MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 2 Bear children come to the pavilion

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Name: Ian

Level: Level 1

Dao value: 7

Strength: 5

Speed: 5

Life: 10

Read: 0

Skills: [Basic Swordplay] Proficiency (23014/100000)

Card: None

This is what Ian saw in my mind, his own attributes, and it took him a while to understand the role of this attribute.

It seems that there have been some changes in the game system. The original game as a measure of strength is the combat power, but now it has become a Dao value, exactly the same as the measurement standard in the One Piece world. According to Ian’s memory, Dao Li If the value reaches 10, it is the standard of an ordinary navy soldier, and he only has 7 now. It seems to be slightly better than the war slag. It is estimated that it is the reason for practicing kendo all the year round.

The value of life should be the amount of damage that you can bear. This needless to say, once it is zero, it will die, and the last one is more interesting.

When I watched the pirate comics, he always thought that people like Raytheon Aini Road showed their abilities. Or what is the root of what is being used?

Aini Road's tricks: Wan Lei, and Lei Long, one billion volts, the supernatural phenomenon can not be summarized by a simple demon fruit, and now when Ian sees the value of the energy, It’s a bit stunned.

That should be a kind of modernization of the ability to read, the devil's fruit is given to people, but only in some aspects of the ability to read, and this ability to read can become stronger and stronger with the exercise of people, including the domineering behind In this way, it should also belong to a kind of use, so there will be a saying that the devil fruit is not strong or weak, the difference is just exercise, and some people who have not eaten the devil fruit, such as the eagle eye, red hair, the same Can also rely on domineering, cattle to the sky, these are nothing but their ability to read powerful.

Now Ian has the value of reading, but the value is zero, which means that his ability to read is in an unopened state, and he has no clue as to how to get the value of the mind.

His only skill now is basic swordsmanship. At present, he still doesn't know what the basic swordsmanship is. He can only practice step by step, so even if he is three months old, his proficiency is only over 20,000 points. Look at the proficiency value, I am afraid I will see the change after 100,000 points.

As for the card, Ian was even speechless. He was able to find the card store in the system, but it was tragically found that he could not extract the card!

Because I want money! It takes a lot of money! It takes 500 diamonds to extract the cards, but it can be exchanged for 500 diamonds if it is recharged 100,000 Bailey. The ratio is as high as 200:1! Ian was the first to see such an outrageous recharge.

It’s a pity to see that his current pocket money is 500 Baileys given by Master Shiguro every month. There is nothing to spend in this small village. Besides buying newspapers and the like, he can save as much as possible, but the distance is 10 Wan Baili is still in the foreseeable future.

This way of killing money is consistent with the game. In other words, if you don’t have money, you can play it, but if you want to play well, you must be the kind of local tyrant. Play your paralyzed, typical pit money game!

If this is the only way, then it’s not good to say that Ian can save enough money to draw a card, but it’s good to know that people who have played such card games know that they can draw cards through time. brand!

In the store, there is a countdown in the draw card option, just the last 48 hours countdown time, but now it has become 100 days!

When I saw this countdown, Ian almost collapsed, Nima, this is forcing me to charge money or how! ?

It’s a good thing to have a system, but it’s depressing if you can’t use it for a while, so I’ve been living in it since this time. Fortunately, time is still mixed, and it’s three months. Time has passed, and the time to draw the card for the first time is getting closer and closer, which makes Ian also faintly look forward to it.

Since he came to this world, he would like to go around to appreciate this strange world, and in order to get out of this small frosty village, he must be strong. In this world, only the strong is the only one. There is a stage.

Sword practice, there are five hundred times. When the password of Master Geng Silang is finished, Ian is already panting. He has been doing exercises very seriously, and every time he squats, he is full of strength. Going out, so the physical strength is naturally consumed very quickly, this body is still only a 10-year-old boy.

Five hundred times of sword training brought about five hundred points of basic sword skill proficiency. When Ian was watching the progress of proficiency in his mind, he suddenly heard Geng Silang’s voice: "The following is the battle practice, Ian Guina! You two come first!"

When Ian heard it, suddenly the scalp was numb, how come again?

He naturally did not know the idea of ​​Gyoguro. In the past three months, Geng Silang discovered that Ian’s practice has become more serious than ever, so I want to test it and see how much progress Ian has made.

The method of inspection is naturally a battle. The problem is that Guyina is much stronger than Ian. Every time Ian fights with her, I am beaten. When my brother’s sister is beaten like this, Ian feels very No face, okay?

