MTL - Super Battleship Reborn-v3 Chapter 1053 witness

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Xiao Yu knows things like Taichu black holes, but before Xiao Yu just regarded Taichu black holes as something that is not different from ordinary black holes, and did not pay special attention to it-even if it is a Taichu black hole, isn't it also a black hole? It also has the horizon, and has indicators such as angular momentum, mass, and charge.

But at this moment, after getting these materials from the Mechanical Civilization Group, Xiao Yu knew the difference between the black hole in the beginning and the ordinary black hole. These differences made Xiao Yu understand that the black hole was very important to himself at the beginning.

"The Big Bang, no, now it should be called after the first time in the universe that there are rules, black holes are the first stars to appear in the early days. And the characteristics of black holes cause it to only allow matter or information to enter, but not allow information from It comes out inside. Excluding the primordial black hole that was destroyed due to information storms and black hole explosions, surviving in the current primordial black hole will certainly hide many mysteries of the rules when they first appeared. What the rules are and the nature of the rules What is it, maybe you can really find the answer from the early black hole. "Xiao Yu thought silently.

From the appearance, there is no difference between Taichu black holes and ordinary black holes. And there are more than ten million black holes in the universe. So how do you distinguish the black holes in the beginning from the ten million black holes? Xiao Yu can't always see a black hole and run over to analyze it. Even if Xiao Yu had this energy, Xiao Yu would not do it.

Then, Xiao Yu must have a benchmark to distinguish the early black holes from ordinary black holes.

There is a very reliable benchmark in front of Xiao Yu, and that is the quality of the black hole. With a dividing line of twice the solar mass and 10 billion times the solar mass, for any black hole with a mass within this range, it has a very high probability that it is not too early a black hole. It is an ordinary star black hole or an aggregated black hole formed by the collision and fusion of many star black holes. And if the mass is not in this range, that is, a black hole with less than twice the solar mass or more than 10 billion times the mass of the sun, there is a very high probability that it is a primordial black hole.

But there are exceptions. The black hole will continuously reduce its mass through Hawking radiation, and the Hawking radiation rate is inversely proportional to the mass. That is to say, the larger the mass of the black hole, the slower the mass of Hawking radiation loss, and the faster it will be. This leads to that the premature black hole with a certain mass has disappeared into the universe due to Hawking radiation. After calculation, Xiao Yu knew that the quality standard was about 100 million tons. It can be seen from the conversion that the horizon radius of this black hole is only less than one femtometer. It's smaller than an atom. If Xiao Yu really finds such a tiny black hole, it can only prove one thing. This is not a black hole but a smart civilization.

By measuring the mass of a black hole, Xiao Yu can greatly reduce his search range. Measuring the mass of a black hole is an extremely simple matter for Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu didn't know how many black holes there were in this three-dimensional universe. But the number is not too small to want to come. And Xiao Yu also has one of the most powerful weapons for finding early black holes. His seed network is constantly expanding.

After Xiao Yu got this message from the Mechanical Civilization Group. Xiao Yu has already started his own seed network. The seeds in the seed network are built using the technological ideas of mechanical civilization. These tiny particles can not only continuously replicate themselves, they can also aggregate together to form any machinery and instrument Xiao Yu wants. Now they have been combined into countless tiny gravitational measuring instruments and optical observation instruments, as well as radio waves and space observation instruments. Gravity measuring instruments can measure the gravitational strength of an area, and optical observation instruments can measure the mass of visible matter in the area, and use this data to compare with the data observed by the gravitational observation instruments. If the data from the two parties do not match, it is likely that an invisible black hole is likely to exist in that area.

Beyond that. Optical observation instruments can also observe the existence of black holes through optical effects such as gravitational lenses. Radio observing instruments can observe the intensity and changes of rays in a certain area to find black holes, and space observing instruments can look for traces of black holes through spatial level changes.

Xiao Yu believes. Under the search of his own seed network, any black hole, no matter how small it is or how hidden it is, will eventually be found out by itself. As long as the black hole is found, the next step is simple. It is nothing more than measuring the mass of the black hole to confirm whether it is of value for continued observation. Observe further if available. If not, number the black hole and discard it. No subsequent instrument will waste resources on it.

