MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-v3 Chapter 615 Bloodstained Front (Part 2)

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Blood-red lightning flashed across the sky. The clear sky gradually began to fade. The blue color began to become cloudy and dim as if it had been smeared with mud water. At this moment, Rhodes and Lydia immediately gave up the original leisurely, and quickly walked out of the room, but only for a moment, their figures disappeared. Because they know better than anyone, what this scene represents.

The invasion of chaos is here again.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang !!"

A rapid sirens sounded, and the calm line of defense suddenly boiled like boiling water. The soldiers put on their armor as quickly as possible, grabbed the weapon in their hands, and ran up the wall. Above them, the floating battleships lined up, the holy girl like the soft dazzling and bright light from the top down like a waterfall, connecting heaven and earth together, forming a solid barrier. The angels flapped their wings and flew into the air. Below, in addition to those soldiers wearing armor, faintly can see many players.

Soon, the red lightning became brighter, a series of bright red flashes appeared in the sky, and the dark and thick clouds spread again along the sky. Not only that, with the vaguely roaring sounds, countless dark shadows emerged from the far side of the horizon, just like the rushing river, the river breaking through the bank, roaring and rolling forward. The air became extremely tight for a moment, but the invisible gas at this moment seemed to be turned into a huge stone, and it was even depressing. In fact, many soldiers did look pale, but even so, they continued to stand on the city wall, their straight bodies remained unmoved. Standing on the floating battleship and looking down, Rhode glanced at the people in front of the line of defense, and nodded in praise. No wonder he would say so. Because in the previous battles, these soldiers had already stood here as two battles. Although Rhodes admits that the chaotic monster that is overwhelming will have a deep understanding and experience of its momentum no matter who sees it, this does not mean that they can or should escape. However, it was really speechless at that time. Perhaps it was the first time that the enemy confronted Chaos for the first time. Many people almost collapsed before the real contact with Chaos. Fortunately, there are indeed many angels and spiritual masters on Rhodes' side. A lot of auxiliary spirits can still be considered to maintain the stability of the front. Otherwise, I am afraid that at the moment of contact with the chaotic army, Rod's first line of defense will be completely collapsed.

But now, perhaps because of going through a war and gradually becoming familiar with the characteristics of the Chaos, the soldiers now look less panic than before. Although their expressions are still a little tense, they are still at least within the control of Neng-for human beings, the most frightening thing is that they are hidden in the darkness and have no idea of ​​their true face. And when their true colors are exposed, no matter they are aliens or Godzillas, they are simply "enemies" to human beings. "Then, Your Majesty Rhodes. I'll leave it to you here. I'll go to the Western Line to see what's going on."

"Leave it to me, Lydia."

Hearing Lydia, Rhode waved. Of course, he wondered why Lydia stayed here, but since Lydia didn't want to say more, of course, Rhodes would not be stupid enough to expose Zi. So he just nodded slightly. Then watched Lydia leave, and then Rhode asked others about the current situation through the soul connection.

Because of his skill in mastering the sword enchantment, Rhodes did not send the sword elves to other defenses this time. Instead, they found someone else to take their place. Of course, Rhode finds people who have a soul connection with Zi, such as Angeline. The projected bubbles, canaries and ice-cherries, and canary. For the sake of insurance, they were also separated by Rhodes and sent to the respective defense lines. Although they seem to assist the other side in defense, the fact is that Rhodes actually added a few more eyeliners to it anytime, anywhere Confirm that the situation on each front is good to respond. Although many systems in Dragon Soul Mainland have been gamified, it is a pity that the communication system most needed by players is completely impossible. Therefore, Rhodes also has no way to form a group like in the game and then can chat and pull skins far away from the ends of the earth. It is said that Neng can only use this method.

By the way, the bubble and the canary of the body also participated in the battle. In fact, Rhodes didn't want the two of them to take risks at the beginning. Although it is reasonable to say that now they have arrived on Dragon Soul Continent, and after the same tune, their strength attributes have also restored to their original level, so they should be able to be resurrected after death. But Rhodes didn't dare take risks, so he originally arranged for the two to stay behind. However, Bubble and Canary were obviously reluctant to stay behind for dinner, and in the end Rhode had no choice but to give them both to their respective projections to take care of. At the same time, he also gave a death order to the projection, asking them to protect both of them. Although the personalities of the two sides are somewhat different, isn't it that ziji is the one who knows him best? There are two projections. It should not be possible to cause any problems with the body.

