MTL - Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong-Chapter 184 Main Ono cat

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"Don't go..." Xie He didn't talk for a long time, so that the tone was weird and stiff. He didn't know what he was doing. He only knew the instinctive pleading of this person's stay, and didn't want him to leave...

With his pleading, the man's movement stopped, and he rejoined Xie He in his arms. The gentle and magnetic sound was in his ear: "Good."

Xie Heben thought that he would be rejected, and he would be left coldly like countless times before. Who knows that the man actually promised him, this moment of great surprise and touching made him shed tears, the soft voice is like the Lord’s love. Language, the warm embrace is like the salvation of God.

The man heard his pleading and promised him generously and kindly...

He grabbed the man's arm and curled up in his arms... He still wanted to sleep for a while...

Liang Chengshan held Xie He and looked down at his face. Because of the long prisoner-ban, the youth skin lost its luster. The original beautiful and powerful body became thin and light, and it was very light and light... He blinked in his eyes. color.

But not enough, not enough.

This is just the beginning.

Liang Chengshan raised his hand and looked at the watch. As the first time you took the initiative to request my reward, I will give you two more hours.

Xie He's world is calm, he seems to be soaked in warm water, so comfortable, so that he can't wait for eternal life to sink like this, no longer leave... but he gradually, it seems that someone is calling him.

The gentle voice said to him: "Wake up, wake up, I am leaving..."

Xie He slowly woke up. After a long time, he reacted to the meaning of the man's words. His face suddenly appeared with a fearful expression. The skinny fingers grabbed the man hard. "No, don't leave, don't leave me... ..."

Liang Chengshan politely stroked his back, gentle and reluctant: "But I can't stay."

Xie He’s voice was dull and stunned, with a hint of fear, “Why...”

Liang Chengshan said: "Because you made a mistake, you have to be punished here by one person." He said that he would put Xie He on the chair and slowly and firmly pulled him to grab his hand.

"No! No - don't leave me!" Xie He's body began to do his best as soon as he touched the cold metal seat. His voice was frightened and his expression was distorted, but nothing could change anything. He In the end, it was re-fixed... If there was a glimmer of light disappeared, the warm embrace and voice disappeared, and the world returned to the infinite darkness and tranquility.

There was an unconscious painful voice in his throat, and he struggled, but it did not help.

Gradually thank you for understanding, no matter how he struggles and asks, men will not come back.

Here is such a black, such silence, he has been soberly feeling all this, and then began to think and think uncontrollably, he recalled the words that the man said when he left.

He said: Because you made a mistake, you have to be punished here by one person.

Because I made a mistake, I have to accept such punishment. Is this the case?

He couldn't remember why he was here. His mind was full of messy unconscious things. The pain was to tear his brain alive. If he was not imprisoned, he even wanted to tear his body. Take out your own internal organs.

When did this painful torture begin, he did not remember...

There is no beginning, no end.

A man is the only person in his dark world. He can only hear his voice. He can only be hugged, touched, and can only sleep in his arms.

And he is so gentle, always appearing when he is desperate...

The man’s words are the only things he can remember clearly now.

Xie He thought for a long time, and couldn’t stop thinking about that sentence. He wanted to know what he had done wrong, but he couldn’t remember...

He only knows that he should have hated him. The hatred that is rooted in the heart is the only thing he still remembers, but he doesn't remember why he hates him... Xie He remembers the gentle redemption of men, the first time There is doubt about the hatred in my heart.

He is so good to him, why should he hate him?

Undoubtedly, he must have committed a very serious unforgivable mistake.

Otherwise why accept such a never-ending torture?

Xie He closed his eyes, but he couldn't fall asleep with his eyes closed. His consciousness gradually became crazy. Finally, he heard the familiar footsteps again.

The footsteps were very light and light, but they were so clear in Xie’s ear that they were engraved in the depths of his soul. He knew that as the sound approached, he could rest, and he couldn’t wait to open his eyes. The sound of the sound, the already exhausted body struggled again.

Liang Chengshan repeated the previous steps, then put Xie He down and gently held him in his arms.

