MTL - Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong-Chapter 169 Cold love, Wang Yeqiao, Wang Hao

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Gong Min saw Xiao Yan revealing such a terrible expression and was scared and afraid. Isn't it a jade? Also worthy of Wang Ye’s gaffe?

Yan Qing stood behind Xiao Yan but understood the feeling of Xiao Yan. At that time, he brought people to find the prince. He also helped the prince to find a savior. The process was clear, so when he heard Gong Min’s words, he immediately And Xiao Yan thought of a piece.

That is, perhaps Cui Ning is the one who saved Xiao Yan. Only then can he explain why Cui Ning will have jade, but this jade has caused the Cui family to kill him.

Just why Yupei will finally be in the hands of Bai Qiuchi?

Xiao Yan stared at the table. He always calmly and rationally, even if he was alive and dead, he couldn’t move at the moment, but he was shocked and confused and could hardly think.

Only that one possibility made him feel confused.

If Cui Ning is also the Yuan Jin is the person he has been looking for, what did he do?

For a long time, Xiao Yancai slowly opened his voice and suppressed it with an almost imperceptible sigh: "Tell everything that you remember at that time, and say it to the king."

Xie He leisurely stayed at home and waited for the weather to be late, only to look aside for the laundry to cook and watch the live broadcast of 444.

Thank you for making a good meal, Song Heng just came back.

When Song Heng returned to the house, he saw Xie He standing at the door waiting for him, showing him a soft smile, and his heart could not help but be soft. In fact, he was called by the teacher today. The teacher valued him very much and intended to give him a prostitute.

Song Heng’s teacher is highly respected, and many disciples have a good position. If they can marry a teacher and a prostitute, it is very important to Song Heng’s career, but Song Heng refused.

He is looking at him with deep affection. His lover is so inferior and sensitive. If he is a teacher and a prostitute, what if he is bullied or wronged? This life is like a person who drinks water and knows well. He has a thank-you, peace and happiness. It is what he wants in his heart. Why do he have to sacrifice his loved ones for the future?

Besides, with his talent, must he rely on his wife and yin to get out of his career?

Xie He didn't know this, and greeted him as he used to, laughing: "Adult, you are back."

Song Heng supported Xie He's arm, gentle way: "I have said it many times, don't wait for me at the door." Xie He legs and feet are inconvenient, he looked a little distressed.

Xie He’s eyelashes fluttered, and the cheeks appeared a faint whisper, whispering, “But I want to watch you come back”

Song Heng’s heart is sweet, just picking up Xie He’s sitting on the chair and sitting down, lovingly said: “The next time I’m not allowed, let me stay at home, those hard work will not be done, your body needs to be well raised. ""

Xie Hexiu’s eyebrows, "What do I have to do with that?"

He can't serve Song Heng now, he can only repay him for slavery. Besides, if he doesn't do anything, he can only wait for Song Heng to come back and let Song Heng go home to serve him a little sister. How can it be made.

Song Heng looked at Xie He's appearance, could not help but sigh, and said that he still has a long way to go, this little wife has to be slowly petted. He also did not mention what the teacher said today. If he was told by Xie, he would be persuaded to marry his wife and have children. He would not be able to stay with him.

The two had a sweet dinner, and suddenly there was a rude knock on the door. Someone shouted at the door: "Open the door! Officially handle the case!"

Xie He's face is white, his identity can not be found by the government, panic and low voice: "Adult, I still hide first."

Song Heng nodded. He waited for him to leave, and then walked over and pushed open the door. Suddenly a few five big three thick officials came in, and the fierce and evil said: "Someone reported that you are hiding the king's house and escaping slaves!"

Song Heng’s heart jumped. He knew that Xie He had been bought, but the palace should not. He took a deep breath and made an angry expression: “There is no such thing. You have no evidence how to privately privately!”

The official sneer: "Of course there is evidence, some people have seen it with their own eyes."

He knows that Song Heng is the champion and has an official position. He would not have been so rude. But before he came, he had the permission of the peak. Today, you don't have to give this champion face, you must catch people!

Song Heng stopped them and said coldly: "Who saw it?"

The official sorrow laughed and said: "How? If you still want to retaliate, you are not timid? You are a courageous person. Even the slaves of Su Wang dare to hide, it is too long! Come, please, search for me!" The official officer behind him suddenly sneaked in and looked through the room.

Xie He heard the official's words, and his face was pale. He feared that he was found to have sat down with Song Heng's sin. He got into the middle of the rice cylinder and shook it in the innermost.

Soon he heard footsteps approaching, and then felt that someone was smashing things around the house, but fortunately he was not found.

