MTL - Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong-Chapter 188 Main Ono cat

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This is the anti-theft chapter ~ 1 hour later replaced with the text ~ Thank you for your support and understanding of love you =3 = [444: ...] He should not have any illusions about the host's big festival _ (: зゝ∠) _

[Xie He: Men are born with guilt, as long as the strategy is right, it is not difficult to brush to 80 smoothly. Le Wen Mobile Network]

[444: What about 80? 】

[Xie He: The feelings above 80 are exclusive. Men begin to think with their brains. It is easy to make a man and a man to be indulgent. It is difficult to make a man and a man have a special passion. It is not only a man who loves a person. Means usually require luck. 】

[444: Luck! This system store also sells! E-class lucky BUFF bonus as long as 10,000! 】

[Xie He: Baby, the money of local tyrants is not so wasteful. I mean that I usually need luck, but do I need to say that I need it? 】And Lucky E doesn’t sound good...


[Thank you: I like the feeling of mastery than luck:)

444: What do you feel when the host is greatly domineering?

Xie He certainly will not stay in this hotel, he packed up his own things, took a taxi to find a small hotel to live in, and lived for five days.

In the past five days, he did not open the mobile phone. Every day, he just watched the news on the Internet. By the way, let 444 give him a movie. The system store provides various movies and novels in various worlds. It is very cheap to exchange and can be directly in the mind. Watch.

I am very happy about this kind of day, but 444 is a little anxious.

[444: The host is big, are you really worried about it? You have been missing for five days! 】 Zhou Yi'an should be crazy now?

[Xie He: You see this news, the bad young man Ding Mou was criminally detained because of the strong-rape attempt. 】

[444: Do you still care about this? 】 It’s just a small social news in this world. If you don’t pay attention, you won’t see it... There’s nothing to do with them.

Xie He sighed, he should not have hope for the IQ of 444, or use him as a mascot, obedient.

[Xie He: I bet that Zhou Yizhe’s goodwill for me will increase by at least 10 points. 】

[444: Why...]

[Xie Hexiao's meaning is profound: because he is not obsessed with me. 】 Such a quick shot to clean up Ding Ming, it can be seen that he has been taken care of, at least into the scope of his territory, can not be invaded by others. Knowing this, you can carry out targeted Raiders. The so-called knowing yourself and knowing each other can be a hundred-game victorious, and this means is simple to say, but the average person can't play.

In fact, on the third day, the traces of Xie He disappeared almost. This genius is not the top lineage. In addition to the charm blessing, it also enhances the self-healing ability. It is definitely a full attribute improvement.

However, Xie He still lived in the old **** for five days, and felt almost the same, only slowly returned to him and Zhou Yi'an's home.

When he got home, it was night, and Zhou was not at home.

However, it was only five days away. This warm little nest has become a mess. Zhou Yi’an’s clothes are thrown everywhere, and the kitchen has not been cleaned up. I can see that Zhou Yi’an has no intention of trivial things in the past few days. He is running around.

Xie He rolled up his sleeves and began to pack things up, but after more than an hour, the house was once again clean and tidy.

Then he went back to bed and went to sleep.

[444: The host is big, don't you call Zhou Yi'an? 】

[Thank you: Don't make a noise, you can wait and see. 】

Zhou Yi'an took a heavy step and went back. Zhao Qing has disappeared for five days. He only knows that the last place he appeared was in a hotel where he worked, but he left early before the reception ended, and then someone saw him the next day. Leaving the hotel... No one has seen him anymore, and Zhao Qing seems to suddenly disappear into his world.

Zhou Yi'an's annoyed clenched fist, deep regret and uneasiness made him feel miserable. How was he so careless before, why should Zhao Qing go to those places to work, why didn't he protect him.

Where is Zhao Qing now, will there be an accident? Will he lose him?

Zhou Yi'an thought of this and felt that it was difficult to breathe when his chest was stuffy.

He pushed open the door of the house, groping for the light switch in the darkness, and the light of ‘啪’ lit up. He blinked and looked at his home, and his breath suddenly rushed.

Everything is like Zhao Qing is still there...

Zhou Yi'an's eyes changed and he rushed to the door of the bedroom. However, when he put his hand on the door handle, he hesitated. Huge uneasiness and fear shrouded him. Is Zhao Qing inside? Is he back? All this... will it be just his illusion?

He bit his teeth and slowly turned the door handle.