Xie Heyi fell into his arms, and he squatted on his clothes and instantly slept.

Liang Chengshan looked at him gently, then personally helped Xie He to wipe the body, adjusted some of the nasal feeding tubes and catheters, and gave him some basic tests. During the time when Xie He was imprisoned and banned, whether he was awake or asleep, Liang Chengshan did not pretend to be a man. He was the only person in the dark who could touch him and bring him consciousness.

It is the only person who can appear in his world.

After Liang Chengshan finished this, he held the Xie He motionlessly and kept him to sleep for a certain period of time. After all, his purpose was not really mad, but he obeyed him, so he was thankful every time. When you reach the limit of the crash, let him take a break, just like pulling a drowning man back from the edge of death again and again, experiencing the desperation of dying again and again, and not really dying.

Repeatedly repeated.

Xie He slept very quietly, and his expression was serene. Liang Chengshan looked at his thin cheeks with pity. In his eyes, he finally flashed a cold color. He raised his hand and looked at his watch, then began to kiss and possess him.

In fact, such a fragile thank you, it is uncomfortable to embrace, thin and picky, and still need to be very careful.

However, Liang Chengshan still unswervingly implements his plan. He wants his lover to remember him only from the body to the soul. He remembers the quickness, temperature and enrichment that he brought him in the dark despair.

Infatuated with him, he is his only antidote.

Xie He slowly woke up. He felt that the man was doing something to him. There was no psychological contradiction. He only had desire and happiness... He forced back to hold the man, and he wanted to integrate himself into his body. Don't stop.

But this is impossible... He knows that it will soon be over, and every time happiness ends, the man will leave.

It’s like a little comfort to give him alms before leaving...

When he thought of it, he was extremely fearful and reluctant, so when the man was about to leave his body, he grabbed him hard and said, "Don't go..."

Liang Chengshan looked at Xie He with pity, and his voice was helpless. He whispered: "I'm sorry, I can't stay."

Xie He didn't let go, and his expression was distorted and crazy. "I did something wrong, what I did wrong... You told me... Why do I have to accept such torture... What am I doing wrong..."

Liang Chengshan stroked his cheek and his voice was sad: "Because you betrayed me, you betrayed your lover."

Xie Hezhen said: "I betrayed you?"

Why should I betray you, I am eager for you, I look forward to you... As long as you can come, I am even willing to die for you, how can I betray you...

"Yes." Liang Chengshan said that he slowly fixed Xie He to the chair and his voice was low. "You are here to reflect on your mistakes and pay for your actions. No one can save you. Only You can save yourself."

Xie He struggled, crying desperately: "You save me, you save me... I can't save myself, I can't move..."

His voice suddenly paused for a moment, as if he had thought of something, hoarsely said: "Because I betrayed you, you are not willing to save me, I will leave me alone... Is it... you are punishing me... ..."

Liang Chengshan’s always gentle voice was cold for the first time. “It seems that you have not reflected on your own mistakes and turned a blind eye to my kindness and tolerance. It is because of their betrayal that they bear the price, but they blame it for loving you. I, if you think so, I won't come again."

Xie He listened to his cold voice, his inner fear, and he regretted saying that he said, "No, I don't mean this, sorry... I didn't blame you... don't abandon me..."

Liang Chengshan did not answer him and left directly.

Xie He heard the sound of closing the door, and thought about the last sentence of Liang Chengshan. He said that he would not come again. He wanted to leave him... He would lose even the last hope...

Desperate moments drown him.

It was his fault. He not only betrayed his lover, but also tried to blame him.

It is clear that the man is so good to him... He betrayed him, he still has not abandoned him, constantly visiting him, giving him warmth, such kindness... and he has no gratitude, he has to look forward to it.

It is no wonder that such a sinful person is suffering from such torture. This is his fault...

He wants to reflect on his mistakes in this endless darkness and pay for his mistakes...

Xie He struggled desperately, hitting the back of his chair with his head, his voice was crazy. "I know it is wrong, I know it is wrong... You are back..."


Liang Chengshan stood in the monitoring room and looked at everything inside. The time had passed for three months. Xie He had to persist longer than he had imagined, but... it should be almost the same.

