MTL - Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong-Chapter 3 I heard that my boyfriend, his brother, crushed me 3

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Xie He hadn’t walked to Zhou Yizhe’s front, and he was hit by someone. The drink accidentally spilled on the other person. He kept apologizing, “I’m sorry...”

The person who hit him was a frivolous young man. He looked at Xie He’s eyes and showed the light of lasciviousness. At the same time, another young man came over to block the back of Xie He and used his body to resist the shoulders of Xie He. , sneer: "Do you know how expensive Ding Ge's clothes are? I am sorry if I am sorry?"

Xie He’s heart is funny. The two men’s eyes are evil and unscrupulous when they come in. The color-like scent is written on the face. This kind of scorpion thank you for seeing more, the most lawless, everything I can't do it. He has been here for so long. He has been waiting for them to come and provoke himself. No, there is a chance to get on it... Xie He has a well-thought-out, but his face is anxious and scared, whispered: Sorry, I really didn't mean it..."

Looking at Xie He's black scorpion flashed in a panic, the two only felt dry, and wanted to do it now. They are not the first time to do this kind of arrogance. They are very experienced and look at each other. The young people who are hitting people are very generous and look like: "Forget it, you are not deliberate... Ajian Don't be embarrassed about him."

A Jian smiled: "Ding Ge, you are so kind..." He grabbed Xie He's shoulder and handed the glass of his hand to Xie He's lips: "We are not bullying you today, but since apologizing If you have the sincerity, you can do it right? If you drink this glass of wine, we will be exposed, how about?"

Xie He reveals a distressed expression, and the glass of wine is very high.

When Ding Ge saw his face, he fell cold. The yin test said: "Why, a glass of wine is not willing to drink? Then you still have to pay for the clothes, not expensive, only more than 20,000."

Xie He’s face was struggling, like a little beast. Ding Ge and A Jian look at the heart itch. If it is not the people here, they want to directly pour this glass of wine to him.

For a long while, Xie He finally reached out slowly, gritted his teeth and drunk the glass of wine, and suddenly coughed for a long time, his face faint blush, "I'm sorry, please forgive me."

Ding Ge’s eyes showed a smile, laughing: "Forget it, let's go."

Ajian let go of the hand of Xie He, and the two people seemed to walk away if nothing had happened.

Xie He rushed to the corner, and after a while, he felt that the wine was rushing, his mind was dizzy, and he stepped out and walked out.

[Thank you: Keep me clear. 】

[444: Yes! 】

Xie He felt that there was a clear stream in his head, and the fog in front of him seemed to be set aside. How could this little trick fool him? Zhao Qing is a naive child who doesn't drink alcohol. He is not. Naajian had already taken medicine in the wine and waited for himself to come out. This scene also fell into the eyes of Zhou Yizhe. Although Zhao Qing did not know Zhou Yizhe, Zhou Yizhe must have known Zhao Qing, even Zhao Qing. In his eyes, he is similar to passers-by, but under his eyes, this kind of thing, even if it is to protect the family's dignity, will certainly not sit down and watch his brother's lover being ruined by this kind of garbage, and 80% will come out to take care of this idle thing.

[444: Do you need me to get rid of the drug for you? 】

[Thank you: No, give me a senior Mei-Mei, use it on me, then shut up. 】

[444: Σ (° △ °) _ Yes. Senior Mei-Mei value 200 experience value, use it! 】 Host greatly what is this! The high-end love medicine produced by the system is very ferocious! There must be a man to understand! Did he read it wrong, and the host actually has a heart that is being accepted? However, he just did not dare to talk about it, but he could only do it.

What Ajian gave to him is just ordinary drug and reminder-love-medicine. This medicine is actually a **** toy. It is not very bad. Zhou Yizhe figured out that he saved him and helped him to get a cold and solved it. Detoxify him personally. But the high-level Mei- medicine is not the same... Zhou Yizhe can't think so easy to get out.

After all, Zhao Qing is Zhou Yi'an's lover. According to Zhou Yizhe's temper, it is absolutely disdainful to Zhao Qing's shot. Xie He has to use this simple and rude means to achieve breakthrough progress and quickly brush. Good feeling, this is the best solution he decided after weighing. But... In fact, he is also a little uncomfortable in his heart. Although he thinks that there is no exercise, but the main action is still the first time, how can his arrogant character be as clear as 444 explained?

The effect of the drug is fierce and fast, and the mind is sober, and it is clear that the body changes. The bursts of numbness spread out from the body, the skin is hot and hot, and the legs are soft. He can only stand on the wall. While being forced to move forward, Ding Ming and A Jian just came out of the hall. They estimated that the time was almost the same. When they came out, they saw their prey drug effects, and suddenly they looked bright and left. One right will be sandwiched in the middle.