Song Heng is not a big place here. The other party quickly found it again. If he didn't find a thank you, the official difference did not stop. He asked, "Where are you hiding?"

Song Heng said in an angry way: "There is no other person at all!"

The official sneer: "It seems that I don't admit it, it's okay, take you to the first instance and make sure you are recruited."

Song Heng was locked with chains and looked at them incredulously: "How can you do this? There is no king law! I have said, I have no private slain slaves!"

The official smiled: "Sue Wang is Wang Fa, take away."

Xie He heard that the noisy outside was finally completely quiet, and it was difficult to climb out of the rice tank. The house was in a mess, Song Heng was no longer there.

He blinked red, remembering what he had just heard, biting his lips.

It’s all his fault, he’s still tired, Song Heng’s lord has already ignored him, why he still refuses to let him go.

Xie He grabbed the crutches, took a hood, and sneaked out from the back door.

Xiao Yan left the tea house and remembered what Gong Min had said. If it was Cui Ning, everything was right. Maybe he just lost the jade inadvertently and would be picked up by Bai Qiuchi.

His eyes are constantly showing a smile, and closing his eyes is his gentle touch of his feelings.

And why didn’t he recognize him?

Is it his savior who recognizes the person he loves? !

Xiao Yan's eyes were red, and he turned his head to look at Qing, a word: "Where do you put him?"

Seeing Xiao Yan’s appearance, Yan Qing did not dare to delay, saying: “His hiding in the mountains.”

Xiao Yan turned his head and said, "Lead the way!"

Xiao Yan waved his whip, and the horse screamed and galloped out. He was so eager to see him! He never knew that he would have such an impulsive feeling of wanting to see someone. Xiao Yan’s heart was full of regrets. If he had anything to do, how can he forgive himself?

Both of them were eager in their hearts and finally came to the mountain, but the wooden house was deserted, and it was obvious that people had gone to the building for a while.

Xiao Yan looked at the empty room, full of urgency and expectation to fall into the air, as if the heart was empty, and he slammed the palm of his hand to the ground! He said: "This king asked you to send him out. Do you just look after him?! I don't even know if I leave!"

Yan Qing’s face blamed himself and wiped the blood on his lips. “It’s not good for the subordinates.”

When he was in a hurry, he left his money and left him alone. He thought that he was so hurt and had nowhere to go. He should not leave at will, and he did not take Xie He as a prisoner. I wanted to thank you for suddenly disappearing. Did he encounter anything unexpected? !

Yan Qing thought of Zhao Xiezi, and immediately rushed to the Orion family with Xiao Yan.

Zhao Yizi did not expect that the late Qing Dynasty would come over, and the man with him smothered the face of Sen Han, and even feared in his heart. Under the inquiries of Yan Qing, he immediately explained everything that happened during that time, saying thank you. And a scholar named Song Heng left.

Xiao Yan brows his head together. He heard that Song Heng’s first reaction was the new champion, but how could he and Xie He have a relationship? Is it difficult for him to be a former guest? Or is it just a person with the same name and surname?

The two left the mountain, Xiao Yan's eyes were dull, cold and cold, watching the cold, cold channel: "The three feet of the ground also found him to the king, you can't find it, you don't have to come back!"

祁 跪 跪 on the ground, "Yes, subordinates obey!"

After that, he and Xiao Yan parted ways, he has to go and find out in person!

Xiao Yan said that the horse is turning, and he can’t help but think about where he is at the moment. Will there be any accidents? He suffered such injuries and fell out. If he died, he would follow other men. The scholar named Song Heng is said to like him very much.

As soon as Xiao Yan thinks about Xie He, he looks at other men with the eyes of the admiration, and the gentle man who waits for other men, only feels the inexplicable emotions in the chest to suppress the emotions. Is this the feeling of jealousy? He will be embarrassed.

Xiao Yan walked back heavily.

He regretted why he didn't find it early, otherwise he would definitely protect him.

None of this will happen

Xiao Yan was prepared to return home from the back door because of his ease. However, when he passed the street, he heard the sound of the door coming and snoring. It seems that there are people who are not long-eyed, and Xiao Yan wrinkles and turns and walks over. Look at what happened, who knows at a glance that the familiar figure of the teenager has been violently pushed to the ground.

Xiao Yan was extremely angry, and his eyes looked cold! When the doorman of his palace was not known, was it so arrogant? ! He strode over and kicked the door a few meters away! Then immediately reached out and gently rubbed the Xie He on the ground.

He was determined to look at Xie He, until he held the man in his hand, and he stared at the soft face that his thoughts were not, and determined that he was not dreaming.