The doctor in charge of the side was flashing the pity of the eyes, and was loved by Liang Chengshan. It was probably the young man inside, the biggest disaster in this life.

He hesitated and said to Liang Chengshan: "I think his consciousness has begun to collapse. Are you sure you want to continue?"

Liang Chengshan faintly said: "He has not fallen in love with me."

The doctor did not dare to speak. He collected a lot of money to do this for Liang Chengshan. At this time, his heart was full of guilt, but he did not dare to refuse and violated Liang Chengshan. Liang Chengshan even loved his own people. Can you be so cruel, let alone him?

Anyway, Liang Chengshan’s request to him is to maintain the safety of Xie He’s life. How can he be safe... He just changed his consciousness. The doctor can only deceive himself and comfort himself. He is more dedicated and responsible.

If Xie He died or was irreversibly damaged, Liang Chengshan would not let him go.

In order to be able to pay attention to the situation of Xie He at any time, Liang Chengshan has not allowed any misunderstanding. He has not visited other cities for a whole few months, and even rarely leaves home. Everything is mainly controlled by remote control. Since he has chosen this road, It is necessary to be foolproof. If there is an unexpected situation and he cannot get back in time to produce regrets... This kind of thing is impossible.

Xie He’s time of persistence has also been shortened from the first eight days to the next seven days, six days, five days... until now, he can only collapse for two to three days.

Both the body and the willpower are beginning to weaken. This is a process of crushing and recombining.

Xie He was sitting in a cold chair. There was no other thought in his mind. There was only one...that is, he made a mistake and was punished. He was such a sinful evil, and it hurt the heart of his lover.

If the man is still willing to come back, he will not say that too much, as long as he is willing to come back...

He will never betray him again.

But this time he waited for a long time, the men did not come back.

Xie He every minute is more desperate, time is such a difficult, he really abandoned him ... also ... he betrayed him, but also selfishly accuse him, why should he forgive him to save him? He should have suffered from one person...

Just when Xie He was completely desperate and unconscious, he heard the sound of opening the door and footsteps again.

This familiar footstep is like a switch. As long as you hear this sound, the countless pains that make him desperate and crazy begin to dissipate. This sound is like the light to dispel the darkness, so that the ice and snow melt and the earth rejuvenates.

Xie He’s voice, he cried in tears and cried: “You are back... I know it is wrong, I have been waiting for you...”

Liang Chengshan walked over and put Xie He down, hugged in his arms and sighed: "Although you have made me sad again and again, I still can't let you down, I love you like this."

Xie He trembled and hugged him. "I'm sorry, it's all my fault..."

Liang Chengshan kissed him softly and said, "It doesn't matter, I don't blame you."

Xie He feels that the hot kiss falls on the skin, such as the same ignition seed on the gasoline, instantly igniting his desire, he wants more, more contact, not simply a kiss, too little ...not enough to warm his cold body.

He took the initiative to hold Liang Chengshan close, and wanted to indent his entire person into his arms, and then slept heavily...

When Xie He woke up, Liang Chengshan was preparing to put him down. Xie He did not dare to complain again. He endured the fear of violent fear and asked Liang Chengshan: "You said that it is only me who can save me... but how can I save myself? ...I don't want to understand..."

Liang Chengshan stroked his head and said to him: "Think about the mistakes you made. You not only betrayed me, but also questioned my intentions. You are a sly liar, a traitor, don't know how to be grateful and how to love one. you have to reflect here and redeem."

"When you want to understand, you can be free."

Xie He heard that the footsteps gradually drifted away, and finally the door was closed.

There is only a man's words in his mind. If you want to understand it, you can leave the darkness, quietness, and wakingness of being unable to rest are all for him to reflect and think...

He immediately rebelled against himself. He should not betray a man. He should not doubt the man’s intentions for him.

He must learn to know how to be grateful and love...

No longer can make mistakes that have been made, completely loyal to him and love him. Is this okay?

He repeats the sentence like a hypnotic himself, loves him, loyal to him... loves him, loyal to him... loves him, loyal to him...

