MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-v3 Chapter 658 Travel

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Rhodes should be fortunate that only his sister was standing beside him, otherwise his reputation in this life would be considered dead. (..He also forgot that other people will absorb after killing their own mental projection personality, then they will certainly absorb it as well. But Rhodes did n’t expect that after absorbing the personality on his own side, he would start with This form of expression really made him very depressed.

Well, these are trivial things after all, the most important thing is the relationship between Rhodes and the Holy Sword card, which is the most important. After all, tossing for such a long time, although it was only one night outside, but in Roder's subjective consciousness, it had been the same for many months. So after a few words of embarrassment with his sister, Rhode could not wait to "send" her away. And looking at the weird smile before his sister left, Rhodes knew that it would become a black history of his life ...

But anyway, it's also our sister, can't I pit my brother?

Rhodes is still confident about his sister's martial arts, so he just feels depressed for a while, torn off the disgusting clothes completely, then changed his clothes again, and then began to sense the holy sword card again.

But what made Rhodes relieved was that he hadn't tossed in the spiritual world since this time. In his induction, he can find that all the holy sword cards and his induction level have improved. If the link between Rhodes and the Holy Sword card was just the standard of ordinary broadband, then now is the era of directly upgrading to 100g fiber, and the efficiency has more than doubled. And on Carlin's side, Rod tried a few times without encountering any particular problems, and everything seemed to be going smoothly. After just a few more experiments, the enchantment can be officially opened.

But it made Rod feel a little strange. In this one, Donna is the most suitable one. Originally, Rhodes also felt that Dona might be a bit unreliable. After all, this time in the decisive battle city, she basically passed by with Dona. The two sides have not even participated in the basic battle. Rhodes had been with Dona. Somewhat worried, but not particularly worried. Because before that, Donna worked well with him. In fact, the main problem at that time was on Carrian's side, and there were basically no errors in other places. Now that Carrian's problem has been solved, the efficiency of other holy sword cards has been improved, and finally the biggest problem has been solved.

In fact, Rhode wanted to talk more with his card elf, but hesitated again and again, eventually he gave up. Because Rhodes enters the subconscious, in this respect, except for Karen, who breaks through spiritual barriers and shares, other card spirits have no impression of what he has done with Rhodes in his spiritual world. of. So it doesn't make sense for Rhodes to speak. This really made Rod feel a little depressed. He now understands how high the mental quality of those psychiatrists is. At present, Rhodes seems to have obtained some information after hypnotizing the patient, but he is unable to give her an understanding when the patient comes back to God. This kind of troublesome person's itchy feeling is indeed uncomfortable. And even then, these card elves don't know what's going on. So Rhodes didn't say much, and eventually gave up the communication with the card elves and focused on his own business.

What makes Rhodes somewhat depressed is that the time difference between the spiritual world and the real world is really a big problem. He felt like staying in the spiritual world for months. The face of Marin and others immediately felt a "long time no see". But for them, they didn't meet with Rhodes for one night. Therefore, even if there is anxiety in his heart, he will not be as indifferent as Rhodes in one day (in various senses), which makes Rhodes quite depressed. In the end, Rhodes was depressed for a long time, but went to find Christie for comfort, intending to take her out for a stroll. For so long in spiritual space, Rhodes was exhausted. Even if chaos is not anxious for two days, it is considered a holiday for myself.

Upon hearing Rhode's invitation, Christie was naturally very happy. Although her strength was almost reached the level of the devil under the guidance of another Christie, it was not stable enough. So basically I haven't gone out to fight. It's been in Grantia all day. Because Rhode was busy everywhere, he naturally didn't have time with her. This made Christie more or less boring. At this moment, when he heard that Rhodes would take him out for shopping, the little guy naturally raised his hands in favor. Not only that, Christie also rang Bell and Lilian and Binger. This is all her peers, and several people get along well with each other. Little Bubble Gum did not follow this time, because she still has her own task to do. Instead, Xueer is because of rotation. Just withdrawn from the front. I heard that Rhodes was going to take them out for shopping, and Bingxue was naturally excited.

Rhode's "going around" is of course not about strolling around in Grantia. Christie, who is idle and bored every day, walks around in Grantia. Everywhere there is a mouse hole, they know everything. It turned out to be meaningless. So after thinking for a while, Rhodes decided to take them to the towns under the vanity to see the situation. On the one hand, he went out to relax, and on the other hand, Rhode wanted to see how he was under the ground. After all, although it is said to be during the war, stability from the rear is equally important. Although it is said that they can't be bothered by themselves, Rhodes, who was once a civilian, naturally knows that many times the superior is careless, just like himself. After becoming a dragon of the void, Rhode's main concern is how to repair chaos and open channels to the solar system. He basically did not care about the towns below. Unless there was a big-face disaster somewhere, many people died, or so, Rhodes didn't care about it. This is going to change in Rhodes's time. Certainly many people will scold them for eating dry rice. If nothing happens, nothing will happen .... Now Rhodes is also one of this kind of "dry rice". Already.