Xie He’s black scorpion was covered with a faint mist of water, and looked at the two with a confused look: “”

Ding Ming was thanked by the look of the lower abdomen, I thought it was just a good thing, I did not expect to be sent out - after the desire, it turned out to be such a stunner! He touched his face and smiled evil: "I don't seem to be comfortable with you, brother to accompany you to take a break."

A Jian swallowed a swallow, pinched a buttock, and spit in his ear: "Brothers will make you very comfortable."

Xie He’s confused eyes gradually emerged with a trace of horror. He was slow and realized that this was going on. His eyes flashed a bit of clarity, and he tried to push two people away: “You go away!” Turn around When he fled, he fell to the ground without taking two steps.

Ding Ming and A Jian knew that this would be the result. They did not rush around and grabbed the shoulders of Xie He and forced him to the room that had already been booked.

Xie He struggled all the way, but to no avail.

Seeing that it is going to be dragged in, the door is about to close, Xie He’s eyes are showing a desperate look. At this time, Zhou Yizhe’s figure appears in the distance. At this time, he can’t see the person, but he does not let go of all self-help. Instinct made him use his strength to call out, "Help!" His voice is very weak, but enough Zhou Yizhe heard it.

Zhou Yizhe looked at his cold eyes and strode forward to this side.

Ding Ming saw Zhou Yizhe, feeling that his heart was cold, his legs and feet were trembling, he was just a shackle, and Zhou Yizhe was on an equal footing with their father. In front of Zhou Yizhe, he instinctively felt inferior. At this moment, this kind of thing was discovered, in my heart. Very worried.

"Week, Zhou, you are good..." Ding Mingxi's smile.

A Jian's performance is even worse. His family's situation is not as good as Ding Ming, otherwise why he is doing the shift.

Xie Hecai no matter who he is, struggles desperately, "Save..." When he said a word, he was stopped by Ajian. "Hey..."

Zhou Yizhe's indifferent gaze passed from Xie He's body, and looked at A Jian coldly, "Let him go."

"This... this..." Ajian was at a loss and looked at Ding Ming.

Ding Ming is a little afraid of Zhou Yizhe, but he just feels embarrassed. It’s a bit unreasonable for Zhou Yizhe to take care of him. It’s not his father, he barely smiled: “Zhou Zong, we are playing with him.” The gesture is very low, but there is no intention to let go. He did not expect Xie He to be so attractive to himself. If it is a general item, this time definitely gives Zhou Yizhe's face, but now it is a bit reluctant.

Zhou Yizhe just looked at him, his eyes with a hint of coldness, and a hint of banter, slowly said: "I didn't know who was not guilty, I don't want to pursue you, but now... people who have moved me, you should give a statement. ""

"What?!" Ding Ming and A Jian were shocked and pale, this is Zhou Yizhe's person? Will Zhou Yizhe’s people go to be waiters? Hang them dead! Under the horror of panic, the sensibility finally passed the color-sex.

This time, before Zhou Yizhe opened, A Jian suddenly let go of Xie He, and took a step back. "I, I don't know..."

Ding Ming’s face is also very ugly. Zhou Yizhe was not qualified to manage this matter. But if this is Zhou Yizhe’s person, it’s totally different. I’m afraid his father will pack him up. " not know. Sorry, sorry..."

Zhou Yizhe’s mouth was slightly invisible and stunned. “I’m going to take him away now. I’m still asking Ding to explain it to me.”

Ding Ming face is so gray, can only watch Zhou Yizhe take away Xie He.

Xie He has not been able to walk, the whole person is attached to Zhou Yizhe's body, he feels uncomfortable with the heat, want to be closer to this man, to take the coolness of his body.

Zhou Yizhe looked at Xie He coldly and threw him down to the hotel bed. This is the guy that his brother likes, it is an idiot, and the wine that others handed over will dare to drink. Ding’s kid has always played too much. Today, if he did not come out, Zhao Qing will wake up tomorrow and definitely want to die.

Xie He lost his coolness, felt that the heat was more uncomfortable, his mind became more and more unclear, and he began to stretch his own clothes. After a while, he showed a large chest, and the skin of the white skin was a touch of pink, exuding the attractive luster. The eyelashes are drooping, the teardrops are hung on the top, and they are falling, the throat is overflowing gently and low-lying, falling into the ear, making people's hearts sway.

Zhou Yizhe’s eyes changed a bit, damn, he actually reacted.

