MTL - Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong-Chapter 205 Final strategy

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When Lu Ting hesitated how to speak, Xie He first spoke. He expressed apologetic expression to Yu Shu and said, "I'm sorry."

Yu Shu stunned and immediately smiled: "Are you reconciled?"

Xie He nodded and said calmly: "I am sorry, so we still break up."

Yu Shu did not show a disappointing look, but a look of such a look, whispered: "I can see that Lu always really likes you, in fact, I also like you very much, but since you chose him, I also Only reluctantly cut love."

Although he does have a good impression on Xie He, after all, the time of interaction is not long, and it is normal for the feelings to be combined and divided. It is not difficult to let go.

Xie He’s face is rare to show a little embarrassed look.

Yu Shu walked over and embraced Xie He, in his ear: "If Lu always does not come back to chase you, will you really be with me?"

Xie He said: "It is possible."

Yu Shu smiled and said: "I know that you are satisfied when you are serious, right... Although I hope that you can have happiness, but you still have to be careful..." He lowered his voice. "Lu is a bit violent, he has no Domestic violence, are you?"

Xie Hewen’s eyes showed a faint smile, and his lips could not help but curl up.

Although Yu Shu's voice is very low, but Lu Ting Er Cong Ming, still listen to the clear.

[Lu Ting: ... Where do I have a tendency to violence? ! 】

[666: This sentence is completely correct, you are really violent, remember those hosts that have been frightened by you? It’s just that the domestic violence is awkward for you, you dare not. 】

[Lu Ting: ...]

Lu Ting can't bear it anymore. Can they use it for so long? He reached out and pulled Xie He back, and then Yu Shudao: "I apologize to you for the last impulsive behavior, but you may have misunderstood me, I will not hurt Xie."

Yu Shu looked at Lu Ting up and down, and seemed to be worried about whether he would suddenly scream.

Lu Ting's face was stiff and added: "I won't beat you either."

Yu Shu looked at him for a long while and suddenly smiled: "I believe that you really like to thank you. If it is me, you may not be so forbearing."

Lu Ting: "..."

Xie He couldn't help but laugh, he said to Yu Shudao: "Then we will go first."

After saying that he pushed Lu Ting, he turned and left.

Since it has already been said, there is no need to make Lu Ting feel embarrassed.

Lu Ting also wished to hurry and go back to the car for Xie Hela to open the door, see Xie He sat in, and then went to the other side to get on the bus, but he did not immediately start the car, but a little tangled expression, thank you Ho: "Are you really planning to fall in love with him?"

Xie He slanted and glanced at him. "Yes, I seem to be the kind of person who can't walk out and stand still for a person who won't come back?"

Lu Ting was somewhat lost: "Oh."

"But..." Xie Hezhen smiled in the middle of the voice, and the voice was slightly dark. "Are you coming back?"

If you are gone, then you will always be just a part of my memory. You are back... that is the one who can accompany me.

Lu Ting took a moment, and the eyes in his eyes slowly dispersed and smiled.

It’s that he thinks more, the process is not important, the important thing is the result... If he can’t come back, he’s not qualified to ask Xie He to wait for him, and he’s back, Xie He is willing to give him a chance, this is not Is that enough?

It is not necessary to think about the assumptions of self-seeking.


Lu Ting is not easy to recover Xie He, can't wait to tell the world, do not do business every day, just accompany Xie He everywhere, Xie He where he is.

Xie He knows that Lu Ting does not care about the cause of this world. In his opinion, this is just a small E-class world. The company just used it to hide its identity. Most of the time, it is still 666, he only cares. It’s just this person... But in the eyes of other people, it’s that Lu is already crazy, the company doesn’t want it, and the business doesn’t do it. It’s simply indulging in love to the point of incomprehensibility.

And for about a long time, I haven't seen it. Now that I have finally come together, Lu Ting seems to vent all the energy of the previous accumulation, and I am entangled in what I do every day.

Although Xie He feels that it is very cool to be served, but this kind of thing is too late, how to go to work every day, backache, no, you have to control this guy.