After Rhode asked for a lap, he found that this time the chaos was not a full-scale attack. Among them, Canary and Rustie's border was not attacked at all. The Underworld jie that Angeline and Leo were stationed in seemed to be normal. On the border area of ​​the Nether Leader, there was news of a chaotic attack on Bubbles and Frozen. However, Rhodes didn't think it was so strange, the Netherland was the newest one to open up compared with other di parties. And chaos itself is closer than jiao. Ever since Chaos launched an attack on the Dragon Soul continent, the Netherlands have almost never heard of it. However, because of the Seven Pillars and the Demon Fleet, Rhodes was quite relieved. But because of this, he really couldn't spare too many people to support other parties. Otherwise, Rhodes would not have chosen to rely on a group of players and the floating warships of the Moon Empire. After all, in terms of power, his magic battleship is even better. It is a pity that the borderline of the Nether Leader is not shorter than that of the Kingdom of Light. Now Rhodes is neng enough to protect his own border from being invaded by chaos. Jing is doing his best, and how can he not mobilize manpower? And power to help the kingdom of light.

Of course, in addition to these objective reasons, Rhodes is not without his heart—after all, the first line of defense is always abandoned. But even if you give up, there will be a come first. Sacrifice the country of light, so that his subordinates neng can retreat smoothly, which is better than sending reinforcements directly here and accompany them to death.

Thinking of this, Rhodes's mouth slightly raised, a strange smile appeared. Then the next moment, his figure turned into a white light, and disappeared quickly. When he appeared again, Jing had come to a broken wall in front of him.

"Master, you are finally here."

With the appearance of Rhodes. An arrogant voice emerged, and then Serestina walked out of the darkness and walked up to Rhodes. And seeing the figure of Serestina, then the true identity of this line of defense is ready to come out-yes, here is the broken tooth of Serestina who "pitted" thousands of deserters before.

"It looks pretty good."

As he said, Rhode glanced at the soldiers standing quietly in the city walls, but facing Rhode's gaze and gaze, these soldiers seemed to have no response at all. They stood straight on the wall like this. The complexion was pale and iron-blue, and his eyes stared at him indifferently. But as long as you feel it, you can find it. At the moment in the body of these soldiers, but filled with a certain degree of evil and death, it is obvious that this is the ghost of Serestina.

"Are you sure that these people are really neng enough to ensure the safety here? Although this was the one I came up with, but if I can't, I can send some players over."

Because of the particularity here. Instead of bringing ordinary soldiers closer, Rod didn't bring players and the War Angel Legion closer. It can be said that if you want to keep here, then only neng can rely on the holy sword elves in his and zi's hands and these soldiers transformed by Serestina, plus those who practice the ghosts.

After Gaya brought those Chilian ghosts and gods. Rhodes quickly summoned Celestina and asked her to sign a contract with these red spirits. What made Rhodes relieved was that although these guys were considered mutants, the blood of the devil in his body was genuine. They dared to go up and dance their teeth against Gaya, but these guys really shook into frightened dogs like Serestina. It can be seen that the devil's class is still very rigorous, and this characteristic is deeply integrated into the bodies of these red spirits. And Serestina herself is quite full of this, according to her, she already wanted a team of guards. Hearing Rhode's inquiries at the moment, Serestina also pouted, and then answered with pride.

"Relax, master. These inferior residues have been transformed by mystery. They are the most faithful and obedient pets of Miss Ben who survived by consuming flesh and death. They should also be enough to resist. "

"That's fine."

Rhoded nodded at Celestina's triumphant answer. After all, Serestina fought the Chaos monsters during the creation war. She doesn't know too little about Chaos Monsters, so what she said has certain credibility. Since Serestina said there was no problem, most of the time, there was no problem. But even so, Rhodes didn't relax his vigilance. This time he only paid so much attention to the situation here, in order to see the "reformation" of Serestina and the real combat power of Chilian ghosts. If it is enough to make Rodman yi, then maybe this will become a hidden ace against chaos in the future. Maybe ...