Like Guina, Ian is also very clean and tidy. It is different from the snotty dirty babies in the dojo, so Guina is happy to play with Ian, but play and play, once become The opponents play against each other, Gu Yina will not release water. Although she is a girl, her character is stronger than some boys. Every time she plays, she comes true.

Standing hard with the scalp, Ian held the bamboo sword with both hands, and the tip of the sword slanted upwards, and crossed the bamboo sword of Guina, and waited for it.

When Geng Silang shouted and started, Gu Yina shouted immediately, taking the sword back and holding it up, raising the top and heading towards Ian at a very fast speed!

Ian's cross-sword was blocked, but the result was a huge force on the bamboo sword, shaking his hands and shaking. Before he returned the bamboo sword, Guina's next blow came again!

Guina's kendo talent is the first recognized in the dojo. Her sword is used freely and quickly. Every time I can find Ian's neutral to attack him, just half a minute, two People have been playing dozens of times, and each time Ian is struggling to resist, there is no way to counterattack.

"Hah!" Guina became more and more brave. Suddenly, a straight stab, directly poked the wrist of Ian, and then the bamboo sword slammed on it and flew the sword in the hands of Ian.

Mom, lost again! Ian is a little discouraged.

However, Guina is happy to Ian Road: "Ian Brother, your recent progress is very obvious! It is much stronger than before!"

"You will comfort me..." Ian rolled his eyes and rubbed his wrist. It was hit by Guyina, and it hurts now.

"Guina is right!" Master Geng Shilang was still a harmless smile and said: "Ian you have indeed become a lot stronger."

Geng Silang said that the other children in the dojo suddenly looked at Ian with adoration. In their opinion, it was really amazing to play with Guyina for a long time. If they changed to them, they might be Defeated.

Ian saw the eyes of these little babies, only to feel good, and he would rather not.

At this time, a arrogant voice suddenly came out of the dojo.

"Someone? I came to the pavilion! The great guy is coming out, and I will win it!"

Ian’s heart moved and looked toward the door. I saw a child with a leaf in his mouth and a chest with his hands on his chest. The sun was shining from behind him, making people see his mess Green hair, and the eyebrows that are picked up.

He just stood there, a stupid look that was so arrogant.

Green algae head, Roronoya Sauron!

When I saw the first sight of this stupid little devil, Ian recognized him. He only felt a sigh in his mind. Although he learned that the village was called Frost Moon Village, his master was Geng Silang, and his sister was called Guyi. At the time of Na, Ian was already psychologically prepared, but when I saw that Sauron really appeared in front of me, Ian still felt unreal...

Very strangely, Ian saw the moment of Sauron, and did not think of the next generation of the domineering cool, but the ... but the heart of the wild to look at Gu Yina!

The appearance of Sauron means that Guina will die soon after...

Her own sister, is she going to die? Ian was in a chaotic mood. Although he had just been defeated by Guina, he almost once again staged a beating drama, but he asked his heart, can he really watch Gu Yina die in front of his own eyes?

This is not a cartoon character, but a person who lives in front of his own eyes!

For the children of the Gonjulang Dojo, Guina is their including Ian, Guina’s masculinity, but this is her unique beauty, although and When anyone is in the hands, she is not merciless, but then she will care for every injured person, take medicine for them and comfort them, just like a gentle sister.

After three months of getting along, Ian had already had a love for her sister, so for a time, his eyes on Sauron became complicated.

Although Guina’s death had no relationship with Sauron, she died unexpectedly, but it is undeniable that the appearance of Sauron means that Guina’s death is approaching.

This made Ian simply do not know how to face Sauron.

Ian’s complicated mood, no one knows, after hearing the announcement of Salong’s smashing ceremony, Master Gengsilang gave a hearty laugh, got up and walked to the door, smiling and looking at Sauron’s way: “It’s actually kicking. The museum? It’s rare to see it recently!”

"Hey!" Sauron picked up his hands and proudly said: "Don't think that I am a child, I will look down on me. I am in the village next door but no one can be enemies!"

"Well, let's accept your challenge!" Master Geng Shilang smiled.

"If I win, take the signs of your dojo!" Sauron said.

Geng Silang asked him with a smile: "If you lose?"

" Lose? If you lose, that... join you!"

Upon hearing Sauron’s answer, Geng Silang laughed again and again: “That’s it, then...Ian!”

When I heard that Master Geng Silang called his name, Ian suddenly returned to God, but then immediately fell into surprise.

"No, it's not right!? Shouldn't Guyina be called with him? How did it become called me!"

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