MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-v3 Chapter 653 Battle City (XI)

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So what is happening now?

Rod hugged his hands helplessly, staring at the spiritual crystal in front of him. Ehorn, beside him, was also leaning against the wall. Some helplessly stretched out his hand and tapped the wall next to him, looking bored. This is not an illusion, but a fact. At least now, although after that, Rhodes and Ehorne never encountered an attack, and soon came to the third spirit crystal with Ehorn's flavor, but the next thing was to let Luo De felt very depressed because --- nothing happened.

Yes, nothing happened. Although Ehorne touched the spirit crystal and even beat it a few times, the spirit crystal did not respond at all. It ’s almost as if there is a failure. Neither Rhodes nor Ehorne can do anything right now, and they expected that another Ehorne would come out and fight against themselves. In a word, Words --- things are getting weird.

Rhode stood on the edge of the tower and looked away. He always felt that things seemed a bit wrong because the rules here seemed to be changing all the time, which was not scientific. In the beginning, Rhodes prejudged the rules a bit differently when they met with Ehhorn and others later, but now they are not a little different, but completely different. This is like a track and field competition. At first, it was thought to be a 100-meter sprint, and then it became a middle distance relay. Now it seems that it is going for a long distance marathon. Although this is not impossible in the spiritual world, Rhodes feels that Ekaren's character should not make such a mistake. After all, as a "researcher", Carrian's personality is still very strict. If she also has such a casual side in her work, then Rhodes will have to check whether there are any problems in the guided warships.

What to do next?

The first time the game has a bug, it is definitely to contact gm, but now ... Rhode looks at the left. Looking to the right, look at it again. In the end, he spread his hands helplessly and shrugged his shoulders. It seems that the system settings of this "game" are not perfect, at least he can't find the way to complain to customer service. But Rhodes believes that Karen should be monitoring the process and believes that she doesn't even do anything on her side. Soon Carrian will respond.

Sure enough, when Rhodes and Ehorn were so bored that they were almost planning to make tea in a pot to taste their lives, a beam of light fell from the sky, and then Carlin's figure appeared from it. But unlike before, Carlian was cold and serious at the moment, with anxiety in her eyes that could not be masked. But after seeing Rhodes and Ehorn, her expressions eased slightly.

"Mr. Rhodes, it looks like you're fine, so that's it ..."

"What happened?"

He glanced and closed one eye. With a glance at Ehorn, who was about to secretly observe the sudden appearance of the young girl, Rhode quickly walked to Carrian's intentions, and then two of them came to the side and started whispering. And Ehorne didn't follow him very much, but relying on the spirit crystal, boring to appreciate the surrounding night scene.

"Yes, master, the situation is a bit abnormal. It's like this ..."

Under Carlin's narrative. Rhodes quickly knew what the problem was. Indeed, as he expected. In the beginning, Rhode's rules of the game were actually correct. After all, this is a game, and in order to avoid unnecessary cannibalism, Karen also made such rules after careful consideration and consideration. But soon, they found something wrong. Like all programmers, if someone points out that their program is buggy. Then they will only use the eyes of idiots to doubt whether this idiot has made mistakes in their own operations. And the Kallens are not exempt, they didn't think that there were any problems with the rules that looked perfect, but they were more inclined that the contestants themselves hadn't figured out the rules of the game, plus those errors were only allowed Within, so Karen are also patient and quiet waiting for them to get on track. But that's exactly what happened. Carlins lost the best time to make adjustments, so that when they realized that something was wrong, they were a bit out of control.

"Master, you must have heard those roars and collapses."

"Well, I heard."

He nodded at Carrian's inquiry. Because the sound of those collapses is very regular, they will collapse once in a while. Although Rod was also curious about what was going on, he didn't ask. Although he did not think about it, the problem was that the locations of these collapses were not regular. It was impossible for Rhodes to predict in advance where they would collapse and ran over to protect the rabbits, so in the end he did not choose to take this action. Providence, it ’s best if they can meet it, and if it ca n’t, it does n’t matter. It should n’t have been their own business, right?

"Previously we thought it was a ripple effect that was only caused by fighting between groups."

