MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-v3 Chapter 624 White City (II)

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When Rhodes followed the Lolita version of Celia again to the balcony of the "Royal Palace", it had completely changed its appearance, and the previous street no longer existed, replaced by a large square. The colorful lights on it reflected the atmosphere of a feast. Even on the balcony, there are all kinds of rich desserts. It's really just desserts.

Rhodes wasn't surprised by this either. The spiritual world is like this. As long as you want to change, it will take a blink of an eye no matter how you change it. Just seeing the pile of desserts as high as the hill in front of him, Rhodes couldn't help but had some nausea. The piece of cake that had just been eaten by the gate was still supported by him. If I had to take a few more pieces, I would not know what it would look like. Having said that, until this time Rhodes remembered that when he was going out with his girlfriend (men) on a date, no matter which one, when he saw cakes, desserts, and other things, he looked at them with a bright eye. The shop looks like it's out. Although most of them rarely really let go of eating because of weight loss and other reasons, Rhodes can see that dealing with these desserts is easy for them. This makes Rhodes unable to understand why he obviously has a much bigger appetite than these people. Why did he turn around when he got to dessert? Could it be true, as Canary said, that women's sweets are in the second stomach?

The loli version of Celia wore a gorgeous robe and walked in front of her in a figure-eight step, while Rhode followed behind her. Her desperate efforts made Rhode not really laugh. . At the moment, Celia is like a kid who is learning how to be an adult, especially when she is really a kid, this action looks even more cute.

Soon, the young queen Celia walked to the balcony, and then she reached out and waved her hands. Then she saw the two guards next to her and took out two boxes of cookies. Then Celia stepped on the box like this. Then she smiled proudly and waved to the crowd in the square below. And seeing the appearance of the little queen, those Celias on the banquet square also stopped and sent a warm cheer to their queen. When she heard the cheers of her "subjects", the young queen Celia also showed a satisfied expression, and she waved at her "subjects". Then he said.

"My people, the annual grand celebration is here again! On this day, we will serve the most delicious desserts and juices. Today, everything is unlimited and you can take as much as you want! No restrictions! "

"Oh oh oh oh oh !!"

After hearing her queen's speech, all "subjects" cheered warmly. Hearing these cheers, Rhodes shook his head and laughed bitterly. I didn't expect Celia to be calm on the surface and naive at heart. The desire to be able to eat sweets unlimitedly is estimated that only children can have this desire. And now it seems that this candy kingdom is probably the most childlike aspect of Celia's heart?

And just as Rhodes flashed through those thoughts, soon the voice of the little Queen Celia entered his ears again.

"Not only that, but this time, a traveler from a foreign country also came to our event, and let us warmly welcome this foreign country visitor!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh !!"

Hear the little queen's introduction. The other "subjects" also made a loud noise. Seeing their expressions, Rhode had no choice but to smile with the expectation of the little queen Celia. Then came to the balcony, waved and greeted everyone below, and seeing Rhode's response, these subjects also showed great enthusiasm and immediately began to cheer and jump up. Perhaps it was Rhodes' performance that pleased the little queen, so she didn't say much. Instead, he jumped out of the box with the help of two guards, and then announced the official start of the banquet.

With the sound of "pops" of fireworks, this candy event was officially kicked off. I don't know where the band came from (Lisuo and Celia, of course) playing musical instruments made of **** candy, while others split Walk around. Eating excited desserts on the table. I do n’t know why, seeing this scene, Rhodes always felt that it was as if the opening ceremony of a self-service cake shop was piled up like hills of sweets and desserts, so it filled the entire banquet venue, and the scent of candy was everywhere. Of course, this may be heaven for women who love sweets, but it is not so easy for Rhodes. But unfortunately, he had no way to turn and leave. Because at this moment the little queen Celia was holding his hand to the table, and then she began to pick sweets for Rhodes herself.

