MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-v3 Chapter 629 White City (End)

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For Celia's psychology, Rhodes expected a lot. But to be honest, no matter how much he thought, he never thought that Celia would have such feelings for himself. Although it is not strictly impossible for Celia to have this feeling for Rhodes, after all, she has been following Rhodes since the beginning. But Rhodes didn't think about it in this direction. In fact, even Rhodes had never reported such feelings to Celia. The reason is simple. He knows that there is a contradiction between him and Celia, and this is not the kind of contradiction that can be resolved by speaking out, but lies in the positions of the two people. For Celia, as a war angel, she must follow certain principles. Justice, kindness, and justice are the embodiment of war angels. But Rhodes is different. He will do whatever he can to achieve his goals, he will never consider the other's sacrifice, and he will even design several traps in a row to kill the other family. For him, the outcome is always more important than the means. This is an irreconcilable contradiction between the two sides. Regardless of the fact that Rhodes has always been an unstoppable visitor, in fact, he can really accept and be accepted by him, and there are almost no problems in this regard. Annie's character escapes joy. To a certain extent, she and Rhode are a kind of people, both seeking results and not resorting to means, but Anne's "unscrupulous means" are not as dark as Rhodes. And as a mercenary, Annie is very open-minded about things like life and death, so she does n’t approve of Rhode ’s approach and wo n’t oppose it. In this respect, Li Jie is also the same. If she had been in the past, she might have criticized Rhode's approach as a princess. However, after doing some mercenary work, Li Jie also considered the world's warm and cold, so she never interfered with Rhode's choice. And Ma Lin was descended from the nobility. Houjie is almost a professional talent. She understands the two sides of things more deeply than anyone. To master a country, a territory is sometimes the same as managing a family. Someone needs to sing red faces and some white faces to be able to do it. Rhodes took the black bread, so the task of singing a white face was naturally given to Marin. She knew it well and had no resistance.

Even Eileen. Don't be deceived by her seemingly elegant and quiet appearance and forget that she once ruined half of the city's "merit" without blinking her eyes on the earth, and for Yilin, this was obviously nothing. . Therefore, what Rhodes did in her eyes was only "too much".

As for Sonya, Rhodes has been trained by him to throw his body into the ground. Don't say that Rhodes has done something extraordinary. She will not stop her. If she can please Rhodes, she might help Rhodes herself. Just like the riots she once caused in Casablanca.

Not to mention Canary and Little Bubble Gum, they see the world similar to Rhodes itself. They are not treated as if they were equal to themselves. Canaries are relatively better. Everyone knows the extent of the two diseases in Little Bubblegum-no more to say. So what Rhodes does to the people here is not much different from the fact that they go to the guild to kill and kill the city in the game. From this point, Celia has always been out of Rhodes' heart. Because this is an irreconcilable contradiction between the two sides, Labis can not know, Li Jie can pretend not to see. But Celia couldn't pretend she didn't see it, she just didn't want to say anything. It was like the three-party battle deep inside her before. In the end, the absolute wolf overwhelmed self and instinct. This made Celia choose to be silent about Rhode's approach, but she couldn't be as invisible or indifferent as others. If Celia can stick to the bar like Lydia, then the two sides cannot talk. But the problem is that Celia is a typical angel character. If she thinks about the big parts, she won't let go of the small ones. This is by nature. No one can change it. And it's impossible for Celia to be as ignorant as Rabise, because Celia is Rhodes's Sword Card Elf. No matter what was done, it was impossible to escape her eyes. So even if Rhodes tried to appease her with lies. It can't last too long, and such lies are too easy to be pierced. Once punctured, the relationship between the two parties will definitely be worse than now. This makes the problem more difficult.

So Rhodes might choose to tease Celestina, and even say a few yellow phrases to Helos, and did not want to provoke Celia. After all, when Celestina killed herself, she was able to slap her palms side by side to appreciate and appreciate it. Celia was probably dark and silent. Therefore, when doing these things, Rhodes basically does not send Celia into play, at most he only summons the holy sword to fight.

In this case, to ask Rhodes and Celia to talk about men and women ... Even if Celia would, Rhodes wouldn't. Because once the two sides are promoted to men and women, they are responsible for each other. Rhodes is a principled person. If he really wants to have this relationship with Celia, it means that he has to consider Celia's ideas. But in this way, Rhodes has no way to do what he wants to do, he is not a person willing to wrong himself.