So when Lu Ting asked for it again, Xie He kicked him down.

Lu Ting did not dare to come hard, but had to soften the hard foam.

This calm and passionate life is what Lu Ting had hoped for. Now it has finally become a reality. He has used everything he wants to love this person and treats every day as the last day.

This way, even if everything goes to an end, it will not regret it.

Unlike Lu Ting, Xie He is still living as usual. In addition to having a sticky boyfriend, it is no different from the past. He still works in class, as if life should be like this, and there is not so much nothingness and helplessness.

It didn't take long for everyone to know that Xie He and Lu Ting were well, and this development has caused many people to stun.

On the weekend, Mr. Zhao and others once again thanked him for the party. Lu Ting certainly followed suit. He did not hide his love in his eyes. His eyes always fell on Xie He’s face, and he was a favorite wife and madman.

General Zhao and others felt that Lu Ting did not seem normal. He quietly pulled Xie He to the side and whispered: "Xie Zong, are you really good with Lu?"

Xie He bowed and smiled: "Yes."

General Zhao said that "you will also eat back the grass?"

Xie He smiled, "Well, this grass tastes good, just eat it."

Mr. Zhao still feels uncomfortable. He and Xie He are many years old friends! Although Lu is also a person in the dragon and phoenix, but when the Xie Xi incident, he always felt that Lu Ting is sorry! Unwilling to say: "Is it not good for Teacher Yu? It’s good to see you before."

Xie He smiled lightly: "He is very good, but sometimes life is very long. It is necessary to choose a suitable person. It needs to be worn for many years. I am not young. It is rare to have a running-in test that has passed the test of time. Let's make use of it."

Zhao always smiled. "That will be tested today."

He had already heard that Lu Ting had recently chased after him, so he told the news to Xie Xi, and deliberately released the wind to let Xie Xi find it here. If Lu Ting is also biased towards Xie Xi, Xie He will definitely not Want him.

Xie Hemei's pick, Zhao's thoughts, he still doesn't know? This is to find something for Lu Ting, and 80% still use his poor brother... Xie He has not put Xie Xi in his eyes, but in his opinion is nothing but an ant, now see Xie Xi know nothing. There are only sympathy left over again.

Lu Ting sat on the sofa, seemingly not concerned, in fact, has been listening to the dialogue between Zhao and Xie He.

The more I listen, the more I feel that my heart is not a taste, why no one is optimistic about him? !

test? What is the test?

[666: Boss, Xie Xi is here. 】

[Lu Ting: What? ! 】

[666: I am afraid that you are still feeling sorry for Xie Xi. Hey, for a moment, it is a stain that can't be erased for a lifetime...]

[Lu Ting: ...]

No, I can't let Xie Xi appear in front of Xie He, Lu Ting is a guilty conscience, but I am afraid that Xie Xi is in a bad mood, and thinks of the stupid things I did at the beginning. I will stand up and intercept.

But before he got up, Xie Xi had already come in.

When Xie Xi came in, he saw Lu Ting and Xie He, their eyes were red, and they were very wronged.

I thought that when Lu Ting came back this time, he would let him live a good life like before, and then help him to drive away Xie He. Who knows that Lu Ting sent him away again, and returned to Xie He again. He does not believe it! If Lu Ting still likes to thank him, why should he come back? There is no reason at all!

Xie Xi looked at Lu Ting and made a voice of sadness: "Large brother..."

Lu Ting listened to the goose bumps and got up. His eyes were full of murderousness. This is to kill him when he is dead! No, you have to send Xie Xi away! He strode over and directly sent Xie Xi out.

At this moment, thank you for your opening, and faintly said: "Wait, let's finish the conversation, since it is here."

Lu Ting: "..."

[Lu Ting: What to do, I feel that Xie He seems to be still angry? 】

[666:......] What can I do? I can only despair for you.

Xie Xi looked at Xie He’s smile and smiled. He saw him sitting there high, as if he was just a clown. He even needed his approval. He couldn’t help but feel angry and anger. Fear: "What do you have to be proud of! When Dad liked me more, now Lu is like me. If you take things away, you can't make people like you. They like it. it's me!"

