MTL - Strongest Abandoned Son-v17 Chapter 2263 Fight for the saint

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Qi Bingyu finally understood the hatred of Ye Mo and Dong Fang, and also understood that Ye Mo and the Mozu were not quite right. She apologized and grabbed Ye Mo’s hand and said, “Ye Mo is sorry, I don’t know that the man has a hatred against you. He once gave him some fairy crystals. He knew that I had a flame to destroy him.”

Yan Bingyu’s words are like knives, and the East Wang’s hopes are cut and divided, leaving his heart in blood. When Yan Bingyu repaired the resources of Xian Wang and sent him to cultivate resources, she became the goddess of the East Wang. Even if he has a chance, and then calculations, the deepest part of his heart has been engraved with the name of Yan Bingyu, which is absolutely the most sincere love.

Even if he is already a mixed emperor, the position of Yan Bingyu in his heart is no one can replace, whether it is An Qiqi or the current Fujian-Taiwan. But now the goddess in his heart has said this ruthless words.

Yantai did not care about Bingyu’s words at all. She said with a smile and a generous guest at the guesthouse. “Thanks to the various ethnic immortals for coming to my demon to participate in my mixed-age ceremony, scorn, and invite all ethnic groups. Xianyou forgive me."

As a Mozu saint, Yongtai Yi will not be seen by others, but she said this as a mixed saint, and many people immediately stood up and returned.

Qi Yuanzhou didn’t know if he had listened to the words of Fujian and Taiwan, but he still didn’t want to be here with Ye Mo, and he didn’t continue to talk to Ye Moduo. Instead, he said that he was holding a fist and said, “Please sit down, please be my devil today. There is one more thing besides the mixed-age ceremony of the banquet of the saints. I think everyone knows very well, that is, my Mozu is willing to join hands with the various tribes, and is willing to take the opportunity of the Yizheng to prove the mixed yuan. Pick a Taoist for my demon Yiyi."

When the words of Zhai Yuanzhou were finished, they immediately caused a burst of applause. The only one who did not applaud was estimated to be only Ye Mo and Yan Bingyu.

Ye Mo is not interested in applauding, and Yan Bingyu obviously does not care about other people's affairs.

"Ye Xianyou doesn't seem to be too happy. Could you have some opinions on the Mozu? Just so many people applauded here, Ye Xianyou didn't see the movement." The demon's mixed-class Shengdi Fan Gao did not let go of any to Yemmera. The opportunity of hatred, Ye Mo did not applaud, he immediately seized.

Ye Mo glanced at Fan Gao and said, "I am happy and unhappy about what happened to you? You don't want to provoke me to fight with the Yuanzu of the Mozu? You have the ability to challenge to Yuan Yuanzhou to do it to me. You win."

Qi Yuanzhou’s face was calm, but his heart was very angry. He could not wait to kill Yem immediately. He also hated Fan Gao. This guy is afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

Fan Gao thought very well, but Zhuge Tianhua did not seem to understand his mind. At this time, Zhuge Tianhua stared at Dongfangwang with cold eyes. All the people knew that he and the saint of the Mozu were a pair, but now the saint of the Mozu is sitting with a guy who has no experience. This is simply playing. face.

He is a mixed-race emperor, and he was beaten by a guy of unknown origin. How can he bear this breath?

At this time, Dongfang Wang suddenly stood up. He first took a fist to Qi Yuanzhou and then said: "I have loved the Yiyi Saints for a long time, but the Yiyi Saints are absolutely unparalleled..."

"There is no such thing as a perfect match. How do I see someone here is more beautiful than her?" Tang sneered and interrupted Dongfangwang.

The face of the ring was calm, but my heart rolled up. When the first silence of the immortal king, she knew that Ye Mo was absolutely unusual. She also made up her mind not to fall behind Ye Mo too, at least to follow Ye Mo. Steps, then help Ye Mo.

However, she later got the Jiu Fan Jiu Lian Jing, and got the chance of Tian Da. With her higher cultivation, Ye Mo’s position in her heart tends to be gentle. When she became a saint in the Mozu, and after comprehending some of the rhyme of the Sansheng decision, she continued to climb up. She finally understood that Ye Mo’s achievements came entirely from the three births.

At this time, Ye Mo has no difference in her heart from ordinary people. Anyone who has obtained Ye Mo’s practice will have the same achievement. At this time in her heart, Ye Mo and Ding Jie are just an ordinary friend.

The sacred world is broken, she has been practicing in the Mozu, and the status of the Terran in her heart is not high. Even worse than the most ordinary one of the people in the virtual city, the emperor of the virtual city has experienced the suppression and suffering of the low status of the human race, but she has not experienced it.

Yantai Yi did not know that the nine-van jilian lotus that she practiced was originally a Mozu holy script. The original name was Jiufanjiu Magic. This nine-van-nine magical demon was obtained by a stunned celestial emperor from Jiu Fanxianchi. After seeing the Nine-Vatican and the Nine Demon, the Emperor knew that this magical meditation was not suitable for the immortal cultivation.

But she also knows that this magical scripture is too powerful, and it is a pity to lose it. She began to modify the holy scriptures in her hands with her peerless understanding. Finally, she modified this magical script into a nine-van ninth lotus. Only after she began to practice the Nine-Vatican Nine Lotus, I realized that I was too small to see this magical scripture. Even if it was modified this way, she still could not fully control this magical scripture.

