MTL - Strongest Abandoned Son-v17 Chapter 2201 World affairs

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Three years later, Ye Mo stopped. He didn't know how much void he had torn, but he knew that his current position was definitely a low-level interface.

Ye Mo knew that according to his method of headless flies, even in the next 3,000 years, he could only sneak in the void. Although Guangyuan Palace’s azimuth beads are powerful, they cannot be positioned across countless circles.

This kind of low-level interface, Ye Mo believes that after his sea of ​​knowledge is fully restored, his knowledge can also pass through some interfaces.

Or first restore your own knowledge of the sea, Ye Mo once again chose a meteorite, control the gold page world into the rock, and regain peace of mind.

What Ye Mo didn't think was that when he tried to repair the sea with the dark algae of the horned algae, it was better than the medicinal herbs he refined with the horned algae. I was so careless that Ye Mo’s heart was ecstatic. He used to know that the sea was rarely affected by this kind of injury. A little bit of damage, a little remedy can be solved.

This time his knowledge of the sea was so badly hurt that he had nothing to do with the half-step of the sea, but because he himself used the purple sable to display a knife-shaped knife pattern that transcends his ability.

When the dark algae began to repair the leaves and the sea, the chaotic trees also continued to overflow the vitality to support the dark algae to repair the leaves of the sea. Ye Mo feels that in the process of repairing his own sea, there have been earth-shaking changes. Knowing the sea seems to be forming a new world. Yes, it is a new world. His knowledge of the sea can already form a world, but the new world that is now formed is completely different from before.

Ye Mofu went to the soul and immediately began to work and read the nine turns. In fact, behind the nine-turn of God, he was modified according to the three-life decision. Even if he did not work, the gods have begun to run on their own.

The original sea of ​​knowledge was covered, and a new world of gods appeared in Ye Mo’s mind. The chaotic tree that has been warmed up by him in Zifu has been transferred directly to the sea of ​​knowledge.

His knowledge has multiplied. The world of knowing the sea is also rapidly improving. When the last crack in the sea was filled, Ye Mo felt a powerful surge of pleasure to the extreme, and his consciousness was more relaxed and rounded.

"God read nine to Nirvana?" Ye Mo muttered to himself, he knew that it was extremely difficult for God to read Nirvana. Unexpectedly, with the help of dark algae and chaotic trees, Nirvana is so simple.


A year later, Ye Mo’s knowledge of the sea was not only fully restored, but also the sixth turn to the Nirvana. Not only does the sea increase, but the knowledge is even stronger. Ye Mo said this with Mu Xiaoyun, and confidently left the Golden Pages world again and returned to the void.

Ye Mo returned to the void. In the first time, God's knowledge was completely swept away. He wanted to know that with his current powerful knowledge, he could not pass through the low-level virtual interface.

When Ye Mo's knowledge swept into something he couldn't see with his naked eyes, he immediately knew that his knowledge of God could barely cross a boundary here.

If this is before the monk who did not meet the golden light. Ye Mo will certainly be a little happy. But now Ye Mo knows that this is nothing at all, and the universe is in the void. More people than him.

And he knows that the domain that his gods are now passing through is the weakest boundary. Even weaker than the void domain of the comprehension world.

"Starry sky?" When Ye Xing’s knowledge appeared in a starry sky, he immediately surprised. Starry sky and void are different. There are countless planets in the sky, which means the existence of life.

Ye Mo rips the empty interface in front of him for the first time. The next moment he has appeared in the starry sky. At this time, there are countless planets in his knowledge of the sea. These planets are mostly inanimate planets.

In this starry sky. There is no **** aura, no fairy aura, even the aura is extremely thin. Ye Mo knows that the place where he appears is indeed the lowest level interface.

Ye Mo’s knowledge slowly swept out. When he saw the moon, his mood was even more exciting, and the next time he saw the earth. He did not expect that after countless voids, he did not find the underworld, did not find the dragon, but returned to the earth.

This is already the earth hundreds of years later, and it has been a thing of the past.

Ye Mo called out the little rhyme in the first time. Xiao Yun has never been to the earth. He wants to take a little rhyme to go back and see. Even if it is already wrong, it is where he lived.

"People, we are going to the stars? The aura here is so thin." Mu Xiaoyun asked with surprise when he came out.

Ye Mo sighed and said, "I will take you to see where I lived. I have been in the past for hundreds of years. I have never thought about it. I can come back here."

Mu Xiaoyun reacted and immediately asked, "Is it already, have we arrived at the earth?"

Ye Momou said, "Although it hasn't arrived yet, it will arrive soon."