Lu Ting’s eyes suddenly cooled down. This time, he didn’t wait for the opening. He took the neck directly like Xie Xi’s neck like a chicken.

Xie Xi’s tears were all gone, and he looked at Lu Ting with disbelief. He didn’t seem to understand why he was doing this to himself. “Large brother...”

Lu Ting bowed his head, and there was no smile on his face. His eyes were cold: "Roll, never appear in front of him."

In fact, if it is not worried that killing important supporting roles will affect the balance of the world, he would like to kill Xie Xi in that year. His hands are covered with blood and countless, and he has already seen life and death.

The **** person... don't have to be so troublesome and he is intriguing. If you kill it directly, you can solve everything.

Xie Xi was shaking and suddenly did not dare to speak anymore. He had never seen such a terrible Lu Ting, and he had a feeling of inexplicable feeling... I felt that Lu Ting was really likely to kill him.

Lu Ting slowly let go of his hand and looked at him indifferently: "Do you understand my words?"

Xie Xi's face was pale, and suddenly it was a mistake to feel that he came over. He may not have seen this person at all. Maybe Lu Ting never liked him. He has always been his own wishful thinking.

He was very scared and afraid. He even dared not ask more questions and fled.

Lu Ting always watched Xie Xi really go, only turned back.

[Lu Ting: Give me a tight spot, have you been crazy recently? Only when everyone else went to the door did they know. 】

[666:......] This time he is losing money, so it’s still not contending...

Lu Ting returned to the private room, and the cool color on his face had dispersed. He came to Xie He like a child who made mistakes. He whispered, "I am sorry, I promise that he will never appear again."

Xie He looked at him with no expression, and he always looked at Lu Ting's heart. When the tension was cold and sweaty, he suddenly laughed out: "I know."

Lu Ting looked at Xie He laughed, and finally he breathed a sigh of relief. He said, "You don't blame me?"

"Weird..." Thanks to the slow and long way, the tone is slightly raised. "But I have already deflated, and I am not interested in losing one's hand." But you must remember that if you make this second mistake again, I can It's not so easy to talk."

Lu Ting quickly raised his hands: "The guarantee is not next time!"

When he was forced to think of such a bad idea, his wife has already caught up with her hand. Where else will she die? Anyway, his wife is so smart, everything is right to listen to his wife!

Xie Hexiao laughed and shook his head gently.

Mr. Zhao and others looked at Lu Ting and did not hesitate to take Xie Xi out. I was afraid that Xie Xiduo would say something that made Xie He unhappy, and turned back to a wife who was strict and careful, thank you very much, and the unhappiness in my heart was finally lost. Some go, the idiots can see that Lu Ting likes to thank him, and Xie Xi does not have a false resignation. Where can he still see that there is a relationship between the two points... but this is a bit of a misunderstanding, since this is Lu Ting Why did you mix with Xie Xi at the beginning, isn’t it that you can’t find yourself happy?

Forget it, no matter what, no matter how people are doing their own things, how come they are happy.

Everyone started drinking and drinking until midnight.

Xie He was a little drunk, Lu Ting was still very awake, this alcohol was not drunk, and he would take it back with a drive.


Lu Ting will thank Xie Hefu back home, and then began to climb the bed in a dark poke, thank you for being half drunk and half awakened, too lazy to pay attention to him.

The next day the sun came in, Xie He opened his eyes and looked at the man around him.

Lu Ting was very keen. Xie He woke up when he moved. He happily hugged Xie He. The deep black eyes were full of love, and he bowed his head and kissed Xie He.

Xie He looked up and kissed Lu Ting, and the two people were sitting on the bed like doing nothing. All such peace is like dreaming.

Xie He closed his eyes and suddenly asked: "There is a problem, I didn't want to understand."

Lu Ting did not hesitate: "What is the problem?" He is absolutely aware of all the words!

Xie He looked at him deeply. "In those worlds, the good feelings of supporting roles are too easy to brush. What do you do?" Although he guessed that things must be abnormal, there is a reason for what Lu Ting did, but he is not sure... A vague guess.

