MTL - Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong-Chapter 149 My born boyfriend

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Xie He still went to school every day, because he didn't want to be discovered by Han Han and his mother. Xie He and they said that they lived in school, but in fact they lived in an apartment outside Han Wenqian at night. Han Wenqian basically went to school every day. He, even if he is too busy to go, will arrange for Song Secretary to pick him up.

Although the brothers and sisters used to be in the past, the time spent by the two was not particularly high. Now, except for the time at school, all the time is in the side of Han Wenqian, because there are many times, even many people in the company. I know him, I know that this is the baby brother of Han, but it seems that the body is not very good, always a very weak appearance, but the character is particularly gentle and modest, everyone likes him very much.

Xie He is very reluctant to come to Han Wenqian's company. The memories brought here are all shameful memories, but what makes him happy... Han Wenqian seems to have no intention to embarrass him in front of those people, except Song Secretary knows one or two. Everyone does not know the true relationship between them.

Xie He gradually didn't think much about it. He just wanted to end such a dark day. But as time went by, various sequelae came out. I often felt dizzy and vomiting at night, and my body was sore and sore, but no matter how painful. He has persisted and never gave up.

In the evening, Han Wenqian held Xie He and untied his bondage. Xie He, who had just had a previous episode, looked very miserable. He was half-squinted with tears in his eyes, tired and lying in his arms. Han Wenqian Gently stroking the young man's back, it really lost a lot... Although the youth has been thin, but it has never been thin to the present, it feels awkward and feels distressed.

During this time, Xie He’s every struggle and painful despair fell in the eyes of Han Wenqian... He was born again for so long, thinking that he changed a lot of things, but there is no change, that is, the youth is still the same as he once remembered. Goodness and kindness... No matter how you are treated, you will not be changed. It is as if you are retaliating against a person who should not retaliate, an innocent person.

Han Wenqian gave birth to some regrets for the first time. He suddenly felt that... maybe he should not let Zhou Yuebin use this method to deal with Xie He.

Destroy a person he really cares about, and there is no happiness, nothing more than hurt each other.

[叮, target Han Wenqian good feeling +5, blackening value -10, current good feeling 70, blackening value 70]

Xie He is very tired and painful, but he still can't sleep.

Han Wenqian stood up from the bed, took a pill and a glass of water for a while, and handed it to Xie He’s lips. Shen Sheng said: “The sleeping pills.”

Xie Heshun took it and ate it, then took a sip of water.

Perhaps it is the role of sleeping pills. Xie He finally slept slowly. Han Wenqian gently held him in his arms and rubbed his face with his fingertips. He still remembered that this child liked to laugh and laughed. A small a little angel.

On the day when Xie He came to Han, he was just a teenager. Looking at such a lovable child, his heart was raised with inexplicable protection. Such a lovely brother, protected by him, this protection, It’s sixteen years...

He liked him at first sight.

He thought he could go on like this forever.

Han Wenqian’s eyes are in painful eyes, but why are you betraying me...


Xie He was hard to sleep, and Han Wenqian was no longer in bed when he woke up the next day.

He slowly sat up with his arms up, and when he saw the time, it was already more than ten o'clock. His eyes were anxious and he hurried down from the bed, but his movements were anxious, and he was almost unable to fall to the ground.

Xie He took a deep breath and slowly stood still in the bathroom. He looked up at the people in the mirror. There was no blood, thin and deformed face. The eyes were blue and black, and the skin was dull. Recently there were always classmates. Advise him not to go home to recuperate, but he does not want to.

Those people do not understand the pain in his heart. The only thing that can support him now is music, that is, playing, that is, this once calm and beautiful life... let him know that he has not lost everything.

He can still touch some light when he is submerged.

Let him know that there is something worthy of his efforts, struggle, and persistence.

Xie He wiped a face and then changed into clothes. The clothes that had been worn before were now somewhat empty. When he came to the living room, he found that Han Wenqian had not left yet. He was sitting on the sofa drinking coffee and saw him coming out. Now, Shen Sheng: "Dinner."

Xie He didn't have any appetite. He only put a few mouthfuls and put down the chopsticks. He whispered, "I have eaten and went to school."

He said that he stood up, but he was dizzy and his body was shaking.

Han Wenqian frowned, and Xie He was not suitable for going out all the time. Is he really going to ruin himself? What is the relationship between going to school after a while? He looked at Xie He and said faintly: "Don't go if you are not comfortable."

