MTL - Super Battleship Reborn-Chapter 7 Back to Jupiter

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Chapter Seven Returns to Jupiter When Xiao Yu approached the Sun, he realized that his previous experience of the Sun was too superficial.

I can never appreciate the power of the sun from the book alone.

Xiao Yu is now 60 million kilometers from the sun. It's still outside Mercury's orbit.

At a distance of 26 million kilometers, even if Jupiter is a bright spot at such a distance, you can't see any details. But the sun at this distance is as large as a grinding disc.

没有 There is no air here, so there is no diffuse reflection. In the dark sky, a huge fireball hung. There is endless light and heat emanating from above. Xiao Yu tested the temperature of the heat shield, which was about four baidu.

A powerful stream of high-energy charged particles is blown out from the sun, and its intensity is more than ten times higher than that measured on the earth.

"This should be caused by the influence of Jupiter." Xiao Yu made a guess, then decisively stopped the idea of ​​continuing to approach, fine-tuned the orbit, and turned into orbit.

This is the closest that Xiao Yu has ever been to the sun since he was born, and it may be his lifetime. If it were not for the acceleration of the sun this time, Xiao Yu would not have come to such a dangerous place.

The quality of the sun is not much different from Tianyuan Four, and the two have a good analogy. Anyway, nothing happened, Xiao Yu allocated a few points to the CPU, and began to calculate the collected sun data.

These data help Xiao Yu make a rough guess about the situation of the Tianyuan Four-Star System, so as to determine his actions after reaching the Tianyuan Four-Star System.

Xiao Xiaoyu's ionization plan was also officially launched at this time. In the previous collection, Xiao Yu collected about 900 tons of water in total. The nine hundred tons of water will be completely converted into hydrogen and oxygen during the four-month round-trip trip to become Xiao Yu's fuel.

The fuel of 900 tons has exceeded the level of Xiao Yu's highest reserve. With sufficient fuel, Xiao Yu finally tried the feeling of an upstart. Several projects were carried out simultaneously, and all efforts were started. The load rate of the central computer was reached. The largest, began to fully calculate the data obtained from Jupiter, at the same time, the robot breeding program was officially launched, two robots are making full efforts to create the next generation, and one robot is assigned to continue to repair the spacecraft in detail.

Everything is thinking in a beautiful direction. At this time, Xiao Yu's mind finally relaxed.

Four months passed in a flash. Xiao Yu's position moved from one side of the sun to the other. As the spacecraft moves farther and farther away from the sun, the speed of the spacecraft will slowly decrease due to the gravitational force of the sun. However, since he intends to break away from the gravitational pull of the sun, it is naturally impossible for Xiao Yu not to prepare in advance.

In fact, Xiao Yu started a slow acceleration about a month and a half ago, accelerating the relative speed of the spacecraft from 20 kilometers per second to 40 kilometers per second, and it is still accelerating. It is expected that after crossing Mars' orbit, Xiao Yu's speed will reach 60 kilometers per second, surpassing the previous human fastest aircraft traveler One.

After a while, Xiao Yu will fly at this speed to a distance of 100 million kilometers from Saturn, then begin to slow down slowly, and finally land on Titan.

Everything is as familiar as when it came. Xiao Yu once again passed by at a distance of 30,000 kilometers from Mars. Looking at this planet that had suffered great calamity and provided himself with strong refuge, Xiao Yu was filled with emotion.

"Okay, finally, I want to cross the asteroid belt and take a new step!" Xiao Yu was full of confidence.

The last time I planned to cross the asteroid belt, I was forced to change the trajectory by the big event of Moonwood collision. Fortunately, Xiao Yu was not fatally hit. Xiao Yu, like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, regained his support in earth orbit, like Hu Hansan, and returned again.

一次 This time, no one can stop the footsteps of Xiao Yu.

There are indeed a lot of asteroids in the asteroid belt. The total number is estimated to reach one million or more, but it is distributed in huge space, and its density is questionable.

In fact, if you did n’t choose your target intentionally, you ca n’t find any shadow of the asteroid when you pass through the asteroid belt. It looks as empty as the rest of the universe. Therefore, as long as it is not very unlucky, you generally don't have to worry about being attacked by asteroids here.

Xiao Yu passed the asteroid belt safely and was accelerated to 65 kilometers per second under the influence of Jupiter's gravity, and flew towards the destination at full speed.

Here, it is about 300 million kilometers away from the sun. It is about 480 million kilometers from Jupiter's orbit and about 1.1 billion kilometers from Saturn's orbit.

Fortunately, Jupiter, Saturn, and Xiao Yu are now on the same side of the Sun. Otherwise, without Jupiter's gravitational acceleration, Xiao Yu would have to spend more time.

In a blink of an eye, almost three months passed. The distance between Xiao Yu and Jupiter was also shortened to less than 30 million kilometers.