Xie He looked at the people in front of him in a confused way. He now wants someone to hug him to soothe him. He doesn't want to let go of a little comfort. The instinct drives him to climb slowly toward Zhou Yizhe, but Zhou Yizhe turns and walks away. Xie He’s eyes showed a desperate look, squatting low... He felt that he was going to burn out.

Time is so difficult, after a while, suddenly a basin of cold water poured down, let Xie He a spirit.

Zhou Yizhe just went out to call, and the result was not connected to Zhou Yi'an. He had to pick up the cold water and returned. In the end, he still couldn't leave it.

This cold water seems to make Xie He finally wake up a little, and his eyes gradually recover a sense of reason. He looks at the strange man in front of him, and his face is reluctant and unyielding, and his face is complex and seductive. He is hoarse. Voice: "Thank you for saving me, you, let's go..."

This sentence seems to have exhausted his strength. After he finished, he suddenly huddled up and shivered slightly. The cold water ran down his cheeks. His clothes were soaked and stuck to his body, showing a beautiful curve. The mermaid that was caught from the water.

Zhou Yizhe felt that he was doing his best, and forcibly gathered his mind to leave, but when he went out, he looked back at the gods, and he couldn’t move.

The young arms on the bed hugged themselves and clenched their lower lips. Because they were too hard, the blood ran down the corners of their mouths. Like the slowly blooming flowers, he tried his best to resist and refused to yield. Instinct, abstinence and affection - want to be intertwined in his body, the distortion is distorted.

It seems that the next moment, the fragile body will be torn into pieces in such a fierce struggle, tragic and fascinating.

Zhou Yizhe walked involuntarily, and reached out and touched Xie He’s forehead gently. This touch made him feel hot, and his indifferent eyes flashed a bit of worry. He reached out and thanked him and lifted his broken hair. The sound couldn't help but be softer: "Are you okay? Or I will send you to the hospital."

"No..." Xie He bit his lip... sulking, "I'm fine..."

"You don't look too good." Zhou Yizhe held the youth and comforted him through his back. The body in his arms trembled lightly, and seemed to bring some kind of incitement into his heart. He suddenly didn't want to let go.

Xie He’s nephew looked at him, and he suppressed the deep desire, “You, go.”

He refused in his mouth, but his body was uncontrollably approaching Zhou Yizhe, and his fingertips were white with his collar.

Every inch of his body is telling: I want it, I want it, but -- no.

Zhou Yizhe stared at the face of the young man. His eyes fell on his ruddy lips. He suddenly wanted to try what it tasted. It must be sweet... His throat swayed and the last string in his head seemed to finally Broken, bowed his head and went up.

(Two thousand words are omitted here)


Zhou Yizhe glanced at the youth on the bed, and he frowned and frowned. The youth are full of joy-love traces. At this moment, they slept deeply, and they knew nothing about their faces. The eyebrows stretched out, and the other kind of quietness was beautiful. But Zhou Yizhe knew that this was an illusion. When he woke up, he could not see such a quiet and beautiful scene.

He sighed and how did he lose his mind? I don't remember how many times I did it last time to make people look like this.

If it is anyone else, it is the lover of his dead-hearted brother. Although I can't see Song Ruyi's insatiable woman, Zhou Yizhe is not annoyed about this half-brother. Although the more grown up, the less cute, but when he was a child, he would follow him behind him... It is also respectful to him.

Now that he has slept in Zhao Qing, Rao is also a bit embarrassed.

What’s more, he recalled everything last night. Zhao Qing’s seductive 呻-吟, moving body, the confused crying expression under him, the innocent and shy face exposed under the urging of drugs - The sly expression... and the deep and hot taste... He didn’t regret it until now.

Zhou Yizhe realized that this is a very dangerous idea.

The sudden ringing of the mobile phone ringing interrupted Zhou Yizhe's meditation. When he saw it, it was Zhou Yi'an's call back, and the brow was even tighter.

Yesterday when he called, he was very eager to receive Zhou Yi'an, but now... the ringing of the mobile phone is ringing, Zhou Yizhe does not want to wake up Zhao Qing, holding the phone and walking outside the door.


"Brother, did you find me something yesterday?" Zhou Yi'an's voice was a bit tired. "I was in the gallery yesterday, and the phone didn't bring it."

Zhou Yizhe pinched his mobile phone, half a sigh, with a relaxed tone: "Nothing, wrong."

"Oh, then I won't bother you." Zhou Yi'an hurriedly hung up the phone. Zhao Qing didn't return last night. He was very worried. Zhao Qing has never been the kind of person who didn’t stay at night, and didn’t he have an appointment to say something at night?

