MTL - Strongest Abandoned Son-v17 Chapter 2251 mother

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Ji Xinyi sighed in her heart. She knew that she was the goddess of the gods behind her. At this time, she was not in the eyes of Ye Mo. If the goddess of the Holy Gate can still be called in the Holy Land before, now Ye Mo stands up and casually said a word, maybe all the people in the Holy Land will be besieged the Holy Gate of God. This prestige is completely incomparable. In other words, Ye Mo wants to destroy the holy gate of the goddess, and does not even need to do it himself, just one sentence.

Fortunately, Ye Mo’s grievances are clear, and there is no credit for concealing the holy woman’s holy door.

"Ye Zongzhu has something to ask, even if he asks, Ji Xinyi knows everything." Ji Xinyi wanted to open this point and simply sat down and replied without hesitation.

Ye Mo nodded and sat down. He said, "I saw a few bones in the prison gate of the goddess, and I saw a chain lock made with Tianluo iron. Now I am I really want to know what is going on, and I want to ask Ji Zongzhu to confuse."

Ji Xinyi was shocked. She couldn’t think of what Ye Mo was going to ask about the goddess. She was silent for a long time, and she said with a hint of hoarseness, "This is a thing inside the holy door of my goddess, but my goddess of the goddess is more offensive to Ye Zongzhu, so I am willing to answer the question of Ye Zongzhu."

Ye Mo did not speak, and even slightly expected. He was curious to know what the bones had to do with him, and why he felt a sense of sadness after seeing it.

Ji Xinyi sorted out the thoughts in his heart, and this slowly replied, "My goddess of the goddess of the goddess has always been sacred with chastity, not half-stained, so in the holy door of my goddess. The chastity of the goddess is the most important. An ordinary goddess Chastity is so important. The chapel of the Virgin in my holy gate is even more holy.

But not everything can be as thought. The seventy-third generation of the goddess of the goddess of the goddess of the goddess of the goddess of the emperor has been shocked and brilliant, and even has the foundation of advanced mixed elements. However, Qi Rui embroidered in the process of leaving the Holy Gate experience, and she is not willing to tell the man who let her. The result was locked in the prison gate by the founder, and was punished by the burning of the smoldering fire. ”

"A group of fake nuns with no humanity, did they not jump out of the stone? I am!" Ye Mo said rudely.

It is not impossible to keep the holy door of the goddess, but because it has lost its chastity, it will be burned for many years by the smoldering fire. Ye Mo looked down very much. At most, I punish him for a meal, and then I rushed out of the mountain gate. It was burned for many years by the smoldering fire. Even if it was a sinister torture, it could not be sustained for a long time.

Ji Xinyi heard Ye Mo Dawei, his face changed, but in the end he still sighed in the heart, no matter how strong the form is, and Ye Moi wants to say how to say, can she stand up and resist?

Ye Moe stared at Ji Xinyi. "Do you feel that you have no ability to resist me? At the beginning, the goddess of the goddess of the sacred priests was detained in the prison gate and burned with a smoldering fire. Have you ever thought about whether you can resist it? Remember. Don't do it to others. ”

Ji Xinyi knows that she and Ye Mo argue that these are of no use, but they say, "The embroidered saints are burning under the smoldering fire of the prison gate, and they still give birth to a daughter regardless of the punishment of the founder. In order to keep their daughter. The embroidered saints first made a living, and then they burned their lives to tear open the void, letting her son-in-law leave her goddess with her daughter. I can only know these, as for what Xiaoyun went to. There is no one to know the holy door of the goddess."

"You can have an image of the embroidered saint?" Ye Mo asked again.

Ji Xinyi nodded, took out a blank jade, and portrayed an image and handed it to Ye Mo.

Ye Mo’s knowledge swept into Yu Jian, and the image in Yu Jian was a beautiful woman. Ye Mo actually felt a touch of familiarity, and he seemed to have seen this image somewhere.

Seeing Ye Mo just frowning and not talking, Ji Xinyi did not say much.

After a long time, Ye Mo suddenly shocked. He finally remembered who the image was. At the beginning, he took a woman named Gong Lingxiu in the hollowed out palace. Ling Xiu left two crystal images for him. One crystal image is the mother of his previous life, and the other is a condensate fairy who serves his mother. (If you forget this section of friends, you can look at the first chapter 1969, previous life)

His mother and the emperor of the embroidered emperor are very similar. Isn't the emperor of the embroidered emperor his family? Ye Mo thought of this, immediately remembered what the original Ling Xiu said, ‘... Confucius brought you from childhood to big, and already has feelings for you. She is afraid that you will suffer in the real world and want to take care of you. The condensate left the Sui Dynasty in the evening, and I have not heard from her since then. ’

After being thrown into the realm of the real world by the hollowed out emperor, he went to find him.

Ye Mo thought that his previous life was lost by the hollowed out emperor in Dong Xuanzhou. His knowledge immediately passed through the layer interface and landed directly on Luoyue mainland.

