MTL - Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong-Chapter 191 Main Ono cat

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Liang Chengshan looked at Xie He for a long time and did not respond.

He thought that he had already prepared himself for everything, but at this moment, he looked at him with his gaze and looked at him. He regarded him as Yang Jin... He found that he was not prepared for this.

He did not expect it.

Xie He saw Liang Chengshan not talking, showing a sly look, holding him tighter, and cautiously asked, "Dad, why don't you talk?"

No, I am not your father, your father was killed by me...

I personally killed him, and then forced you crazy, I am the enemy you don't wear.

Liang Chengshan closed his eyes and his heart was cold and painful... But I can't say these words.

I have already brought you so much pain, how can I still see you sad, how can I see you disappointed.

I will do what you want...

[叮, the target Liang Chengshan good feeling +1, the current good feeling 98]

Liang Chengshan slowly reached out and hugged Xie He gently and said, "Don't be afraid, I am here to bring you home."

Xie He was shocked and happy, and there was deep fear and anxiety. "I, can I really go home? Can I leave here?"

Liang Chengshan nodded. "Yes, sorry, I am late."

Xie He looked at him with envious eyes. "It doesn't matter, you can come to me and you are very happy."

Liang Chengshan barely showed himself a smile. He took the hand of Xie He and sat up from the bed and said, "Let's go back now."

Xie He was very happy. He grabbed Liang Chengshan’s hand and followed him out of the ward. This time no one stopped him. He could finally leave here. His father came to take him home!

The secretary of Liang Chengshan saw Xie He like this and sighed heavily.

Connie waited outside and smoked a few cigarettes. He had already learned from Bishop's mouth that he was so mad. When he saw Xie Heqiao, he took Liang Chengshan's hand and came out. He remembered how he thanked Liang Chengshan before. The hatred, the heart is that he really is crazy... otherwise how could he give Liang Chengshan a good face?

Connie is also learning now, not to thank the mold, the boss loves how to praise what is not his business, as long as he is responsible for the bodyguards. What's more, what a good deal with a poor madman...

He gave himself a psychological construction and felt that everything was acceptable. He respectfully went to open the door to Liang Chengshan.

At this time, Xie He suddenly said to Liang Chengshan: "Dad, is this your car?"

Liang Chengshan smiled and said: "Yes, go up, we will be home soon."

Connie’s expression was instantly distorted: “...”

Dad... Xie He also called out, this is not crazy, it is crazy, not light! ! !


Liang Chengshan returned to his estate with Xie He and said to him tenderly: "Hungry?"

Xie He touched his stomach and nodded.

Liang Chengshan immediately asked the servants to prepare meals. He prepared what he liked. He thanked him for seeing the rich meals on the table. He saw Liang Chengshan sitting in a gentle and steady smile on his face, and suddenly burst into tears.

Liang Chengshan was distressed. He quickly took over the shoulders of Xie He, rubbed his face with a handkerchief, and asked softly: "How come you cry, not happy?"

Xie He swallowed and said, "No, I am so happy, I have been waiting for you, I almost thought I could not wait for you... Dad, you will not leave me anymore, are you? I rarely go home, I am always on a business trip, I have no time to accompany me, I miss you..."

"I am there alone, so scared..."

Liang Chengshan put Xie He's head on his chest and prevented him from seeing the pain in his eyes.

When Yang Jin was mixed with them, they didn't know that he still had family members. I thought I wouldn't go back a few times a year, leaving Yang Ling's mother and son to live together. This child... In fact, she lacked fatherly love from an early age. Later, Yang Jin’s identity was exposed. But he was found in less than a year.

Then he was killed by him.

Their family has not been reunited for a long time, and the good times are not long... Yang Ling became an orphan.

It is he who made him an orphan...

Deprived him of his wonderful life.

Liang Chengshan gently patted the back of Xie He and said slowly: "I will not leave you again." Unless I am dead.

Xie He heard the words of Liang Chengshan, and finally broke into laughter, "Well."

Liang Chengshan hides the sorrow and pain of the eyes, restores the usual gentleness and sorrow, and says, "Come on, eat early, rest early, you are thin."

Xie He has not been able to eat well in the mental hospital. He saw that he likes to eat on the table, and his father is by his side, which makes him very reassured and happy to eat.

After thanking him for eating, Liang Chengshan prepared clothes for him to let him bathe. His body was still wearing a crumpled sick suit. Xie He quickly finished washing out, and at night he refused to rest alone. He must sleep with Liang Chengshan.