"Come, traveler, try this cake, and this fruit candy is also delicious, and this cookie, I like the honey on top, and this ......... this ......... this ... "..." At this moment, the little queen completely lost the sense of disguise as an adult that she had shown in front of Rhodes. On the contrary, she now seems to be a real child who is giving a treasure to the adult. Put everything you like on Rhodes' plate. At this moment, Rhodes can only sit helplessly at the table, with a twitching smile, watching the variety of desserts on his plate quickly increase the Holy Spirit. Rhodes has no doubt if he is really Eat this, then he will definitely vomit. There must be a degree in everything, and desserts are occasionally eaten, and a few pieces are nothing. But if you want to eat every day and every night, then people who like sweets no longer can't stand it. Not to mention that Rhodes doesn't like to eat these things yet, so for him, it's almost torture.

Fortunately, in addition to dessert, there is juice here. Rhode took a sip just now, although I don't know what the fruit juice is made of, it is refreshing and delicious, which makes people have an appetite. If you just take these drinks, maybe you can really eat the pile of light in front of you. Look at the sweets that make you feel a headache.

Having said that, will there be tooth decay in the spiritual world?

"Your Majesty, something bad is going on !!!"

Just as Rhodes was thinking to think about some of these problems to subconsciously escape the reality in front of him, a hasty voice broke his meditation. Rhode looked up at the place where the sound came out, and saw one of the two guards before now hurriedly flapping his wings and flew up from the sky, her face anxiously. He rushed to the little queen with a worried expression. Seeing that his guard was so nervous and nervous, the little queen was obviously very dissatisfied and immediately stretched her little face.

"What happened, don't panic like this, be calm in front of the guests!"

It's really interesting that a little child is pointing here and trying to make a person older than her more stable. It is even more interesting to consider that two people are actually one person. Although the little queen seemed young, her majesty seemed to be more or less the same. After listening to the little queen's complaints, the guard was much calmer, but even so, her solemn look still remained Too much change.

"No way, Her Majesty, that monster giant is here again!"


The little queen was taken aback when she heard the report from her subordinates. The small face suddenly turned pale. She stood up in this way, staring in astonishment at the guard in front of her. Seeing this, Rhodes also raised his eyebrows. Obviously, he could see that there was indeed a problem. So what is the problem?

"Rumble Rumble ...............!"

However, Rhodes hasn't finished thinking. I felt the building and the ground under my feet shaking. Then a deep roar sounded. At this time, the original banquet hall outside was gone. The “subjects” who were happy to enjoy desserts at the banquet square are now panicking around, as if fleeing. Even the waiter playing the instrument left the instrument in his hand and turned away. It was just a blink of an eye. The originally lively banquet hall had become deserted. Seeing this scene, the little queen also became extremely ugly, but she didn't say much. But immediately turned and looked at Rhodes.

"Bring this nobleman to take refuge immediately! Move fast!"

At this moment, the little queen finally showed her reliable side, or when she saw this side, Rhode nodded deeply. Although it looks completely different, Celia is still Celia, and once taken seriously, they still have something in common. But this is no wonder. After all, they are the same person, and not two souls in one body. It would be surprising if they have different personalities.

Unfortunately, it is too late. Just when the guard obeyed the little queen and intended to take Rod away. With the trembling of the earth, a tall shadow covered the royal palace in front of him. And after seeing the true face of that shadow, even Rhodes was startled.

That was also Celia, but she was much taller than other people, even several times taller than the city walls, nearly ten meters tall, and looked like a giant. And she was full-length and undressed. Immediately afterwards, Rhode watched this Celia stride slowly to the city wall, then stretched out her hand, grabbed the soft city wall, and squeezed it into her mouth to eat.

"Abominable! It's this abominable monster again to grab our treasure. This time, we can't let her succeed! Go up, my guards, destroy this monster !!"

Seeing the giant Celia start eating and eating at the city wall in front of her, the little queen was obviously extremely angry, she angrily waved her hands, stomped her feet hard, and stared at the giant with round eyes. Then he reached out and gave an order to his guard. When he heard the little queen's order, the two guards immediately raised the spear in their hands and fluttered their wings toward the giant in front of them. With their actions, dozens of guard angels of the same dress immediately held the spear made of candy in their hands and flew to the giant girl in front of them.