So far, Xiao Yu's seed network has spread to nearly one hundred million light years away, and Xiao Yu has launched close search activities on this spatial scale. Moreover, Xiao Yu's fleet is still advancing, and the scope of the seed network continues to spread. Xiao Yu's search for the black hole in the beginning will become more and more efficient.

In addition to looking for the early black hole, Xiao Yu still has a lot to do. At present, the most urgent thing is to assimilate the numerous scientific and technological materials collected from more than eighty eight civilizations of the Mechanical Civilization Group. The eight-level civilization in the Mechanical Civilization Group covers almost all types of eight-level civilizations in the universe. Being able to become an eight-level civilization has proved that this civilization has developed science and technology in this direction to the limit and even to the point where it has reached the rules. After absorbing and digesting these scientific and technological materials, Xiao Yu will become a top eight civilization that develops in all directions.

Whether it is architecture, music, micro, macro, universe or extreme stars, Xiao Yu has the most profound accomplishments. After smelting all these technologies into one furnace, the power they exploded is far from being as simple as one plus one. Although still unable to become a level nine civilization, Xiao Yu's strength will still improve a lot.

"Think about it. After I have full control of these scientific and technological materials, even the rebel camp, if they do not have logical weapons, they will no longer be my opponents." Xiao Yu stood in front of the porthole of the human spacecraft, looking at it lightly. The endless dark universe outside the window, thinking lightly.

There is a strange black sphere spinning slowly in Xiao Yu's hands. This black sphere undoubtedly has extremely powerful gravity, but it is docile in Xiao Yu's palm. It floated in the air above Xiao Yu's palm, quietly.

This is a black hole, a small black hole. Its radius of view is about seven centimeters. The seven centimeter radius of view means that the mass of this black hole is about 472 trillion tons, which is about eight times the mass of the earth.

At this moment, Xiao Yu took the eight earths in his own hands. After getting rid of the computer and merging the music civilization, Xiao Yu's body already has the strength of the eight-level peak beast. Doing this with the strength of the eighth-level beast is not trivial, and it can even be said to be very simple.

The mass of this black hole is not within the range defined by Xiao Yu, which means that it may be a primordial black hole. In fact, Xiao Yu also confirmed this through analysis. This is a primordial black hole found by Xiao Yu's huge seed network in a medium vortex river system about three million light years away from Xiao Yu at the moment. After looking for this early black hole, the seeds in the seed network immediately assembled into a star gate instrument and sent it to Xiao Yu's hands at the fastest speed, so that Xiao Yu could carry out subsequent research.

"This is the early black hole. It was born more than 10 billion years ago and was born with the rules of our universe. It has witnessed the development of our three-dimensional big universe to what it is now. "Xiao Yu bowed his head, staring at the little black hole in his hand, thinking silently.

Xiao Yu perceives many things that have nothing to do with science, such as vicissitudes, such as ancient, from the beginning of the black hole. Hurried for millions of years, in the eyes of this early black hole, it was just fleeting. Time seems to be meaningless to it ~ ~ When the rules of the universe were just born, perhaps because the density of matter in a certain area was too high, which caused them not to undergo nuclear fusion or The chance of a star exploding, and directly converging into such a black hole. Its luck may not be too good, at least, in the next 13 billion years, it has not found enough food. Otherwise, it will not maintain its tiny size.

Xiao Yu's hand moved slightly, and immediately, the horizon of the black hole began to shrink. Obviously, the speed of light around this black hole has been increased. With the increase of the speed of light, as the volume of the black hole keeps shrinking, there are some hidden inside the black hole. After a long period of more than 13 billion years, things that have never been exposed to the outside have been released. Those things are wonderful, even Xiao Yu can't fully understand them. Xiao Yu knows that these things are probably those things that he is struggling for.

But these things are not complete. And, inside this premature black hole, in addition to these key things, there are many clutter that are useless. It may be a piece of light, or a piece of information, or a piece of cosmic dust swallowed by this black hole under some accidental circumstances. These things are the testimony of the long time that this black hole has experienced since its formation. They never had a chance to see the sun again, but now they are all present in front of Xiao Yu. (To be continued)

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