Liang Chengshan had nodded. In order to make Xie He sleep well, he always held him in his arms.

Xie He slept very well in the arms of Liang Chengshan, with a shallow smile on his lips, his face stretched out, and he was quiet like never before, just like a carefree child.

Liang Chengshan stared deeply at Xie He's face. This is the person he loves.

Now he is lying quietly in his arms, relying on trusting him wholeheartedly, just because he is crazy.

They are separated by an insurmountable scorpion, making them doomed to be together. If they are not willing to force it, they can only get a pile of destroyed fragments. He obviously loves him, but he still ruined him.

This is like a puzzle without a solution, either simply giving up, or only forcibly destroying...

Now I finally know the answer to this question.

If I know that it will be the result of today, I will choose to let go early, as long as I can see if you have done well, whether you have it or not.

Liang Chengshan lowered his head and his lips were lightly attached to Xie He's forehead. The deep shackles were the vast love of the ocean, and the color of sadness that could not be dispersed.

It is my father who killed your father, so let God punish me, instead of your father to love you.

I will pay you back as much as I can, those that I have deprived of...

This is what I deserve.


Xie He was lying on a soft, comfortable and fresh bed, wrapped in a warm, generous embrace. It was completely different from the cold room... When he woke up, he found Liang Chengshan still beside him.

It’s already noon the next day. Liang Chengshan didn’t have the heart to wake up and thank him, and he always held him. One arm was stretched by Xie He. He hadn’t moved all night. His arm was numb to unconscious. However, Liang Chengshan did not show any painful expression on his face, but he smiled softly at Xie He: "You wake up."

Xie He moved a bit, sat up from the bed and looked at Liang Chengshan's eyes happy and happy, "Well, Dad."

Liang Chengshan looked up and thanked him. He moved his body. His right arm was unable to move for a moment. He could only touch the head of Xie He with his other hand and said, "Go and change clothes, it is time to eat." ”

Xie He did not notice the discomfort of Liang Chengshan, and got up and dressed happily.

Liang Chengshan slowly came down. When he raised his arm and changed his coat, his brow wrinkled a bit, but he quickly stretched out and then went out with a thank you.

Xie He’s performance is very dependent on Liang Chengshan. His eyes have been around him. When he is eating, he has to look up at Liang Chengshan from time to time. It is like fearing that he will go away and Liang Chengshan will disappear.

Liang Chengshan showed a helpless smile and said: "Reassured, I am."

Xie He was a little embarrassed. He bowed his head. "I am always afraid that you will suddenly disappear. It used to be the same. I always came back suddenly, and then I quickly went away... leaving me and my mother alone at home..."

Liang Chengshan’s expression was a little sad, saying: “I’m sorry.”

Xie He suddenly seemed to think of something. He asked Liang Chengshan, "Dad, where did the mother go? I haven't seen her for a long time, where is she?"

Liang Chengshan remembered the woman in the daytime. He only saw Ji Yun once. At that time, she did not hesitate to rush to Yang Jin’s body and died under his gun. This is an innocent, brave woman...

His mother was also killed by him.

Liang Chengshan felt a pain in his heart, as if he had pulled the blood away from the blood vessels a little. He slowly spoke and his voice was low: "She went on a trip and can't come back temporarily."

Xie He’s expression is somewhat lost. “Mom, don’t you want us? Why don’t you come back for so long?”

Liang Chengshan looked at him and said, "Of course not. She just left for a while, she will never want you."

Xie He looked at Liang Chengshan’s serious and firm eyes, and seemed to finally believe it, showing a bright smile. “Well, my mother loves me the most! I also think she will not want me, I will wait for her to come back!”

Liang Chengshan nodded. "Good."

When he said that he suddenly did not dare to look at the eyes of Xie He, he could not go too far, not to see his own sadness.

Sorry, the people you wait for will never come back.

Liang Chengshan finally brought Xie He back from the mental hospital. He could see that his emotions were not stable enough, so he did not go out for a few days. He stayed with his family at home, as if he really cares about his father. Love him.

Love a person to a certain extent, has no idea how to accompany him in any way, as long as thank you can be happy, Liang Chengshan can always be like this, pretending to be his father.

Give him everything he wants.

His powerful, proud self-control, and the city government, let him not easily reveal his pain, only to show the side he wants to see.

Those ugly stinky sins will let him bear it alone.

