MTL - Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong-Chapter 161 Cold love, Wang Yeqiao, Wang Hao

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Xiao Yan came to the courtyard of Baiqiuchi and pushed in. He saw the Xie He who was tied with his hands and glanced there. A thin white body was particularly conspicuous in the night, and he did not know how long he had been stunned. . He stopped, his dark and sharp eyes looked at the indigo on his side, faintly opening: "This is what you want the king to see?"

Yan Qing lowered his head and was very nervous. He listened to Xiao Yan’s tone and knew that Wang Ye was unhappy. With the wiseness of Wang Ye, how could he not see this carefully? He licked his lips and said: "The subordinate thinks... If he died like this, I am afraid it will cause the prince to doubt."

Xiao Yan’s eyes are cold and his voice is low. “Just like this?”

Indigo was silent for a moment, saying: "Subordinates... I feel that he is not guilty of death."

Xiao Yan saw Yan Qing for a while and slowly said: "This king is letting you monitor him, not letting you protect him."

Indigo has a cold sweat.

Suddenly he realized that he was still somewhat abrupt, so taking the liberty of deceiving the prince would make the prince angry. Maybe he would anger and thank him. But if he does not ask the lord, he will die.

At this time, Bai Qiuchi came out from the inside with a cloak of brocade and moiré. She just heard that Shui Rong said that Wang Ye was so scared that she almost stumbled, but she quickly calmed down. Wang Ye is definitely not here. Because it was exposed, it would not be so quiet.

Bai Qiuchi came to Xiao Yan and saw Xiao Yan’s beggars at a glance. She always knew that Yan Qing didn't want to see her, but she didn't expect to be so nosy!

"Why did Wang Ye come to his sister now, but what happened?" Bai Qiuchi showed a blank expression, and asked Xiao Yan with doubts. He turned a blind eye to the thank-you there.

Xiao Yan was slightly dissatisfied with Yan Qing’s behavior. He did not intend to thank him, but he looked at Bai Qiuchi’s appearance. If he turned a blind eye today, the Wangfu’s people would think that they would allow Bai Qiuchi to kill innocent behavior. In the future, she will only intensify her efforts. Xiao Yan’s eyes are cold and cold, and the palace is not able to take her to the Lord.

Since it is coming, it is better to give a woman a face than to indulge this woman. After all, he is a subordinate who trusts himself. He has always relied heavily on him.

"What is going on?" Xiao Yan stunned and glanced at Xie He’s eyes.

Bai Qiuchi had already thought about the wording, and he blinked and said: "Brother, the dress that you gave me on New Year's Eve last year, gave him a wash."

Xiao Yan remembered that incident. At that time, he had just brought back Bai Qiuchi back. It was very grateful to her because of her gratitude and the incomprehensible mood. She even went to the palace to ask for tribute from her mother. Come back to her.

But soon he found out that this woman could no longer give him any feeling of heart, and deliberately kept her boundaries, and kindness was just kindness.

Xiao Yan’s grown up from the small palace is clear to the dirty means of those women. He does not fully believe Bai Qiuchi’s words, but he also has no intention to give Xie He a fair, after all, he does not care. Xiao Yan looked at her: "Even if it is, it should be handed over to the government."

Bai Qiuchi looked at Xiao Yan with sorrow and seemed to be very helpless: "I, I was so upset and too angry, just let him bow, and did not blame him, I want to wait until tomorrow to hand it over to the government to deal with... This is not the right thing for my sister to handle..."

Xiao Yan heard a soft laugh, and looked at Bai Qiuchi like a smile. "It doesn't matter, it's not a big deal. If you lack the slaves you serve, you will be sent a few more tomorrow. As for Yuan Jin, He is the king of the king, do you understand?"

Bai Qiuchi no **** face, "He... he is a little guilty, what is the qualification to be a brother..."

Xiao Yan said: "The reason you should be very clear is."

Bai Qiuchi is really stunned this time, the chest is not ups and downs, the blood is rising, she certainly knows what it is... I tempted Xiao Yan without shame, Xiao Yan refused to ask her, but went I have a dirty squat!