Looking at Jupiter getting closer, Xiao Yu began to think about a very important issue.

That is, do you want to take a look around Jupiter.

Xiao Xiaoyu has already calculated the data obtained from Jupiter, and is currently in the stage of needing experimental verification. Until new data is obtained from experiments, Xiao Yu's research on nuclear fusion cannot be further advanced. Although Xiao Yu has 90% certainty that the final answer is in his own assumptions, there is always a possibility of accident.

If at this time, take a closer look at Jupiter and get some more data? Is it more certain? After all, arriving in Saturn and trying to come to Jupiter is not an easy task.

But the danger is self-evident. Although the Muyue impact event has passed for a year, one year is only a blink of an eye on an astronomical scale. The impact of such a huge impact cannot be subsided in a short time. Maybe there are numerous satellite debris flying around Jupiter's orbit, and maybe Jupiter's magnetic field has mutated, which may cause all the spacecraft instruments to malfunction.

Xiao Xiaoyu gritted his teeth, frowning and thinking about it, still decided to go and take a look.

He has a strong curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, which is the basic quality of a scientist. As the most outstanding scientist, Xiao Yu has no doubt a curiosity strong enough to kill five hundred cats. There are two reasons to go to Jupiter. One reason is that it is really helpful for Xiao Yu to study nuclear fusion technology when he observes Jupiter up close. The second reason is that Xiao Yu is really curious and really wants to see Jupiter. What does it look like now.

"Even if you want to see it, you have to think about safety. Well ... there will be about five days to reach Jupiter, and during this time, the spacecraft's radiation protection layer will be reinforced and thickened ... and, only You can pass 200,000 kilometers away from Jupiter, and you can't get closer. Well, really, you can't get closer. "

Xiao Yu muttered silently, commanding eight robots-the number of robots increased by five during these months of travel-began to strengthen and thicken the spacecraft's radiation protection layer again, at the same time, the Geiger counter , Magnetometer, radar anti-collision system, optical detection system and other systems are all turned on to the maximum power, the only laser gun was also taken out, ready to crush the meteor blocks that can not be avoided at any time.

After I made everything, Xiao Yu silently looked at Jupiter, which was getting bigger, with a little expectation in her nervousness.

Jupiter's iconic stripes have disappeared. Xiao Yu knows that this is caused by the impact of the moon. Even Jupiter's most famous Great Red Spot has been wiped out by the pond fish collision of Muyue.

I was closer ... closer ... The distance between Xiao Yu and Jupiter has been reduced to two million kilometers. This distance is quite close, but Xiao Yu is still flying without hesitation, and has been flying. After about eight hours, the distance between Xiao Yu and Jupiter will be the nearest, at which time it will be about 200,000 kilometers, and then away. Jupiter.

The best observation time is only sixteen hours. Xiao Yu's various instruments have been turned on to the maximum power. He is observing Jupiter with all his strength and trying his best to get more data from Jupiter.

So many instruments only use less than 30% of the computing power of the central computer. Xiao Yu has a lot of energy to stare at Jupiter to satisfy his curiosity.

"Really ... so spectacular." Xiao Yu muttered to himself.

Behind Xiao Yu, there are magnificent rings of Jupiter, and Io and Io can be seen faintly. Ahead, Jupiter like a giant.

Jupiter now appears as a chaotic tan. From time to time, huge cyclones appeared almost visible to the naked eye. Xiao Yu has no doubt about their power. If Xiao Yu's spacecraft is thrown into it, it will be torn to pieces in less than 0.1 second. UU reading books www.

At the poles, there are countless gorgeous auroras flying around, which are countless times larger than the aurora above the earth.

Against the background of the huge Jupiter, Xiao Yu's spacecraft is like a little mosquito.

Twenty-eight hours have passed. The distance between Xiao Yu and Jupiter is now 400,000 kilometers. The shortest distance of 200,000 kilometers is coming soon.

Jupiter has occupied Xiao Yu's entire field of vision. Xiao Yu seems to see countless violent thunderstorms and lightnings on Jupiter. The lightning on Jupiter, any one, is hundreds of times more violent than the most powerful lightning above Earth. Long lightning rages in the Jupiter cloud, cuts through the sky, and releases unparalleled energy ...

Such a scene made Xiao Yu just think about it and felt like he was going to be full of blood.

200,000 kilometers.

He had a strange heartfelt transmitted to Xiao Yu's spirit. Xiao Yu returned to God with a cleverness. Immediately after, Xiao Yu felt the data that made him almost stop beating his heart.

"Why does the radiation intensity suddenly increase so much? Why does the case temperature suddenly increase to two Baidu? Why is the instrument suddenly disturbed?"

Xiao Xiaoyu growled angrily, and immediately began the inspection.


Sweat, there are things today and Saturday and Sunday, so I can only change one. . Normal updates will resume next Monday, two chapters a day.

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