MTL - Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong-Chapter 7 I heard that my boyfriend and his brother secretly loved me 7

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Xie He’s feelings of returning home, Zhou Yi’an is not there.

He put on his slippers and was preparing to go to the kitchen to cook the noodles. He suddenly heard the door that had just closed and rang again. He looked back in surprise and it was Zhou Yi'an. He asked again, "Are you coming back? Have you eaten yet?"

Zhou Yi'an was tense and looked at him intricately. It looked different and peaceful.

He looked at Xie He and said: "Are you not working overtime today? Why did you come back so early?"

Xie He’s face flashed a guilty whisper: “Already, it’s already busy...”

If it was in the past, Zhou Yi'an would not notice such details, but today he clearly captured the change of expression on the face of the youth. The blood-solidified heart seems to be slowly cracking.

He did not believe Song Ruyi's words, and he did not want to doubt his lover. He was full of blood and intended to pick up the class. He received a text message that he shirked, and then watched him leave the company and went to the hotel. After a little thought, I heard the owner of room 608 from the front desk. The answer was unexpected and unexpected.

His lover deceived him, and he went to the hotel to meet his brother. When he came out, his clothes were messy and his face was shy... The lips also had traces of being kissed...

Can anyone tell him how he can lie to himself?

It seems that the pain of blood emptiness makes Zhou Yi'an's expression slightly distorted, and the young man in front of him is staring at him with his pure eyes as always, as if nothing happened.

At this moment, there seems to be something black in my heart.

The straight face of the straight face, a little bit of distortion in his eyes, changed the evil spirits... Did he use such a face to seduce his brother with pretending pure feelings?

Zhou Yi'an suddenly stepped forward, the index finger pressed on the lips of Xie He, whispered: "Where did you go?"

"I... I have been in the company..." Xie He passed his eyes, he was not good at lying, and he did not dare to look at Zhou Yi'an.

"Yes." Zhou Yi'an's last trace of hope disappeared. He closed his eyes and kissed the lips of Xie He desperately. The soft lips seemed to remain the taste of other men... The man...he was A respected brother... I have a good ability to have a wrist. From small to large, my brother who cares about the center, the brother who has always looked up in the clouds...

And he is just a despicable illegitimate child. He thought that he would get his own love and heaven when he left the dirty home.

But reality has a loud slap on his face.

My mother is right, there are some things, I won’t fight for it, I will never get it...

Why, he will always be a sad illegitimate child? Why should he always wait for charity? Clear! He can also fight for it!

Obviously, this person belongs to him!

Zhou Yi'an rudely pushed Xie He to the wall, and the fierceness of the kiss was decided. It was like biting. It seems that this method should be used to eliminate all the smell left by others.

Xie He’s painful snoring, instinctively reaching out to push Zhou Yi’an, but he couldn’t push it at all. He didn’t know what crazy he was!

Zhou Yi'an bite on Xie's lips, **** smell filled the mouth of two people, his eyes looked cold and looked at Xie He: "Why, other men can touch you, I will not work?"

This sentence is like a blue sky, so Xie He is suddenly stunned. He trembles his lips: "You, what are you talking about..."

"Don't you go see my brother? I already know, don't pretend it." Zhou Yi'an eyes are intertwined with love, and the voice is cold and cold.

Xie He was shaking and his eyes were black.

The most terrible situation still happened.

Zhou Yi'an lovingly touched Xie He's cheek, but his eyes were full of haze and faint words: "Why, I found it very unexpected? Those days, you are also with him."

"I..." Xie He’s eyes are sad, this is the result of his fear, and the nightmare finally becomes a reality. He didn't think that this day came so fast, but he loved the man in front of him, so he wanted to... work hard again, "You listen to me."

Zhou Yi'an's fingers slowly stroked down and fell on Xie He's neck. He whispered, "Have you slept with him?"

This problem caused Xie He’s body to tremble a little.

Zhou Yi'an made a move, then he showed a clear smile, the voice was as soft as ever: "No wonder you haven't touched me recently, is my brother feeding you too full?"

"No, it's not like this..." Xie He shook his head desperately. "That was an accident..."

Zhou Yi'an turned a deaf ear, and he looked at Xie He with his cold eyes: "My brother is so powerful? I can satisfy you obviously."

He bowed his head and leaned on Xie He's shoulder. The right hand slammed the shirt of Xie He directly, and the button collapsed and fell to the ground.

Xie He feels a cold body and struggles hard!