The city of Mo Yue is still the same, Ye Mo saw many acquaintances in the city of Mo Yue, Ning Sishuang, Mu An, Li Sandao...

However, Ye Mo quickly stood up excitedly. He saw the condensate, although the condensate was old, but the appearance was still there, and the image of the crystal ball that Lingxiu gave him.

Ling Xiu said that in order to find him, the condensate went to the real world.

Ye Mo didn't know how the condensate was going to repair the real world. He knew that it was very difficult for a big fairy to want to practice the real world alone. But since he saw the condensate, it means that the condensate really did. However, the condensate scent at this time is concealed and scattered, and the life is not condensed. It seems that it may be scattered at any time and anywhere.

She lives alone in an apocalyptic foothill, far from the village where she lives, and is relatively remote. Seeing the condensate standing in front of the house and watching the starry sky move, Ye Mo knew that she should know that her life was not long.

Ye Mo can continue to stay here at this time, he directly transmitted to Qin Lan, "I will leave the Holy Tao for a period of time, the Holy Tao and the Holy Land will be handed over to you."

After that, Ye Mo has stepped out in one step and disappeared in the guest hall without a trace.

Qin Lan knows that Ye Mo is going to find the world mountain. It is not strange to Ye Mo’s words. He quickly said, “Yes, the sovereign.”

Ji Xinyi stood up and watched the place where Ye Mo disappeared. She was not home, but her eyes were still there. Can she not see that Ye Mo has just crossed the void? It is not necessary to tear. One step can be taken from the void, how much more should it be repaired?


Jiang Lianfeng is actually a large low mountain range, but there is a very high mountain called Jiang Lianfeng in the middle of this large low mountain. Jiang Lianfeng is rich in spirit grass, and even some good-quality grasses can be found. Therefore, the villagers living in the vicinity simply called Jiang Lianfeng.

Although Jiang Lianfeng has Lingcao, it is limited to one place, and the level of Lingcao is only good compared to ordinary people. For the monks, the spirit grass here is not worth mentioning at all, let alone the lack of aura here.

However, there is a very long river in front of Jiang Lianfeng. This big river is connected with the mountain peaks and forms a fertile land. Of course, fertility is only relative to the world. It was because of the connection between the mountains and rivers that it was called Jiang Lianfeng.

In a relatively remote place in Jianglian Peak, there are several thatched cottages. The villagers living nearby never knew that there were such thatched cottages in Jiang Lianfeng, because these thatched houses were concealed and concealed, and ordinary people could not see them.

At this time, a middle-aged woman was standing silently in front of the thatched cottage, staring at the void, seemingly recalling the extremely long-term things.

"Predecessors..." Ye Mo stood behind the middle-aged woman for a long time, and the middle-aged woman was unaware. Ye Mo felt that she had not been half-finished, and her heart sighed and trembled.

The middle-aged woman suddenly turned around. When she saw Ye Mo, she settled in an instant. For a moment, she burst into tears and said to herself, "Oh my... my limit has finally arrived..."

Ye Mo immediately understood the meaning of the condensed silk words. She did not have the cultivation, and thought that her own limit had arrived, and this was an illusion.

At this moment, Ye suddenly felt a burst of sorrow, and he had nothing to do with the condensate. The condensate brought him up, and also took care of his mother. Even after he learned that he was kicked out and repaired the real world, he also tried his best to come to the realm of comprehension. With the cultivation of Confucius Daxian, even if it is tens of thousands of years, it is also leisurely, and she has come to the realm of cultivation, which is only a thousand years, and Shouyuan has been exhausted.

In contrast, this kind of parenting, this kind of love and great grace, is simply able to report?

"Zou Niang, this is not a dream, I am coming to you, I am late, I am really Ye Mo..." Ye Mo’s heart was crushed by this thick family at this moment, the mixed yuan road Rhyme can't stop his current sentimentality.

He proved that he is a sentimental person. He is a person who is really flesh and blood. Even if he is mixed, he still can't give up this love of shadow of the mother in the crystal ball is gradually faded. Only the image of the condensate is getting clearer. The Zou Niang that he called out is more natural and does not have any thoughts. In his heart, Zou Niang is the mother, replacing everything the mother did for him.

In his mind, there was a condensate sound like a cuckoo blood. "Supreme Emperor, I beg you to leave your nephew..."

The condensate flashed down the steps and still kept him in his arms. He went to the realm of comprehension, Zou Niang was afraid that he would suffer, and still exhausted and repaired it. In addition to the mother, who else has this selfless feeling?

Ye Mo didn't even know when he had burst into tears. At this moment, he could no longer stand and fell to the ground. "Zou Niang, I am coming to see you."

"You are really a nephew? Are you still?" The middle-aged woman’s face suddenly had an unhealthy excitement red. She rushed to Ye Mo in one step and said Ye Mo in her arms. : "Hey, you are really a nephew."

(Today is Mother's Day, I send the most sincere blessing, I wish all the mothers in the world are happy and healthy! Today's update is here, friends are good night!)

... (to be continued..)

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