MTL - Strike Back, Proud Goddess!-Chapter 479 How many boats do you pedal on?

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"Sorry, my grandpa only gave birth to my dad and one son. I really don't know where there are any uncles." Tang Xi looked at the crowd dismissively, "Don't you come here early this morning?" Do you admit it? "

Tang Jieren has seen Tang Xi's ability of sophistry, so he simply didn't talk to Tang Xi and looked directly at Tang Zhenhua, Shen said, "Uncle, this company will still be handed to the Tang family's own people in the future, this Tang Xi sooner or later It ’s for marrying. You ca n’t give your life ’s work to an outsider. If you give it to Tang Xi, then the empire group may not be named Tang! ”

"Yeah, uncle, this empire group can only have greater development in our hands. It has always been named Tang, but we can't let outsiders take it!" Tang Yaoren said something when he said here. A glance at Tang Xi.

Tang Xi looked at these greedy people with a sneer, and a corner of indifference radiated from the corner of his mouth. "Hey, who are you? Want my property? Hehe ... when I am dead?"

When Tang Zhenhua, who was still indifferent, heard Tang Xi's last sentence, his face suddenly sank. He took a deep look at those people and said coldly, "My coronary heart disease has already been cured. Just two years of recuperation, and do n’t run to the Empire ’s homeland. You are not welcome here. What ’s the matter, wait until I get to the company, and put it in the property ... My Empire Group was created for Xiao Xi. Happy evening, I don't care what the surname of the Empire Group is. "

"Second Uncle, how can you say so, the Empire Group also has the hard work of our Tang family, and the Tang Group has also paid a lot ..." Tang Mingren frowned and looked at Tang Zhenhua coldly, "You are too hearty Off! "

"Xiao Xi is my granddaughter. I don't care about Xiao Xi. I am really off-centered." Tang Zhenhua paused, looked at a few people, and said coldly, "If you want the Tang Group, Then, I divided the Tang Group, then withdrew my shares, and took out what I deserve. You can operate as you want. From then on, you have nothing to do with the Empire Group. What do you think? "

Several people heard Tang Zhenhua say this, and they were shocked, how could the value of the Tang Group be compared with the Empire Group! In addition, Tang Zhenhua originally had shares in Tang's Group. If Tang Zhenhua's shares were withdrawn, then Tang's Group would not be swallowed by other companies? They won't be so mindless to choose the answer!

In any case, they still have enough of the Empire Group to hold a small amount of shares. Although they can't get the shares now, when the old man died, will this little girl be their opponent? This little girl, they can let her die once, they can let her die a second time, and when both of their grandchildren are dead, isn't the Empire Group all of them?

The three men slammed their abacus, but said on their faces, "Uncle, you can't say that. We are all family. It's not good to tear your skin."

"So I haven't done anything to you yet?" Tang Zhenhua looked at a few people. "If you dare to say a little disrespect to me before I change, I would have thrown you out."

Listening to Tang Zhenhua's words, Tang Yaoren frowned, and said after a while, "Look at the second uncle, our family, it ’s too good to say this. My dad will come out of the mountain in two days. Now, a few of you brothers can go out for a tour together. Like you said, the company just gave it to Xiao Xi. If you are not healthy, you should go out and get some fresh air. "

"As you said, my health is not good. If you go out and encounter something unexpected, I'm afraid your father will carry a charge of killing his brother. I still don't want to go." Tang Zhenhua looked at the people coldly. "We are going to have breakfast, aren't you leaving yet?"

Tang Mingren: ".… .."

Tang Yaoren: "..."

Tang Mingren: ".… .."

According to the routine, shouldn't they ask whether they stay for dinner?

It's a pity that Tang Zhenhua has completely regarded them as enemies since he learned the news last night. He can not tore them up so calmly today. He was stimulated by them and his illness did not recur again. It is already the biggest Limit, they still want to let him keep them down for dinner?

Hehe, they really think too much.

Tang Mingren's three brothers left slumped. Tang Xi raised his eyes and looked at Qiao Liang. Qiao Liang came over and said, "It's the news released by Qin's group."

When Tang Xi heard this, a flash of cold light flashed in her eyes, and she squinted her eyes. "These people, really ... Qin Xinying, really thought that this would hit me?"

"Xiao Xi, I'm sorry, it's grandpa who has troubled you." Tang Zhenhua patted Tang Xi's hand with guilt. Tang Xi smiled and helped Tang Zhenhua to walk to the restaurant. You're in such good health now, how could you get involved with me? "

In the restaurant, Tang Zhong prepared two kinds of breakfast, one is Tang Zhenhua's special meals, and the other is ordinary breakfast. Tang Zhenhua looked at the green food in front of himself, pursed his lips, didn't talk, and sat down for breakfast.

Seeing Tang Zhenhua eating breakfast so obediently, Tang Zhong was very surprised. Normally, the master would complain about it for a while before eating it. This morning it was so conscious ...?

Is it ... Tang Zhong looks at Tang Xi with a smile on his face ~ ~ Grandpa, rest assured, I will cure your illness. "Tang Xi suddenly put down his chopsticks and looked at Tang Zhenhua," I will never let others use your grandpa to attack me, not to be defeated by their attack. "

"Okay." Tang Zhenhua nodded with a smile, but thought in his heart that Tang Xi was just comforting him. Coronary heart disease is the disease with the highest mortality rate in the world. He has lived here for many years with great thanks.


Tang Zhenhua looked at Tang Xi, "You eat more, you will be at the company in a while, and others are busy. Now the reporters are definitely waiting for you at the door of the company. Today you have a tough battle to fight."

Tang Xi smiled indifferently, "Nothing hard or hard, grandpa, rest assured, I will deal with it." With a flash of cold light in Tang Xi's eyes, she took a sip of porridge and sneered, "They thought I was so easy to be defeated? I didn't want to shoot at them, I had to force me to zoom in."

After dinner, Tang Xi and Qiao Liang went to the company, Tang Zhenhua and Tang Zhong sent them out. Tang Zhong looked at the back of the two, and frowned tightly. There was a sentence in my heart, I don't know whether to speak or not ...

Tang Zhenhua looked at Tang Zhong's remarks, and raised his eyebrows. "Say anything."

Tang Zhong glanced at the back of the two again. Then he looked hard at Tang Zhenhua, pouting, "Master, haven't you found out that the bodyguard that Miss brought back this time is not the same as the bodyguard that appeared in the news last time? Is it the same? Also, it seems that the lady stayed in the guest room with this bodyguard last night ... "Thinking of the fact that his own lady might be pedaling a few boats, Tang Zhong was worried," Are you sure the lady is OK? "

If an outsider knows that the lady is a lady with a flower, wouldn't it be a scandal?

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