For hundreds of years, the sea is sang.

The name of the city in Ninghai has not changed, but the whole city does not know how much beautiful it is before. Ye Mo took Mu Xiaoyun to the small courtyard where he lived. The small courtyard had already become a square, and the small courtyard where he lived had become a tourist spot.

Some tourists take pictures in the small courtyard, and some tourists eat snacks at the booth outside the small courtyard.

"People, you lived in this place that year?" Mu Xiaoyun looked at the small courtyard in front of him and asked softly.

Ye Mo nodded. "Yes, I have left a lot of memories here."

He remembered the light snow and immediately thought of the vegetarian. Whether it is light snow or vegetarian, I have lived in this small courtyard. However, his heart immediately became hot. He arrived here and it is extremely easy to return to Luoyue. At that time, he returned to Luoyue, with light snow and Luo Ying and his family to go to the fairy world.

Soon his eyes stunned and then sighed softly.

"What's wrong, Xiang Gong?" Mu Xiaoyun always pays attention to the mood of Ye Mo, Ye Mo sighed, she immediately noticed.

"The place is still there, but people are gone." Ye Mo said with a sigh.

Mu Xiaoyun took Ye Mo’s hand and said softly, “Xiang Gong, Xue Xue’s sister and Luo Ying’s sister are all in the city of Mo Yue. You don’t have to worry, they may have already risen to the fairy world now.”

Ye Mo shook his head and said, "I am not talking about them. Let's go. I will take you to Luoyuecheng to see."

Ye Mo’s knowledge swept to Luoyue City. At this time, Luo Yuecheng was still very beautiful, but Ye Mo’s **** did not see an acquaintance. When he left Luo Yuecheng, he also arranged a large array of giant spirits, leaving many medicinal herbs and spiritual stones. However, there are still no familiar people left today. If they did not leave Luoyuecheng, it is already gone.

Because of this, Ye Mo is more and more sad. The powerful ability, and then the strong opportunity, will eventually turn into dust in the face of the years. Only one day, he will grasp the law of time in his own hands, and will be immortal, and will be truly immortal.

Ye Mo finally understood this time, why the law of time is the most powerful law.

"Oh..." Ye Mo said this, a surprise.

"What did you see?" Mu Xiaoyun asked quickly.

Ye Mo smiled a little. "There is still an acquaintance. Let's go check it out."


"Or I really have to go." A middle-aged woman stood on the top of the snow-capped peaks and muttered.

Here is the Meine Snow Mountain, where she has spent hundreds of years, and the aura here is richer than other places. But even so, she still knows that her time to stay here is also here, she must leave here.

If it isn't for Ningsi's cream, she will not be able to advance to Yuan Ying. But in this place, only she is a Yuan Ying monk, and no one can talk to anyone. It is the Chu family that she can no longer go back. If she is such a person who has lived for hundreds of years, it is a strange thing not to be considered as an old monster.

"Oh..." The middle-aged woman sighed again. She felt that she was too shameful to do things in front of Ye Mo.

She can't control the urgency of her inner desire to cultivate. In her heart, anything, others will, she must, and be better than others. Even if she pays a heavier price, she is willing.

But as the cultivation progresses, her outlook on life is constantly changing. She lived for hundreds of years and witnessed countless changes in the sea, but what about now? Still alone, here.

When Ningsi Frost called her to Luoyuecheng, she had no face and her face was lost. Now she is alone, stay here, just look at the white snow every then watch the sunset and sunrise, that's all.

"Chutan, I did not think that you can practice in the apocalyptic place, even if it can be cultivated to Yuan Ying, it is not easy." Ye Mo's voice rang behind the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman turned to Huo Di, and she was shocked to look at the back, and she forgot the role of God. Her Yuan Ying repair, even if it is only the beginning, but who else on the earth can pass her senses, silently appear behind her?

"Ye Big Brother..." The middle-aged woman recognized Ye Mo in an instant, and she did not hesitate to kneel down. If it was the same year, she must have thought that her cultivation was definitely higher than Ye Mo. But now she is very clear, even if she has been practicing for a few lifetimes, it is estimated that she will never catch up with Ye Mo.

This middle-aged woman is Chu Dan. In the same year, she exchanged the cultivation resources from Ye Mo with the porch of Chu, and stepped into the monastic circle.

To tell the truth, Ye Mo looked down on Chu Dan. This woman is too snobbish and can do anything for the goal. But now Ye Mo is obviously not willing to think of these things again. After all, hundreds of years later, there is only one acquaintance in Chudan on the earth.

... (to be continued..)

Read The Duke's Passion