Xie He’s face changed, and he quickly said anxiously: “I, I’m fine, I’m fine!”

Han Wenqian is definitely looking at Xie He, is this still very good? However, he looked at the urgency and fear in Xie’s eyes, and he couldn’t bear to refuse it. Whatever you like, anyway, life and death have nothing to do with me.

Han Wenqian looked at him coldly and spit out two words: "With you."

Xie He finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you."

Han Wenqian heard that he only felt his forehead jumping. I don’t know why it was not happy, but in the end, I didn’t open my mouth and turned and went out.


Xie He came to the school and apologized to the classmates and teachers. He said that he was late, but this time no one accused Xie He. They all advised him that he would not come when he was uncomfortable.

Xie He’s eyes are a little hot, thank you for your concern and sit in front of your own piano.

[Xie He: Baby, what is the recent trend of Qin Yu? Smile JPG

[444: Han Wenqian has already started to hit him. He found out that Han Wenqian is dealing with him, but there has been no action recently. 】

[Xie He: Xiao Qin should have come over, although some things are ahead of schedule, but the basic trajectory will not change. 】

[444: (⊙o⊙) oh]

[Xie He: Baby, Qin Hao came, don't forget to inform me. 】

[444: (⊙v⊙) Well! I remember that! 】

[Thank Ho: Very good:)

Xie He no longer has to do other things, concentrate on the practice, but the physical strength is not as good as before, and he found that... his reaction has a slight delay.

He knew that he shouldn't be forced to go any further, but he really didn't want to give up... So he forced himself to play over and over again, but it was getting worse and worse, and finally his fingers trembled, bringing out a mess, and he could not help but show pain. The color.

Other students have accidentally seen it. Xie He rarely makes such mistakes, but the recent state is obviously not good enough.

Xie He was watched by everyone's eyes. Although no one blamed him, his heart was still very sad, as if he had failed the expectations of others... He felt that it was difficult to participate in the performance in perfect condition in his current situation. Even... it is not necessary to attend at the end.

He has tried to stick to it like this, but some things are still different, and some injuries are still irreparable.

The dream is still a little bit farther and farther away.

"I'm sorry, I have something." Xie He's voice with a little whimper, suddenly stood up and went out without looking back.

[444: The host is big, Qin Hao is coming! 】

[Thank you: I know:)

Xie He looks stunned and walks out without any purpose. The students on the tree-lined road come and go are students, talk and laugh, and the atmosphere is relaxed and harmonious. He used to be one of these people, innocent and worried, thinking that there is only one beautiful side in the world...

Xie He felt that there was a burst of embarrassment in front of him. Suddenly someone pulled his hand from behind and shouted: "Lin Yan."

Xie He looked back and looked at him. He was a handsome and calm man. He was dressed up well and was not a school student at first glance. He just didn’t recognize this person at all. He thanked him with a confused expression and said, “Who are you?”

The man smiled and said, "My name is..."

But before he finished, Xie He closed his eyes and fainted.

Qin Hao did not think that Xie He would suddenly faint, although the accident was very quick, and quickly reached out and hugged Xie He.

This hug found that the young man in his arms was so thin, light like a feather, as if there was only one bone shelf left, the pale face was closed, and the long eyelashes were quietly placed on the face like a feather fan. Shadows, expressions seem to be a bit painful... It seems that the disease should not look good, but the youth’s temperament is clean and utterly pitiful.

[叮, Qin Hao good feeling +20, the current good feeling 40]

[444: The host is big, why do you want to faint ah @[email protected]]

[Xie He: Oh, this is a good thing to do both. It can not only brush the feelings of Xiao Qin, but also stimulate my brother. Smile jpg]


When Xie He woke up, he found himself lying in the room of a hotel. He remembered that he was fainted. When he got up, he saw the man who stopped him at school sitting and smiling. He smiled at him: you're awake."

Xie He looked at him and said softly, "Thank you."

Qin Lan stared at Xie He. According to his investigation, this is the son of Han Chengshan, the son of Lin Yuan. It is said that the Korean family has always been very good to him, treating him as his own son, but now it seems that this is not the case...

But for him, this is not a good thing.

Qin Lan took a glass of water and came to Xie He’s front. He said softly: “Drink it.”

Xie He is really a little thirsty. He took the cup and there was a grateful color in the black scorpion. "Thank you."