Xiao Yan was too lazy to say more than Bai Qiuchi. He went to Xie He and untied the rope on his hand. He hugged him before Xie He fell to the ground. The young man’s body was light and pale, and the beauty was beautiful. The appearance of the wind and the rain, as if the flowers that were smashed - smashed, is pitiful.

Although Xiao Yan had to thank him once, but only to relieve the **, he never thought of him again, and then saw it again... I think this is indeed a beautiful pity, if it is dead, there are some unfortunately.

Bai Qiuchi did not dare to stop, watching Xiao Yan holding Xie He left in front of her, standing in the place for a long time did not move.

Shui Rong carefully stayed with him, whispering: "Miss?"

Bai Qiuchi reached out without a warning, and slammed the slap! The sharp nails scraped a blood mark on the face of the water, and the eyes were full of anger!

Shui Rong’s face was burning and painful, but he did not dare to express dissatisfaction. He immediately fell down. “Miss is angry.”

Bai Qiuchi did not look at her, turned and returned to his house, hate almost bitten his teeth, Xiao Yan actually saved the thank you! In addition to anger and fear, Bai Qiuku’s eyes are moving in a bad direction step by step... She did not think that she would directly kill Xie He at risk, but Xiao Yan did not like her, which would definitely cause Xiao Yan’s Suspicion, if it was discovered by Xiao Yan, he would be finished, so he wanted to find an excuse to torture and die.

Bai Qiuchi’s eyes are cold, although Xie He is not dead, but he has been raining for a day, and it’s hard to say that it’s better to die!


Xiao Yan held Xie He back to listen to the Wind Institute, and casually threw him into the bed and said to Yan Qing: "Look for a doctor to show him, life and death."

Yan Qingwen finally breathed a sigh of relief and kneel down to Xiao Yandao: "Thank you, Wang Ye."

Xiao Yan looked at him, and there was no smile in his eyes. He slowly said: "In the future, you will not care."

When Qing Qing’s eyes glanced, he still said: “Yes.”

Xiao Yan didn't say anything anymore. He didn't look at Xie He and turned away.

Yan Qingmu sent Xiao Yan's figure to leave, and looked back at Xie He, his heart was full of pampered emotions, only one day disappeared, Xie He was tortured into this way, no one can protect how to live down... He whispered: "You won't have anything to do, wait for the prince to be mad, and I will find a way to bring you over, and I won't bully you in the future."

[叮, 祁青好感度+10, current good feeling 70]

Xie He started a high fever on the same day. After seeing it, the doctor shook his head and left with a prescription.

The next man of the Wangfu smashed the medicine and gave it to Xie He, but he didn’t care about him. It’s not enough to burn this 80%. It’s not a big deal to die in this year. Wang Ye obviously didn’t care much about his life and death. Otherwise, Not to ignore it.

Yan Qing has been paying attention to the situation of Xie He, and she is very worried, but she does not dare to take care of it. She can only give her medicine to feed her on time. In the end, I can only look at it and thank myself.

But Xie He’s burning has not retreated, so after three days, some of them want to give up.

Bai Qiuchi is secretly happy, and he prays every night to die.

[444: The host is so big that your body can't keep up. 】

[Xie He: Time is almost the same, a powerful antipyretic to come. Smile JPG

[444: (⊙v⊙) Well! 】

Xie He used the antipyretic drugs produced by the system, and soon he got better. In ancient times, it looked fierce and terrible, and the system was easy to solve. It is difficult to die for a system plug-in. .

When Xie He woke up, the next person in the palace was preparing to give him medicine, and he was shocked to see that he was so surprised!

Xie He seems to be a little confused. After a while, he is dumb and sly, and gently asks: "What happened to the slave?"

Then the humanity said: "If you have a fever before, you can wake up."

Xie He remembered that he had washed away the clothes of Bai Qiuchi. Before he passed out, he was still fined in the courtyard of Baiqiuchi. When he returned to his yard, he was afraid and confused. "How did the slaves come back... ”

The next man smiled and looked at Xie He meaningfully: "It is the lord who brought you back."