But why is it still not saved... Is it not enough for him to reflect on it?

When Liang Chengshan came over again, Xie He couldn’t wait to tell him, "I know it is wrong. I have already reflected on the mistakes, but why haven’t I been free?"

Liang Chengshan just smiled and said to him: "Your own heart understands whether you really recognize the mistake. If you just admit it in order to escape, you can't deceive yourself."

Xie He felt very desperate. He really realized the mistake. Isn't that enough? He didn't lie...

However, Liang Chengshan still left, leaving him alone here.

Day by day, Xie He did not know how long it took. He was thinking about his mistake every minute. He has already suffered so many tortures. Isn’t it enough to redeem?

But no... no use...

Then he began to wonder if he was still not pious enough to ask his heart again and again, and to analyze his mistakes in a simple way...

Thoroughly, absolutely reflect on yourself, but still did not leave...

Later, Xie He no longer hopes to leave, he finally gave up, letting himself sink in despair.

The only hope he has to live is that he is waiting for his lover to come to visit him, even if he has made such a mistake, his lover has never given up on him, always appearing in his most desperate time, giving him warmth. Peace, he pulled him back from the edge of death.

He has nothing to do, he only needs him, even if he is indulged in hell, repeating the painful reincarnation that cannot be released, at least he still has him...

This is enough.


In the sixth month, Liang Chengshan had ordered the doctor to cancel the electric shock, but Xie He still could not sleep. He did not even find that the electric shock was gone. He was still madly awake, suffering from endless pain and waiting for him in despair. advent.

And Xie He no longer begged him to save him. He no longer asked how he could leave. He seemed to have completely accepted his life. It has become a habit to suffer painful suffering. He only smiles quietly when he appears.

He has accepted all of this as he should.

After another two months, in the eighth month, the doctor finally couldn’t help but say to Liang Chengshan: "I think it’s almost the same. As long as he pays attention and control in the future, he won’t think about the past. He Will fall in love with you."

Liang Chengshan looked inside and did not speak.

The doctor said again: "And it has been eight months, his body function has dropped a lot, the muscles have shrunk to a certain extent, and if they do not come out for treatment, it will cause irreversible damage to his body and spirit."

"I know." Liang Chengshan finally spoke. He showed a faint smile to the doctor. "You did a good job, and the money has already been credited to your account."

The doctor rubbed the cold sweat on his forehead. "Thank you Mr. Liang."

Liang Chengshan turned and went out to come to the dark room again.

Xie He was very tired and painful, and made a weak squeak and weakness to the almost non-existent struggle, but as soon as he heard the footsteps, he immediately quieted down, his face eagerly awaiting the look, giving a sound of euphoria and joy. "You, come, I... I miss you..."

Liang Chengshan gently put Xie He down from the chair, hugged in his arms, kissed his lips gently, "I am coming, don't be afraid."

Even if the voice of Xie He is stiff and oyster, he can hear the admiration of love and the absolute trust dependence. "I am not afraid... I know, you will come..."

Liang Chengshan said: "I love you."

Xie He said excitedly, "I love you, I love you..."

He is such a person who loves him, like the **** who loves him. He wants to reach out and hold him, but he finds that he can't lift his hands. He doesn't know when to start, even when he is awake, his hands and feet begin. Don't listen.

Xie He was very upset and said, "Yes, can't afford... I can't move..."

Liang Chengshan hugged him with pity, his voice was low: "Nothing, you will be fine, these are only temporary."

Xie He’s mood is very low. He feels that he is probably too good, but he will not doubt Liang Chengshan’s words, so his lips move and he says, “Oh... then wait for me, well, hug you again...”

Xie He fell asleep in the arms of Liang Chengshan. When he woke up, he knew that Liang Chengshan had to leave again. His heart was full of reluctance, but he knew that Liang Chengshan could not stay, so he endured pain. Ask him, but say, "Let's go... I'm fine... I am waiting for you, come back..."

He can bear it, even though he is already suffering to be mad, but these punishments are what he should bear, and he will not let his lover be embarrassed.

He will bear it silently by himself...

