MTL - Strike Back, Proud Goddess!-Chapter 537 How could this be

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Qiao Liang glanced at Luo Feng, Luo Feng pursed his lips, looked forward to Wen Mu, and said in a deep voice, "He has been in a coma and unconscious state over the past few months, although I have repaired his muscles and bones, But his brain was damaged because he was soaked in the drug liquid for too long. When he woke up, it wasn't necessarily the one we knew before. Can you understand what I mean? "

Suddenly Wen Wen's eyes became red. She looked at Qiao Liang unbelievably. She opened her mouth and found that she could not speak. She raised her hands to wipe her tears, and after a while, she could speak. She asked Qiao Liang, "Is Luo Feng saying true? Is he really hurt so badly?"

Qiao Liang nodded, his voice was still cold, "Well, it's serious. I heard that I just woke up today, but it's like a wise man, and it won't do anything. So Wenyu, now you can choose to leave, and I think you have never appeared We never knew you. "

"Hehe ..." Wen Cui sneered and looked at Qiao Liang, and asked ironically, "What kind of person do you think I am? Wen Wen? Do you let me leave him alone now? Qiao Liang, you really Thought I was such a cold-blooded person? "

"You are not." Qiao Liang looked at Wen Mu, and did not care about Wen Mu's satire, Shen said, "It is because I know that you are not the kind of person, so I let you go, because neither Lu Lu nor I want to change. A cold-blooded and ruthless person, now I give you the freedom to choose, but if you choose Lu Li, you wo n’t be able to leave Lu Li in the future, regardless of whether you are alive or dead, you know? "

Wen Cui looked up at Qiao Liang. It took a while before he hooked his lips. "I didn't even think about leaving him, but you promised me something."

Qiao Liang looked at Wen Mu, and Wen Mu said in a deep voice, "Let me participate in this hunt for traitors. I will personally kill those who turn Lu Li into this."

"Impossible." Qiao Liang's face was slightly dull, and he looked at Wen Cui. "I can let them catch you and give it to you for disposal, but you must not participate in this operation."

"You don't believe me?" Wen Cui clenched his hands.

Qiao Liang turned to the elevator and said, "Now Lu Li has become like this, I can't let you take any more risks."

"I want to take revenge for him personally." Wen Cui chased, she cried.

"Lu Li is my brother, a brother from small to old." Qiao Liang stopped and looked back at Wen Cui, his complexion was deep. "I also want to take revenge for him, but I can't go up and catch those people myself, because what? Because I will keep the inheritance created by our brothers, and you, you will keep yourself. "

Wen Mu's tears dripped hard, drop by drop, Qiao Liang took a breath, turned into the elevator, and said in a deep voice, "Lu Li, the person who cares most is you, so don't get hurt, we will do the rest. of."

Wen Mu paused, looking up at Qiao Liang, who was standing in the elevator. After a while, he nodded, and walked into the elevator. "Okay, I'm here to guard him until he is fully recovered."

The elevator door was closed, Qiao Liang glanced at Wenmu from the mirror of the elevator, and it took a while to look away.

At this time, Wen Cui's phone rang, and Qiao Liang raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Wen Cui, Wen Cui looked at the caller ID, and it took a while to reach out and hang up. Qiao Liang raised his eyebrows. Wen Cui said, "My father, He should have received my resignation today. I don't know what to say to him. "

Qiao Liang's brow frowned slightly, she said in a deep voice, "Wen Wei, we are not two or three-year-olds. I hope that the more difficult you can be, the more calm you can be, and the more you want to be with Lu Li, don't Other things are distracting. We must ensure that Lu Li is protected 24 hours. I hope you do n’t get hurt again because of your own family affairs. I hope you understand what I mean. "

After Qiao Liang said, the elevator just reached the floor of Lu Li's ward. Qiao Liang and Luo Feng first got off the elevator. Wen Cun stood in the elevator for two minutes and walked out of the elevator to the other side.

Luo Feng glanced at Wen Cui who was dialing out with a phone, and looked back at Qiao Liang, "Will it be too ruthless for you to talk to her like that? Lu Li becomes like this, after all, it has nothing to do with her, so it will Wouldn't be too harsh on her? "

Qiao Liang stopped, he looked at Luo Feng deeply, his face was cold, "Do you think I'm so unfriendly?"

Luo Feng shrugged. "Isn't that so?"

Qiao Liang snorted and looked at the man who was not talking to the phone. Wen Wen was very bad, and he murmured, "If I don't say that, it is Wen Wen and her family. The cruelest, over time, will also affect the feelings between Wen Cui and Lu Li. "

Luo Feng thought for a moment, and Chong Qiaoliang gave a thumbs up, "Thoughtful enough!"

Qiao Liang glanced at Luo Feng ~ ~ You remember one sentence, not all feelings are eternal. "Qiao Liang turned and walked towards the landing ward, and said," Wen Cui said what you said today, just listen. "

If she really wants to leave that day, he can't break Wen Cui's hands and feet and tie Lu Li beside him.

He wouldn't do that. He believed that Lu Li certainly didn't want him.

Luo Feng frowned slightly. He couldn't figure out what Qiao Liang meant, and followed Qiao Liang into the ward.

Lu Li was awake in the ward, but his eyes were dull and he stared blankly at the wall. Even when Qiao Liang came in, he didn't tilt his head. Qiao Liang came to stand in front of him and let himself stand. In his gaze, Lu Li blinked and tilted his head away, and Qiao Liang took another step into his gaze. This time, Lu Li's eyes did not move away, but he looked at Qiao Liang casually.

Today, Lu Li is no longer the style he used to be. He is pale, with stubble on his face, and he is even thinner.

Qiao Liang looked at this kind of Lu Li, frowning, holding back his emotions, and asked blankly, "Don't you know me?"

Lu Li slightly tilted his head and looked away. Qiao Liang really wanted to walk over in two steps to let him look at himself and answer his own questions, but he didn't dare because he was afraid to stimulate Lu Li.

It took him a while to get to Lu Li's bed and sit down, lowering his voice, "You remember, I'm your brother, Qiao Liang. Do you have to remember I know?"

"Lu ... Li ..." Wen Cui stood at the door and looked at Lu Li sitting on the hospital bed, her eyes flushed, she reached out and covered her mouth, shook her head unbelievably, "How could this be?"

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