A few days later, Liang Chengshan had to go out and he hesitated. He said to Xie He: "I am going out today, but I will be back soon. Can you stay at home alone?"

Xie He was very sad, but he felt that Dad had his own job. He couldn’t do anything at home and stay with him. He just nodded.

Liang Chengshan did not feel relieved. He went to the door again after taking care of the servants and bodyguards at home.

When Liang Chengshan left, Xie He had no smile on his face, became silent, and did not go anywhere on the sofa in the hall.

The butler came over and cautiously asked: "Don't the young master watch TV? Or go to the garden?"

Xie He shook his head and did not speak.

[Xie He: It’s still good for Uncle Liang, and the quality of life has been greatly improved. To be honest, the place in the mental hospital is really not a person. It’s not easy to brush my feelings. Smile JPG

[444: Nod and nodded GIF] It was too bad. It was difficult to secretly open a small stove. It was still staring all day, and it was much better than a small black house.

[Xie He: Liang Shushu is still very conscious. He actually has the talent to be a father, so sometimes someone does not do a good job, not to do it, but not to do it. If he is willing to take it Taking care of my tenth of my mind, I will not be blackened. It is a poor child, hehe. 】


[Xie He: Although very pitiful, but for the experience value can not let him go, give me a note of Liang Xuan's news, baby. 】

[444: (⊙v⊙) Well! 】

[Xie He: I am very satisfied with Liang Shushu’s version of Dad, but I’ve been so good that I can’t go to it, I’m going to have a little surprise for him. Smile JPG

[444:......] shivering _(:зゝ∠)_

Xie He silently waited at home, listening to the outside movement with his ears upright, hearing the familiar footsteps, his face suddenly showing a happy smile, violently jumping from the sofa and running outside, because running too fast After a heavy fall on the ground, the pain in the knees, but he did not care, rushed outside and crashed into the arms of Liang Chengshan.

Liang Chengshan quickly stretched his arms and hugged Xie He, blaming him: "Run so fast, be careful."

Xie He hugged him, "I have been waiting for you, miss you."

Liang Chengshan closed his eyes. Every time he heard these words, he always remembered when he was awake... The hateful eyes reminded him that it was not true.

Every beautiful illusion is evidence of his mistakes.

Liang Chengshan picked up Xie He and placed him on the sofa and said, "Your knee is hurt."

Xie He seems to find this in general, and feels that the knee is a little painful.

Liang Chengshan was very distressed. He went to get an alcohol swab, and then gently rolled up Xie He's pants, revealing the injured knee, which had blood marks on it, and blood beads came out of the wound.

Xie He looked down and looked at the bright red blood coming out of the skin... Suddenly his face was pale, his breath was short, his eyes closed and he passed out!

Liang Chengshan had not had time to give Xie He a wound treatment. He saw Xie He’s sudden fainting and his face changed. He immediately told the housekeeper to ask the doctor to come over.

He anxiously stepped and waited in the living room.

The doctor came over very quickly. He carefully examined Xie He and asked about the passing of Liang Chengshan. Some of them said with a smile: "Nothing, he just fainted..."

Liang Chengshan didn't mean to ease it down. His expression was so heavy that he seemed to be unbelievable. "Dizzy?"

The doctor nodded. "Yes."

Liang Chengshan was silent for a moment, and he said: "I know."

The doctor gave Xie He a treatment of the wound on his knee and left.

Liang Chengshan came to Xie He and gently put him in his arms. He looked at Xie He’s pale face... Dizzy, how is this possible? He did not forget to thank the formerly neat skill, and the coldness of the murder when he was not blind, and the sin of the assassination of him... Such a sharp and dangerous existence, always walking on the edge of life and death, actually dizzy?

He reached out and touched Xie He’s cheek, his eyes filled with pain, and he turned his favorite person into something...

Xie He woke up in confusion and found that he was already in bed. Liang Chengshan still held him as usual, just watching his eyes look deeper, as if he had some kind of sorrowful color that could not be described by words.

Xie He didn't quite understand, he clung to Liang Chengshan, his voice trembled: "I am so scared..."

Liang Chengshan gently stroked him and said, "Don't be afraid."

Xie He became calmer under the appeasement of Liang Chengshan, and finally smiled at him and said, "Fortunately, there is a father, there is a father to protect me, I don't have to think about anything, I don't have to worry about anything, I like it now. life."

Liang Chengshan nodded and said with a serious word, "I will always protect you."

He said this sentence calmly, no one knows the pain in his heart.