The shadow gradually approached, but Rhodes and Serestina exchanged these words. I saw the Chaos monsters had rushed to the foot of the defense not far below. At the same time, flashes of magic emerged from all directions and struck the Chaos monsters. With the splendid artillery fire of the magic guided artillery, jian spread all over the sky, and the attack situation like a torrential storm completely broke the chaotic first offensive. But this is nothing more than pediatrics for the Chaos monsters, although their front has been completely torn. But these monsters still did not hesitate, shouting and rushing forward. Their bodies were frozen and shattered again and again by the light of artillery and magic, but even then they did not stop them, but continued to rush forward madly—this is the most frightening di of chaos. Fang is also the reason why the line of defense often collapses. When the defenders knew that no matter what they could do to stop the monsters in front of them, the only thing waiting for them was despair and death.

"It doesn't look much different from before ..."

Frowning, looking at the chaotic offensive in front of him, Rhode said to himself. He always felt that things should not be so simple. Chaos was so weird that there was no movement for such a long time. This time, it suddenly launched an attack, and it was definitely not just so ordinary. Even so, Rhodes' men did not stop. Instead, looking at the chaotic monster in front of him, a flash of light flashed in Rhodes' eyes, and then his right finger twitched slightly, then. A pure white card appeared between Rhode's fingers, accompanied by Rhodes' movement. Soon, this pure white card changed colors twice in rapid succession, and then saw Rhodes slam forward in front of the chaos monster in front of him, and along with his actions, three cards with brilliant trajectories In this way, "Sheng" flew from Rhode's finger, and flew towards the Chaos monsters in front of him. Just a blink of an eye. These three cards disappeared into the muddy sea of ​​the monsters and disappeared. For a moment, even people could not help worrying about whether they were completely devoured by chaos, but soon, accompanied by Rhodes' movement. Everything has changed.

"Get up!"

Just when these three cards were immersed in the Chaos Monster, Rod sang loudly, then raised his right hand sharply. Along with his actions, I saw that the three cards that were originally submerged in the chaos monster suddenly burst into bright and dazzling, like the sun. In this way, watching the three beams of light broke through the shackles of the demon, and immediately sketched a triangular pattern, and felt the fluctuations of these three souls, Rhode's complexion looked much more dignified, he stared seriously at the eyes in front of him. Beam, followed by a firm grip with his right hand, made a downward pull. But with the action of Rhodes, the connected triangles suddenly trembled, as if something heavy fell from the sky, and the shining light fell suddenly from above, and fell suddenly in the middle of the triangle. Then I saw only a halo spreading rapidly in all directions. With the flashing light, the chaotic monsters who were struggling to advance sent out an unbearable mourning and screaming. They waved zi and ugly Limb, trying to escape the shackles of this light, but there is no way to do it. I saw that under the spread of the halo, the chaotic monsters reflected by the light suddenly felt like they were put into the oven and began to smoke, and they began to slow down together with their movements. And when the halo swept past them, those jings left only the residue after being burned by the high temperature.


Seeing this, Rhode nodded, and then his right hand was extended again. Soon, three cards accompanied Rhode's movement and returned to the palm of his hand again. But at this moment, within hundreds of kilometers of Rhodes, the original chaos monster had been completely wiped out and disappeared. Even the chaotic monsters in the back are gradually slowed down by the brilliance of holy light. Soon, the players seized this opportunity, launched an attack on the Chaos monsters again, and suppressed their original turbulent offensive again.

The enchantment of the holy sword card has become more and more proficient.

Feeling the soul wave coming from the palm of his hand, Rodman Yi nodded his head. After this period of continuous battles, his use of the same attribute cards has become very handy. The next step is mixed attributes, and the last one is to use them together. As long as Rhodes can skillfully manipulate ten Holy Sword cards at the same time, it means that he can easily start enchanting.

The next question is ...


Just as Rhodes was thinking, a roar came suddenly, interrupting his thoughts. He raised his head, looked at the sound of di, and then slightly raised his eyebrows, showing the unexpected expression.

Bone dragons, again.

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