MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-Chapter 6 come down

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The situation is not good.

Both Rhodes and Carter have the same idea at the moment. This Wind Snake Lord is really difficult to entangle. Although the floating ship is rapidly descending and the forests not far away can be seen clearly, but if this continues, I am afraid Before the empty ship falls on the ground, it will disintegrate in the air!


Carter flew forward, and the two swords in his hand passed through two cold rays in the air, piercing the giant claws of the Wind Serpent Lord in front of him, but before he was about to succeed, the Wind Serpent Lord suddenly opened his mouth. The stinky breath rushed towards him. He didn't even have time to confirm, so he rolled directly on the spot. Although he avoided the bite of the Wind Snake Lord, he also declared the failure of the attack. But while Carter stood up and tried to pull out of the space, the Lord of the Snakes seemed to feel that this little bug was too annoying, and suddenly hit him with one claw. Carter, who did not expect the Wind Snake Lord to release the hull, was caught off guard. He subconsciously raised his two swords to resist, but was still hit hard. After sliding a few meters on the deck, it hit the mast and stopped.

This will not work.

Rhodes frowned, then he looked at the anxious girl standing not far behind.

"Lijie, I need your help!"


"I will draw its attention, and when it attacks me, I hope you can cast me a guardian shield!"


Hearing Rhode's words, Li Jie nodded without hesitation. She held her hands tightly, and bright, soft light floated above her body. And seeing this, Rhodes didn't say much, he just turned his head, then raised his sword, and suddenly wanted to lunge forward.

Broken Blade.

Shining, the sharp blade of light swept across the air again, hitting the Lord of the Wind Serpent heavily, although this time Rhodes did not consciously condense the blades of light, but left them scattered to attack, so in power It is smaller than before, so it can no longer penetrate the scales of the Wind Serpent Lord, but the scattered attack tears a few bright blood marks on the film of the Wind Serpent Lord's wings, which makes the Wind Serpent Lord incompetent. Eating in anger,

"Well !!!"

The Lord of the Wind Snake's action snapped, and it quickly turned around. Two bright red eyes were burning with angry flames, staring at the young human on the deck. Then, it opened its mouth again and quickly Rushed to Rhodes.

Lord Wind Snake's speed is indeed not slow, but in a blink of an eye, Rhodes can see his open **** red mouth appearing above his head, which also makes Rhodes tighten his nerves, which is a very risky s Choice. He deliberately did not use Shadow Flash, but maintained a slower speed to seduce the Wind Snake Lord to take the initiative to attack. Although this would be very dangerous, when the enemy is attacking with full force, its weakness will also change. Obviously-this is exactly the opportunity Rhode wants to seize!

The lord of the Wind Snake's **** mouth is close to his eyes. As long as it is a few seconds away, Rhodes will be swallowed by it.

However, it still failed to achieve its purpose.

Because at this moment, a faint egg-shaped barrier shining with white light suddenly appeared on Rhodes' body, resisting the serpent lord's teeth, although the action of the serpent lord was slowed down, in the next moment It completely broke the barrier, but it didn't bite anything.

Because just before the shield of protection, Rhodes had activated Shadow Flash.

He looked like a ghostly shadow, flashing the bite of the Wind Snake Lord, and then held up the pure white sword in his hand and swept across its throat.

This is exactly where the Wind Snake Lord's weakness lies. It is also the most vulnerable part of its entire body, but before it had narrowed its neck, it was difficult to be attacked. This time, the Lord of the Wind Snakes angered by Rhodes completely let go of the attack, and because of this, it no longer had time to protect its most lethal weakness.

"——— !!!!!!"

A sharp wailing sounded, and the Lord of the Snakes raised his head as if it had been shocked, and at its throat, dirty blood spewed out, spilling over the entire deck. Then, when his body was soft, he fell so heavily on the deck that there was no more breath.

Just then, Rhode also saw a deep green, which was rapidly expanding in front of his eyes.


Then, he only felt a sudden shock on the hull, and his body seemed to float into the air in an instant. Then, as soon as Rhodes' eyes were dark, he lost his consciousness completely.

When he woke up again, what he felt for the first time was the biting cold wind.

"I am ..."

Open your eyes, and the first thing that strikes you is a beautiful night sky. Unlike ordinary nights, the night here is very "bright", with soft moonlight shining down, reflecting the shadow of each leaf on the ground. In the night sky, in addition to a few stars, there are light bands emerging. They condense and become a link of light, extending in all directions.

This is exactly the characteristic of the Dragon Soul Continent-according to legends of ancient times, this was originally a chaotic and dangerous space. Then, the five dragons came here, and they used their bodies to create heaven, earth, and everything in this otherwise empty space. In order to suppress the evil chaos, after the five dragons created the world with their bodies, they also put their souls into it to suppress the evil chaotic power and protect the order of the world.