Xie He is ready to go back to the cold metal seat, but this time Liang Chengshan has not let him down, he stood up with him, for a long time, slowly said: "I came to take you away, you become free."

Xie Hewen’s expression of unbelievable expression, he thought he would stay here forever, he had given up, but at this time he learned that he could leave... This surprise came so suddenly that he could not respond.

Liang Chengshan smiled slightly. "Do you not believe it?"

Xie He’s lips are shaking. If anyone else says it, he won’t believe it, but how can he not believe what his lover said? He is just... too happy, "No, I, believe..."

Liang Chengshan bowed his head and kissed his lips gently. His voice was as deep and melodious as the piano bass. "You have already made a redemption, so you don't have to stay here. As long as you don't make mistakes later, you don't have to go back here."

Xie He’s body shivered with excitement, and the voice was determined with steadfastness and unspeakable affection: “I, no, no more mistakes... no more, no...”


[444: The host is big, you are finally out! You are in the hospital /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~] God, this is not only a great torture to the host, but also a torture to him! He used to be naive to think that penalty is not a punishment!

He has not gone out shopping for eight months! Every day, I am responsible for giving the host a big movie to watch, accompanying the host to play the game, and suffering from a host of rounds of poisonous tongue attacking language violence! Recently, they all wrote letters to 666, 818, 522, asking him why he didn't come out to play for so long.

What can 444 say? He also wants to take a vacation, but his host is not given, so he can only express his inner bitterness and sadness through communication.

He will be questioned about the taste of the film, and the game will be sent to the head by the technical slag. The system is not as good as human beings. What is wrong with him... He is also not easy!

Fortunately, his friends will also comfort him QAQ

[Xie He: Baby is hard, smile JPG]

[444: No, no, it is my pleasure to serve you. /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~]

[Xie He: Can you use a smile when you say this? 】

[444:......O(∩_∩)O~] 强颜笑笑JPG

[Thank you: Give you 10,000 experience value pocket money, give you a long vacation, go play:)

[444:\\\\\\\\(≧▽≦)/ Host greatly I love you, you are the best host of the whole system! 10,000 experience value! He thinks he should be the richest system in addition to the local 666, happy! QAQ

[Thank you: Baby, your schedule is fast:)


Xie He slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were still blindfolded, only to feel very very weak light, but he did not panic, because he was being held in his arms by his lover, this feeling is very Long, and very stable, he didn't know how long he had slept, and he felt that he had never slept in this way for a lifetime.

He wanted to open the blindfold and look outside, but he did not lift his hand with all his strength, which made him very depressed.

Liang Chengshan felt the weak movement of the young man in his arms. He knew that he had woken up. He gently hugged him and softly appease: "The blindfold can't be taken down temporarily, but it doesn't matter, you will be fine, believe me."

Because it is in the dark for a long time, suddenly encountering strong light will hurt your eyes, so you can only come slowly.

Xie He made a hoarse voice and said docilely: "I believe in you."

Liang Chengshan looked pitiful and said, "Get up and eat something."

He helped Xie He to sit up, and Xie He realized that the tube on his body had been taken away. The feeling of being missing something made him very unaccustomed, and the empty one was very uncomfortable. He obeyed and leaned on the soft pillow. Underneath is no longer an icy metal seat, but a soft, scented bed. He is surrounded by his favorite person. He takes care of him patiently.

All this makes him very reassured.

Liang Chengshan took the food specially prepared by the doctor for Xie He, because considering the fragility of his digestive system, although the nasal feeding tube is no longer used, it is still a paste-like nutrient. He put it into his mouth and tasted it. The temperature is just right. Then use the spoon to pick it up and hand it to Xie He’s mouth.

Xie He hesitated, only to realize that Liang Chengshan was feeding him. He hadn’t eaten anything with his mouth for a long time. He even forgot how to chew. He just opened his mouth and covered the spoon, swallowing things like swallowing saliva. Go on.

The moment the food flowed through the throat, he suddenly felt extremely disgusting, unable to control the vomiting, and he had nothing to vomit, only spit out the food just now.

Xie He didn't expect it to be like this, his expression was painful: "Yes, can't, I don't know, it will be like this..."