Carrian's expression was very calm, but Rhodes saw a taste of "this is definitely not an excuse we didn't notice the abnormal situation"-but since I insisted so, then Rhodes also Sorry to lift the other's skirt out. Anyway, this is also a question of face. The technicians are particularly sensitive in this regard. Since they already know that they are wrong, Rhodes will give them a little face. Watching Rhode nod, Carrian's eyes had a strange look, but she coughed and said softly.

"Later we noticed that the situation was a little bit wrong ... maybe you didn't find out, the master, in fact, it's only you who actually completed the task of" getting the spiritual crystal "."

"You mean ........."

Hearing here, Rhodes instinctively stunned, and then he came to understand what it meant.

"Only Katherine and Little Five Lolita have gotten the spirit crystal? But now the spirit crystal is left ...... oh no, there is one less now."

Raising his head and glancing at the city in front of him, Rhodes soon found that the light of another spirit crystal had faded. And seeing this scene, Carlin frowned, with an uneasy and tense expression on her face. But soon. She returned to calm again.

"Yes, we made a mistake in design, in fact ..."

Speaking of which, Carrian paused for a moment, seeming to be hesitating to tell Rod the truth. But in the end, she still gritted her teeth. Named the biggest problem now.

"... the spirit crystals were taken away by other personality projections."


At this point, Rhodes froze. After a while, under the description of Carlin's fingertips, he finally understood what the other party meant. In fact, there are not only three personalities of mental projection, but generally speaking, this trinity situation will be presented in the spiritual world, that is, these three spiritual personalities are the most powerful. But this does not mean that there is no other spiritual personality. It's just that those spiritual personalities are too lacking, such as lack of self or lack of restraint. Or is there some other reason. All in all, it is as if everyone has a variety of situations in their inner world. If the emotional refinement of emotions such as anger, sorrow, joy, and so on are turned into spiritual projections, then the spiritual personality in a person has one hundred and eighty Already.

In the beginning, Carlyn and her only brought the most mature people here. Then they closed the spiritual channels, but now they find that someone is secretly opening these mental channels to release those immature spiritual personality. This surprised Carlin and others, and there is no doubt that the road back to each spiritual world is still closed. But they ignored one thing, which was that they were small and big. It's like a railing in a prison. In order to stop prisoners from going out, their bodies will definitely not be allowed to pass. But that gap can run out of a cat or a mouse is still no problem. This is the case with the enchantment of Carrian and others leading to the spiritual channel. Although their closure is enough to block those mature personalities, there is no obstacle to those semi-finished products.

So when the Carians found something wrong, a considerable number of "semi-finished" personalities ran into it. And those towers collapsed because of it-this is not because of fighting, but the instinctive reaction of the spiritual world by resisting the appearance of foreign objects. The question before Karen suddenly burst into flames. She is now opening the spiritual channel and letting other masters go back to each house and find their own mothers. Unless all the personalities are recovered, otherwise if only three masters are recovered, then the spiritual connection is being cut After that, other elves will be more or less mentally damaged as a result. Maybe even losing the ability to show a certain emotion. After all, Carlin has not been able to confirm how many semi-finished personalities have been mixed into this game.

"So what do we do next?"

Rhodes also felt a headache when he heard it here, and he felt troublesome when he thought that there were an unknown number of various semi-finished personalities running around. And this does not have any effect on Rhodes itself. After all, these personalities are the characters of elf cards. Without one, it may cause mental fluctuations to them. Although it is not yet known who did this, it is certain that this is definitely not the scene Rhode wants to see.

"There is only one way. According to our design, the spiritual crystal can sense the surrounding soul personality and fuse them. So ..." Here, Carrian made a gesture to the spiritual crystal not far away. Then, I saw Carlin's fingers. The original large spiritual crystal suddenly shrank, but the blink of an eye reduced to a bracelet-sized existence, and then Carren gave the bracelet to Luo. Germany.

"You have also noticed that these crystals are made according to the spirit itself, so they can sense the same kind of breath. After discussion, we decided to temporarily change the use of spiritual crystals, as long as your companion wears a bracelet, you can Sense the location of all the similar personality projections in the entire city. Now we just want you to absorb all these personalities before the rest of the spiritual crystal is taken away. "

"This is a big project ..."

Hearing here, Rod couldn't help reaching out and squeezed his forehead, but he quickly remembered something.

