MTL - Super Battleship Reborn-v3 Chapter 1051 What are the rules

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After saying this last sentence with Xiao Yu, Chen Mo had no more voice. Only Xiao Yu was left in this empty interstellar space.

Xiao Yu still stood quietly in front of the porthole of the spacecraft Human, staring at the dark universe outside the window. Because the Dark Emperor has died, the universe at this moment is very different from before. Xiao Yu knows that a new chapter in the universe has begun, but whether this change is good or bad, Xiao Yu doesn't know.

"The fantasy world ... the world of self-cultivation ... this means that the intelligent creatures living in groups can follow the evolutionary path that is about the same as that of the alien beast. , Then I am afraid that even at this moment, I have no strength against them. "Xiao Yu secretly sighed.

This scenario of chaotic rules will not affect the eight-level civilization, and it will have a certain degree of impact on the seventh-level civilization, and the civilization below the seventh level will be seriously affected. Their lives will change dramatically.

Xiao Yu shook his head and threw this thinking out of his head. This means the rise of a new force in the universe, but it takes at least millions or even millions of years for this new force to affect the situation in the universe. Now, what Xiao Yu needs to think about is not these, but how to deal with defenders.

When it comes to dealing with defenders, there is a problem that needs to be solved, how to control time. So the problem returned to the starting point.

The coordinates given to Xiao Yu by Chen Mo probably coincided with Xiao Yu's way forward, so. Xiao Yu once again embarked on the road of circular space navigation. In the process of progressing, Xiao Yu began to study the issue of time. Xiao Yu also began to study the flesh and blood fragments of the Dark Emperor that he had accidentally harvested.

The Dark Emperor's flesh fragments have always exhibited some strange properties. In the process of researching these flesh and blood. Xiao Yu first discovered that, from a practical and physical perspective, these flesh and blood fragments are actually meaningless.

They have no mass, no fixed volume, no energy reaction, and do not react with any low-energy or high-energy substance in the physical world. If we ignore the corrosiveness it has always shown at the rule level, its existence is almost the same as its non-existence.

Xiao Yu tried to cover the flesh with a piece of paper. But the piece of paper passed through it easily. After passing through it, the paper remained unchanged. Not affected by it in any way. Xiao Yu placed it in the reaction furnace with the most advanced seven-level civilization and the highest energy level. It was not affected in any way, and the experimental environment provided by Xiao Yu was not affected.

thus. Xiao Yu reached a conclusion. That is, it, the Dark Emperor's flesh fragments will not have any intersection with everything in the material world. In other words, it means nothing to the material world.

This is easy to understand. The Dark Emperor claims to be the master of chaos. Chaos is that there are no rules, and there is no meaning without rules. It is reasonable, then, for the peculiar characteristics of the Dark Emperor's body fragments. But after discovering this wonderful nature. Xiao Yu was greatly interested.

Xiao Yu wanted to know how this peculiar nature appeared, and was there any way to copy it to the rest. For example ... copy it to your own observation instrument or directly copy it to yourself.

Because it is related to Xiao Yu's research on time. The bottleneck of Xiao Yu's research on time lies in "how to obtain all information about matter without observing matter". "Not observing substances" can also be interpreted as "without any impact on substances". So suppose Xiao Yu also possesses the characteristics of these flesh and blood fragments of the Dark King, so that Xiao Yu can observe matter in a "meaningless" way of observation, that is, observation is the same as no observation. Then, Xiao Yu is Isn't it possible to achieve "obtaining all material information while observing matter" through this indirect way? Can the bottleneck of Xiao Yu's research time be finally broken by Xiao Yu?

This is the first time Xiao Yu has made a major breakthrough in theory since he set foot in the field of time. Xiao Yu faintly felt that if he could master the time, he still had to fall on the flesh and blood fragments of these gloomy emperors.

"It does not intersect with any matter in the physical world, but it will show an uninterrupted erosion phenomenon at the rule level ... It seems that this" meaningless "observation method will eventually fall on the rule level." Xiao Yumu thought silently, "What is the essence of the rules? Although the eighth-level civilization can destroy or rebuild the rules, even if the eighth-level civilization does not know what the essence of the rule is, I also do n’t know. Knowing the nature of rules, how do you understand this "meaningless" phenomenon that comes from the rule level? "

"Perhaps, the masters of the rules have been mastered, and the defenders who have been promoted to the level nine civilization know what the rules are."