Xie He showed his unbelievable eyes and hesitated to say: "Yes... Wang Ye, saved the slave...?"

The next person nodded. "Yes, so you can feel sick and raise your illness."

He said that he looked at Xie He a little envious. At that time, Wang Ye took away Xie He’s words and passed it out. Wang Ye admitted that this is his person. Although he did not see much more, thank you, but since he can come over At least, no one in this palace will treat him harshly.

Xie Hemei’s flash of water seemed to be very moving.

Did the prince still think about him?

Xie couldn’t wait to think of it, but the body was too weak. The man kept pressing him, and even said: "I’m not worried, I’ll say something is better.”

Xie He thought about it, and now he is sick, and it is really inappropriate to ask for the prince, and he will lie down smoothly.

Since Xie He woke up, no one ever mentioned the clothes, no one came to arrange for Xie He to do things. Since it was a prince, except the prince who dared to serve him... Xie He’s meals were also delivered on time, although not Luxury is also exquisite, comparable to some of the best servants.

Xiao Yan is just a casual sentence. For Xie He, it is a different change.

Those people have never sneered at him in person. This little girl is really beautiful. Since Wang Ye wanted him once, it will inevitably not be a second time, and he will recognize his identity. Maybe when is this fox? Flying into the sky, now is not suitable for falling down the stone.

Yan Qing learned that Xie He woke up and finally let go of his heart, but did not dare to go to see him, afraid of causing Xiao Yan dissatisfaction.

White autumn pool gas once again smashed a room! On the day of Xiao Yanyi’s departure, the Wangfu general manager sent her four slaves again. On the surface, Xiao Yan’s favor to her was actually warning her!

After a few days of rest, the body recovered almost.

[Xie He: It’s time to thank us for the help of Xiao Xiao’s life. Smile JPG

[444: The host is very big. It is Qing Qing who went to see Xiao Yan. He only took it easy to save your embarrassment. Is it not to give back to Qing? @[email protected]】

[Thank you: Baby, but I don't know:)


[Xie He: Miss Bai is still a little bit timid. Now, when she hasn’t had a way to go, she doesn’t dare to let Xiao Yan suspect her risk and kill me directly. She can only pretend to be jealous and take those methods to clean me up. If it is the original Yuan Jin, it is not a sudden death or death... But Xiaoqing will definitely find a way to save me, and I will not pay for it. I clearly indicated that Xiaoqing will definitely ask Xiao Xiao to come to save me for my innocent reputation. I, at this time, I just happened to be able to thank Xiao Xiao, huh, huh. 】

[444: ...] So I said that these hosts are mostly calculated? _(:зゝ∠)_

[Xie He: I need to give a special thanks to the assistants. If it is not her tireless work, I want to find an excuse to approach Xiao Xiao and have some difficulty:)

[444: O(∩_∩)O~]

Xie He turned over his own box, changed his body clothes, and then carefully dressed and dressed up. His temperament was not so good. He thought about taking out the rouge on his cheeks, but he didn’t reveal it. Good, a good beauty I see, I am very satisfied with the go out.

He is now also a person who Xiao Yan personally admits to be a favored person. Therefore, the people of Wangfu did not bother him, pointing him to Xiao Yan’s courtyard.

Xie He came to the courtyard of Xiao Yan, respectfully saluting the guard at the door, saying: "Slave Yuan Jin, come to see the prince."

The guard also knew Yuan Jin and nodded in and passed.

Xiao Yan is negotiating with Yan Qing to deal with the prince. He heard the brow of the guard’s brows slightly wrinkled. He has already forgotten the things of Xie He, and only heard that he burned very badly before. I have been very safe before... I dare to take the initiative to ask him now. Didn’t I see that I saved him once and gave birth to a non-point?

Xiao Yanzheng is ready to refuse, but at this time he sees the tension in the eyes of Yan Qing, and his heart is unhappy.

Yan Qing has always been his most powerful subordinate, and he is very reliable in his work. However, in order to lie to him for a small embarrassment, he is still nervous about the little embarrassment... He really underestimated the skill of Xiao Xiao, Xiao Yan’s eyes are cold. Some more, said: "Let him come in."