Lu Ting is not willing to thank himself, but he knows that this can't be hidden... He smiled and said: "A little trick."

"I used to go through a world of cultivation, in which I learned a very practical little spell that can split my own god, that is, the so-called soul, I can divide my **** into many 缕, then plant Into those supporting roles... they will love you like me."

"But because there are very few gods who have split up, this kind of influence is very weak. It is like a person who is more likely to have a good impression on the other party. It does not have an excessive impact on people and can only play a role in promoting. we can avoid the monitoring of the Lord God, and God does not know what it is. This is just a little convenience. It is up to you to pass the customs. I can't help you with them."

In particular, his body is strictly controlled by the Lord God, and even seals the memory, in order to prevent him from providing any convenience to Xie He, or to disclose any information.

Xie He flashed a thoughtful look in his eyes and said: "What effect does that have on you?"

There are so many supporting roles in the world, even if each supporting role contains only a small part of the gods, and it will have a great impact on people.

Lu Ting moved and looked at Xie He: "Are you worried about me?" He said that he would kiss Xie He again.

Thank you: "..."

Lu Ting looked at Xie He and seemed to be a little angry. He didn't dare to intervene in the department. This is nothing to say: "It doesn't matter, I am very strong now. In order to be able to take higher-level tasks, I have been trying to give myself and System Upgrade."

"Reincarnation space has a very strict level limit. The high-level world is dangerous and has a lot of experience. But it must also be supported by a high-level host. This is to avoid low-level hosts to go to the advanced world. The behavior of experience. The Lord God will evaluate the host in advance, and then the host will be dispatched into those worlds, in order to improve the task completion rate, because each failure will provide energy to those worlds, avoiding the recurrence of 'dead dreams'. Destroy the nightmare world."

Lu Ting smiled and said: "If you want to gain something, you must invest first, so I have been trying my best to be able to go to those higher-level worlds. Otherwise, I am afraid I can't have enough experience. You don't have to worry about me. ,I am okay."

And splitting the soul, it is not his first-line vitality... Everything has advantages and disadvantages.

Xie He didn't ask more questions, he just decided to look at Lu Ting, faintly said, "I don't worry."


Xie He Luting routinely lived a life of love and abuse of dogs every day. Zhao and others finally indifferent. No matter who they are, some people can let Xie always settle down. Speaking of Lu is also the first love of Xie Zong? It’s not easy to make a first love in the first love...

Still bless them.

Lu Ting is immersed in happiness every day. He loves the people he loves without any scruples. He has done everything he once wanted and did not have the opportunity to do. He feels that his life is complete!

Is it because he is going to fight back to his lover and be with him?

Xie He also had a look of deliberation, and after a great time, he gave Lu Ting a good feeling after every cool, and he was in a good mood. He was so happy that he was happy and ups and downs... It will soon be 90 degrees.

Then Lu Ting began to worry a little bit about depression, and couldn't sleep at night. Although he was really happy to thank him for giving him a good feeling, he was very happy every time. This shows that Xie He is sure of him!

But the rise is so fast, and when I think about the results of the fullness of feelings, there is still some fear and anxiety, and there is no way to really care.

[Lu Ting: Hey, six sons, I think this will go on soon, will we finish it soon? 】

[666: Hey, the man who is immersed in love is not good at thinking, just give you a little sweet date and forget what it was like before. 】

[Lu Ting: ...? 】

[666: According to incomplete statistics, in the 100 hosts that have been attacked by Xie He, except for 2 accidental deaths in the middle, all others have a good feeling of 80 or more, and 68 of them have a good feeling of more than 90, 21 The degree of goodness has reached 99. Although you have also brushed 99, but according to the current goodwill to rank, only to rank 88, so don't think too much, just peace of mind. 】

[Lu Ting: ...]

The author has something to say: There is a little angel asking when to kill the main god, the body will not write the main god, only a few chapters are finished, not so much space to write, maybe the foreign party will write **** the main **** 23333