But Zhou Yi'an, who used to be gentle and tender in his past, is like a demon from hell, and relentlessly suppresses all his rebellion! Shame and fear made Xie He want to curl up, but Zhou Yian did not allow him. He firmly held the person in front of him and bowed his head to his neck. He thanked him for the pain.

Zhou Yi'an stroked the body under his body while he was cold and cold:

"Do you use this body to seduce him?"

"Do you resist like this under him?"

"Is he awkward, are you cool?"

"Do you like him more, or do you like me more?"

This insulting language fell into Xie He’s ear, and his heart was riddled with tears and tears.

He felt his legs separated and he was about to be invaded by his favorite person.

Why did Zhou Yi'an not believe him, refused to listen to him, and he didn't want to do this. He didn't want this! The deep despair covered his eyes.

Xie He raised his hand fiercely and slaps on Zhou Yi'an's face!

The crisp sound of ‘啪’ is like a stop button, and it freezes all the madness.

Thank you for looking at your own hands and stunned.

He... actually played Zhou Yi'an...

For a long time, Zhou Yi'an showed a tragic smile. He looked at Xie He's eyes and sorrow almost into a strong ink. "You, why should you treat me like this..."

"I only have you..." He whispered low.

Zhou Yi'an tightly held the youth in his arms, like the one who was about to drown with the only redemption, pleading: "I'm sorry, don't leave me, okay..."

Such Zhou Anan let Xie He’s heart soften down and smash into a ball. He shivered and said, “I, I didn’t want to leave you...”

Zhou Yi'an heard a smile, and he gently kissed Xie He's lips. "Well, that's it, continue to lie to me, always lie to me."

"I will also be very rich. I can give you everything you want. You don't have to go with Zhou Yizhe. His kind of cold-blooded person will only treat you as a plaything, but I won't. I will love you very well." Zhou also caressed Xie He's hair, softly.

The gentle voice made Xie He’s heart fall into the ice.

[Drip, successfully trigger the role blackening value]

Even if the previous rudeness did not make Xie He’s heart cool to this point, at this moment, he knew that they could not go back.

"I didn't want to lie to you, I just... I don't know how to tell you..." Xie He looked at the front empty-eyed, his favorite person hugged him, but couldn't give him a little warmth, only endless The cold.

"That's not to say, I don't have to say anything, I understand." Zhou Yi'an has a little touch of the young man's body, the voice is gentle, "I know that Zhou Yizhe is very good, there are many people who like him, you are only with those Like a person, he was deceived by his gorgeous appearance, and he lost his self for a while. I won't blame you."

Zhou Yi'an used the gentle voice that once revealed his love to him, saying that these words were sharp and sharp, and they were unprepared into the softest depths of his heart.

Xie He closed his eyes, he was silent for a long time, only dumbly voiced: "Let me go."

"I don't let go, I will let go when you let go..." Zhou Yi'an looks like a child, and the more he holds it.

Xie He took a deep breath and shouted with a sharp voice that had never been seen before: "I let you let me go!"

Zhou Yi'an moves a stiff.

"Let me let go, let me go!" Xie He made a cry of shouting, struggling with all-powerful desperate beating!

Xie He’s madness on his face made Zhou Yi’an stunned for a moment. His instinct was still unwilling to hurt Xie He, but he feared that he’s struggling to hurt himself and finally let go of his hand.

Xie He regained his freedom and gasped heavily. He didn't even get up from the ground, so he stared at Zhou Yi'an with his cold eyes: "Get out."

"Qing..." Zhou Yi'an whispered a low voice, and the pain in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Get out." Xie He always has this sentence.

After the mutual disagreement, Zhou Yian took a step back. His face was pale. "Okay, I am rolling." He hanged his hand on his side, clenched his fist tightly, turned a little bit, and slender. The body pulled a long silhouette on the ground.

Xie He looked at Zhou Yi'an's figure and disappeared at the door. The strength of his body disappeared for a moment, lying on the ground and curling up his body, motionless.

He drove his lover away, he didn't want it.

But he has no choice.

[叮, Zhou Yian good sensitivity +3, blackening value +30, current good feeling 95, blackening value 30]

[Thank you: Is there a blackening value? 】

[444: Yes...]

[Thank you: Well, this is also expected. 】


[Thank you: What do you want to ask, say. 】

[444: Why do you feel good! ! ! ! 】

[Xie He: This is a very complicated thing. You need to understand the multiple cooperation of love and hate and ambiguity. 】


The host seems to be too lazy to explain because he thinks he is too stupid to understand? Is that right? Is that right? It seems like this, qaq

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