MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-v3 Chapter 638 Twin Dreams (2)

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Rhodes was also very curious about his own spiritual world, but immediately after he entered, he regretted it.

He is not without thinking about his spiritual world, especially after experiencing Celia and Celestina, Rhodes will also be idle and wondering what his spiritual world looks like. Just after entering the city, Rhodes was depressed at once-because what was in front of him was simply a dead city.

Although on the surface, this city is no different from ordinary cities, soft music is played everywhere on the streets and alleys, and the traffic lights flash from time to time. On the big screen in the center of the square, there are non-nutritive advertisements and idol propaganda, but otherwise, there is no one in the whole city. Rhodes thought that his world would be full of people like Celia, but now it seems that his world is obviously not so "lively". Moving trams and flashing electronic vending machines can be seen throughout the street, and even the platforms outside the subway display the pit stop and stop information time and time again. But these are meaningless, because there is no one in the whole city. To be honest, in this case Rhodes feels that it is not surprising to run out of a group of zombies.

"Huh ... what ... how boring."

Pushing the door open and entering a convenience store, Rhode picked up the impurities on the shelf next to him and flipped, then threw it aside again. But soon, he froze, and then suddenly picked up the impurity again. Staring at the front cover with wide eyes, I saw that on the cover, a dark-haired "girl" was jumping on the stage wearing a gorgeous and cheerful idol costume, and beside this cover, there were a few lines of large characters printed on it ----- "" Fantasy singer, Miss Rhodes's happy temple for you! Let's go to Tiandong Dome together on the 15th. Enjoy the concert of the world's first singer! ".

Not only is the title so nasty, but what makes Rhodes' eyes twitch is that the clothes he is wearing in this magazine are also unacceptable. Not only is the upper body wearing a bold bikini-like costume, but the lower body is also wearing a mini skirt and white silk stockings? !!


Rod turned away the impurities in front of his eyes and glanced quickly, then threw the impurities in his hands to the ground suddenly. For the first time, an angry expression appeared on his face, and then Rhodes pushed the door of the convenience store so angrily. Then he looked around angrily, and at this time, I saw the large screen that originally played the advertisement on the square suddenly flashed, then transformed into a dazzling stage, and on top, a "girl" was on the stage Twist the waist, while under the stage, countless light sticks are blinking and dancing. now. At the end of the song, I saw the girl leaping to the stage and waved excitedly to the fans below.

"Hello, everyone! Thank you for coming to my concert ~~~! How about? Is it fun?"

"Oh oh oh oh ........."

Along with the girl's inquiries, the sound of a mountain tsunami came from the stage. And when she heard the cheers below, the girl also showed a charming smile, then she just turned her hips forward, and raised her hands.

"Well, the festival has just begun ...... tonight. Wouldn't I let you sleep? Oh!"

"I rely on -------! This can't be tolerated !!! ''

Seeing this, Rhode finally couldn't calm down. Is Nima the spiritual projection of his own heart? How could I have such a weird projection? Is Nima still up? Huh! ? How can this be tolerated? This must be unbearable .........! No, this kind of existence is absolutely not allowed in your own spiritual world!

At this point, Rhodes had completely thrown Grayhill and Madaras behind his head. He almost rushed out of the street like a fire, and then quickly jumped onto the adjacent skyscraper and flew towards him. A huge circular building in the distance rushed over. At this moment, Rhodes was trembling, if not for fear of destroying his spiritual world. Rhodes even wanted to destroy it directly with a bite of dragon's breath! But now ......... I can only take one step at a time and see how to deal with that guy!

Rhode, who was anxious and departed, did not realize that, just after he left, two illusive figures quietly pursued his footprints and came to this empty square. Then they turned their heads and looked around curiously, and then stopped their eyes on the big screen where the "live" concert was starting at this moment. Subsequently. The crisp laughter sounded again. And Rhodes didn't see it. With the laughter, the originally blurred figure gradually became clear. It was as if the originally blurred draft was being stroked and colored. Soon, the white robes fell from their bodies and replaced by two beautiful robes with hollowed out, inlaid with gold trim on white background. The two girls just looked up and looked at the scene on the screen in front of them. Then, a golden expression gradually appeared in their golden eyes.