Xie He waited nervously outside, and when he was allowed, he walked in carefully, and at a glance he saw Xiao Yan inside and the indigo sitting next to him. He was amazed at his heart. He didn't expect that he could sit with Wang Ye, but he didn't dare to look at it. He quickly regained his eyes. He respectfully bowed to Xiao Yan on the ground. He said softly: "The slaves thank you for your help."

Xiao Yan said faintly: "Look up."

Xie He raised his head and looked at Xiao Yan with gratitude and fear. This is a distinguished prince...

Xiao Yan slightly narrowed his eyes and looked at the teenager who was lying on the ground in front of him. It was really beautiful. It was just that the illness was just right, and the body was still weak, but he was very dressed, not as kitsch as the women, a little bit. The decoration is just right, but it is more to bring out the beauty of the delicate, do not know how much to learn for the charm of men.

The security seems to be superficial. As long as he gives him a chance, he will seduce the man by any means. Before he seduce the indigo, his genus is in a mess, and now he wants to seduce him.

Xiao Yan’s heart sneered, but the face was not obvious. Instead, he said, “Come here.”

Xie He hesitated for a moment, Xiao Yan just let him go, but did not let him get up, so he took a few steps to the front of Xiao Yan, looked up and looked at him.

Xiao Yan looked at Xie He’s sweet smile, and his heart seemed to be smashed by feathers. I don’t know why he gave birth to want to bully him. Oh, it seems that he really can’t wait to be pampered.

In this case, I am as you wish, but don't regret it.

Xiao Yan smiled and said to Yan Qing: "You should go out first."

Yan Qing has been watching it. He looked at Xie He’s eyes and didn’t look at him. He looked at Xiao Yan with a focus on him. He relied on admiration in his eyes and his heart was bored... In Xie’s eyes, Xiao Yancai was A good person who can give him a stable life, he is nothing.

He did not dare to refute Xiao Yan, although he still worried about thanking him, but he went out and closed the door.

Xiao Yan pinched his chin and gave a meaningful low smile: "Are you coming to thank the king?"

Xie He’s nervous voice is shaking, and he trembles: “Yes, yes...”

He is such a despicable person, but Wang Ye is still willing to save him, give him a little pity, he never dared to do more reverie, just so much is very grateful...

Xiao Yan used his fingertips to rub the skin of Xie He. The skin was smooth and delicate. He couldn't help but think of that little night's body... Every minute and every inch of his body is so delicate and beautiful, so sad to chew. Swallow it.

It’s a beautiful woman like water, but it’s a pity that the inside is just a despicable thing for the water-based poplar to climb the bed.

It is really not tempting his subordinates.

Xiao Yan sighed and thanked him, his lips raised: "Then you will serve the king."

Xie He’s eyes lit up, and Xiao Yan finally asked him to serve. As long as he could serve Xiao Yan, he would no longer have to serve other men in the future... This is a gift to him.

Thank you for watching Xiao Yan with respect, and respectfully said: "The slaves obey."

He was born in the search for a building, and the service of the man was the most familiar. He looked at Xiao Yan and did not move. At that time, he showed a slight smile, kneeling in front of him, picking up his robes and swaying his fingers. Xiao Yan’s clothes, bowed down.


Xiao Yan’s eyes were darker. When he was really a stunner, he didn’t move, letting Xie’s effort to serve him. After a long time, Xie He was able to look up, because the tears in the beautiful eyes were stunned, and the cheeks on the cheeks were more charming and feminine.

Xiao Yan also came to the meaning, grabbed Xie He in the chair in front of him, Xie He suddenly understood the meaning of Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan Yan smiled...

He did not go far, he was a little upset.

At the beginning, it was still quiet, only some squeaky voices. After a while, suddenly it sounded... the sound of screaming, and the crying of depression.

This scene is so familiar, Qing can not help but think of the night when listening to the wind hospital.

At that time, he just felt pity, but this time he gave birth to awkward feelings. He had been worried that Xiao had derived his own improper behavior, so he did not ask for help. Who knows this is a short time... Xiao Yan has to thank him again.