When Zhou Yizhe returned to the hotel, he heard the trousers pocket on the ground. Zhao Qing’s cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was Zhou Yi’an’s phone. He did not hesitate to cut it off and mute.

[444: The host is greatly awake? 】

[Xie He: Yes. 】

[444: The host is very powerful, and I have a good feeling of 35 in one night. Now Zhou Yizhe has a good feeling for you 35! 】

[Thank you: Expected. 】

[444: What? 】

[Xie He: 99% of the men are animals that think about the lower body. It is normal to have a good sleep. He didn't fall in love with me, only 35 points, and Zhou Yizhe is already a good will. 】

[444 suddenly realized: Oh... is there still 1%? 】

[Xie He: A man who can't use the lower body. 】

[444: That... He is cool, but you...qaq] The host is greatly sacrificed.

[Xie He: I am only a little unhappy. 】

[444: What? 】

[Xie He: For the first time, I will encounter such a great life in the following. I am afraid it will be difficult to meet in the future:)


[Thank you for your unsatisfactory feelings: Zhou Yizhe has quite a glory in my year, I like it. 】


[444: What are you going to do now...? 】

[Xie He: Hot iron. It is also easy to brush the first time, so good opportunities can not be let go. 】

Xie He slowly opened his eyes, he seems to be still unclear about his condition, the deer-like eyes are wet.

He moved and felt sore, the pain made his consciousness gradually return to his mind, and his eyes became frightened. He turned his head and looked at the strange man sitting beside the bed. His face was faded and pale.

"You are awake." Zhou Yizhe carefully observed the expression of the youth. The weak and helpless appearance made his heart softer. It was not right. He reached out and tried to touch the young man's head, but he was escaped...

Xie He Canghuang's side over the head, the eyes of the confused horror dissipated, stared at Zhou Yizhe with a vigilant look, like a hedgehog to squat the body of the thorn, as if he is a flood of beasts.

Zhou Yizhe's eyebrows were picked. I didn't expect the youth to have such a tough side. It was stronger than he expected.

"Is this your attitude towards the savior?" Zhou Yizhe smiled softly and his eyes were meaningful.

[444: Hey, goal goodness +5]

Xie He bit his lower lip, he remembered, and someone else who gave him medicine last night, then suddenly someone appeared to save him... Then, it seems that he is actively entangled others? Didn't give up when it was poured cold water? He tried hard to remember, his face was shy and embarrassed, and his expressions changed and he was very complicated.

Zhou Yizhe is not in a hurry, waiting for Xie He to think slowly.

Finally, I have to admit that Zhou Yizhe is right. Zhou Yizhe is indeed his savior. He should have thanked him. But think about what happened later. How can you say this thank you? Sight.

Almost all of the youth’s minds were written on his face. Zhou Yizhe suddenly had the idea of ​​teasing and teasing young people. He wanted to see more rich expressions on his face... This impulse is very rare for him. See you.

"I not only offended you for you, but also wasted my energy and time. I didn't expect to save such a white-eyed wolf." Zhou Yizhe's tone was cold. "Well, nothing happened last night."

Xie He’s angry look up, what is wasted time and physical strength! Who wants you to waste time and energy! But his calm vision of last week's philosopher, the faint disdain is like a silent mockery of him, and his last night's behavior is like a heavy slap in his face, hot. For a long time, Xie He lowered his head and almost squeezed out the hard voice from his teeth. "Thank you."

It’s really straightforward and people want to bully. Zhou Yizhe’s lips are smiling. His younger brother is quite eye-catching. He can find such a baby. He is a little bit embarrassed.

Thinking of my younger brother, Zhou Yizhe’s smile on his lips disappeared again.

Today is a mistake.

"I have been in this room for a week, you can stay at peace of mind, wait a little better and go back." Zhou Yizhe said that he considered it very carefully. If Zhao Qing went back like this, Zhou Yi'an would be crazy.

"I don't need it!" Xie He's emotions in the face of Zhou Yizhe are very complicated. He knows that this man saved himself, but he can't stand what he did to himself, and he also has a strong sense of guilt and guilt. , always suffering from his heart.

"I don't mean anything to you. It's just because the good guys are doing the best. You are emotionally unstable now. It's best to wait until you calm down before making a decision." Zhou Yizhe stood up and said that he still has a lot of things. To do it, and as long as he is still here, Xie He has no way to rest.

Xie He bit his lip and did not speak.

Zhou Yizhe went to the door, as if suddenly remembered what it was like, and looked back at Xie He: "Do you want to know my name?"

Xie He turned his head without hesitation, and his tone was cold. "I don't want to."

[444: Hey, goal goodness +10]

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