"Want to ... sing ........."

"We also want to ............ stand there ......... to everyone ......... sing ........."

Looking at the scene in front of them, the girls muttered to themselves, and immediately the next moment, their figure disappeared with the passing wind. And almost at the moment when Greyhill and Madaras disappeared, the big screen that originally played the concert also closed, and there was no more movement.


Roderick kicked the door of the concert hall in a desperate manner, and the noisy music mixed with the loud noises formed an almost as warm as the surface, which made him unbearable. Looking around, you can see the glowing sticks shining everywhere in the huge concert tube, while the other "self" was standing on the catwalk excitedly in a shameless costume and jumping --- Nima really took herself Can't you be an idol star? Rhodes didn't know that he had such a mental projection deep in his heart. Heaven and earth conscience, he could swear to his sister that Rhodes had never been interested in singing. Going to Karaoke with friends just sings casually, never being Maiba. No one had advised him to be a star idol before. After all, Rhode's appearance is indeed outstanding, and in line with his status as the world's first in the Dragon Soul Continent, if this is to be a video game sports star, if you promote it, it will be a lot of money.

But Rhodes wasn't very interested in the kind of joke profession from the bottom of his heart. Of course, for Rhodes, the most important thing after being a star is that there is no **, that group of heavenly paparazzi will definitely chase themselves. Can I still sleep with the girls well by then?

But now, in my heart, there is an idol sing and dance here? What is this famous?

Looking at the scene in front of him, Rhodes was furious. Although these so-called "audiences" are just ghost images, it seems that the people are dark on the surface, but if you look closely, you will find that they have no face at all and no clothes. They are just a group of shadows. Moreover, Rhodes didn't care about these "overlooking crowds" at all, so his body suddenly pulled through a series of afterimages, and then quickly rushed to the stage. And seeing Rhode's arrival, the other one didn't mean not to escape, and even easily blinked at Rhode. Seeing this scene, Rhode grew angry from the bottom of his heart and turned to the gall. I saw him pull out the long sword in his waist without hesitation, and slashed hard toward himself.


Although Rhodes shot with all his strength, the other Rhode was not a messy product, and immediately after Rhodes sword, he turned gently to avoid Rhodes' attack. Not only that, although Rhodes's sword broke into the ground, except for a low muffled sound, it did not break the corners. This shows that Rhodes' own spiritual world is also quite strong. Not easily destroyed.

"Yahoo ————! It seems we have new guests, let's cheer together!"

"Cheering your sister! I haven't cancelled this stupid concert for me!"

Hear another one's own words. Rhodes almost breathed his back out of breath. He snorted coldly, and then the sword in his hand swept towards himself again. However, the other side hid in the past. Seeing Rhode's desperate look, another Rhodes frowned, showing an expression of dissatisfaction. However, compared with the frosty feeling in front of him, he was more like acting.

"Ah, oops. Rarely has such a gorgeous stage, why don't you cherish it? It's just too horrible to play! Come back, it's still my territory. You broke into my place and interrupt It ’s my concert! Maybe it ’s too much. Anyway, I ’m one of yours too! You treat me this way! It ’s just a revenge! ”

"I don't have your shameless avatar."

Taking another look up and down in front of this other "extraordinarily gorgeous" costume he was wearing, Rhode raised his long sword coldly, exuding an unmistakable killing in his eyes. When he sensed Rhodes' intention to kill, another Rhodes reluctantly spread his hands. Put on a look like "I can't help you".

"Speaking lightly, shouldn't you really want to destroy me, the body. I am also one of your avatars, do you think you can manage me? But it doesn't matter, the concert, just a little bit The unexpected performance is wonderful, so let me try your strength! "

Having said that, another Rhode smiled, and then he turned around again, waving his hands vigorously at the audience in front of him, while crying loudly with a clear and pleasant voice.

"Everyone --- now we are going to stage a new show ......... Please welcome special guests ........."

"Oh oh oh oh ........."

"You haven't finished playing !!!"