There was only a bedside lamp in the bedroom. Under the dim light, the young man was lying on the bed, his body was slightly bent, his hands were holding the pillow, but he didn’t seem to sleep well. The eyebrows wrinkled as if he was having a nightmare.

Zhou Yi'an walked gently and reached out to touch the face of the young man. The palm of his hand conveyed a warm and delicate touch. At this moment, his heart fell.

All this is not an illusion.

Zhou Yi'an bowed his head and gently kissed the young man's forehead.

The young man had a very shallow sleep. At this moment, he slowly opened his eyes. He saw Zhou Yi'an, his eyes showed the same love as before, but the wolf who was buried under the love was shy and passed away. Zhou Yi'an did not find it.

"You are finally back, I am worried about you." Zhou Yi'an held Xie He tightly in his arms, his voice hoarse.

[444: Drop, Zhou also feels good +5, the current good feeling is 90. 】

"I'm sorry..." Xie He's low eyelashes fluttered. His lips were pale, hesitated, and stuttered: "I, my phone is out of power, so I didn't receive your call... ..." This lie is very poor, but it is already his limit.

Zhou Yi'an can feel the care of the Huaizhong people, and feels very distressed. "It doesn't matter, I just worry about you. I didn't receive it when I didn't receive it. You can come back."

Xie Hewen is even more ashamed, his lover is so good to him, and he does that kind of thing with other men's men, and he will cover it with lies. This is the first time he lied to Zhou Yi'an... Xie He’s heart groaned, and the trembling asked: “You don’t ask me where I am going?”

Zhou Yi'an pretends to be easy: "When you want to say it, let's talk about it." He can feel the fear of youth, like the little animals that are afraid of being abandoned.

It must have been a bad thing. Zhou Yi'an has a glimmer of sorrow in his eyes. He will definitely figure it out, but he will not show it in front of the youth, and he will not force him to say it himself. He can't make it worse.

This time he will protect his lover.

Xie He reached out and hugged Zhou Yi'an and buried his face on his chest. In the face of his favorite person, he finally could not restrain his vulnerability, but he did not want to see his tears by Zhou Yi'an.

This lie is like a fish stalk in his throat, and it is like a time-explosive-bomb buried between him and Zhou Yi'an.

For the first time, he felt that their love was cast a shadow that could not be swept away.

Wanting to be frank, and afraid of being disgusted, abandoned, fear makes him unable to tell the truth.

After that day, the two seemed to have returned to normal.

Zhou Yi’an never said anything about his disappearance. It’s like nothing happened. Xie He is not willing to think back to the day’s affairs. It doesn’t matter if he can do his best, but he has a flaw in his heart, so he is more cautious about Zhou’an. Well, it’s like trying to make up for it, and Zhou Yi’an is afraid of thanking him for thinking about bad things, and being more gentle and considerate than usual.

On the surface, the two are glued like paint, which is like a small win.

But everyone knows that as long as the mystery is not revealed one day, this thick sweetness is the possibility of subversion at any time.

Zhou Yi'an was not happy in the past few days. He tried his best and couldn't find out what happened to Xie He. The question was like a big hand, holding his heart tightly. He asked almost several times. Come out... But as soon as you see the young gentle eyes of the youth, it is pure and soft, it seems that as long as a little damage can be irreparable, then the question can not be asked.

Moreover, after he found out that the sex-life between the two was not harmonious, the moderately docile young man began to avoid his closeness.

Xie He looked at Zhou Yu'an's eyes, and his heart was also very uncomfortable. He didn't want to be close to Zhou Yi'an, but... he couldn't help it. As soon as he closes his eyes, he will remember the madness of that night, and he will think of the strange man on him... the looting invasion... embarrassment, shame, fear, anxiety that he can't fully accept Zhou Yi'an. It is obviously his favorite man, but his closeness will remind himself of those embarrassing memories. This kind of suffering makes him suffer.

Zhou Yi'an was distressed, so he never asked for those things anymore. Even if he couldn't stand it anymore, he just held the youth in his arms and kissed him.

[444: The host is big, only a few days, and you have always refused him, Zhou Yi'an's affection for you has risen to 92! 】

[Xie He: Normal, he originally loved me, but it was too - comfortable. There is no sense of crisis. Now that I have experienced some lost fear, it is normal for the goodwill to break through. Man, just can't follow him too much. 】

[444: Do you expect these? Star eyes. 】

[Thank you: What do you say:)

[444: But Zhou Yi'an is not a Raiders target, and it's useless to brush up so high.]