Qin Xiao smiled. "You have already thanked me. You don't have to thank you all the time." It was a naive and simple child. People couldn't help but look at it, and they were not the same as the Korean family.

I have lived in such a family for more than ten years, and I still have this innocence. If I don’t see it, he won’t believe it.

[叮, Qin Hao good feeling +10, the current good feeling 50]

Xie He took a sip of water and felt that his throat was not doing that. He put the cup down and looked at Qin Xiao seriously. He said, "Yes, I ask you..."

Qin Xiao smiled and said: "My name is Qin Hao."

Xie He nodded, politely said: "Mr. Qin, thank you for saving me, delaying your time, but I am going home now." The weather is dark outside, he must go back.

Qin Hao looked softly at Xie He and said, "You don't look too good, are you sick?"

Xie He’s face flashed a trace of embarrassing look, lest he be found to be the real reason for his illness, whispered: "Yes."

Qin Lan no longer asked, stood up and said, "I am simply good people to send you home, you look like this if you faint halfway, you can be troubled."

Xie He even shook his head and said, "You don't have to bother you. Someone in my family will pick me up."

Qin Hao smiled. "Then I will send you to the school gate. I will see you when someone receives you."

Xie He quickly made a resignation, but Qin Hao insisted, and finally thanked him for agreeing. He thought that the other party was really kind, but I didn't know how to thank him.

Qin Lan accompanied Xie He to go outside. Sure enough, I saw a black car parked at the school gate. He said to Xie He: "Is it to pick up your car?"

Xie He nodded and smiled at Qin Xiao: "Thank you, I am going home."

Qin Hao couldn't help but smile. He looked at Xie He meaningfully and said, "You are welcome. I am very happy to have the opportunity to help you today. I believe we will meet again soon."

Xie He did not put it in his heart, and left after he said goodbye to him.

This time, thank you for the secretary of Song. He saw Xie He got on the bus. He said: "Lin Shao, you are late today, I am calling you why I didn't pick up?"

Secretary Song is Han Wenqian's right-hand man. Xie He is also a little afraid of him. He quickly took out his mobile phone and saw that he had missed calls. He said nervously: "I didn't see it, sorry."

Secretary Song frowned, did not say anything directly to drive Xie He to Han Wenqian's office.

Han Wenqian had been in the meeting. It was already late when the meeting came back. He took off his coat and threw it on the sofa. He loosened his tie and thanked him: "Is it dinner?"

Xie He nodded and said, "I have eaten."

Han Wenqian looked at Xie He and suddenly said: "How is it at school today? What have you done?"

Xie He said: "I haven't done anything since I practiced the piano."

There is really nothing in his eyes, and there is nothing to say.

Han Wenqian’s smashing flash of a cold color, he got the news is nothing, Qin Hao not only went to the school to see Xie He, but also took him to the hotel, alone for a full three hours, what happened in these three hours only They both know.

He never understood how he had known Qin Qin in his life, and how he got hooked together. So he had sent people to stare at them in this life, and sure enough, they still got together.

Just because Qin Hao helped you all of a sudden, do you like him? Who have been loving you for more than ten years?

Han Wenqian’s heart is cold, even if he is born again, he has changed a lot of things, but he still can’t stop their encounter, so he doesn’t have to feel bad about this person anymore.

He originally lived for revenge.

[叮, target Han Wenqian blackening value +10, current good feeling 70, blackening value 80]

"Come here." Han Wenqian said.

Xie He walked cautiously and looked at Han Wenqian. As long as Han Wenqian called him in the past, there was always a good thing, so that now he heard Han Wenqian calling him, he was a little scared.

Han Wenqian pinched Xie He's chin and lifted his face. The young black scorpion had a shallow sigh, and the pale lips shivered slightly.

If he kisses him often, this is his younger brother, and now he is also a man... just remembering the scene of the past life, remembering that the person who belonged to him was hugged, kissed, and angered by the other man. The intention begins to boil.

Han Wenqian looked deep and thanked him for a long while, suddenly let go of his hand and turned back to his desk to start work.

Xie Heben thought it was a painful violation. Who knows that Han Wenqian had let him go, and suddenly he breathed a sigh of relief and gently returned to the sofa to sit down. In the past, this was always the case. When Han Wenqian worked, he sat quietly, and when Han Wenqian finished, he took him back.

It’s just that today’s Han Wenqian seems to be completely unfinished. Even if he doesn’t even look at it, the time goes by...