Seeing this, Rhodes twitched his eyes, and he was almost sure what would happen next. But Rhode didn't want to go to help, because until now, he hasn't figured out which one is Celia he really wanted to find. Before, Rhodes thought that the little queen Celia should be the Lord, but now he is still a little confused. After all, this kind of spiritual thing is the hardest to say. Therefore, Rhode had to hold on to his inner thoughts and concentrate Staring at the "fight" in front of him.

As Rhodes thought, the attacks of these guards were of no use to the giant Celia. in contrast. She just waved her hands and flew the guards. The spears made of candy in their hands were naturally bitten and eaten by giants. Even after losing their weapons, these guardian angels were still relentless in attacking the invaders in front of them, but they were futile. Regarding their obstruction, the giant Celia didn't even look at it for a while. Instead, after eating the city walls. She walked into the city like this, then reached out, grabbed the houses caused by the combination of cookies and desserts, and began to eat and eat.

That's like a child breaking into a model house made of candy. Imagine when you see a cake decorated with beautiful flowers, a house made of dark chocolate, and fruits arranged around you. What about this exquisite art-like dessert forefinger?

As the houses were demolished and eaten by the giant Celia, the residents of those houses ran out of the house in panic, screaming and fled in all directions.

this moment. They finally remembered the horror once dominated by it, and the humiliation of the hard-built house being eaten ...

"Hateful! Hateful! Hateful! You bad guy! Bad guy! I curse your worm teeth! You bad guy!"

Seeing her city destroyed, Celia, the little queen standing on the balcony, jumped angrily. But the giant also seemed to be used to her screaming. I simply ignored the little queen, but I was eating the pieces of these houses sweetly while I was demolishing the house. Then, after jumping around the city with a chicken and a dog, the giant Celia seemed to be finally satisfied. She just patted her round belly and turned away. There is only one place of chicken feathers ... The City of Candy is no longer what it was when Rhodes first arrived. If the previous Candy City looked like a fairy tale castle in a child's graffiti. So now it seems like the wreckage swept by a whirlwind of a bear child. Looking at the scene in front of her, Celia the little queen just stood silently on the balcony. But Rhodes also found that the little boy stared at the destroyed city in front of him, bit his lips, and showed an unwilling expression. Soon, her eyes became red. Later, crystal tears appeared from the little guy's eyes. Down her cheek.

"This ... this ...... Her Majesty, please don't be too sad. Fortunately, everyone is not injured, is it?"

Seeing the little queen actually crying, Rhodes was also a bit surprised. But there was no one around him at the moment, he had to bite the bullet and comfort the little guy in front of him. And Rhodes did n’t say it, but when he said that the little guy was crying “Wow”.

"Wow! Sorry. This elder brother wanted you to enjoy our banquet. I didn't expect it to be ruined by that bad guy. Woohoo ......... Sorry, sorry ........."

"Okay, don't cry, don't cry, although there's a mess in the back, but I still feel your passion and heart. Don't cry, okay?"

Looking at the little queen who apologized to her with tears, Rhodes also had a headache, but he had no choice but to grab the candy next to him and comfort the little queen with a kind word. After all, the little guy is only a six or seven-year-old child. With Rhodes's words of comfort, she finally stopped crying, but even so, the little guy still turned red, clenched his hands with sobbing, showing Very unwilling look.

"But, but ... this is not the first time, elder brother. The monster will make trouble every time we have a banquet, but my soldier has nothing to do with her ... ... our weapon There is no way to hurt her ... "

That's a matter of course. Rod has grown so big that he hasn't heard of any candy that has the power of a weapon ... except for dark cooking.

And just as Rhodes felt guilty, he suddenly saw the little queen's eyes brighten, and then he saw the little boy reach out and grabbed his clothes. Then the little queen's eyes stared at Rhodes' long sword.

"Brother, this is a sword? Right? This is a sword!"

"Well, this is the sword ..."

Although he didn't know what the little queen wanted to say, Rhode nodded. And hearing Rhode's answer, the little queen jumped up excitedly.

"Great !!! Great !!!"

While cheering, the little kid raised her hands up, and then she widened her eyes and stared at Rhodes.

"The story says that a brave man with a sword can defeat a monster, brother, can you help us destroy that monster?"

See the latest chapter of Summon Holy Sword to Changfeng Literature www.

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