[Xie He: The bad roots of people... It’s a good thing that someone grabs. If you use it, you will see it soon. 】

On this day, the two had breakfast, and Zhou Anan smiled and said: "I will take you out to dinner this evening. My brother wants to see you."

Xie He looked at him with confusion: "Your brother?"

Zhou Yi'an smiled embarrassedly. "Yes, I have a brother. I haven't talked to you before." He didn't expect Zhou Yizhe to suddenly want to see Zhao Qing, but he always admired his brother, who was born well. The ability, although alienated after growing up, but he has always respected him. Zhou Yizhe is very pleased to see Zhao Qing. If he can get the recognition of Zhou Yizhe, it is equivalent to getting recognition from the family. Zhao Qing may not be so suffering.

He wants to spend a lifetime with Zhao Qing, he can't lose Zhao Qing. This may be a good opportunity to confess your own life...

Xie He suddenly had an ugly wife who saw the intimacy of her in-laws, and said: "Your brother... will you not like me..." Because Song Ruyi did not like him very much, the kind of high-pitched, he still remembers one. Qing Erchu... He had not had time to confess with Zhou Yi'an, and there was a subsequent change.

Zhou Yian pinched his face and looked at him affectionately. "You are so good, he will love you."

Even so, Xie He is still very worried, he has cleaned up his own, wearing the most formal set of clothes, more than the interview, but the blue color of the eyes can not hide.

Zhou Yi'an was crying and laughing, but he always loved Zhao Qing, so he didn't say anything. Anyway, he felt good anyway.

Zhou Yizhe's restaurant is elegant in its environment. The box is located between the rockery and the water. There is no golden glory, but the antique quiet charm makes people walk carefully, obviously not the occasion that ordinary people can come.

Xie He was nervous and confused, looking at Zhou Yi'an, why did his brother choose such a place?

Zhou Yi'an had a dim sum. He clung to Xie He's hand and smiled. "Don't be afraid, it's just my brother."

Xie He also didn't want to lose Zhou An'an, but he didn't want to be despised by Zhou Yi'an's brother, forcing himself to show a bright smile. "Well." He will perform well today!

Zhou Yi'an looked at him tenderly and took the hand of Xie He into the box.

"Brother, we are here."

The man in the box heard his words and raised his faint smile. "Well."

Xie He heard the sounds that appeared in his nightmare countless times, looked at the handsome and almost cold face, and felt that the blood in his body seemed to solidify.

[444: Hey, the target is currently 60. 】

Xie He is like a lost soul, let Zhou Yizhe play with it, Zhou Yizhe carefully cleans him, and puts on his clothes before he hugs him to the bed, arms around him, like a child Just as soft: "Sleep, I am by your side."

Xie Hezhen looked at him, his eyes had no focal length. He looked at it for a while, and seemed to confirm that this person would not leave, and then slowly closed his eyes.

Zhou Yizhe was holding a young man and watching him fall asleep, only to gently drop a kiss in his eyebrows, and his eyes were full of pity.

Xie He had a good night's sleep, and the next day he woke up Zhou Yizhe was no longer around. He indulged for a moment and walked barefoot to open the door and ran out.

When Zhou Yizhe heard the sound and came out of the kitchen, he saw the young man standing in the door with his bare face and looking at him with a look of indifference. This gaze tinged his heart. He clenched his hand and left. Go up and whisper, "What's wrong?"

Xie He suddenly rushed up, hugged Zhou Yizhe, his face buried in his chest, without saying a word, the body shivered slightly.

Zhou Yizhe hesitated a moment and reached out and hugged Xie He. "Don't be afraid, I am still there."

This sentence seems to appease Xie He, he gradually stopped shaking, looked up, looked at Zhou Yizhe with wet eyes, no **** lips slightly squatting.

Zhou Yizhe looked at him, obviously so tempting scene, but he did not want to possess the impulse at the moment, just want to pity the people in his arms, this feeling is no longer limited to **, more is love.

"Hey, go sit down and have breakfast later." Zhou Yizhe looked at him tenderly and said.

Xie He nodded and sat down in the restaurant.

The breakfast made by Zhou Yizhe is very simple, but the taste is not bad. Xie He bowed his head and ate something, and it never sounded from beginning to end.

Zhou Yizhe stared at the young man in front of him, and his distressed emotion filled his chest a little bit. After returning from yesterday, the young man did not say a word, as if he had closed himself in an isolated world.