Finally, Xie He felt that the whole body began to feel uncomfortable. The kind of pain made him crazy, but Han Wenqian still ignored his meaning... Finally, the pain overwhelmed the timidity, and he couldn’t help himself to get up and go to Han Wenqian, his eyes shaking and his voice trembled. : "I... my medicine..."

Han Wenqian finally turned his head and looked at Xie He. He smiled. "Pharmaceutical?"

Xie He’s desperate nod, he has lost some reason, and even reached out to pull Han Wenqian’s drawer, he is going crazy! At this moment, there are only things in his eyes that can alleviate the pain. Even Han Wenqian can't stop him!

But the drawer is open and empty inside!

Xie He’s eyes turned red and looked at Han Wenqian. He reached out and grabbed his sleeve: “My medicine... give me...”

Han Wenqian smiled and looked at Xie He, and his look was cold.

Xie He couldn't stand it anymore. He screamed with his head, then took his head to the table and went to Lahu Hanqian after a while.

However, his physical strength is Han Wenqian's opponent, Han Wenqian did not waste his power to open him. Han Wenqian looked coldly at the youth tumbling on the ground, after a long time, seeing Xie He has not even tumbling strength, and then took out the pill box from his pocket.

Xie He’s eyes were covered with red blood. He looked at the box and used the remaining strength to climb in the direction of Han Wenqian. But before he came to Han Wenqian, he saw Han Wenqian throwing the pills on the ground and rolling in. On the carpet.

Xie He’s line of sight has been followed by the tablet movement, so he squatted on the ground and looked for it anxiously. He managed to find it, and he couldn’t wait to swallow it.

Han Wenqian's hands clenched tightly, his eyes smashed, and he was in a cold-stricken color. He looked at the young, clean and optimistic young man, and threw away all his dignity and climbed on the ground like a mad dog. His heart was twisted and twisted... ...If Qin Hao sees you like this, will he still like you?

No one likes you at all, except me.


When Xie He woke up, he found himself lying on the carpet of Han Wenqian's office. He still had traces afterwards. He is no stranger to this situation.

He remembered a little bit about yesterday's situation, but only a little bit was enough to make him feel painful. He remembered that he had lost all his sensible madness and his body trembled slightly.

Although I have long known how disgusting and dirty I am, I still have a hard time suffocating.

What do you think of in Han Wenqian's eyes... a thing, so can you not have the dignity of a person? Obviously, I have decided to recognize the reality, but I will still be sad, and my heart will still hurt... because he is actually the brother who loves him like that...

Xie He slowly opened his eyes, a dark color in the black scorpion, he squatted up and picked up the clothes on the ground.

Han Wenqian is out of the office, and he has to go to school with difficulty.

He wants to leave here... it makes him unable to breathe, makes him desperate, he does not want to stay here...

When Xie He came to the school, it was close to noon. He did not go to the classroom. He just found a corner and sat down, staring at a tree in front of him.

What should he do? Can he really quit? The pain at the time of the attack made him desperate, his body was getting worse and worse, his hand began to be unstable, and he really could keep going...

Once he told himself that he could, he must have no problem, he can persist and can smash it!

But is this really the case?

Maybe it's impossible, maybe it's just his insane reverie... But just give up, how can you be willing?

Xie He’s eyes flashed through the painful struggle. The persistence in his heart was shaken for the first time. He was afraid that he could not persist. What is the significance of all the pain that now bears?

Where is his future...

"You don't seem to be very happy." Qin Xiao's faint voice passed from behind.

Xie He saw him, showing a stubborn smile, he really couldn’t smile, look stunned.

Qin Xiao sighed, "I am pitiful."

He walked over and reached out and touched Xie He's face gently, watching him look like a little beast with a pathless voice, whispering: "And stupid, I don't know who hurts you until now."

Xie He didn't think that Qin Lan would suddenly start. This kind of action made him very unhappy. The man's touch would remind him of those unbearable memories. Xie He quickly turned his head and shivered: "What do you say?"

His eyes were a little nervous, and Qin Hao’s performance made him uneasy in his heart.

Qin Xiao smiled and looked at him deeply: "You never thought about it. If there is no permission from Han Wenqian, how can Zhou Yuebin dare to start with you?"

The author has something to say: Baby's brain is so hot, 23333 hahaha is actually not so complicated. This is just a dog **** 23333

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