MTL - Super Battleship Reborn-Chapter 10 The Heroic Sky

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Chapter 10 Qun Ying Cang Qing Lu left Jupiter's system, Xiao Yu's mood was extremely happy. Although he was scared before, Xiao Yu believes that these scares are totally worthwhile. The value these weird radiation sources show is not just that it can improve material performance.

The most important value is the mechanism of transforming materials. That is to say, after the influence of these radiation sources, the metal will have a large increase in various properties. If this problem is figured out, Xiao Yu can use this as a basis to develop more and stronger materials.

This is the greatest value of these radiation sources. There is no doubt that researching this problem requires huge amounts of data computing power, and Xiao Yu's most important thing is computing power.

提升 The improvement in the ability of the human soul and computer is not as simple as one plus one. A true electronic life, its research capabilities are not weaker than the collection of the entire human society. Because there are almost unlimited learning ability, computing ability, innovative ability and precision that human beings can't match. Combining the two major advantages of humans and computers, Xiao Yu's strength is undoubted.

I looked at Jupiter gradually, and Xiao Yu set his eyes on a bright star in the distance, Saturn.

Observed the position and other data of several neutron stars in the universe, Xiao Yu determined his position. Its current position is 700 million kilometers away from Saturn.

It is very difficult for me to determine where I am in the universe. However, human beings have researched in this area and basically solved this problem. That is positioning by pulsars.

When a massive star evolves into old age and a supernova burst occurs, if the remaining core mass is less than Oppenheimer's limit, a neutron star will be formed, relying on the balance between its own gravity and neutron degenerate pressure to obtain its own stability. A pulsar is a type of neutron star. It rotates at a very fast speed, and it emits extremely powerful radiation at its poles, which is extremely stable. It's like a bright lighthouse in the universe. In this way, by observing the parameters of several pulsars relative to themselves, one can infer their own position.

Of course, there is a premise, that is, the position of these neutron stars has been determined before. Before Xiao Yu escaped from the earth, he had copied all the astronomical data observed by human beings into his own hard disk, which naturally also contained the data of these neutron stars.

The journey of the universe is long, and it is another six months. Looking at Saturn growing larger in front of him, Xiao Yu's mood was cheered up.

If it is not necessary to slow down when approaching Saturn, this time can be shortened by about a month.

这 In these six months, Xiao Yu calculated the new data from Jupiter and made a modification to his previous theory. Now, he has a better grasp of controllable fusion technology.

Moreover, in these five months, Xiao Yu also carried out a detailed study of the peculiar radiation source confined in the box. For convenience, Xiao Yu also gave this strange Jupiter creature a name, called "No. 1".

Of course, Xiao Yu didn't dare to release No. 1. In that case, the interior of the spacecraft will be instantly melted away. Researching through thick metal boxes is like tickling across boots, and it is better than nothing.

如此 Even so, Xiao Yu has obtained quite a lot of data. He has initially found out that this is indeed a creature, a strange creature. It has all the characteristics of life, except that it has no physical mass.

For example, when Xiao Yu sends a very high-frequency radio wave to it, it will show restless fluctuations, and its radiation intensity will be weakened accordingly. But no matter how Xiao Yu operates, he can't raise his radiation intensity a little.

After a large number of experiments, Xiao Yu determined that the intelligence level of No. 1 is roughly equivalent to that of a trilobite in ancient times. In other words, they are still in the early stages of evolution.

In this period, the metal materials that make up the box have been strengthened a lot, and its various performance indicators have almost tripled the original. But after reaching this level, there is no improvement in the future. It seems that No. 1 has an upper limit on the performance improvement of metals.

In accordance with the improvement of the performance of metal materials, the radiation intensity of No. 1 was reduced by 0.33%.

Xiao Xiaoyu estimates that for one ton of metal material to be doubled in performance, the total radiation intensity of No. 1 will be reduced by 0.01%.

In other words, the radiation intensity of No. 1 is enough to improve the performance of 10,000 tons of metal materials! So many metal materials are enough to build the skeleton of a medium-sized spaceship.

You must know that before the destruction of the earth, in addition to the spacecraft Xiao Yu secretly built, the heaviest human aircraft, the International Space Station, weighed less than 500 tons. Even Xiao Yu's spacecraft, after being fully loaded with fuel, weighed only a few thousand tons, and the metal materials used were no more than two thousand tons.