There is only one person in this world, and what is worse is that Zhou Yizhe feels that he has a morbid satisfaction, because from now on, the young man really belongs to him alone.

He will never leave, and he will not think about others.

He is just his.

After eating, Xie He took the initiative to stand up and collect the bowl. Zhou Yizhe smiled and hugged him. He kissed him on his lips. "Go to rest, I will come." This is the person he wants to cherish and protect.

Xie Hezhen looked at him and sat down on the sofa after a while.

Zhou Yizhe gathered back to the living room and saw the young man sitting there. He loved to walk and kissed him. "Want to go out today?"

The word ‘going out’ is like some kind of curse. The young man who has been quiet before suddenly has a look of horror. He grabs Zhou Yizhe’s hand and slams his head very hard!

Zhou Yizhe’s hand was caught with some pain, showing that the youth has done his best, but this is far less than his heartache.

He remembered what the youth used to be, full of vitality and sunshine. He smiled and had cute little dimples on his cheeks. The water-like eyes were deeply attracted to his eyes, and he was fascinated with infinite beauty. ...but this goodness was eventually destroyed by his own hands, because of his selfish possessiveness.

"If we don't want to go out, we won't go out." Zhou Yizhe held the shoulders of the youth and covered the pain in his eyes. In a polite voice, "We stay at home."

[444: The host is big, you seem to be in a bad mood these few days? 】

[Thank you: I am a little wrong. 】

[444: Σ (° △ °) _]

[Xie He: It has been a week, and Zhou Yizhe’s goodwill is fixed at 98, no longer rising, indicating that there is an error in my previous plan. 】

[444: Listening to the ear~]

[Xie He: My original plan is to brush up to 100 people with a sensation, but now it seems that I can't do it. It can be seen that for Zhou Yizhe, a very rational and restrained person, he wants his good feeling to reach 100. It’s not enough to rely on means. It still takes time for this feeling to brew and sublimate itself... but it’s okay, a little bit worse, now the correction is completely over, but it takes more time. 】

[444: (⊙o⊙) Oh, how to fix it? 】

[Thank you: We should be separated for a while, smile jpg]

On this day, Zhou Yizhe came home from work. As usual, he saw young people waiting for him at home. These young people seemed to be more normal these days, and occasionally they would say a word or two.

The two had dinner, and it was lingering for a while, then returned to the bedroom.

Zhou Yizhe is afraid of stimulating to thank him. These days have not been done in the end, but today's youth seems to be somewhat different. He stared at Zhou Yizhe with a wet scorpion. His voice was low and he groaned. "I, I only have you now. Up..."

Zhou Yizhe’s heart softened in an instant, and he held the youth: “I am.”

Xie He squinted his eyes and bit his lip. "I only have you..." He repeated it again, as if he could only say this sentence, took the initiative to raise his neck and gently kissed Zhou Yizhe's lips.

I have nothing, only you...

Don't want me...

Zhou Yizhe understood the deeper meaning of this sentence. His eyes became deep and deep, and for a moment, "Are you sure?"

The young man nodded without hesitation.

Zhou Yizhe fixedly looked at him and said, "Okay."

He took the youth to the bed, gently slid his clothes, and felt the tremors from the people under him. The repressed desires during this time--looking like a rushing river, broke out.

The only reason that left him without the rudeness of his desire, the people under him, relaxed himself to cater to him.


Zhou Yizhe satisfied with the young man he loved, and the combination of body and mind brought him unprecedented joy. He held his hands on the side of the young man and bowed his head gently, kissing him with a deep love. It seems to melt everything.

He gently licked the tears in the eyes of the young man, his voice was low and hoarse, "I love you."

The youth's eyelashes trembled a little, then slowly opened their eyes.

These eyes are as thorough as the purest gemstones in the world, but because they are so pure and do not contain any impurities, any change in their mood is red-naked-naked.

Zhou Yizhe liked these eyes so much that he could look into the end at a glance and let him fall deeply into it... But at this moment, he suddenly hoped that he could not understand.

Because there is no love in these eyes, only cold.

The tears flowed silently, and the young man looked at him and opened his lips slightly. "I still can't do it..."

"I want to try to accept you, try to love you, but I can't really do it... it's hard, it's very painful..." The face of the youth was gradually covered by pain, and the broken low-pitched Zhou Yizhe The heart split into pieces. "Sorry, I can't do it... I hate you..."