In order not to let this magic go through, but also to prevent yourself from being exploded. The Emperor left the Jiu Fan Xianchi and went to find the Jiu Fan Fire Lotus. She wants to help with the Nine-Vatican Fire Lotus and cultivate it into the Nine-Vatican Nine Lotus.

After the Emperor found the Nine-Vatican Fire Lotus, he could not suppress the magic of practicing the Nine-Vatican. She is a cultivator, forcibly modifying the magical sacred scriptures, and without the help of the top treasures, has reached a critical point of eruption.

In the end, she sealed herself in the smoldering pool of Jiu Fan Xianchi with great perseverance. Since then, there has been no news. Until the ring of fire in the pool, she found the nine-van flame lotus and the nine-fan-Jiulian lotus.

The understanding of the Taiwanese affair was originally the top, and she also got the nine-van flame lotus, and Ye Mo’s three-life sensational help. She cultivated the modified Nine-Vatican Nine Lotus, which turned out to be a thousand miles. After she arrived at the Mozu, she was even more prosperous, not to mention the Mozu’s full support for her cultivation.

But even if there is the understanding of the Nine-Vatican Fire Lotus and a few of the three births, after the cultivation of the Nine-Vatican and the Nine Lotus, the character is also greatly changed.

The devil's practice is exquisite in the world, and I am the only protagonist in any occasion. When Yantai and Ding and Ye Mo were together, they were favored by Ye Mo, and among the three, Ye Mo was the main one, and they were supplemented by two people. This can be seen either from the seal tower or from the time when the king is sealed.

At the beginning of the martial arts, there was no cultivation of the nine van Gogh and nine lotuses. Originally, Ye Mo worship was incomparable. Of course, everything was dominated by Ye Mo. She did not have the idea of ​​climbing to Ye Mo's head. But then as her cultivation is higher, her personality changes.

Now she has already proved the mixed yuan, although she did not say that she looked down on Ye Mo, but she never thought of Ye Mo as a stronger than herself.

Before she saw Ye Mo at first sight, she was still a little happy, but when she saw Yan Bingyu around Ye Mo, she immediately became indifferent. In her subconscious mind, Ye Mo should immediately come to her side, and the East is generally more popular with her.

Now the meaning of Tang Congyi is obviously that Bing Bingyu is more beautiful than her. Can she not let her deeper in her heart?

Zhuge Tianhua has been paying attention to the Taiyiyi, and the expressions of Yantaiyi are all in his eyes. Now the tone of Tang’s speech is that he is worse than Yan Bingyu. He immediately has to stand up and talk.

It’s just that he hasn’t had time to talk, and he heard that the singer of the Yuan Dynasty, who is next to him, continued to say, “No matter what others say, it’s best to be in the heart of my sacred woman. It’s because the beauty of the Yiyi is not me. One can see that this time the various ethnic groups have come to many heroes who love the Yiyi Saints. The East is not talented and willing to consult one by one."

Dongfang Wang said that everyone knows that there is a good show today, and the war is obviously inevitable. Listening to this Eastern Wang’s tone, it seems that he has to challenge one by one, but he does not know who Dong Dongwang is the first to challenge.

Sure enough, Dongfang Wang said that he turned his attention to Ye Mo. "Ye Dansheng, long-awaited name, today Dongfangwang asks."

Dongfang Wang wants to kill Ye Mo, Ye Mo also wants to kill him. It’s just that he doesn’t want to be here with Dongfang Wang. He is sure that there is something great in Dongfangwang, otherwise it’s impossible to advance so fast. If you want to do it, you must find a place where no one is.

Zhuge Tianhua had long wanted to speak. Now Dongfangwang challenged Ye Mo, he couldn’t help but stand up. "Oriental fairy friend, I also love the Yiyi saint very much. It’s better for me to come first with the Oriental fairy friend. Let's go."

When Zhuge Tianhua said this, it immediately caused strangeness to others.

Everyone does not understand why Zhuge Tianhua wants to help Ye Mo stand Even if he wants to challenge Dongfang Wang, he has to wait until Dongfang Wang and Ye Mo have challenged before they speak. The Yaozu and Ye Mo are basically opposites. Can Zhuge Tianhua not see this?

Fan Gao’s face is also very gloomy. He also thinks that Zhuge Tianhua has taken the initiative to help Ye Mo fight.

Ye Mo did not move when he sat, and he was very clear about why Zhuge Tianhua had to take the initiative. The sacred emperor has the pride of the mixed emperor, Zhuge Tianhua has just advanced to the mixed yuan, and he is still ranked second on the holy road when he was in the Daoyuan. It can be said that he is almost incomparable at the same level. Advance to the mixed yuan, he certainly thinks that the same level is invincible.

Zhuge Tianhua has heard of his fame, but Dongfang Wang is not famous. In his view, Dongfangwang is a mixed emperor who relies on medicinal herbs or fruit. This kind of mixed sage is not worth much. This Zhuge Tianhua is afraid that he will kill Dongfangwang. He has no chance to shoot.

Since he wants to shoot, he certainly has to show strong power and skill in front of the Taiwanese. This kind of power is no more convincing than defeating Dongfang Wang in the face of Fujian and Taiwan.

"In this case, please ask the two." The performance of the Taiwanese side is even more generous. It seems that these two people have to fight and have nothing to do with her.

(Today's update is here, friends are good night. The rumor will not begin to broadcast on the prestige of the fifth in the next month, please pay attention to the public prestige of the fifth in time. Thank you!)

......(To be continued)【】If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. )