At this point, Rhodes was already embarrassed and angry, even the other one he saw when he entered the chaotic land did not make him so angry. Although it was said that Rhode's game style was summoned at that time, the two people had the same personality. Now, looking at this self wearing an idol costume who is obsessed with playing in the form of a pure girl idol, Rod suddenly felt an urge to completely and completely destroy the other person. Although he knows that this is just talking, after all, neither Celia nor Celestina said the previous two times to completely destroy his personality, but more of the fusion of the three after defeat. It was just that Rhodes didn't realize where he would often walk by the river without getting wet. He looked through the unknown parts of Celestina and Celia, and now he actually came to face his ... … Retribution is upset.

Because of this, although he knew it was useless, Rhodes waved his sword and attacked the other one in front of him. Even if he cannot be destroyed. If you can give this guy a hard blow, then let yourself breathe out, otherwise, how could Rhodes accept that such a mental avatar projection remains in his heart! Only that, he would never admit it!

In the face of Rhodes' attack, another idol was not to be outdone, only to see him reach out. Soon I saw that the microphone in his hand turned into a dark sword, and attacked Rhodes. Soon the two were ping-pong on the stage, and seemed to be attracted by this lively scene. The audience in all directions shouted again. For a while, the lights on the stage were shining, and the big screen shone with a charming light. The intense music sounded as if they were background music. As Rod's spiritual projection, another idol is not weak. Although he can't compare with Rod in strength, he is similar in flexibility. Although Rhode was chasing him closely, he was still able to avoid every attack from Rhodes. Not only that. While avoiding Rhodes attack, this guy still had time to sing there.

"Hey! Come on the left, come on the right, my youth is the holy sword ......... La la la ........."

"Look at me and let me give you a declaration of love. This world is love and peace ..."

"I rely on you to sing endlessly and shut up!"

Listening to the lyrics that ran out of his own mouth, Rhodes was just so angry. If his anger can materialize. I'm afraid he was burned down with this whole spiritual world. And it wasn't just these shameless lyrics sung by his own spiritual projection that made Rhodes angry, but also because he sang nothing at all! Rhodes thought he was not a idiot, though. But anyway, singing doesn't tune! But this guy in front of him is out of the street! You have to do it seriously, OK? It ’s not so unprofessional when you are a woman!

And just as Rhodes was hitting the darkness with another, suddenly, a faint moan was caught in his ears.

"La ... …… La la ........."

That sounds like someone is humming. According to the truth, it is impossible for me to hear such a sound in the immediate situation. After all, the noisy background music and the audience's cheering sounds have covered the entire hall. But Rhode's surprise was that, among these loud noises, the soft humming sound was so clear and pleasing to the ear that he seemed calm even when he was ashamed because of this **** projection A lot.

"La ... …… Lala ........."


After one sword pushed back another self. Rhode then turned around and looked at where the sound was coming. Then he was surprised to see that the two petite figures did not know when they were standing in front of the stage. The two girls just looked up, letting their beautiful long white hair shine on the stage lights. At this moment, they have completely taken off the set of thorny customer service familiar to Rhodes, and replaced them with beautiful robes with hollow patterns. At this moment they were standing at the front of the stage, raising their hands high, closing their eyes like singing a hymn, and humming softly the nameless but peaceful voice.


Seeing this scene, another Rhode also hurriedly reached out and hit a ring finger, and soon followed with his movement, the noisy music sound quickly disappeared. The cheering crowd quieted down at this time. Soon, there were only two little elves singing in the concert hall.

"this is……………"

Rhode listened with a bit of surprise to the songs of the white elves. He couldn't understand what Greyhill and Madaras were singing. But obviously, this is a song that makes people feel happy and relaxed. When they heard their singing, Rhodes felt as if he was lying on the soft grass, bathed in warm and comfortable sunlight, and felt the comfort of the cool breeze. At that moment, it seemed that I had become an inseparable part of this world, and could never leave.


The singing gradually stopped, and I don't know when, the audience that originally filled the entire concert venue gradually disappeared. It was not until this time that Rhodes saw the two girls gradually turn around and stared at themselves with a smile. I don't know if it was Rhode's illusion. He felt that Greyhill and Madaras in front of him seemed smaller than he knew. But before Rhodes figured out what was going on, he saw the two elves with smiles, and stretched out their hands to their left and right.

"Hello, my master."

Then they spoke. (To be continued ...)

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