Of course, now Rhode is also concerned occasionally, although he is also a civilian, knowing the troubles below. But in many cases, I do n’t know the hardships, and the higher the job, the more things I care about. It is even more difficult to be a good leader, not only to care about ordinary people. What's more, we should deal with the coordination between those noble consortia. Because Lilian was so anxious to do this, she completely handed over the power and pushed Lidia to run to the grid every day with Christie. Of course, Rhodes is hard to say anything about her. At Lilian's age, her experience has nothing to do with this eye-catching power, and it is not surprising that she can avoid it as much as arrogantly. After all, who has been a mascot for such a long time was almost killed. Afterwards, I will feel bored when facing the intrigues of various forces, and Lilian is still a small child. Her thoughts do not mature to where she is. In Rhodes ’world, I have n’t seen more than ten years in these thousands of years. Being able to govern the country's political affairs can also be accomplished with ease-unless it is a puppet or Shenjiang.

Now under Rhodes, there has not been a particularly strong middle-level force. This is because Rhode's high level is too powerful, the Seven Pillar Demon can destroy a country by himself, and no one dares to cross in front of them. And now the war against chaos is also very tense, and those who have been promoted to form forces. Most of them have been following Rhodes long ago. Most of the mercenaries were sent to be military attachés, and there were still a lot of characters who were the masters of the cities and towns below. Under the coercion of chaos, everyone was able to let go of their prejudices. However, Rhodes believes that when the new world is reached and there is no external pressure, it is estimated that it will not be many years before a palace blockbuster will be staged. Of course, there is no problem with the top class. After all, the relationship between the devil and Rhode is very clear, but those are more troublesome.

After all, it is easy and painful. It ’s hard to share happiness.

Later, think about it later. For the future of the void leader, Rhodes doesn't care about it now.

At this moment, Rhodes is walking with four girls on the street, admiring the scenery and the lively crowd. After leaving Grantia, Rhodes took Christie around in a random way. Finally, a small town called Karratha, located in the middle and south of the Netherland, was selected. This is a small town originally established by the refugees who moved from the land of atonement to the void. It was quite quiet and harmonious. Although Rhodes did n’t cheat like a system that flickered from high-rise buildings in a blink of an eye, but after so long, this small city in front of him was also built.

Walking on the street, everyone looked curiously at the town in front of them. Although the battle ahead is tense. But these ordinary people in the rear are not as impatient and upset as Rhodes imagined. Originally, when Rhodes came out, he was worried that these refugees would be as endless as the end of the world, only to find out what they should do. , Not as nervous as I imagined. This also made Rhodes pat his head. It seems that human beings are indeed a very adaptable existence. He still remembers that in the Middle East, government forces and the opposition fired gunfire all over the world. As a result, the children there were all day. Staring at the gun Lin bullet rain to go to school ... ... to a certain extent, it is good to get used to it, these refugees have gone through so many wars, it is also a lot of lice do not itch, it is estimated that chaos and order are not bad. .

The group walked around and looked at it, which was also leisurely and comfortable. Christie was rare to go out with Rhodes. It was naturally extremely exciting. Even when he saw a flower, he had to take Rhodes to accompany him to study in the past. Bell still followed Christie's side quietly as always, even if she took her hand and walked around. Lilian, on the other side, curiously looked at the surrounding buildings. For Lilian, this was also quite new. What she said was also the ruler of the kingdom of light, and it was difficult to get out of Grantia, not to mention wandering around like this.

On the contrary, Bingxueer calms down. As a player, she hasn't been here for one thousand or eight hundred, so she just followed Rode and turned around.

When everyone came to the city square, they encountered some small troubles. Rhode saw that some guards and a few merchants had quarreled in the market not far away, and it seemed that he was still moving in the direction of full fire. This made Rhodes look pale, although he didn't know what was going on, but anyway, it was a trouble on his own site, and he couldn't explain it without looking at it. And looking at the girls who were picking and picking at the jewellery in front of himself at the moment, Rhodes hesitated, and finally said.

"I'll go over there and see what happens, you guys continue."

Christie and Lilian nodded at Rhode's words. The former is not interested in that kind of chaotic scene, and the latter also does not like to see what is lively. Only Bingxue raised his eyebrows after hearing Rhode's speech, then walked to Rhode's side and gently pulled his corner, asking in a low voice.