宇 Xiao Yu is full of expectations for the performance of No.1.

The research on controllable nuclear fusion and the research on No. 1 only occupy less than 10% of the calculation rate of Xiao Yu. During these five months, most of Xiao Yu's energy was spent on discovering new stars and supplementing old star data.

Xiao Yu is compiling a huge catalog of all stars. Of course, this work has just begun.

工作 This work was almost impossible for previous humans. Because there are too many stars in the universe. There are 100 to 400 billion stars in a single galaxy alone.

For the sake of convenience, humans have compiled many star catalogs that classify different types of stars. Common types are HD, SAO, BD, etc. However, Xiao Yu can ignore this. He intends to compile all types of stars, nebulae, star clusters, white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes, galaxies, etc. into a catalog.

萧 Because Xiao Yu has almost incredible storage capacity and retrieval ability, the huge amount is not an obstacle for him.

Now in the past few months, Xiao Yu has initially numbered more than 5 million stars through the detection system of his own spacecraft, which is not weaker than the Hubble Space Telescope, combined with data originally available to humans. The corresponding observations are attached. Such as mass, volume, age, absolute magnitude, spectrum, metal amount, angular diameter, rotation speed, bypass speed, position information, etc.

星 This star list is dynamic. Because the stars are running in the universe, the star table compiled by Xiao Yu will also slowly change his various data over time.

"Such a great star catalog should deserve a shocking name. Hmm ... just name this great star catalog Qunying CangQinglu. CangQing is the universe, Qunying is the stars in the universe!"

"Qun Ying Cang Qing Lu!" After reading this loud name, Xiao Yu was secretly proud.

The star numbered one in the records of Xun Qunying's sky is undoubtedly the sun. The sun has special meaning to Xiao Yu.

Jupiter is getting closer and closer. In Xiao Yu's field of vision, Saturn, surrounded by the magnificent ring of Saturn, is like a peerless beauty dancing gracefully.

The Saturn ring has amazing physical properties. It's huge, but extremely thin. The radius of Saturn's ring is about 110,000 kilometers, but its thickness is only about 20 meters. It is mainly composed of meteorite blocks and ice particles.

Saturn has a structure similar to Jupiter, which means that the resources available at Jupiter are also available at Saturn.

Moreover, the richness of Titan's resources is not worse for Xiao Yu than for Europa.

Reduced his speed relative to Saturn to 30 kilometers per second, Xiao Yu entered the orbit around Saturn, and then slowly adjusted his speed to reduce his speed relative to Titan to two kilometers per second. Success Entered the orbit around Titan.

At this time, more needs to be done. Because of Xiao Yu's current technology, he cannot take off directly from the stars without leaving the rocket. Even if it was Titan, it would not work on small stars with an escape speed of only 2.6 kilometers.

In other words, this time UU Kanshu Xiao Yu landed, there is no possibility of moving position in a short time. Therefore, Xiao Yu must choose the most suitable area for landing. This area must be land, but there must be a methane lake nearby to provide energy. In order to obtain sufficient building materials, the landing location must be close to an area where iron elements are relatively abundant. .

Xiao Xiaoyu began a long journey around Titan. In the tens of thousands of rounds, Xiao Yu gradually drawn a three-dimensional map of Titan. On this map, Xiao Yu marks the different terrains everywhere, such as where are mountains, where are volcanoes, where are regions rich in iron, where are regions rich in silicon, where are lakes, and where are land.

After careful analysis, Xiao Yu finally chose a place.

Yingshangdu District, also known as Shangri-La, is a high-bright reflection area located in the leading hemisphere of Titan, as large as Australia.

Traditional theory believes that this is a huge methane lake, but after field observations, Xiao Yu rejected this statement.

Through the dense atmosphere, the surface conditions in Shangdu District entered Xiao Yu's lens. Shown in front of Xiao Yu is a magical world.

There is solid surface here, there are lakes, but not very big. At the same time, rivers made entirely of liquid methane are flowing slowly, just like on earth.

Geological survey report shows that there is an extremely rich iron ore in a certain area of ​​Shangdu District. Xiao Yu calculated to come and choose the landing place here.

详细 After detailed orbital calculations, Xiao Yu slowly lowered his height and speed and began to approach Titan's smooth surface slowly.

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