The defenders know, but Xiao Yu doesn't. At the same time, Xiao Yu didn't know how to know.

These issues are related by causal logic. First, Xiao Yu must know the nature of the rules before he can analyze this meaningless trait of the Dark Emperor's flesh fragments, and master this meaningless trait of the Dark Emperor's flesh fragments, so that Xiao Yu can not observe the physical When material acquires material information, Xiao Yu can grasp the time after acquiring material information without observing the material.

Xiao Yu took a big step forward in the issue of time, but Xiao Yu once again found that after taking a big step forward, he was still confused and unknown.

Just then, another new question emerged.

"In my previous speculations, in the history of this vast universe, I reached the previous level above the question of time, that is, after grasping the ability to" get all information about matter without observing it ", There can be many existences that can control the time. The reason why they have not obtained more in-depth development is likely to be that they have not obtained the Dark Emperor's flesh fragments. After all, the Dark Emperor has only this one since the universe opened up. So ... During the death of the Dark Emperor, who else, like me, obtained the flesh and blood of the Dark Emperor? "

The Dark Emperor's flesh and blood fragments can't exist in the universe for a long time. While they bring chaos to the universe, they also make themselves disappear. This has been confirmed by Xiao Yu. However, when the Dark Emperor died, the defenders, the rebel camp, and the endorser Chen Mo could all be regarded as being nearby. I got the Dark Emperor's Flesh Fragment, which took the time issue a step forward. So, how many others exist?

The spokesperson Chen Mo can be ignored. Because this is in the same camp as myself. But what about defenders and rebels? Will they also discover the mystery of "incidental events", infer that absolute time may not exist, and then start thinking about time, and then also use the fragment of the dark king to advance the time issue a big step?

This question, in the final analysis, is that after Xiao Yu feared that he had time, the defenders and rebel camps also had time. In this way, there is no doubt that he has no advantage at all.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Yu felt relieved. Because Xiao Yu found another point, that is, to master time, there must be a premise and unlimited computing power.

Your own seed network is actually laying the groundwork for mastering time. There must be a close control of the universe, such as a seed network, in order to fully grasp the time system of multiple different progress. Obviously, the rebel camp did not grasp the mystery of infinite computing power. Even the defenders have created soul stones at the cost of the lives of half of the music civilization, so that they have unlimited computing power. In other words, it is very likely that the defenders do not have unlimited computing power.

Of course, it's just very likely. However, in combination with his sporadic information about defenders, Xiao Yu believes that the possibility of this inference is very high.

In this case, there is nothing to worry about. Although the defender is mysterious, although until now, Xiao Yu did not know what the completion plan was or what the defender was, but as long as he mastered the time and the defender could not master it, he was facing As a defender, he had a unique hole card.

"So ~ ~ Now the problem I face is replaced with" what is the nature of the rules ". As long as I get the answer to this question, I believe it will not be far from my grasp of time. Where to go to find the answer to this question ... "Xiao Yu muttered to himself, and his heart became distressed again. Because Xiao Yu found that although he took a big step forward in terms of time, he also had nothing to gain.

Time passed by in the process of constant thinking and research on the dark flesh fragments. The long distance of tens of millions of light years was quietly crossed by Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu's newly woven seed network also re-expanded to occupy the space of tens of millions of light years. The seed network that was previously destroyed is also restored during this period.

Xiao Yu finally reached the coordinate point indicated by Chen Mo. But there is nothing here. Obviously, the Mechanical Civilization Group has already left here in advance. But it doesn't matter, as long as they are still in the three-dimensional universe. Xiao Yu can eventually track them with his powerful technological strength. (To be continued ...)

PS: At the beginning of the month, the last month of 14 years is also the last month of the super battleship. Ask for a monthly ticket. You must know that after this last month, even if you vote for the super battleship, it does not make any sense. . . Well, it's probably equivalent to giving someone food or money after he dies. . .