The person he could not find anywhere, he came back.

This moment of joy makes him almost speechless.

Xie Heben thought that he was going to be beaten. He didn't expect to be saved suddenly. When he turned his head, he saw a face that was familiar. The man looked at him with very nervous eyes. It was strange.

Xie Hezhen looked at him, his eyes were confused first, then became shocked and unexpected, and made a stuttering voice: "Is it you? How are you here? Are you still alive? Is the injury good?"

Xiao Yan looked at Xie He’s eyes and listened to him asking this sentence. The last trace of doubt in his heart also disappeared.

Xie He is that person, otherwise how could he recognize him? !

This is the person he has been looking for.

Xiao Yan’s eyes were in a wave of turmoil. At this time, the porter who was beaten was called back to the government and shouted out, but he was trying to clean up the two, and he dared to make trouble in front of the palace! They don't know Xie He, and they don't know Xiao Yan, which is easy to accommodate. Xiao Yan's eyes are slightly condensed. This is not the place to talk. He immediately picked up Xie Hefei and left!

Xie He did not expect this man to leave without saying anything, his face anxious, the voice is urgent, "You, let me down, I want to go back!"

Xiao Yan held Xie He and went very far, until no one caught up behind, and then carefully put down Xie He, dumb and changed his voice, whispered: "Why are you going back?"

His mood was quite complicated. He remembered what he had done before, and his heart was full of self-blame, only feeling faceless.

Xie Heshuang is full of anxiety and sadness. He remembers the Song Heng who was taken away and said, "I am going to see the king."

Xiao Yan looked at Xie He’s poor appearance and wanted to go up to appease him, but he also remembered his current identity. Only if he was abrupt, he could only whisper: "You want to see the king?"

Xie He nodded, and his tears shone. "You, can you help me? I can't get into the palace, but I have to see the prince."

Xiao Yan stared at Xie He’s beautiful eyes. He listened to him with a soft voice and said that he wanted to see him. He was so happy and happy that he could not help but give birth to a thought. Wouldn’t he still like him? Otherwise why risk coming back to see him? After all, I hurt him like that.

Xiao Yan thought of this, secretly determined, he must treat him well in the future, and never let him be wronged!

He will not let him leave him again in the future!

Xiao Yan couldn't help but think of the bit by bit in Jiangzhou that year, and remembered the scene of the encounter later. The person he loved was exactly the same as he imagined, even more beautiful. The feeling of germination in his heart began to be out of control. Growing, feelings quickly fermented, only to know that I like a person, want a person is such a mood, such a desire can not wait.

Xiao Yan suppressed the excitement in his heart and did not directly reveal his identity. He said, "Okay, I will help you."

Xie He gave a grateful look and looked at him with tears. "Thank you." He also had no choice but to go to the doctor and think about it. He thought about it, and said, "That, if it is dangerous. If you forget it, I will go see the prince myself."

He can't be innocent because of his own affairs, Wang Ye is so cold and ruthless, this trip is a real adventure.

Xiao Yan felt the feeling of thanking him. He obviously wanted to see him like this, but he still worried about him. This kind of kindness is the one who saved him. Xiao Yan’s eyes are more gentle and soft: “Nothing, I can send you in, there is no danger.”

Xie He was relieved, and deeply bowed to Xiao Yan, "Thank you." He said that he was struggling to stand up. He was just left by Xiao Yan, and he even forgot to take it with his cane. Something can only stand on the wall and stand up.

Xiao Yan discovered that Xie He’s inconvenience was inconvenient. He remembered the torture in the dungeon and thought of Xie He’s **** appearance. The pain of regret in his heart almost drowned him, and he shoved the silk rejoicing that had just reunited, reminding him of the crime. Unforgivable mistake.

Xiao Yan was silent for a long time. He reached out and carefully held Xie He, as if holding a treasure, his voice was awkward. "Don't move, I will take you in."

Xie He was held in his arms by Xiao Yan, and felt very uncomfortable, but he thought that Song Heng might be suffering, so he licked his lips and did not speak.

Xiao Yan directly held Xie He over the wall and quietly made a gesture. The guards of the Wangfu did not come around, letting Xiao Yan hold Xie He into the palace. Xie He did not know this, but thought that Xiao Yan martial arts high strength to no one can find, I am nervous, you are now watching the "Raiders that **** attack [fast wear]" Chapter 169 cold love Wang Yehuo Wang Hao only small half chapter, to See the full version, please Baidu search: Xiang Manlu romance after entering and then search: Raiders that **** attack [fast wear]

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