These may have some sequelae, Liang Chengshan has already expected, but it is still very distressing when I see it, but... he must have sacrifices if he wants to get this person, otherwise Xie He can never be his.

These sacrifices are acceptable to the end purpose.

Liang Chengshan took out his handkerchief and carefully helped Xie He wipe his mouth. He said softly: "It doesn't matter, you just don't get used to it, just get used to it."

Xie He felt that Liang Chengshan once again handed the food to his mouth. Although it was difficult to accept or try to swallow it, but the effect was not good, it felt too uncomfortable. He continued to vomit... The last tears came out, and the sound was difficult. "I, I can't eat, go..."

Liang Chengshan's brows are slightly wrinkled, his eyes are pampered. He can continue to use Nasal feeding tubes for Xie He, but that will make him dependent and more difficult to overcome difficulties... If he is soft, Xie He will never be able to walk through this. turn off.

Liang Chengshan will hold Xie He in his arms. One hand gently touches his body and says, "You can, believe me, don't think too much, you just need to think about me."

Xie He listened to Liang Chengshan’s low voice and tried to think about his appearance, but he found that he couldn’t remember Liang Chengshan’s appearance. There was only one vague and powerful man in his mind...

He tried his best to divert his attention and felt the touch of Liang Chengshan - the gentle touch he brought him, trying not to imagine the nausea in his throat, swallowing in a mouthful...

Xie He spit a lot of times, and later he couldn’t spit, the food wasted a lot of bowls, and the whole person had collapsed and shivered slightly.

He didn't have the strength, and even the saliva couldn't be swallowed. The saliva flowed down the corner of his mouth, but he thought about the enthusiasm of Liang Chengshan. He still slowly, opened his mouth with food, and swallowed it.

This time, I finally did not spit it out.

Liang Chengshan clung to Xie He, his voice appeased: "You are doing very well, so you can, now sleep for a while."

Xie He heard that he could sleep, and a smile appeared on his lips. The pain just seemed to disappear all of a sudden. He can now fall asleep in the arms of his lover. Compared with this, all other pains can afflict him. bear.

Liang Chengshan looked at Xie He fell asleep, only to pick him up to clean the bed soiled by vomit, he did not release Xie He all night.

When I woke up the next day, Liang Chengshan felt the smell coming from the nose. When he opened the quilt, he found that Xie He lost - forbidden, but Xie He still fell asleep safely, completely unaware of it.

Liang Chengshan silently cleaned up people again, and did not wake up thank you, even when dealing with affairs, they all communicated through the computer and outside, everything is muted, so it will not wake up Xie He.

When Xie He woke up, he did not know that he had lost - he had been banned. He used to eat a little bit with the help of Liang Chengshan. He spit a lot today, but there has been a slight improvement compared to yesterday.

Liang Chengshan applauded: "I said nothing, you can do it."

Xie He was very happy to hear the praise. This gave him a lot of confidence. Although it was very difficult to eat, he felt that he could do it. He would not let Liang Chengshan be disappointed. He would be better.

Liang Chengshan and others thanked him for eating, holding him in a wheelchair and pushing him to the outside to enjoy the sun.

Xie He couldn't see the sun with his eye mask, but the warm light that fell on the skin made him feel comfortable, as if to dispel the cold, breeze, bird language, people's voices in the dark basement, as if the whole world was alive. Come over.

He is no longer just a dead man with an empty soul.

Xie He listened to the footsteps of Liang Chengshan. Even in such a noisy environment outside, he could distinguish it from the countless voices. It was like the only light in the night. He knew that he had not left for a moment and had been following. His side.

Liang Chengshan pushed Xie He to turn outside for a while, then sat down to rest, thanking him for leaning on the chair. After a while, he felt a **** urine, but it seemed to be blocked. His face showed some uncomfortable expression.

Liang Chengshan immediately noticed that his eyes moved and asked in warm voice: "Do you want to go to the bathroom?"

Thank you for nodding, the voice is low, "but, it seems, can't come out..."

Liang Chengshan smiled. He pushed Xie He back to the ward, looked at his watch, and after a few more minutes, he was a little uncomfortable to see Xie Heren. He said to him: "Can you still bear it for a while?"