Is he also interested in thanking him? After all, such a beautiful and gentle poor man, who does not like men?

If he is open now, will the prince be angry, will he think that Xie He seduce him? In the heart of Yan Qing, it is bitter. If... Wang Ye can really look at Xie He and accept him, then he will only retreat.

Because Xie He wanted to be Wang Ye, Wang Ye could give him the peace and decentness he wanted, so that he would never do the same thing as a color.

Why should I destroy it?

Indigo's nails almost plunged into the palm of his hand.


Xie He felt that he was going to be broken. Xiao Yan’s body was like iron casting, and his strength was so big that he almost smashed him. He never thought that Cheng-Hua could be tough.

But it is hard to accept and insist. This is his master. All his humiliation and life and death are between this person's thoughts.

Xiao Yan has accumulated a lot of ** venting out, and he does not pity the people under his body. It is very enjoyable. Although it is a despicable thing, it is easy to use it. There is no scruples to treat it at will. There are no troubles for those women.

He also knows that Yan Qing did not go far, just broke his thoughts, doing things well, don't think about something that should not be thought of.

As for Xie He... Xiao Yan glanced at the person on the ground, hooked his lips, and wanted to see what other tricks he had, and staying for fun was not bad.

[叮, the target Xiao Yan good feeling +10, the current good feeling 30]

The author has something to say: Thank you for the support of the thighs (* ̄3 ̄)╭

Thanks to the deep-water torpedo x1 of the little rot woman who picked the strawberry

Thanks to the August white rocket rocket x2, mine x4

Thanks to Muxi's rocket launcher x1, grenade x2, mine x2

Thanks to the rain grenade x1, rocket launcher x1

Thanks to the mine mine x11

Thanks to the bone rocket x1

Thanks to Avalon's deer's mine x4, grenade x1

Thanks to the grenade's grenade x1, mine x2

Thanks me for being a small mine x7

Thanks to the old mines x6

Thanks for the mine x6

Thanks for not leaving the mine x6

Thanks to the Trojan's spring grenade x1, mine x1

Thanks to Shanglu's grenade x1

Thanks to the mine 215 mine x5

Thanks for the grenades grenade x1

Thanks for the sunshine, the grenade x1

Thanks to Fusu's mine x5

Thanks to the landmine x4 of 19881673

Thanks to Hee Hee mine x4

Thanks to the flame red mine x4

Thanks for the handsome and heavy landmines x4

Thanks to the insider of the mine x4

Thanks to the gentleman's mine x3

Thanks for the mines that let go of the snow x3

Thanks for the moon's mine x3

Thanks to the big star is not the star ☆ mine x3

Thanks for the mines that are good for water x3

Thanks for saying that you are giving happiness to the mines x2

Thanks to Qi’s mine x2

Thanks to Xifeng Xifeng Ye Xiuluo's mine x2

Thanks for the mine x2 of the fork

Thanks to the white mines of the mines x2

Thanks to the dreamy mine x2

Thanks to Ira treasure Sherry's mine x2

Thanks to the white mine x2

Thanks to the white clouds of the Baiyun Cang **** x2

Thank you for the mine x2

Thanks for a bowl full of mines x2

Thanks me for asking you to eat the mine without the medicine x2

Thanks to Aidan's mine x2

Thanks for cooking the mines x2

Thanks to 21032025 mine x2

Thanks for the mines x2

Thanks to the mines in the middle of the river, the fish mine x2

Thanks to my family for the strong mines x2

Thank you Yu Yi's mine x2

Thanks to Aiwakes mine x2

Thanks to Shigong Yushan's mine x1

Thanks to the most beautiful mines x1

Thanks to Zhang Xiaoyu’s mine x1

Thanks for the strange landmine x1

Thanks to the ancient government.