You turned me into the present and I hate it myself...

I would rather have nothing and no way to love you.

Such pain is to drive a person to life.

Zhou Yizhe suddenly closed his eyes. He did not think that he had a day of self-deception, thinking that if he closed his eyes, he would not have to recognize the reality.

But... this time, he has been deceiving himself for a long time, and finally can't continue to deceive again.

Slowly, he retired from the youth's body and went out without saying a word.

[444: My mood is like riding a roller coaster! Σ (° △ °) _ host greatly you do this heaven! Not afraid to play off...]

[Thank you: Is the feeling of decline falling? 】

[444: No...]

[Thank you: That's not enough. Rest assured, I have a measure. 】

[Thank Ho: And the short difference is for a better love:)

444: Please remove the word 'phase', thank you.

After that day, Zhou Yizhe disappeared and never came back. Xie He stayed in Zhou Yizhe's home for three days and then left without hesitation.

He returned to the small nest he had rented with Zhou Yi'an, where there was no one to live for a long time, and a thick layer of ash was accumulated. Xie He personally packed up a lot, and then stayed leisurely.

[Xie He: Jinwo Yinwo is not as good as your own kennel. 】

[444: A good luxury doghouse \\\\\\\\(≧▽≦)/, the value of 500 experience value of the Nebula Empire's latest S series intelligent regulation body-fit massage bed, holographic simulation of 100 experience values Online game accessor, the value of 200 experience value of the plantation of the heaven plantation, value ...]

[Thank you: Baby, do you think I didn't give you money so I am not happy? 】

[444: I definitely don't have this meaning...]

[Xie He: Actually, I also showed you something. 】

[444: What? Star eye gif

[Xie He: The value of 50,000 artificial intelligence system upgrade data packet, it is said that it can greatly enhance the intelligence of AI, but it is a bit expensive, I will buy it for you. Smile jpg]

[444:......] My heart has burst into tears...

The system produces nothing, thank you for sleeping in bed and playing games, simply don't be too happy.

However, he still remembers that he had not completed the task, so after a week, he found himself wearing old clothes and went out to find a job.

At the level of Xie, the work of Zhou Yizhe is no problem, but he is now Zhao Qing, so naturally it is necessary to do what it takes.

Because the requirements are not high, Xie He quickly found a simple job, similar to the previous one, very busy to work, chores can not finish, but the salary is not high.

Xie He went to work the next day and heard 444 talking in his mind.

[444: The host is big! You are really a god! Sure enough, someone is following you! 】

[Xie He: Where? 】

[444: Ten meters away from the right, the young man in a white shirt with a baseball cap playing mobile phone! 】

Xie He’s sight was swept away, and he quickly found the target. He took back his sight and continued to do nothing, occasionally showing a side face in that direction. Qing Jun's side face, white skin, melancholy eyes...

The shirt man quickly took a few shots and found that each one was the same as the poster. No matter what angle he looked good, he was the first to track the sneak shot to make such artistic photos! It’s incredible!

[444: The host is big, he took a photo of you! It doesn't matter? 】

[Xie He: It doesn't matter, it must be very good to watch. The tens of thousands of people have no dead angles. It is a must for street shooting. 】

444: I think we are not worried about one thing _(:зゝ∠)_

[Thank you: Baby, you... I don’t think I really want to draw a line with Zhou Yizhe? 】


[Thank Ho: It’s really innocent and cute:)

[Xie He: Men, the proper separation is the beauty of distance, and completely separated is the complete rejection. In this case, men usually retreat. Although I am not by his side, my beautiful (accented) image has always existed in his heart. He has asked people to follow me. Of course, I have to cooperate with him on the road. I occasionally give some sweetness to let him not forget me. I guess he will come to my photo this evening. 】

444 means no words.

Thanks to the old gods, no matter who is following him, he always feels good and gives them a frontal photo.

Time passed quickly, and the blink of an eye was half a year.

Thank you for hearing the system notice on this day.

[叮, Zhou Yian good feeling +5, the current good feeling 100]

[Thank you: Isn't it possible to detect good feelings when you meet? Why didn't I see Zhou Yi'an and I heard the notice. 】

[444: It is like this! Before the feeling is full, the sensitivity can only be known within the detection range, but any person in the world can complete the strategy (ie, the degree of goodness reaches 100). Whenever and wherever, see no meeting, you will receive a system notification (* °▽°*)╯】

[444: But the host is big, you didn't do anything, why is Zhou You'an's feelings suddenly full? 】

The author has something to say: I finally wrote it here _(:зゝ∠)_ Congratulations to Liang Shushu as the twelfth student of Xie Zong's love class...

