MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-v3 Chapter 656 Problems and truth

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The moment he saw this red eyeball, Rhodes felt that something was not good. [Because he knows what the red eyes are, but why is this thing here?

"—————— !!!"

With the bright red eyes opening, Rhodes could feel an extremely strong pressure of chaos suddenly burst out, like an invisible mountain pressing down on everyone. And at this moment, Rhodes has no time to think about what is going on. Although the Eye of Chaos may indeed appear anywhere, but now it actually appears in the spiritual world of Carlian. A very serious and cause for alarm. Until now, Rhodes did not find out what the problem was. Before, he felt that Carlen was not quite right in this game, and it was a bit messy. It seems that this mess is not something that can be done on the order side, but for the chaos camp, this is simply their nature!

Could it be that Chao Lin was eroded by chaos?

As soon as this idea came out, Rhodes could not calm down. To be honest, if this is the case, then the trouble will be a big deal. Oneself and others are now in the spiritual world. If it is not good how chaotic, even small problems can become big problems. Moreover, the eye of chaos appeared in Carrian's spiritual world, and it was Carrian's earliest proposal to dive into the spiritual world for coordination. Could she be eroded by chaos? So use this method to harm yourself? If that's the case ............... it's impossible, right?

Thinking of the back, Rhodes's original high heart was released. He didn't believe that Carlin had been eroded by chaos and pitted herself. Because the holy sword card spirits are interlinked, if there is something abnormal with Karen, it is impossible for them to find it. And when Carrian made this decision, her sister and Mary Bell were watching. If Karen had long been eroded by chaos, it would be impossible for the two to let go of her. Even Lilian was just a bit sloppy. Mary Bell wants to send her to the sky once and for all. If Karen is really eroded by chaos, Rhodes thinks that Mary Bell took out her little magic wand on the spot and directed Carrian to "delete" her directly from the card elf.

Does the eye of chaos suddenly appear? This doesn't seem right, it seems that it can appear in any place, but the spiritual world-well, at least Rhodes in the game does not remember that he had a similar experience, so at this moment facing the eye of chaos Suddenly appeared. He can't be sure if the other party has premeditated or whim (this is also the most troublesome part of judging the people of Chaos). But at least, it's here now, and it looks like it's obviously bad.


Feeling the overwhelming pressure, Rhodes also changed his face slightly, then he stared at the chaotic eyes coldly and hummed. Suddenly, the breath of the Nether Dragon erupted, stiffly resisting the coercion of the Eye of Chaos. He is not like Little Bubble Gum and Frozen, but now Rhode is the attribute of the Nether Dragon. Tightly just to compete with momentum, there is absolutely no reason to lose to such a small thing. Otherwise, wouldn't Dragon Spirit mainland be swallowed up by Chaos?

"———— !!!!"

With the outbreak of Rhodes, the coercion released by the Eye of Chaos suddenly disappeared. This made the little five Loli and Ehorn who were overwhelmed by the coercion of the Chaos Eye just now feel a lot better. But before they reacted, they felt that the solid ground under their feet began to crack. Under the confrontation of chaos and order, even the struggle of coercion and momentum was enough to bring people unimaginable impact. At this moment, the confrontation between Rhodes and the Eye of Chaos is further intensified. The spiritual world, which was already on the verge of collapse, can no longer support it. It's almost as if a piece of dilapidated plank is under tremendous pressure, almost to an overwhelming level.


Because Rhodes and the Eye of Chaos have no intention of converging. In the end, this huge land completely collapsed because it could not withstand the collision between the two sides. I saw countless high-rise buildings almost falling in an blink of an eye, the flat ground broke into pieces one by one, and the hurricane hurricane rose flat and looked out. Going, you can only see the constantly rotating tide and the various debris and earth fragments that are involved. As if a tornado was crossing, everything was involved. Nothing can be exceptional.

In addition to the eye of the wind.

At this moment Rhode hugs his hands like this, staring gloomily at the red eyeballs floating in the air. And Little Five, Lori and Ehorn, can't withstand the horrible wind pressure at this time and hide behind Catherine-thankfully, Catherine's nature makes her immune to this degree of attack, otherwise I'm afraid this I'm afraid that Little Five and Lori can't support it anymore.