Thanks to Ye Qichen’s mine x1

Thanks to the silver mine of the sky x1

Thanks to Miyazaki's mine x1

Thanks to the leaf vial of the mine x1

Thanks for the mines x1

Thanks to the land mine x1

Thanks to the mines of the race

Thanks to GREen&dF's mine x1

Thanks to the 21909233 mine x1

Thanks to the popular mine x1

Thanks to Kawagawa's mine x1

Thanks to the snow mine x1

Thanks to a water meter mine x1

Thanks for the mines x1

Thanks to DIS minex1

Thanks to the beautiful stone mines x1

Thank you for the subdivision of the landmine x1

Thanks to A7's mine x1

Thanks to the landlord’s land mine x1

Thanks to Mo Yan's mine x1

Thanks to the sprinkling mines x1

Thanks for the night mine x1

Thanks to Tusu's mine x1

Thanks to the false mine x1

Thanks to the thousands of snow mines x1

Thanks for the cool mines x1

Thanks for the silent mine x1

Thanks to its leafy mine x1

Thanks for the mine mine x1

Thanks to the landlord x1 of 22092355

Thanks to Yu Qingge's mine x1

Thanks to a Luo Xiaoyu mine x1

Thanks to Ji Moyu’s mines x1

Thanks to Ransy_ Auntie's mine x1

Thanks to lina's mine x1

Thanks to Lin Yu Roy's mine x1

Thanks to the Banyan Tree's mine x1

Thanks to the mines asking for water x1

Thanks to the abyss of the mine x1

Thanks to the landmine x1 of 20003853

Thanks to the nine-party mines x1

Thanks for seeing the book of my landmines x1

Thanks to the sixteen mines x1

Thanks to Otaru's mine x1

Thanks to the evil land mine x1

Thanks to the boat's mine x1

Thanks to Cain's mine x1

Thanks to the civilized la la mine x1

Thanks to the landmine x1 of 18201487

Thank you 哒 哒 ● v ● mine x1

Thanks to the three-pointed bell mine's mine x1

Thanks for the hard-to-reach mines x1

Thanks to the 22678426 mine x1

Thanks to the landmine x1

Thanks to Lucifer_heaven's mine x1

Thanks to the white shark mine x1

Thanks for the mines x1

Thanks to the mine of salty x1

Thanks to the dawn of the dark mines x1

Thanks to the 10966933 mine x1

Thanks to y1 for wiping the summer mines x1

Thanks for the timeless mines x1

Thanks to the tomb of Xiangyang X1

Thanks to the michael evil sister, the evil charm, the laughter ’_> the mine x1

Thanks to the scorpion demon's mine x1

Thanks to Huang Huajun~'s mine x1

Thanks to the Ding's mine x1

Thanks to the Pliosaurus mine x1

Thanks to the small fish mine x1

Thanks to the love of mines x1

Thanks to the mines x1 that happened to be delivered by courier

Thanks to the graduates of the mine x1

Thank you wow wow wow mine x1

Thanks to the shallow mine x1

Thanks for the mines x1

Thanks to Feng Fei’s mine x1

Thanks to Yu Yuan’s mine x1

Thanks for the mines x1

Thank you, please don’t go to the land mine x1

Thank you Meng Meng's mine x1

Thanks to the blue mine of the blue silk long mountain x1

Thanks to Gao Jie's mine x1

Thanks to the mines that want to eat the dead house x1

Thanks to the gentleman like the wind mine x1

Thank you for your help. Mine x1

Thanks to the landless mine x1

Thanks to Yu Yu’s mine x1

Thanks to the mine x1 of 18326192

Thanks to Illy's mine x1

Thanks to Changchuan cheerio's mine x1

Thanks to the mine of the 22,825,598 x1

Thank you for teasing my mine x1

Thanks to the chair leaf mine x1

Thanks to Zodiacor's mine x1

Thanks to the bayonet of the bayonet x1

Thanks to Hernaqi's mine x1

Thanks to the landmines that do not eat fish.

Thanks to Zining's mine x1

Thanks to Bailu's mine x1

Thanks to the half honey mine mine x1

Thanks to _(:з"∠)_'s mine x1

Thanks to the night rain mine x1

Thanks to Gu Yu’s mine x1, who is addicted to the novel.

Thanks to the ice mine x1

Thanks for what is it? ? ? ? Mine x1

Thanks to the 20671553 mine x1

Thanks to the elk's mine x1

Thanks to the moon of the moon, x1

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