So Rhodes has never thought of Celia, and he also thinks Celia should have no thought of himself in this regard. After all, what she did was very different from Celia's values, and she couldn't get together. Celia didn't think of herself in her heart. How could she like him?

Now it seems that she still doesn't know about women ......... Woman ... Although Celia was a war angel, she was still a woman before that. The heart of a woman, a needle in the sea, this sentence is really the ancients who do not bully me.

But now, not when the ancients were lamented, to be honest, when he heard Celia's confession to himself, Rhodes felt a headache instantly. He didn't believe that it was Celia's impulse, on the contrary, it was obviously Celia's long hidden thoughts. However, it was even harder for Rhodes to accept Celia's intentions. As I said before, Rhodes was not a person who likes to be wronged. And his principle is to be nice to his own woman. Therefore, Celia, a war angel with a certain degree of cleanliness and persistence in this area, is not in the choice of Rhodes.

But if she refuses Celia in such a straightforward manner, the result will not be very good. This time Rhode went to the inner world of the holy sword card elves to make them accept themselves. As a result, I haven't mentioned whether others will accept or not, but I have rejected Celia first, which is the end of my journey to the spiritual world. No one will feel good about falling in love, and Celia is no exception. Knowing this before, Rhodes would not have encouraged her ego and instinct before-but unfortunately. There is no regretful medicine to take in this world. Now that it has been made, I am afraid it will only continue. But now for Rhodes, the biggest problem is ...

How should he answer?

"Every time you look at your elder sister in color! But you rarely look at me. Obviously I have always been with my master. Why are you so cold to me !?"

At the moment, Celia was more and more excited. She almost screamed out, and at the same time the sword in her hand was waving faster and more crazy. One sword after another, chopped continuously at Rhodes. Fortunately, Rhodes was hiding fast enough. Otherwise, even if he was in the spiritual world, he would have been hit by Celia several times. Anyway ... what exactly is this situation?

"Huh ... hhhhhhhhhh ..."

I don't know how long, Celia finally stopped, at this moment she was sweating heavily and could not help breathing. But even so, the war angel still held the sword in his hands tightly. Both eyes stared at Rhodes motionlessly, looking as if they were killing their father and foe. See Celia's expression. Rhode could not help thinking of a sentence, but it was quite appropriate to the situation in front of him. I am afraid that the so-called deep love hate. Seeing Celia's expression now, Rhodes felt more and more headache, if now she rejected her directly. It is undoubtedly equivalent to failure. Is there any way to solve this problem? What to do ... What to do? Thought of this, Rhode suddenly lighted up.

Just then, Rhodes suddenly remembered a news he had seen while on the earth, saying that a baby was gnawed by a she-wolf to raise him, and then when people found her again. She has become a wolf child completely. She doesn't know how to communicate and communicate with people. After a long time of education, she finally returned to society and learned the knowledge and etiquette of human beings. Although this incident has almost nothing to do with the situation that Rhodes is facing now, but I do n’t know why, Rhodes suddenly thought about it, and then he seemed to see himself from it. Corresponding way .........

Although I do n’t know if it ’s reliable and I do n’t know if it will be successful, but now Rhodes has no good way, or that he must succeed. If he ca n’t, it means that the whole plan is May fail. So Rhodes must do his best in this regard.

Thinking of this, Rhode looked up and felt Celia looking at his gaze calmly, then he nodded.

"I understand what you think, Celia. To be honest, I never thought you would feel this way to me, after all, not everything I do is acceptable to you."

"Yes, master, I really don't like your approach."

Celia also quickly made a firm answer to Rod's words. At this moment, her expression was no longer confused, but she still seemed to be a little shaken. In other words, the part of Celia that was originally suppressed by the wolf is gradually being exposed, and she begins to vent to Rhode herself to conceal the words so far.