"Do I need to go with me? Brother?"

"No need, a little trouble, let me see what's going on. Just as a private visit to Weifu, you are here to protect Liliane. Notify me immediately if anything."

Having said this, Rhodes touched Bingxueer's head, then walked out of the jewelry store and walked towards the crowd in the distance.

When Rhode went to check the troubles not far away, after some sort of picking here, the girls also picked the jewelry they wanted, and Christie chose a leaf shape carved from emerald. Gems, Lilian picked a pair of ruby ​​earrings. Although Bell had no interest in these jewellery, he was issued a card by Christie. Even Bingxueer was also affected by the atmosphere of the other three people, and he just picked a silver ring with magic resistance +3-well, after all, players still look at attributes that are higher than sales.

Women like to go shopping, and Christie is no exception. After visiting the jewelry store, she wanted to go to the clothing store next door. Listen to the boss here. The clothing store over there was opened by a royal tailor from the kingdom of light. The craftsmanship is good and the clothes made are very beautiful. Christie immediately lost her mind. And Lilian was obviously curious, so she took Bingxue and Bell to see if there were any beautiful clothes. Bingxueer does not object to this. Anyway, she is a projection guard, and this kind of thing just needs to say to Rhode through the soul connection. So she followed Lilian and Christie and ran towards the clothing store next to her.

"I said, I want you to do it in three days !!!"

And just when Christie came to the clothing store door and planned to open the door to look in, suddenly the door of the clothing store was pulled open. Immediately afterwards, a young man in a luxurious suit just roared out of the meteor. Since he turned his head and shouted at the back, he didn't even notice Christie and Lilian in front of him, so he just rushed out.

If it was an ordinary child, I'm afraid this person would be enough to kick Christy and trample on the ground. But Christy is not an ordinary person after all. She has been studying with "another one" for so long, and as Rod's most beloved child, she has all kinds of magic protective equipment on her body. Therefore, the moment when that person was about to reach Christie, I saw Christie's chest. The front badge suddenly emitted a bright and dazzling light. At the next moment, a translucent barrier suddenly appeared in front of Christie, blocking the other side. The young man obviously did not expect such a thing to happen. I saw him kicking on the barrier like this, and the next moment he felt a pain, a tumbling roll down the steps.

"Ah, sorry, sorry !!"

This sudden scene also scared Christie, but after all, she was a good boy. At this moment, when she saw the other person's ashes rolled down, her clothes were dirty. Apparently, he apologized in haste, and the young man obviously did not have a bad temper. Upon hearing Christie's apology, he shook his hand fiercely, then stood up and stared angrily at the four children in front of him.

"I'm sorry? I'm sorry for a fart, why don't you have eyes ... eh?"

Until this time, the young man didn't see Christie and others in front of him clearly, then he raised an eyebrow, and swallowed it if he planned to scold it. Although Rhodes came out with a micro-service private interview, the costumes of Christie and others were naturally very beautiful and luxurious. At first glance, they were of noble origin. And the girls were all sweet and lovely. Seeing this, the young man rolled his eyes, then he put away his anger and smiled at Christie.

"It's nothing, this lovely lady, I'm just careless. I was a little impatient just now, please forgive me."

"Ah ......... well, nothing, I didn't take it to heart."

Hearing the young man's apology, Christie didn't think much, just waving her hands. Then she decided to turn around and walk into the clothing store. But what Christie didn't expect was that the young man turned around and blocked her way. Seeing this scene, Lily An suddenly looked pale, and Bingxue raised her brows. But the young man didn't seem to care about the expressions of the four girls at all, but still said with a warm smile.

"I'm Babbit Krandu. I'm a member of the Karratha Chamber of Commerce. Some of you have just come from the outside. How about I take you around?"

"No, we just look at it casually, and we have to wait for someone."

In the face of such an attentive man, Bingxue stretched over Christia, who was at a loss in front of him, and then answered blandly. She has seen a lot of this "npc" in the game and naturally knows how to deal with it. When he heard her, the young man narrowed his eyes, a cold cold light flashed, and then he nodded again with a smile.

"That being the case, I'm sorry."

While talking, the young man gave way, and at this time Bingxue pulled Christie into the clothing store. It wasn't until the four girls disappeared that the young man converged with a smile on his face, showing a cold expression, and then he reached out his hand and gently slammed his finger. Soon, a young man with the appearance of a thief was standing beside Alley's shadow came out and came to the man's side.

"Sir, what do you command?"

"Go and investigate what these girls are and see what they are about." (To be continued ...)