MTL - Strike Back, Proud Goddess!-Chapter 526 Big inversion

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Tang Ling frowned and looked at Tang Xi, frowning for a while, "What do you tell me about this?"

Tang Xi smiled, took a deep breath, looked up at Tang Ling, pouted, "What do you think?"

Because you are doubting me, I ca n’t explain it in this way, just to convince me that I am Tang Xi, and to convince you that I will never do anything to hurt the Tang family.

After all, this situation is not what I want.

I don't want to die or change from Tang Xi to another person, even the family members who guard myself must be careful, but there is no way for me. I can't choose to die as Tang Xi at this time, I must Live as Xiao Rou, and use Tang Xi's identity to protect the people you want to protect.

Tang Ling pursed his lips and said nothing. After a while, he retrieved a document from Tang Xi and pouted, "I will take this document temporarily."

"Although I do n’t know why the chairman saw this document without any fluctuations, and even if the tablet has been placed inside the shrine, but it is covered with a red cloth, but I believe that there is a reason for the chairman to do this and the chairman believes You. "Tang Ling gave Tang Xi another pout and said," Since the chairman chooses to trust you, I can also trust you. As long as you guard the Tang family, you are Tang Xi. "

Tang Xi frowned slightly. She looked at Tang Ling. "Thank you and your grandpa for your loyalty to the Tang family for so many years. Even if Tang Xi is not in this world, I will never forget everything you have done to the Tang family. of."

Tang Ling looked at Tang Xi, and his doubts grew deeper. He didn't want to ask why, but at this time after listening to Tang Xi, he wanted to ask Tang Xi's reason, "What do you mean? You in the end ... "

Tang Xi smiled slightly, "Some things are very ridiculous, things that obviously do not seem to be born in this world, but were born to me, Tang Ling, I am Tang Xi, but no longer the original Tang Xi, you can Do you understand what I mean? "

If I were the original Tang Xi, then Tang Xi would not be in this world.

Tang Ling thought of something unexpectedly, and he looked at Tang Xi in shock, "You and Mrs. Chairman, both ..."

Tang Xi's meal, "Do you know about my grandma?"

Tang Ling nodded. This was when he was relatively young. He once saw the chairman talking to two photos outside the chairman ’s study, and what he said was inexplicable. He did n’t listen to it at that time. I did n’t dare to ask Grandpa, but when I grew up, I accidentally saw an article about the soul and remembered the words of the chairman, so I understood what the wife of the chairman experienced.

He did not expect that Tang Xi had also experienced such a thing.

If Tang Xi did not return as another person, then ... Is she now ...

Tang Ling was afraid to think further down.

Tang Xi originally wanted to ask Tang Ling a few words. At this time, the door of the office was knocked by Assistant An, and his voice rang outside. "President, the press conference has begun. Please prepare."

Tang Xi responded and looked at Tang Ling. Tang Ling nodded to Tang Xi, "Go, as Tang Xi, let them be punished properly. After you go out, I will punish these documents to the police station. Go, the police will cooperate with you. "

Tang Xi nodded. "Thank you very much. I will invite you to dinner after the conference ends today."

Tang Ling looked at Tang Xi and smiled and nodded, "Don't worry about the account, how many meals have you owed me since childhood."

Tang Xi smiled, put out his tongue, turned around and walked out with the information in his hand. Tang Ling, who was standing in the office, looked at Tang Xi's back, and frowned tightly. It took a while before he let go.

I once said that I want to protect you, but ultimately I could n’t protect you, and I could n’t protect you. I ’m sorry to let you go through this, but I swear, even if I ca n’t stay with you, I must protect You are not hurt.

Tang Xi stepped out of the president's office and became a Gao Leng female president. Assistant An looked at Tang Xi's aggressive look, pouting, and secretly lit a candle for several other people in the Tang family.

At the same time, I felt that these people were a bit ignorant. The chairman gave them a place in the Empire Group and they should be grateful to Dade. Now that they are weak, they want to drive people away and annex the entire group. It's simply a lack of people's hearts! They too underestimated the CEO.

The chairman did not deal with them before because they still remembered a little affection. But when they came to the president, they had very little blood relationship. Even if the president had a little brother-and-sister relationship with her third brother before, these years because of Tang Qing Yu died, and they did it again, and the only remaining concern was lost to them.

In the No.1 meeting room ~ ~ The brothers Tang Jieren sat in front of the conference table and counted Tang Xi's crimes against countless media, the biggest of which was the loss of this project of 100 billion yuan and the absence of the company for many years However, he took the seat of the company's top leader, let the company reach a peak in losses this year, and arbitrarily opened the company's senior management ...

Of course, this high-level person here should be Tang Hao who was sent out by Tang Xi.

Just when the media asked a question and Tang Jieren was excited to answer, the door of the meeting room was suddenly pushed open. Tang Xi was wearing a black Givenchy suit and stood at the door of the meeting room. Tang Jieren saw Tang Xi appear, his eyes flashed After a sneer, he said, "Do you still have a face to attend the press conference?"

Tang Xi glanced at Tang Jieren and sneered, "Why am I faceless to attend this press conference? I am the second largest shareholder of the Empire Group and the president of the Empire Group. Ca ​​n’t I?"

"You!" Tang Jieren wondered.

There was a smile of indifference in the corner of Tang Xi's mouth, and he looked at Tang Jieren coldly, and said, "It's you, you have a face to hold a press conference?"

Tang Yaoren looked at Tang Xi, "What do you mean?"

Tang Xi set his eyes on Tang Yaoren and sneered, "What do you mean, don't you have a bit of force in your own heart?"

After Tang Xi said, he threw the information in his hand on the conference table. "Tang Yaoren, Tang Jieren, Tang Mingren, the three of you and the Qin Group have worked on the Imperial Group's ic project and caused a project loss of 100 billion yuan. These evidences are here. What can you say ? "

When reporters heard this, they pointed their microphones at Tang Xi.

They thought that today they would get a big news that Tang Xi was kicked out of the Empire Group. Unexpectedly, in the end, there was a big reversal. Tang Xi kicked out the three brothers of the Tang family from the Empire group.

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