Xie He thought about it and nodded: "Yes, can..."

Liang Chengshan touched his head. "That will endure for a while, I can't help but tell me immediately, do you know?"

Although Xie He does not understand why this is the case, as long as Liang Chengshan does not have any doubts, even if no one knows if he really can't help it, he is trying to endure it. Later, he feels very uncomfortable and his face is stunned. When I was red, I whispered, "I can’t help it."

Liang Chengshan immediately picked up Xie He and went to the bathroom to take things out.

Xie He’s body was a little tight, and the patience that had just been so long vented out, and it made him feel very relaxed and happy.

Liang Chengshan kissed his lips and smiled and said: "The same is true in the future. If you want to go to the bathroom, you can't help but tell me, understand?"

Xie He Wenshun nodded.

Liang Chengshan regained Xie He back to the bed - the big hand took him in his arms and said softly: "Sleep, you can sleep now, no one will wake you up."

Xie He felt very at ease and just slept in the past.

Xie He lived in the hospital for a while, then Liang Chengshan took him back home and invited the best doctors and nurses to continue to treat him. Every day, he gave Xie He massage hands and feet to help his muscles recover.

However, those people’s touch made Xie feel uncomfortable. He could feel that these people were not Liang Chengshan, which made him disgusted, but these were arranged by Liang Chengshan... So I tried to endure the discomfort and let the nurse massage him. The massage process is very Pain, as if to smash all his muscles.

After a while, he was finally able to raise his hand for a while, but he still had no strength.

The eye mask on the eye of the eye is changed every few days, and the light transmission is enhanced a little.

He knows that he is getting closer and closer to the light, his body is getting better, and he will soon be able to see his lover's appearance. His heart is full of hope, for which he can endure all suffering.

Another morning, Xie He woke up in the arms of Liang Chengshan. He shivered and reached out and hugged him. He looked up and looked for Liang Chengshan’s lips.

Liang Chengshan showed a gentle smile, and the youth was always so cute, and he liked to be close to him.

He looked at Xie He couldn't find it, took the initiative to bow his lips, kissed him deeply, thanked him for being breathless, but he was not willing to leave. He liked the taste of Liang Chengshan.

Liang Chengshan slowly released Xie He, he untied the eye mask of Xie He.

Xie He didn't open his eyes. He already knew that Liang Chengshan was changing his eye mask for him. At this time, he had to close his eyes, but this time Liang Chengshan didn't wear him again, just when he was very confused. Hearing Liang Chengshan said: "Open your eyes and look at me."

Xie He stayed, and then there was an ecstasy in his heart. Can he finally see him? He has been continually imagining the appearance of Liang Chengshan in his heart... He has been waiting for this moment, just like waiting for several generations...

But when I really can watch it, he suddenly has some timid fear, just like a dream...

For a long time, Xie He’s eyelashes fluttered. He slowly opened his eyes. The line of sight in front of him was blurred at first, and then gradually became clear. He finally saw the man who had been with him.

The man's looks are elegant, his eyes are deep and the sea is warm, his lips are warm with a smile...

He is so beautiful, so stable, just like he imagined, no, even better than he imagined, as long as he sees him, he is incomparable.

Liang Chengshan also looked at Xie He. He looked at the fan-like lashes and slowly unfolded. Finally, he showed a pair of beautiful, dazzling, black eyes.

He hasn't seen these eyes for almost a year.

After a long time, the beauty in those eyes did not fade. It still spurred his heart and made him intoxicated. The sincere and dedicated admiration and love in those beautiful eyes made him feel in love in his chest. Love is filled with his heart.

This is what he wants.

Liang Chengshan stared deeply at Xie He, grabbed his hand, gently dropped a kiss on the back of his hand, and raised his eyes, which was like the deep love of the sea.

He slowly spoke and said, "You are Yang Ling, my name is Liang Chengshan, you are my lover."

[叮, the target Liang Chengshan good feeling +5, the current good feeling 90]

The author has something to say: Well, I am almost ready to start the abuse.

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy