MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-v3 Chapter 646 Battle City (IV)

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As the game unfolded, the whole city was dark. Although darkness is not his enemy for Rhodes, for now, he doesn't think he is in a good position. You know, whether it is Little Five or Catherine, in this darkness, it seems like a large light bulb. Judging by the logic of deep-sea fish, they walked in such a dark city in such a big spine that it would be strange if they did not attract attention. And it turns out that Rhodes' idea is completely correct.

"What are these things! So annoying !!! Damn it, **** it !!!"


With the complaint of Xiao Wu Loli, a turquoise sword light flashed out of nothing, splitting the twisted monsters that looked like black slime in front of them, and then saw the bodies of these monsters Instant defeat, disappeared. Until this time, the original noisy high-rise building just returned to the former calm again.


Seeing this, Rhode stowed his weapon. He looked up and looked around. Although there is no light in it, {ding} {Dian} 's novel, with the help of Catherine's big light bulb, he still saw the scene inside. To be honest, although the exterior of these towers looks just like the magic tower. But Rhodes walked in and found out that it was the layout of the office building in his memory. The reception desk in the lobby, the elevators and offices on both sides, the room's writing desk, and various decorations, even the entertainment room and wine for rest are all available. I don't know what Karen's memory turned from These things came out, but Rhodes can see that Carlian doesn't seem to understand the working principles of these things, but just treats them as furniture-like decorations.

Right now, the location of the three of them is in one of these tall buildings. of course. They are not just walking around casually, but because the tall building where the three are now, the top is where the first spiritual crystal is located. Because of this, Rhodes came here with Little Five and Catherine. After coming here, they encountered these weird monsters that looked like shadow slimes. For being attacked. Rhodes isn't surprised, he's pretty much figured out about Carlin now. On the surface, it is necessary to familiarize the personality projections of Rhodes and other card spirits, but in fact, I am afraid that there are reasons for deepening mutual understanding among them. Either way, there must be an external force to force them to unite. Otherwise, even if they form a team, I am afraid they will be divided in the interests. At that time, Carlen's ideas did not promote their mutual understanding. And trust, but it seems a little troublesome to get it wrong.

But after observation, Rhodes also found out. Although these projected personalities don't really know other people, they may care about other people because of their dominance. Even if, like Xiaowu Loli, had just quarreled with Catherine just now, she could not wait for her to die. After seeing Catherine coming, she just left her mouth and warned her not to pull her hind legs. Not much to say. Even if Catherine had not fought at all after that. If you change the little bubble gum, I'm afraid it won't be okay not to stimulate Catherine to jump off the building. For those who messed up with themselves, the little guy never gave reasons and only looked at the results. But Little Five Loli is obviously not as unreasonable as Little Bubble Gum. Although Rhodes found that she still didn't like to get along with Catherine very much, she didn't blame her for this reason-it seemed that the two parties really just had different personality.

But Catherine .........

Glancing at Catherine next to him, Rhodes was completely speechless. If he had guessed before, then Rhodes can be sure now that this Catherine was definitely abandoned by the light angel. Or one of the least non-existent personalities that were put aside. She can be described as implementing pacifism to the extreme. Although she has powerful power, she has no intention of fighting at all. There were times when she was so surrounded by the shadow monsters that she had to bite her neck and not shoot. It would be generous to carry out his non-violent and non-cooperativeism to the end if he would rather die. Seeing that Rhodes and Little Five Lolita had nothing to say. But even so, they did not really intend to let Catherine die. After all, for Rhodes, this Catherine is also one of Catherine's personalities. If she loses this personality, it is difficult for her to judge whether it is a good thing or not. And apart from this extreme pacifism, this Catherine still gets along well. Although Rhodes thought her character was an extreme virgin before, she still seems to understand it. Instead of running into trouble and waiting for others to save herself like many Mary Sue, she just followed Rhodes and Xiao Wu well. Behind Rory, only her sad look at the monsters dying made Rhodes speechless. To be honest, he should really be happy that the real Catherine does not have such a virginity, otherwise how can everyone play happily together in the future?

"It's almost like this now."

As he said it, Rhode looked around carefully. The shadow monsters running out of the darkness just now have disappeared completely, but he believes that this is not the end. Although the trio have experienced many battles along the way here, the closer they are to the tower, the greater the resistance encountered by Rhodes and others. It can be seen that these shadow monsters should be arranged by Karen to protect the spirit crystal. The strength of these monsters is also getting stronger and stronger. Although there is no pressure on Rhodes, it is another matter for Little Five Rory. She wasn't a master at first, and naturally inherited little power. Just like the three Serestinas before, the little Serestina and the demon Serestina each have their own skills. But in front of the master, they were beaten without any effort to fight back. They had nothing else to do but cry and ran home to find their mother.

The same is true of Little Five Rory. Now her ability in Rhodes looks similar to the original Celia. Even Cerise Tina and Celia after the awakening are not comparable, but fortunately as a ghost . Little Five Rory doesn't need to worry about injuries and deaths, and her spiritual traits make her immune to physical attacks. From this point, it can be considered to make up for the shortcomings of her insufficient combat effectiveness.

"So what shall we do next? Mr. Rhodes? Do we really want us to climb up?"

After hearing Rhode's answer, Little Five Rory also frowned, and then asked. It's not entirely unreasonable for her to ask. Because after coming to this high-rise building, Rhodes and other talents found out that I didn't know what method Carrian used. The option of "flying" was completely banned. Even Rhodes couldn't fly if he started his own Nether Dragon attribute. But this means that everyone can only walk up on foot. Of course, if you are tired, you will not be too tired, because this is also the spiritual world, but --- you must know that these high towers are hundreds of meters high! Just go on like this? God knows how long it will take to reach it.

"Of course not. I think we should have another way."

Hearing the inquiries from Little Five Lolly, Rhode glanced at the little guy who was following him. At this moment, Little Five Lolly still looked like the ghost girl. That long sword hung behind her. But what made Rhodes unbearable was that at this moment the little guy was holding a bag of French fries and was holding it in "Kazkaz", it seemed very satisfied.

It was just now that Rhodes discovered that this little guy still had food attributes. In a battle before, Little Five Loli accidentally cut the refrigerator in the room in half. Rhodes didn't care much at all, but he didn't expect Carlin to do a very good job in this regard. Not only is there a refrigerator, but even those snacks in the refrigerator are perfectly restored. Little Five Loli was also curious after seeing those snacks. Especially after she asked Rhodes and learned how to eat these snacks, she quickly fell in love with these things. So wherever he went, the little guy's first reaction was to go to the refrigerator and then split his sword to search for snacks. Although Rhodes wanted to vomit, this was not the correct way to open the refrigerator ... but it was so happy to see the little guy eating. He was too lazy to care.

After glancing at the little five-lily who was fries the fries, Rhodes turned his head to look back, and then he looked at the hall in front of him. The formerly clean and tidy hall has become dilapidated and messy after fighting with Xiaowu Lori and those shadow monsters. The smooth and clean marble floor is full of bombarded potholes, and the front guide Taiwan was split into several copies. As for those vending machines next to them, they were also brutally killed, and various fragments were scattered all over the place. But these are not the parts that Rhode pays attention to. He cares about the two heavy iron doors on both sides of the navigation platform.

I don't know if Karen figured out how to use it ...

Thinking for a while, Rhode walked slowly to one of the large iron gates. Then he reached out and lightly pressed the triangular button next to the big iron door.


With a crisp sound, suddenly, the top of the originally dark iron door suddenly gave off a soft light. And seeing this sudden glory, whether it was Little Five Lolly who was carrying snacks, or Catherine who was behind her and holding a circle of snacks as her mobile shopping cart was shocked. But seeing that Rhodes didn't mean fighting, the two men also relaxed their vigilance and came to Rhodes curiously.

"Mr. Rhodes, what is this?"

Looking at the large iron gate that was shining in front of her eyes, Catherine asked curiously. On the way, they also learned a lot from Rhodes. For example, there are four crickets called cars, the **** crystal screen is called TV, and the one that can store many delicious things is called refrigerator ... … Of course, they did not ask how Rhodes knew these things, but in the face of a foodie and a peaceful fool, Rhodes easily passed them over, without letting two people delve into this issue.

"This is an elevator. I used to just try it, but it still looks good. If there are no problems, then we should be able to take this thing to the top of the tower."


At this time, with Rhodes's voice, the door of the elevator opened, and a bright and soft light emerged from the interior of the elevator, illuminating the original dark and gloomy space. And see this "elevator" in front of me. Little Five and Catherine showed a slightly disturbed expression. After all, in their eyes, such a small space is not a safe place. And in case of any trouble such as attack, I am afraid that if you want to run, you will not run out. But seeing that Rhodes had entered the elevator, the two of them were naturally not good at saying anything, but quickly followed. After all three entered the elevator, Rhode reached out and pressed the button to the top. Then the door closed slowly. With a slight mechanical sound and a rising sense of suspension, the elevator began to rise towards the top floor.

"Mr. Rhodes, is this thing really safe? Will we be attacked like that monster again?"

Xiaowu Loli is quite vigilant. Although she is holding the fries of Zhengxiang in one hand, she obviously has not forgotten to face the battle. On the contrary, Catherine stood against the wall after entering the elevator, staring blankly at the decoration in front of the elevator, showing a distant look. However, Rhodes and Little Five Loli have long been used to this. Who is Catherine? She is not a fighting figure. She stands still and cannot be beaten. So there is no need to remind her to pay more attention.

"This ......... I can't speak well, but be careful, I think things are not as simple as we think. Since the other party has said that this is a game, it will definitely not be as we hope Reaching your destination easily and happily, so be careful. "

It is not unreasonable for Rhodes to say this, although so far they have been smooth. But to say that we can go to the end so smoothly. Rhodes didn't believe it himself. Without watching those movies, TV shows and games, the protagonist will be punished if he wants to steal a lazy approach. Either the elevator was blacked out, or it was attacked by a monster, or it was necessary to run several floors of the maze to turn on the power, take the key card, swipe the boss, and kill the boss to enter the door. Frankly, Karen didn't design this place to let Rhodes and others go to the basement to get kerosene first, then go to the generator room on the first floor, turn on the power, and then went to the administrator room on the third floor to get the password for the security room on the first floor. Carrying the password back to the first floor and opening the door of the police room to get the key card and then swipe the elevator.

However, Rhodes doesn't think that Carrian would make it so easy for them to pass through the lobby on the first floor after a little obstruction. I can be sure that after this, there must be quite troublesome problems waiting for them ...


as expected. Just as Rhodes thought about it, a deep explosion sounded suddenly. Then the elevator began to shake violently, and then stopped completely with a squeak. Immediately after, the light that filled the interior of the elevator disappeared at this moment, and then everything was completely shrouded in darkness ...

"What, what's going on?"

The first person to ask was Catherine. Even if she was still foolish just now, she still noticed that something was wrong, not to mention that Xiao Wu Loli and Rhode had already prepared for the "would happen". Hearing Catherine's question at this moment, Rhodes didn't answer it immediately. Instead, he closed his eyes and listened to the voice below. The explosion was more than just a bang. On the contrary, after the elevator stopped, Rhodes and others could hear the continuous explosion coming from below. If Rhodes didn't hear it wrong, it sounded quite familiar. If he remembered it correctly, just now, he and Xiaowu Luoli seemed to have made the same sound ............... the explosion sound, faint Yoyo can even hear the wailing of the shadow monster coming from below.

In other words, is anyone below now?

Thinking of this, Rhodes frowned, and suddenly he had a very bad idea. If you think about it, Rhodes did n’t know how far the other personality projections were from his side, but just because he had n’t met other people for so long before, so Rhodes subconsciously thinks that others are very far from himself far. But now it seems that this is not the case. Obviously, someone is waiting for this tower. While others seem to have fancy this tower, this is not surprising. According to Rhode's observation, the twelve towers are still far apart from each other. However, because of this, Rhodes was still very optimistic that there might be no other challengers on his side. But now, it seems very likely that in the process of taking the spirit crystal for the first time, he and others have to face other people's contention ... Thinking of this, Rhodes can't help but feel a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead. .

Your luck will not really be so bad. (To be continued ...)

Read The Duke's Passion