. He finished this and leaned over to thank you for saying: "It doesn't matter, don't be afraid, you won't have anything... you won't die..."

Xie He feels that his bones are broken. He knows that he may not be able to survive, but he does not have any fear of fear. Instead, his eyes are relieved. He coughed and said intermittently: "Yes, you... ..."

Ye Jinzhou was staring at Xie He, and the fear made him almost unable to think. "Don't talk... Don't say..."

Xie He did not have any strength to talk. He looked at Ye Jinzhou and smiled. The smile was as gentle as ever. The eyes seemed to reappear yesterday. He said, "I will return you..."

This kind of grievance...his father is the real initiator. Since it is the grievance caused by his father, then he will fully repay it. So, it is really no longer owed.

So, it is really over.

Ye Jinzhou looked at Xie He closed his eyes, as if his blood was empty. He bowed his head and called the man's name, but this person did not give him any response.

The ambulance rang out and the doctors rushed over. The doctors rushed over and quickly checked that they were dead and there was no need for rescue.

Ye Jinzhou seems to have no idea about this. He just looked at Bai Mu and whispered: "When you wake up, you wake up..."

The doctor came over to persuade Ye Jinzhou that the person was dead, but Ye Jinzhou did not listen at all. Instead, he held the white mu, but he refused to let go. He still looked at him gently and said, "You wake up, you Don't owe me anything, don't need you to return, really don't need..."

I don't know how long it took. Ye Jinzhou felt that the person in his arms was already a little cold. He tightened his hands and seemed to want to warm the people in his arms. Then suddenly his face was beaten.

Ye Jinzhou felt the burning pain on his face. He slowly looked up and saw Mrs. Ye standing in front of him and looking at him with a sad look.

Ye Jinzhou seems to finally realize that there are other people here. He is hoarse: "Mom..."

Mrs. Ye looked at the white eyes of Jinzhou's arms, and her eyes were sad and helpless... But at this time, she must be calm and rational, because her son needs her.

"Let go, he is dead," said Mrs. Ye.

When Ye Jinzhou heard this sentence, he suddenly cried, tears silently, like a child.

Mrs. Ye gently said: "You can cry, but don't let him waste his life."


Ten years later.

One night in Ye Jinzhou, he suddenly woke up from his dream. He dreamed of Bai Mu and remembered the last sentence he said to him.

This sentence, he thought for a whole ten years, did not want to understand.

Does Bai Mu hate him or love him?

If you hate him, why should you save him? If you love him, why should you say that you will return it to him, so ruthless?

Ye Jinzhou raised his hand, and his ring finger was carrying two rings. The two rings were tightly tied together... Ye Jinzhou bowed his head and kissed the ring gently, and the look of the eyes appeared.

Without your world, every day is suffering. Every night and every night, the torment will be even heavier...

Do you know that I miss you very much.

After Ye Jinzhou woke up, she could no longer sleep. He went to the hospital the next morning. Mrs. Ye began to suffer from illness in the past few years. She has been living in the hospital since then. Ye Jinzhou will visit her almost every day.

For ten years, Mrs. Ye, who was tortured by illness, was a lot older.

Ye Jinzhou came to her bed and slowly helped her cut an apple, but in fact, at this time, Mrs. Ye could not eat anything. She looked at her son and looked at the ring on his hand, his eyes sad.

Her son, still did not come out, his heart has gone with that person, and now is just a walking dead for her.

Mrs. Ye slowly raised her hand and placed it in the hand of Ye Jinzhou. She said, "I am dead, what should you do?"

Ye Jinzhou’s action paused, and his painful look appeared in his eyes. “You will not die.”

Mrs. Ye smiled and everyone would die.

Ye Jinzhou accompanied Mrs. Ye to talk for a while, then took a call and left. He was busy late at the company, and received a notice from the hospital in the middle of the night, saying that Mrs. Ye had passed away.

About because of the early preparations, this time, he did not feel ashamed of the last time, calmly and rationally came to the hospital to deal with the aftermath.

When Mrs. Ye was buried, Ye Jinzhou looked at the black cockroach.

That sentence will not die, but it is self-deception, people will die... but also people, always unwilling to accept this cruel fact, do not want to admit, the person you love will disappear one day In your world.

Ye Jinzhou looked at Mrs. Ye’s burial and watched the tombstone stand up. He turned his eyes and looked down. Compared with the new tombstone here, the tombstone next to it had gone through ten years of wind and rain and had become obsolete. It was marked by ruthlessness by time.

The people I love have already left, and what is the point of insisting.

Ye Jinzhou gently touched the old tombstone. The man in his thirties showed a restless expression. He whispered, "I always wanted to ask you, the answer to that question... but after waiting for so long, Will you have forgotten me..."

Sorry, I don't really want you to wait that long.

Ye Jinzhou donated all his assets.

A month later, his body was found at home. When he died, his expression was calm, and one hand was put into a fist.

When I was buried, people took a lot of effort to open his hand. In the palm of his hand, there were two old rings that had been worn.

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