MTL - Strike Back, Proud Goddess!-Chapter 460 Family relationship

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"To accompany someone to a dinner party." Xiao Yao was unexpectedly silent, and answered He Wanyi's question.

He Wanyi's original dim eyes gradually brightened. She smiled from the bottom of her heart. The smile on her face looked very dazzling. She asked Xiao Yao, "What about after the dinner?"

Xiao Yao paused. "Should return to China and have a vacation this month."

"Can I ask you to watch a movie after the dinner?" After He Wanyi asked this question, she clenched her hands tightly, and her tightly pressed lips could see how nervous she was.

Xiao Yao didn't expect He Wanyi to ask such a question. He froze and looked at He Wanyi and nodded, "As long as you don't dislike me being bored."

"No, let's go to dinner first, and then you'll go to a dinner party." He Wanyi seemed to be half-hearted, and took a brisk step to the restaurant in front.

Xiao Yao, who was still standing there, looked at He Wanyi's back, as if he had made a great deal of determination, and stepped forward.


The first thing Tang Xi went back to city A was to sleep under the quilt and turn over his jet lag. This sleep went straight for 24 hours. When he woke up again, Xiao Jing had gone to work. Now, there was only chic in the house waiting for her to send her to school first.

Tang Xi stretched a lazy waist and stretched his body first before going downstairs. Xiao Sha had prepared breakfast for her. When she saw her come down, she teased, "General Xiao has been working hard these days. Hurry up. Come and have a loving breakfast prepared for you by Digoth. "

Tang Xi raised her eyebrows and walked over. When she saw the abalone porridge on the table and some appetizing side dishes, she instantly felt that she was wrapped in warmth. She rushed over and hugged Xiao Xiao, coquettishly, "Second Brother, you are really good, know I have a bad stomach eating those dishes abroad these days. Now I made the abalone porridge for me. I want to give you three hundred and sixty praises. "

Xiao Sa smiled and patted Tang Xi's back, "This time your company is a hit and it's popular. Today, it still occupies the hot search list. Now many celebrities and celebrities and ladies should grab your company's clothing. Is that right? "

Tang Xi smiled, "I don't know. I haven't returned to the company yet. I have to report to the school today, and then I will go to the company."

"I'm sure there are a lot of shopping malls who will come to you to settle in." Xiao Sa said that he had prepared abalone porridge for Tang Xisheng. He also filled himself with a bowl and sat across from Tang Xi. Brother and sister ate stand up.

At this time, the door rang, Tang Xi glanced at it enough, but did not see anyone, continued to eat, looked at her lazily, smiled, "It should be the lobby brother, he said it last night and was rejected by me It said that you were asleep. "

Sure enough, Xiao Yan, who had changed her shoes a while later, came in wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase, and saw Tang Xi, a smile on his cold face, "Are you well off?"

Tang Xi nodded and greeted him, "Brother, why are you here?"

"If you don't go home, I'll just come over." Xiao Yan said a glance at Xiao Xiao, and Xiao Yan, the wizard, continued to eat his porridge.

Xiao Yan didn't care, walked directly to the cupboard and took a pair of chopsticks to give himself porridge. Tang Xi looked at the two brothers so casually, raised his eyebrows and said, "It was too sleepy to come back yesterday. , Went straight home with the third brother. "

Xiao Yan said, sitting next to Xiao Sha, "I will have a meeting in a while, Xiao Sha will send you to school, I will pick you up at your company to return to your old house at nine o'clock in the evening. My parents miss you all these days. For you, I think you must be busy abroad, so I didn't ask them to bother you. "

Xiao Sa heard Xiao Yan raise this stubble and nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, you go back and have a look, otherwise these people will mutter in their ears like chanting, and I will be crazy."

"Not so serious?" Tang Xi seriously suspected that his elder brother had made things worse.

"You ask him." Xiao Sha threw the topic directly to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan glanced at Tang Xi, "It's really serious."

Tang Xi shrugged. "Well, I actually call my home every day."

After breakfast, Tang Xi went up to clean up, Xiao Yan downstairs looked at Xiaosha, "Do you want to do the company's network security?"

Xiao Sha raised his eyebrows and looked at Xiao Yan, "Nobody else?"

The network security company of the Xiao Group has been a professional network security company that has been invited before. I didn't expect Xiao Yan to let him do it now? Is this ... the fat water does not flow outsiders' fields?

Xiao Yan was sitting on the sand, leaning Erlang's legs, looking at Xiaosha, looking like a business official, "Did you say that you want to transform the company? Although the game industry is good now, you ca n’t always keep your company Do you have a game industry? You have to expand into other industries, and it just so happens that I heard that you want to do network security ~ ~ Xiao nodded, "It means that. "

"That's not going to end." Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Sa. "You are a shareholder of the company. It's right to contribute to the company. Since the company has a capable shareholder like you, why should I spend a lot of money on other things? What about the security company? "

Good guy, this girl didn't want the fat and water not to flow outsiders' fields, but she thought about how to exploit him!

Xiao Ye looked at Xiao Yan, "You are so pitted."

"It's all about the company." Xiao Yan stood up with a smile, walked over and patted Xiao Sha's shoulder, "Well, I'll go to the company first, and you can see when there is time to come to the company, the company should serve I should take the post, or I'll be alone in the company ... this won't work. "

When Tang Xi changed his clothes and ran down, Xiao Yan had already left, leaving Xiao Sha with a slumped face sitting on the sand. Tang Xi walked over and looked at Xiao Sha, "Second Brother, what's wrong?"

"Xiao Yan is a vampire!" Xiao He growled and stood up.

Tang Xi raised an eyebrow at Xiao Sha, "Willn't it make you do network security for Xiao?"

"how do you know?"

Tang Xi shrugged and threw his schoolbag to him. He used to change his shoes. "Don't even think about it, what are you good at second brother, and what is Xiao's missing?"

Xiao Xia gave Tang Xi a sigh, and then looked at the schoolbag in his hand. "How do I feel that I have a feeling of being exploited by the two of you?"

Tang Xi looked at Xiao Liduo but complained, and smiled, "In fact, you can reject me, so that our family can send me to school in person."

Talking, Tang Xi, who was standing in the courtyard, looked at the car on the road outside the door rail, and smiled.

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