At this point, Rhodes was completely on the verge of riding a tiger. At the moment when the eye of chaos appeared in front of himself, he knew that it was forcing himself to make a decision. Although it is said that completely destroying Carlin's spiritual world will definitely bring a certain degree of risk. But now chaos is ahead. If this problem cannot be solved, then there is nothing to talk about. If it doesn't work ...... thinking of it, Rhodes's eyes flashed apologize. If that doesn't work, then simply erase Carlin's memory and spirit and manipulate her completely as a puppet. After all, the reason why the two parties did not match before was that Karen could not match Rhodes. Now, in this case, they have to do so. As long as one's resistance can be eliminated, everything will be easier for the other. But ......... Until last year, Rhodes naturally did not want to use this method. The ten holy sword elves loved the sisters. From the fact that they clearly belonged to different classes of different races, they were still able to be sisters. It can be seen that the ten holy sword spirits have deep feelings for each other. If Rhodes really wipes out Carrian's thoughts and becomes an adult, they will definitely not be comfortable. In this way, even if it can save the immediate urgency, it will bury hidden dangers in the future. But now, Rhodes can't think about the future. The chaotic eyes are menacing. If the stability in front of him is not resolved, I am afraid that he will be finished here!

Just then, Rhodes saw that eye blink suddenly. Then a red light swept past. The next moment, with the emergence of shining magical light, the wall of the hurricane that had been besieging the two sides suddenly torn apart, and then several figures appeared on the ground not far from him. These people are not familiar with Rhodes, but they are not unfamiliar-because what appeared to them was another foursome who had met Rhodes on the square before. But the situation is clearly not good. Not only was the whole body covered with scars, panting, and exhausted after the end of the war. I didn't expect them to find this place when the spiritual world completely collapsed. Seeing this scene, Rhodes also seemed a bit surprised. It seems that the power of these personalities is far beyond their imagination. Although it is said that the spiritual world itself is the will to determine reality, even if the earth is completely broken, it is impossible for people to fall into the abyss. However, it is already quite difficult to counteract the pressure generated when confronting the Eye of Chaos, and now these people have not only killed a **** road. Even being able to come here is not easy. but……………

Thinking of this, Rhodes also reluctantly sighed in his heart. At their end of the crossbow, staying here will only be worse!

Sure enough, as Rhode expected, at the moment when these tired personalities appeared, the red eyes that had originally confronted Rhode suddenly turned his attention, only to suddenly narrow his eyes. The next moment, the bright red light swept again, rushing straight towards the four. And the four who had finally passed the mental storm at this moment obviously had no ability to fight the eye of chaos. In the face of its attack, only the headed Catherine raised her arm, and soon saw the movement of the angel of light, the dazzling shield of light erupted from her, and soon formed a solid barrier. Four people were wrapped in it, just as Catherine cast her shield. The bright red beam hit the catherine's shield in this way.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

The powerful forces of chaos and the shield of order antagonized each other, erupting into the power that Rhodes had when confronting the Eye of the Void. But unfortunately, Catherine in front of her clearly did not have the ability of Rhodes, but only supported for a moment, she was crumbling in sight. Some can't help it anymore. And seeing this scene, Rhodes also looked confused. He originally wanted to reach out and help, but he did not expect that the speed of the other party was so fast. When he confronted himself, he dared to disperse his energy to do such a thing. Time didn't respond. And now when he reacted and started to do it, the Eye of Chaos actually made a trick to kill the enemy one thousand and damage eight hundred. In this way, even if Rhodes would completely dispose of it with the attention of Chaos Eyes, there would be no way to keep the four personality projections over there. Because of this, Rhode had to stop his hand abruptly and began to think of other ways.

At the same time, suddenly, Rhodes passed a silver light. And seeing this light, Rhodes's pupils that were originally narrowed suddenly enlarged a lot. Although Rhodes is not familiar with each of his summoning spirits, but at least he is not unfamiliar. Rhodes is very familiar with their fighting methods. And now, what appeared to Rhode was ...

"Carlian !!"

"Uh ------- !!!!"

With the call of Rhodes, the three young girls appeared without a warning in the presence of everyone. They formed a triangular formation that surrounded everyone. At this moment, I saw three Carrians raising their hands like this. Countless silver threads accompany their movements and spread out in all directions like spiders. Just in the blink of an eye, these silver threads have formed countless complicated ornate array They slowly rotate and stagger each other, like mechanical gears. At the moment when these formations were formed, the chaotic power that had bombarded the personality projection suddenly became unresponsive like a chicken stuck in its neck. Not only that, Rhodes was able to feel that the overwhelming chaos overwhelming losses had also been lost at this time.