Thank you for your love, what is it? (* ̄3 ̄)╭

Thanks to Alofs Rocket Launcher x7

Thanks for the alcoholic mine x7, grenade x1, rocket launcher x2

Thanks to Yang Yi’s mine x1, rocket launcher x2

Thanks for finding a book, I can't find the rocket launcher x1, grenade x1, mine x4

Thanks to the old grenade x3, mine x3

Thanks to Junshan's rocket launcher x1

Thanks Golden Retriever Rocket x1

Thanks to Litang Lili's mine x10

Thanks to the August white grenades x1, mines x2

Thanks to the landmine x6 of 19881673

Thanks to the astronomical grenade x1

Thanks to Xiao Huang’s grenade x1

Thanks to Li Yun's grenade x1

Thanks to the grenade x1 I miss.

Thanks to the wood leaf cherry grenade x1

Thanks to the glass grenade x1

Thanks to the grenade x1

Thanks to the light mines x4

Thanks to Ling Xuan's mine x4

Thanks to Lin Yu Roy's mine x3

Thanks to the tides that have fallen from the years of mine x3

Thanks to Shan's mine x3

Thanks to 17089761 mine x3

Thanks to mico granulated mines x3

Thanks to Yang Yang’s mine x2

Thanks for the mine sauce x2

Thanks to Huage's mine x2

Thank you for your calmness? Calm sister! Mine x2

Thanks slowly to the author's chrysanthemum mine x2

Thanks to the nine-party mines x2

Thanks for the mines x2

Thanks to my sun for sleeping mines x2

Thanks for the harm of the manbearWX mine x2

Thanks to the only way to bloom the mine x2

Thanks to 20379165 mine x2

Thanks for the colorful mines x2

Thanks to lisa.G mine x2

Thanks to the general mine attacker car book white mine x1

Thanks to the mine of the grapefruit °x1

Thanks to Lanzhou Yuqiao's mine x1

Thanks for the sunny mine 007 mine x1

Thanks to the second brother's mine x1

Thanks to Maruchi's mine x1

Thank you for the mines x1

Thanks to the spring to send a few mines x1

Thanks to the Aga mine x1

Thanks to the house mine's mine x1

Thank you for the long lived mine x1

Thanks to the mines that recovered under the moon x1

Thanks to the purple mine mine x1

Thank qiu's mine x1

Thanks to the peak mine x1

Thanks to the Ming mines x1

Thanks for the micro mines x1

Thanks to Ai Chen's mine x1

Thanks to the landlord x1 of 22092355

Thanks to Otaru's mine x1

Thanks to the white mines of the mines x1

Thanks to the song mine x1

Thanks to the landmine x1 of 20003853

Thanks to the mines x1

Thanks to Duan Xiaochen's mine x1

Thank you for the mines that you don’t run.

Thanks to the single mine x1

Thanks to the white silk or the leg hair mine x1

Thanks _W mine x1

Thanks for a mint mine x1

Thanks for drinking a mine without a mine x1

Thanks to Uncle Black's mine x1

Thanks to Mr. Mine x1

Thanks to the mines x1 that you will see in minutes.

Thanks to the clear mine x1

Thanks to the flame red mine x1

Thanks to the 23451341 mine x1

Thanks to the source of the land mine x1

Thanks to the flowers and the snow-falling mines x1

Thanks to the ancient red and blue CP, since the ancient black mine x1

Thanks for the mines x1

Thanks to the white cranes of the mines x1

Thank you, my brother, one meter eight mines x1

Thanks to the mines x1

Thanks to the rising landmine x1

Thanks to the mines of the cold mountain night rain ten years lamp x1

Thanks to Qin Wenjing's mine x1

Thanks to the mine mine x1

Thanks to the purple pom-pom mine x1

Thanks to the landless mine x1

Thanks to the ancient lane ~ Yan Yan mines x1

Thanks for the mine x11 of 23018293

Thanks to the plot, don’t worry about the mines x1

Thanks to the old mines x1

Thanks to the drunk moon Xuanjing mine x1

Thanks to the longevity fan mine x1

Thanks to Bailu's mine x1

Thanks to the winemaking anc mine x1

Thanks to the polar ice butterfly mine x1

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