"Wait, can't you just absorb the same kind of personality? I only have Ehorne next to me, Little Five Rory and Catherine aren't there? And I haven't seen the other Donna. If I run into other personality, I am afraid there is no way to absorb it. "

"We naturally noticed this. In fact, just now, I and the other two are looking for personality projections that are eligible for spiritual crystals and giving them the same instructions-and this is what I want to give now Your instructions, Master. "Carlin stretched out her hand as she spoke. Pointing to Jiexin Park, not far away, she blinked and said. "Please go there in the shortest possible time, and other spiritual personality projections will meet with you there. It is stated in advance that the battle between personality projections equipped with spiritual crystal bracelets will not be absorbed even if defeated. Only those who can absorb There is no projection wearing a spiritual bracelet. And, for the sake of insurance, we will guard the last passage. Well, that's it, please forgive me ......... "

"and many more."

Hear here. Rhodes called Carlin, who was about to turn away. When he heard Rhode's call, Carlin's figure paused before turning around.

"Is there anything else?"

"You should already have a clue about the shady behind this plot, Carlin."

Staring at the girl's eyes, Rhode asked calmly. This is no wonder, after all, this is not a trivial matter, here is Carlin's spiritual world again. Now that they are aware of the problem. Then it is impossible to understand the root of this problem, after all, it is like the inside of the human body. No one knows how painful the lesion is. Facing Rhode's inquiries, Carlin was unexpectedly silent for a moment, then turned around.

"I'm sorry, so far we haven't had enough evidence and clues to confirm the real behind-the-scenes indicator, but rest assured. I will let you know if the exact information is available."

After saying this, Carlin disappeared into the darkness and disappeared. And Rhode looked at Carlin's back silently and didn't say much-he had a feeling, Carlin was actually very clear. Who did it? However, for some reason, he did not explain himself.

But even if Karen didn't say it, Rhodes could guess one or two. After all, in this world, there was only one that could be found under Karen's eyelids without being discovered by Karen. But now ... it seems that I have no chance to play the detective game. Thinking of this, Rhodes turned around and stared curiously at his own Ehorn, then smiled slightly, and passed the bracelet in his hand.

"Miss Ehorn, are you interested in playing a hunting game?"

After learning from Rhodes's story, Ehorn quickly nodded and agreed to his invitation. After all, Ehorn is not a fool, knowing that things are abnormal now, so she agreed to Rhode's proposal without saying anything, and then Rhode took Ehorn to the street center park that Carrian pointed to before. Ran in the direction. After all, according to Carrian, several other major personality projections will also converge there. This is also normal, after all, to eliminate those semi-finished personalities, the more help, the better. And although Karen didn't explain it, Rhode was very clear. I am afraid that the other major personalities also understand the meaning-those secondary personalities are just a joke. But now, they actually start with the spiritual crystal, which means that they are likely to want to grow and grow, and then take the place of the personality. And I'm afraid that I realized this, so I would agree, after all, no one wants his position to be replaced by others, let alone the irreplaceable existence of spiritual personality. The loser is likely to be eaten without even the residue. No one will smile and accept this kind of thing ... Probably.

Under the leadership of Rhodes, the two soon arrived at Jiexin Park, not far away. Unlike before, the shadow monsters have completely disappeared, and no more stop them. I don't know if it was Karen who removed the shadow monsters in order to avoid accidents, but now, it is naturally better for Rhodes to have fewer obstacles.

"It looks like it's only us who arrived early. I don't know what the other people are."

Glancing at the empty street park, Rhode said to himself. He had let Ehorn feel a bit before, but found out that there are as many as seven or eight Ehorn's own projected personalities in the entire playing field. Although this number is not small, it is acceptable compared to hundreds or thousands. It's just that even Ehorn's projected personality is almost ten, so I am afraid that other people are not so good ...

"Ah, Mr. Rhode, I finally found you !!!"

While Rhodes was thinking, suddenly, a familiar voice interrupted his thoughts. Even if he didn't turn his head to look, Rhodes almost guessed the owner of the voice. Sure enough, as soon as Rhode looked in his voice, he saw two figures that were no longer familiar.

That's Little Five and Catherine.

ps: The beginning of the new book that was devoted to the thoughts was stabbed again, and it was almost tears ......... (To be continued ...)

Read The Duke's Passion