"I don't like your despicable means, and I don't want to see you killing innocent civilians. I can't understand your thoughts, master, you are now a dragon of vanity. Is there anything else that must depend on this method and Means? I really do n’t like it, but you have been moving forward, and everyone trusts you. So I do n’t want to say anything, but I do n’t know why I like you, the master, when When I discovered it, I already liked you! That's why. I felt more and more unforgivable for your approach! Master, why do you have to do this ?! "


Hearing completely at Celia's venting inquiries. These remarks are really upside down, completely unaware of why. Having said that, hearing this question from Celia, Rhodes suddenly remembered a movie that he had watched before when he was bored. Among them, the protagonist is an all-out mafia, and the heroine is an ordinary woman. When the heroine was first seen killing the heroine, the heroine also hated him, but the inexplicable love came to life. But even so, the heroine still didn't like to see the hero killing him, and even stopped him while he was killing. As a result, the hero was injured. Later, the villain who was originally oppressed by the hero learned that the hero was injured and came to the door. Revenge, then the heroine assisted the heroine to defeat the villain, then the heroine Jinpen washed his hands and the heroine lived a happy life ... To be honest, when Rhodes finished watching the movie, he only felt that the thing was completely nonsense. . It's too incredible to be able to win an Oscar even with such a script. But what Rhodes didn't expect was that he had to face such a script himself now!

Is he going to wash his hands and retreat to the mountain forest in the future? Which international joke?

"I understand."

Thinking of this, Rhodes shivered involuntarily, then he nodded to Celia. It seems that I still have to use my own method, no matter what, this is much better than Jinpen washing hands and retreating from the mountain forest!

After making a decision, Rhodes put away the sword in his hand. Then he went straight to Celia, staring at her quietly.

"I understand what you think. Celia. You are able to like me, I'm really surprised, and very happy. Because I always thought that your attitude towards me was actually very ordinary. After all, I do a lot of things Does not meet your hopes, but you can still like me like this, it really makes me feel very happy ............ "

Speaking of which, Rhode paused slightly. Then he looked up again, looking at Celia seriously and earnestly.

"... But even so, I will not change myself because of you. Even then, can you accept me? I like you. But I will not change myself for you. If there is any danger Things, then I will still make choices you do n’t like, and even so, would you be willing? ”.

"I, I don't know, I don't like it, I really hate your approach. Master, but I really like you, and I don't know ......... No ......... not like that! I'm not If you want to do something for me, I just want you to know, I ... "

"I know, but I can't pretend not to know, Celia."

Before Celia's words were finished, she was interrupted by Rhodes.

"Here is your spiritual world, you will not lie to yourself, and I will not lie to you. If you want to be my woman, then I will not change my approach because I accommodate you. This One thing I hope you can remember, Celia, I can accept your heart, but I ca n’t give you a corresponding response. Even so, can you accept it? I wo n’t accommodate you, but I need you to be able to Gradually accept my approach so that you can promise? ".

"No, I am not…………"

When she heard this, Celia's expression became more and more flustered, and she shook her head vigorously, as if she was afraid of something.

"I don't plan to let the host accept you, I just ......... I, no, I don't want ......... I want ......... No! Master, you shouldn't force me!"

"Speak your true thoughts! Celia!"

Facing a pair of Celia who was about to cry, Rhodes didn't have the slightest sympathy for him, instead he stared at Celia coldly and whispered. When she heard Rhode's voice, Celia suddenly froze, then she closed her eyes, and her body began to tremble quickly.

"No, master !! I hate you !!! Why can't you change it! You are so stubborn, that's why I ———— !!!"

Along with Celia's shout, the long sword in her hand was lifted high again, and then smoothly drawn a bright and dazzling arc in the air, and then headed towards Rhode. This time, in the face of Celia's long sword, Rhodes did not hide or hide, but stood quietly, staring at Celia in front of her.

The long sword waved down.

The sharp blade just stayed in front of Rhodes. Just going down a little bit would be enough to split Rhodes in half. But at the last minute, Celia also explained the cliff, which made Rhodes not divided into two.

The next moment, Rhodes felt that Celia's soft body flew into her arms, and then Celia's crying voice sounded in his ear.

"Master, you are always so stubborn, that's why I hate you ............... but that's why I like you ..."

Then Celia lifted her head and kissed Rod's lips gently. As for Celia's move, Rhodes just froze, and then he reached out and embraced the Angel of War angel girl in his arms.

The pure white space began to tremble, and then, as if the mirror shattered, it shattered, and then the world's landscape changed color. The original pure white turned into a clear blue sky, and the road paved with pure white clouds at the foot extended to a distance.

"Although I have known for a long time, only by listening to the host's own words, will I feel that ......... it really is the host's style."

A bit embarrassed, he looked up from Rhodes' arms, and Celia looked at Rhodes slightly red, then said.

"But thank you, master ......... at least, I will not hesitate and lose my mind anymore."

Hearing this, Rhodes knew that he had finally passed.

Chapter 629-The White City (End).

Chapter 629-The White City (End). ,

Read Legend of Swordsman
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