Each dragon's dragon soul has its own unique form, just like the sky above Rhodes' head now represents that this is the protected area of ​​the dragon soul of light. Its characteristic is that even in the night, there will be light shining. In contrast, it is the protected area of ​​the Dark Dragon Soul, where even in the daytime, it is dark, and no light can be seen.

Because of this, the species distribution on the mainland is also quite regular.

In the area guarded by the Dragon Soul of Light, various green plants can flourish. However, in the area of ​​the Dark Dragon Soul, only those luminous plants can be seen. Of course, this feature also affected the distribution of various races on the continent. Most humans gathered under the guardianship of the Dragon Spirit of Light, followed by elves and angels. The dark races such as the undead, vampires, and nightmare naturally became the inhabitants of the dark kingdom.

There are no gods on this continent. If they insist, the five dragons who created the heavens and the earth are the objects they worship. This also includes the holder of Dragon Soul.

The soul has its core existence, even the dragons who created the heavens and the earth are no exception, and their soul core will be lodged in someone, and this person can use this power to adjust the dragon soul to Guardian of the continent. For example, if chaos is a virus, and Dragon Soul's power is a firewall, then the person holding the soul core is equivalent to a cpu. As long as the cpu can still operate, then the firewall will not malfunction, which is enough to chaos everything. The power completely resists this world. The holder of these soul cores is also regarded as the heir of the dragon soul.

But this kind of thing doesn't make much sense to Rhode now.

Rhode slowly got up, his severe pain engulfed his body, especially the injury on his left chest, which now seemed more serious. Before, Rhodes could barely move with his left hand, but now he can't even move it. Even if he just moves his fingers, he will feel the pain of immersing his entire arm in the sea of ​​fire.

But this made Rhodes let go of his heart. If he felt something, it means that his arm was still there. In case nothing felt, that was the big trouble.

Looking up, with the bright moonlight, Rhodes first saw the wreckage of the floating ship, and the tall trees around him showed that they were in the forest. In this way, it is clear what happened. Although Rhodes killed the Lord of the Wind Snake, the floating ship, which was already fragile, was destroyed because it could not withstand the severe impact while landing.

At this moment there was silence in the forest, not even the humming of the insects. Rhode looked around and saw the blood and corpses everywhere on the ground, including wind snakes and humans. And not far from Rhodes, a petite figure was lying there, motionless.


Rhode hurried to the girl and lowered her body to observe her condition. Fortunately, although the girl looked pale and clenched her hands. However, her breathing was fairly even, and under the call of Rhodes, the girl opened her eyes before long.

"I ... I am ..."

Li Jie opened her eyes blankly and stared at the man in front of her. After a while, she seemed to be awake, and it seemed that she did not fall lightly.

"I am still alive?"


Seeing Li Jie answering her own words, Rhode was relieved, and the girl stood up slowly. She shook her head and bit her lip tightly, as if she had not fully recovered. But for girls, there are more important things to do now.

"Where is everyone? Heads? How are they?"


Rhodes didn't answer, but Li Jie didn't need to answer either, because at this moment, she could see the surrounding scene clearly. The little pale face was now stiff.

"How can ... Crete! Shire! Head!"

The girl rushed to the corpses of the mercenaries and desperately called for their names, but no one responded. However, Li Jie did not give up. She squatted down and examined the mercenaries in front of her. After confirming that the other party was dead, she did not cry, but gnawed her teeth and ran to the next person.

However, the girl's efforts did not get her due.

Faced with those cold, stiff bodies, she could do nothing. Although Li Jie has been insisting, when she saw Carter's figure, she could not help but soften her feet and sit on the ground.

The mercenary commander, who was also aspiring before, also became a cold body at this moment. Half of his body was caught in a gap in the deck, and a broken piece of wood penetrated his lower abdomen.

"Group ... Head ..."

Seeing this, Li Jie was sitting idly on some damp grass, the flame of hope had been completely extinguished from her eyes, and replaced by blankness and sadness. In the end, the girl lowered her head. Although she didn't speak, the slight weeping sound brought by the night breeze reached Rhodes' ear.

Looking at the slightly trembling shoulders of the blonde girl in front of her, Rhodes only stood behind her silently, but could not speak a word. In the battle before, because life and death were at stake, he didn't care about these at all. But now, when everything is over, looking at the corpses all around, Rhodes can't help feeling complicated. He didn't see the corpse, but after all, it was just a simulated scene in the game. In the game, people can still be resurrected with spells or the soul runs away. Not to run away.

To die is to die.

At this moment, Rhode seemed to think back to the night seven years ago. He could only watch with nothing but helplessness-death passed by his side unswervingly, but he could not even stop .

As soon as he was going to say something to comfort the girl in front of him, a faint cry for help came.

"Hey ... anyone? Help me ..."


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