Yes... Xie He wants only such a calm life. If he has the care of his parents, has a complete family, and is not dominated by hatred from an early age, he should now live a quiet and happy life...

You don't have to see blood, you don't have to kill, if you can... who wants to walk on the edge of the blade, facing the threat of life and death... Who is not willing to live a stable and calm day?

His injury to him did not begin with imprisonment, but began earlier than...

If it weren't for him, Xie He didn't have to learn to kill, and he didn't have to hide his identity and lurk around him. He didn't have to do things he didn't want to do. He didn't have to abandon his conscience and forced himself to be a cold-blooded person.

He was not such a person, he was a very good child, but he let him embark on the road of revenge.

Liang Chengshan holds on to Xie He, what should I do to make you better, or to let you go on, forget the pain...

I don't know what to do, this is the first time I don't know what to do.

Whether it is forward or backward, it is a deep abyss.


Xie He’s heart is living at home. It’s very well-behaved. It’s never noisy. At first it was just glued to Liang Chengshan. Later, it seemed to discover new hobbies and began to like painting.

Probably the reason for the age of the mind, the paintings he painted are also the level of the pupils, but no matter what he paints, Liang Chengshan gently encourages him.

This makes Xie He very happy.

Xie He practiced for a period of time. One day, Liang Chengshan went out to do things, and he saw Xie He’s excited treasure and took him to see him today.

The painting is three small people, one left and one right, the two adults holding the middle child. Xie He pointed to the person on the painting and said, "This is Dad, this is Mom. This is me. Is it good for me to paint?" ?"

Liang Chengshan felt that his heart was twitching. He whispered, "Good-looking."

Xie He was very happy, then he fell down and said, "But my mother has not returned yet, when will she be back..."

Liang Chengshan has no way to answer this question. He can only say: "She will be back soon."

Xie He is still very lost. He has been waiting for so long. Dad always said that he is coming back... but my mother has never returned.

After dinner at night, Liang Chengshan was holding Xie He lying on the bed and said softly: "Go to bed early."

Xie He didn't sleep. He stared at Liang Chengshan with his bright eyes and suddenly raised his head and kissed the lips of Liang Chengshan.

When Liang Chengshan glanced, his lips uploaded the breath of his loved ones, which made him intoxicated, but he did not forget that Xie He only used him as his father, and this is not right.

He pulled Xie He away and his expression was a bit harsh. "What are you doing?"

Xie He seems to be at a loss. He has never seen such a harsh appearance of Liang Chengshan. Some of them said awkwardly: "Are you angry?"

Liang Chengshan took a deep breath and said: "You are not right."

Xie He seems to have some understanding. He always feels that Liang Chengshan should like him. He is confused and said: "Do you not like me to kiss you? I thought you would like it..."

Liang Chengshan’s eyes are sore, he likes it... but he can’t accept the present thank you for doing this, it will only make him more painful.

Because of the present thank you... is to regard him as Yang Jin.

Xie Hezhong emerged a layer of water mist, grievances said: "I just want to make you happy, I don't know what to do for you, just know that you should be happy... Dad, you help me find my mother. Come back?"

"You get your mother back, I will be obedient, make you happy, I miss my mother..."

Liang Chengshan listened to Xie He’s words and felt that his heart seemed to be torn apart and turned into countless pieces.

He can't do it, he is not omnipotent... He has no way to make people die, and there is no way for the loved one to return to normal...

He has no way to give back to his normal life, there is no way to return to his dead parents.

Some injuries are never made up.

Liang Chengshan suddenly hugged Xie He, restrained his uneasy struggle, forced him, hugged him, in this way... to confirm the temperature of the person in his arms.

The person he loves is alive as he wishes, but it is better to die like this.

Xie He sees that Liang Chengshan does not speak, so he does not dare to move with such force. He always feels that Liang Chengshan’s mood seems to be not quite right. However, this embrace is very warm, and he soon fell asleep in Liang’s arms. It’s just that Liang Chengshan has not promised him to bring his mother back...

Liang Chengshan felt that the young man in his arms gave a uniform breath and put his chin on his head. His hands slowly tightened and shivered slightly.

He had been so motionless for a long time, then slowly lowered his head and fell in love with affectionate kisses to kiss Xie He's hair, making a soft, dull voice.

"As long as you can get better... I will let you kill me by myself."

"So get better, okay?"

[叮, the target Liang Chengshan good feeling +1, the current good feeling 99]

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