Although I do n’t know how Karen did it, it is natural that Rhodes will not let it go so easily and easily. The original Chaos Eye needed to deal with Rhodes and other personality elves at the same time. Difficult, at this moment Carlian's appearance suddenly became the last straw that overwhelmed the Eye of Chaos, completely breaking the original balance. And Rod immediately seized the opportunity. He looked up, and the next moment, the dragon that covered the sky roared into the air, and a paw hit the eye of chaos. Obviously, the Eye of Chaos did not expect that Rhodes would be so mighty and domineering with himself, and suddenly made a terrible sound, and quickly backed away. At the same time, countless red beams erupted from the depths of the Eye of Chaos again. Like a heavy rain, he smashed his head and covered his face.

Changed to the previous words, Rhodes may or may not have to take care of others. But now there is the invincible flesh shield of Catherine on Little Five's side, and on the other side is Carlin who doesn't know where to run from. On the other hand, the eye of chaos is obviously not good. Since it is here, don't try to run. Off. If Rhodes didn't clean it up this time, he would write his name upside down!

Rhode, who was transformed into the Nether Dragon, was naturally not slow, but with the effort of waving his wings, he quickly approached the eye of chaos. At this time, Rhode finally saw the true face of the Eye of Chaos, and he couldn't see clearly in the darkness before. To put it plainly, Eye of Chaos feels like Rod has an eye on the moon, except that the moon is bright red and a bit rotten, of course, the volume is not as large as the real moon.

But even so, the size of the Eye of Chaos is not small. Rhode's form of the Nether Dragon is a behemoth in itself, and the chaotic eye in front of him is at least half the size of Rhodes, if not the tentacles waving behind are too disgusting. It's not that bad.

Facing Rhode's attack, the Eye of Chaos also launched a crazy counterattack. Unfortunately, head-to-head combat is not its strength. It's more like a spiritual profession like Little Bubble Gum. The auxiliary used to summon and add status is okay. Once you are on the front, there is only a dead end. Therefore, although the light beam erupting from the Eye of Chaos was quite threatening, Rhodes still bit his teeth and pounced on him, but he managed to get such an opportunity. After all, the eye of chaos is too weird and rare to find it on weekdays. And the thief running fast, can not catch. But now it's different. Although the Eye of Chaos can appear anywhere, it is also limited. Rhodes couldn't catch it before because this guy is very cunning and won't appear in a defined space. Once found, if you want to escape, you can return to the chaos by leaving the Dragon Soul continent. This is why the previous Little Bubble Gum and Binger couldn't hold it together. But things are different now. Since it ran into Karen's spiritual world, it was another matter. This is a person's spiritual world, which means that the space is completely closed. If it were changed on weekdays, then the Eye of Chaos might be able to run away. But today is another matter, Rhodes is the dragon of the void. The authority of the Nether Dragon is space. Although not as capable of punching holes between planes and planes as his sister, Rhodes still has the authority to control a space itself. However, no matter how powerful the Chaos Eye is, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Creation Dragon. Therefore, at the moment when he saw the Eye of Chaos, Rhode immediately thought of wanting to leave it. However, because of the emergency before, Karen's mental space also completely collapsed, which made him temporarily unable to find a good solution. After all, he was on the defensive at that time. Once discovered by the Eye of Chaos, the other party could naturally pat the buttocks and run, but Rhodes could not catch up, after all, he had to clean up this mess.

But now it's different. With Carlin's help, Rhodes also turned to attack immediately, and immediately closed the surrounding space. At this moment, it has completely become a prison that cannot enter or exit. So even if he watched Rhodes launch an attack on himself, he couldn't run away, he could only bite the bullet and attack. But in this way, where is Rhodes' opponent? Rhodes just carried the opponent's bombardment in front of the Eye of Chaos and shot it with a paw. Immediately, this powerful guy fell to the ground to reveal the prototype. Tempered.

At the same time that the Eye of Chaos landed, the magic circle in Carlian's hand also began to spin rapidly, and it could not help turning around the Eye of Chaos. Although the Eye of Chaos was still trying to struggle, it was just a moment of work The original bright red light gradually faded in this way. When Rhode fell back to the ground, the eye of chaos that was still shining before was now completely enclosed in a huge crystal, and it looked like nothing at all. The threat is at all.


It was not until this time that Rhodes sighed, then he turned his head and looked at the three Carians who were walking beside him, asking.

"Now, tell me what's going on." (To be continued ...)

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