MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 12 Dorag and the seriously injured Sapo

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Ian didn't know what the big bear thought. Why did he give his hat to himself, but this silent man has always been Ian's incomprehensible, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

The big bear went out, and Ian took the bear's ear cap on his head and looked at the cute bear's ear cap. Ian only felt a slot stuck in his throat and didn't know how to spit it out.

Seeing the ghost, are people in this world so fond of sending hats?

I don't know what it is like to wear this hat. Ian imagined it and suddenly felt drowned.

But he also knows that the Big Bear may be more kind to himself. If the phone bug is to thank the Dojo for food, then this hat should be his private thank you.

As a last resort, Ian had to bring the bear ear cap.

When I returned to the Dojo, Ian heard the laughter from inside. This made him very surprised. It was impossible to imagine that the more traditional people like Master Geng Silang could talk to Ivakov.

Going in, Ian said to Gonjulang: "Master, get it!"

"So, we have to leave!" Ivakov stood up from the ground and put on a hood again, covering his purple explosion.

The same is true of the Big Bear and other revolutionary army fighters, and they have re-concealed themselves.

Geng Silang was looking at the hat on the head of Yi'an. After hearing what they said, I went back and asked: "Don't stay for a while?"

"No, it’s not good to stay in the village for a long time!" Ivakov said: "We will go to the beach and wait for the ship to arrive."

Geng Shilang nodded and said to Ian: "Ian, you send them!"

"Okay!" In fact, I don't have to go to Gyorro. Ian also decided to do this. Iwakov said that they went to the beach and waited for the boat. It must have been waiting for Dorag, and Ian wanted to go and see.

Ian led the way out of the dojo, and Iwakov and the big bear followed, and those revolutionary army fighters came out with respect to the stalker.

"..." Watching the crowd leave, the empty dojo, Geng Silang sat down, did not say a word, did not know what to think.

Along the way, including Eva, all the revolutionary army soldiers looked at the cute bear ear cap on the head of Ian with some surprise.

They naturally know that it is the hat of the big bear. They are surprised that the big bear will give his hat to others.

But looking at the big bear who didn't wear a hat and a wave at this time, even Evakov did not ask what was going on. They just stared at Ian.

Feeling the burning sight behind it, Ian only felt itchy, so this time I came out, but did not take them around the circle, went straight to the beach, and soon went out of the village.

The revolutionary army soldier who fought with Ian scratched his head and said strangely: "Hey! It doesn't seem so fast when I come!"

Ian looked back at him with a serious look: "Your illusion!"

"Is it?" The revolutionary army fighters were also somewhat unconfident.

"Yeah!" Ian definitely nodded. "You guess it is hungry! So it has an illusion."

Evakov saw this scene, laughing at the hip-hop, saying: "Good character boy!"

Ian shrugged, and he knew that the detour was nothing more than Iwakov and the big bear, but who made him look like a child now, the child’s pranks would be forgiven, didn’t they?

The frosty village is not too big. The population in the village is not too large. When Ian came to the beach with the crowd, I could see a few small fishing boats tied to the beach. It was a fisherman who went fishing in the village. They left, it was already afternoon, these fishermen had already returned to work, so the beach seemed quiet, and Iwakov’s group of people came here, not afraid to be seen.

According to the timeline, the revolutionary army at this time is still in the stage of accumulating strength, so it is very low-key. For them, it is best to try not to be seen.

Ian accompanied them and waited on the beach. Iwakov had wanted to persuade him to go back first, but Ian shook his head, but helpless, everyone had to let him go.

I waited until dark, and I didn’t see any ships, but fortunately, the big bear took a few revolutionary army soldiers and found the food that he flew over. The group burned a pot of rice on the beach and then on the shore. I caught a few fish, and my life was cooked. I just ate it, and Ian was not polite. I followed them.

The moon in the sky has risen, and Ian has begun to yawn, but suddenly he heard a revolutionary soldier standing above the high ground and shouted: "Come on!"

Ian quickly climbed up and looked into the distance. I saw that under the night, a black shadow on the sea came in this direction.

As time went by, the shadow became bigger and bigger, and it was only after coming to the vicinity, and then the moonlight, Ian saw the outline of the ship.

It was a huge three-masted sailboat, but at the head of the boat was a dragon head. The dragon body just supported the entire boat as a keel, and then a dragon tail appeared at the stern, making the boat look like it was It is generally held by a dragon.

This is the Dorag's boat undoubtedly.

A revolutionary army soldier, who had already signaled the ship with a light, Dorrag’s boat slowly slowed down and leaned towards the shore.

"Eva, can I go up and see?" Ian pulled the cloak of Raivakov and said innocently: "I have not seen such a big ship yet!"

