MTL - Strike Back, Proud Goddess!-Chapter 493 Mr. Qiao thinking about his birthday

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Knowing that he can't fully expose his relationship with him now, this guy has to propose to himself when he is about to enter the entertainment circle! Isn't this a joke with her?

"If you want a gift, you have one. You choose." Qiao Liang held out a hand, and he already had a ring on his hand.

Tang Xi murmured, "I don't want it!" She didn't want the marriage proposal so seriously!

Besides, she can't stand side by side with him now, so she will never marry her at this time. She wants everyone around him to recognize her, and then she will choose to be owned by all at that time. Man blessed to marry him.

Qiao Liang smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to cross Tang Xi's head, and kissed her gently on the forehead. All the anger in Tang Xi's heart disappeared when this kiss fell on her forehead. She raised her eyes to see With Qiao Liang, smiling and whispering, "Is this all your gift?"

Qiao Liang stared deeply at Tang Xi, his voice hoarse, "I really want my birthday to come soon."

Tang Xi looked at him with raised eyebrows. Qiao Liang held Tang Xi's face and lingered on her lips, whispering, "So I can ask you to give me a gift."

Tang Xi suddenly thought about the fact that Qiao Liang wanted to give her as a gift. She pushed Qiao Liang away, and her face was reddish. "You think pretty, I won't send myself Here you are! "

Xiao Wu, who was fed with dog food in front, silently pulled the baffle to block himself ...

These two guys are really enough. The first second is still angry, and the next second comes to abuse the dog. Would you guys take a stand? If you want to get angry, get angry, and start to get tired in a while, what a thing!

Sitting in the back seat, the two did not know what Xiaowu was thinking. Qiao Liang took out a box and handed it to Tang Xi. Tang Xi opened it. Inside was a necklace with a ring hanging on it. The ring on Liang's hand was a pair. Tang Xi smiled and asked Qiao Liang to wear it. Qiao Liang asked Tang Xi to take a closer look. Tang Xi took the ring and took a closer look. She found that the ring did not match the ordinary butt. Similarly, the periphery of this ring is crooked like the sun's rays, but if you look closely, you can see that the place to play above is to imprint the names of the two of them.

Tang Xi was touched, and it turned out that he was already ready, but he didn't take it out.

Tang Xi sucked his nose and looked up at Qiao Liang. "I like it very much."

With a slight smile on the corner of Qiao Liang's mouth, he reached for the necklace and put it on for her. "You like it."


It was already after twelve o'clock in the evening when the crowd arrived, but the night of charm did not become deserted at this time. The night life here has just begun. Due to the chaos inside, the two brothers He Wanzhou and He Wanning took He Wanyi. Surrounded in the middle, she walked directly inside, Tang Xi was also walked in by Xiao Yao and Xiao Yan.

When Tang Xi entered Charm Night, he was shocked by the deafening music inside.

It really is completely different from romantic nights. When romantic nights go in, they are all quiet and sometimes play a little light music, or some singers sing on the stage, and then go inside is a private box. Hewan Wanzhou said that if you want to jump If Di, you have to go down to the disco on the first floor, where is the place for bundy, but because of the good decoration and good sound insulation, the people above cannot hear the movement below.

Charm Night is all mixed, and there is no threshold. Anyone can enter. Of course, there are also a lot of celebrity entertainers and celebrities coming here, and there will be many gangsters coming to the market. The business is naturally very good ...

So it's usually overcrowded here.

Of course, Qiao Liang and others like them sometimes come here once or twice when they need work.

Several of them can be said to be the top figures in City A. When they arrived at the club, the boss of the club brought the manager to greet him. Ning Yue and others waved their hands casually. "Don't worry about giving us a box, don't let It ’s good if people look at us. "

"Okay, several young masters, I've arranged the boxes for you, it's our Emperor's package, please come with me." The boss respectfully greeted everyone into the best box in Mei Ye.

Although it ’s noisy outside, because the sound insulation of the clubhouse is very good, so when Tang Xi entered the box, they isolated the noise outside, and Tang Xi ’s ears were finally cleaned, and he immediately flung them Head, "Too noisy, I can't stand it."

"Will we go back first?" Xiao Yan frowned, with a hint of worry in her eyes. After listening to Tang Xi's words, she said hurriedly that Xiaorou was so beautiful that there were people coming in and out of the underworld. He Isn't it that he can't afford those on the underworld? I'm afraid that Xiaorou will be hacked by then. I am afraid he will be too late to settle accounts.

Tang Xi immediately revealed his discomfort. Qiao Liang watched Tang Xi as he wanted to play, and smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter, who has the courage to spread wild here?"

Ning Yan laughed ~ ~ Yes, there are Qiao Liang and Xiao Yao sitting here, don't worry. "

Xiao Yao didn't speak, Qiao Liang raised an eyebrow, and Tang Xi immediately became angry. "Ningdao you don't break your idea, my elder brother is a soldier. If he causes trouble at this time, he will be punished! He is in the middle School! Don't let my elder brother get stigma! "

Xiao Yao was protected by Tang Xi in this way, with a smile on his face, and Qiao Liang, who was ignored, turned black, "Do you mean, I can stigmatize my back?"

Tang Xi blinked, and immediately shook his head. "Of course not, you are the famous general manager Qiao, if you have a stigma on your back, will it affect the stock price?"

Qiao Liang was too lazy to talk to Tang Xi, and Tang Xi immediately approached Ning Yue and asked, "Where is that person?"

Ning Min looked at Tang Xi's excitement, a smirk flashed in his eyes, and said coldly, "It's not a time to watch a good show, it will be a while, and now the crew of them is celebrating the feast downstairs." Even the entire face sank, and his eyes narrowed, "I want them all to smell!"

"Even with the actors?" Tang Xi narrowed his eyes.

Xiao Yan heard Ning Yan say this, his eyes narrowed, and he immediately looked at Ning Yan, "Is there an artist from our company?"

"Rest assured that the entertainers in your company have already been paid for this show, and people like Bo Xue, but Qing Gao will not even participate in basic gatherings, how can it be seen that Wang Bo's stink man?" Ning Yan raised an eyebrow and laughed, "Rest assured, except for the male lead and the female lead in this play, almost all of them rely on nepotism, and they are all humble artistes in small companies. Their entire army is gone and it has no effect on us. "

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