Ivakov’s request for Ian was not unexpected. In fact, when Ian was waiting for them to wait here, Iwakov was guessing that Ian was afraid to see their ship, so he said: "Hip! Ian little candy! Going and seeing it is OK, but let me know first, I can't take you away! So after reading it, you have to get off the boat, will you?"

"No problem!" Ian nodded.

After the dragon boat stopped, a seesaw was released from the left side of the hull. Iwakov and the big bear began to board the ship along the seesaw. Ian also followed closely, and the remaining revolutionary soldiers, Then began to call the boat to pick up the staff to carry food.

Upon boarding the ship, Ivakov yelled: "The action is too slow. Dorage! When are we going to wait!"

Ian followed Evakov and poked his head through his tall body, looking straight ahead, only on the deck, a figure wearing the same green cloak, slowly turning around.

Under the moonlight, Dorag still wears a hood, so that Ian can't see his face.

"Sorry!" Dorag said, and the voice sounded low: "A little bit of a delay, in order to save the child..."

As he turned and revealed a child lying on the deck behind him, Ian saw the thick bandage wrapped around him at first sight.

The bandage not only entangled the child's body, but also the head and face were wrapped. He was in a state of syncope with his mouth wide open, and he could see the dark burn marks in the gap of the bandage. The pale white light shone, and the bandage underfiltrated. The blood color is so glaring.

Even Ian, when he saw the child, couldn’t help but beat him. He was scared by the child’s injury.

Needless to say, this child must be Sapo who was rescued from the sea by Dorag!

When I truly saw the horror of Sapo at the moment, even Ian couldn’t help but feel the fire. In the end, it would take a lot of vicious heart to make such a heavy hand for a child! ?

If it wasn't for Dorag to happen to save Sapo, it might be that Sapo really died!

At this moment, Ian really realized for the first time how cruel the Tianlong people are...

Evakov naturally saw Sapo lying on the deck, and jumped over and squatted down to look at it.

"This is too serious!! Hey, come and personally help with the wound!" Ivakov shouted.

"Ivan, can you heal him?" asked Dorrag.

"No, the child is too small, he needs special medicine!" Ivakov said: "I can only hold his life first! I must send him to treat!"

After that, Ivakov took off his gloves and put his hands on Sapo's body!

"Cure hormones, adrenaline!"

Sapo on the ground suddenly coughed and coughed out. Iwakov saw it and immediately said with pleasure: "Good, my heartbeat has recovered!"

Several revolutionary army fighters rushed to take this opportunity to lift Sapo up on a stretcher and send him to the cabin.

Evakov looked up and asked Dorag: "Who is this child? Why is it so hurt?"

Dorag shook his head and said: "I don't know his name. He was attacked by the Tianlong people... in that sad country..."

"Is it..." Evakov couldn't make a sound.

At this time, a voice suddenly came and said: "His name is Sapo!"

"Well?" Dorag, a glimpse, looked in the direction of the sound, and saw another child standing on the deck. This sounding person is naturally Ian.

“Who are you?” Dorrag was curious: “Do you know this injured child?”

At the same time as the question, Dorrag naturally saw the bear ear cap worn on the head of couldn’t help but glanced at the direction of the bear.

Ian shook his head and said: "Just know his name."

He is very clear that Sapo has suffered such a serious injury this time. After he is wounded, he will lose his memory and say the name. It is only for the people of the revolutionary army to call him.

In fact, even if Ian does not say that the revolutionary army people will know his name from the things that Sapo carries, the reason why Ian is actually subconscious...

Dorag looked at Eva, Eva said with a hand: "This is a child in the village's dojo, a very character boy, I took him on board to see."

"Is it?" Dorag looked at Ian and didn't speak. He just turned and asked, "What about food?"

A revolutionary army soldier replied: "The dojo in the village sent us some."

"Well, get ready to sail!" Doraga said: "Return to Bardigo!"

Ian now sees people, and there is no regret in my heart. At this time, I heard Dora’s words and knew that he was squatting, so he said, “I have to go back to the dojo!”

Finished, walked toward the seesaw on the side of the ship, did not take two steps, suddenly listened to Doraga: "Eva, you send him!"

Evakov followed him behind Ian and sent him off the boat. When he came to the shore, Iwakov said to Ian: "Ian little candy, you see us, don't talk to anyone, do you know? ?"

"I understand, you are not ordinary people!" Ian shrugged. "Right, Xiong Shu gave me a phone bug. Can I know your number?"

Evakov sneaked and responded: "Uncle Xiong? You call him so? What do you want my number to do?"

Ian nodded: "Because I may have something to look for in the future..."

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