MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 765 Like Li! Ian brother!

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When I heard the sound of this system, Ian couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed: How come it suddenly gathered?

In fact, Ian has long been aware of his face black, or how could he have rushed so much money to this point?

Isn't there a saying like this? The big man who is married is actually a non-Emirates. If you don't want to be a big man, you are the real European emperor!

How much money is spent on the card before and after, and even Ian can’t remember it. The face is black, isn’t it what Africans are?

However, it is still good that Africans also have human rights. The system has not broken his life. With so much money going on, he still made him a big man. This is the only thing that makes Ian feel lucky. The kind of system that ruined me or your father, Ian really wants to cry without tears...

Anyway, it’s a good thing to gather together. Since I’ve opened the sacrifice system, I’m still the first time to get together a series of cards, so he’s also very curious about how the sacrifice system is used, so he turns Go to the interface of the sacrifice.

The interface of the sacrifice is a background image of the six-pointed star magic array. When Ian selected the main card to be sacrificed in the magic array, it was a long series of the series. 1 to 4 star cards!

I don't know, but when I watched it, Ian discovered that the number of these 1 to 4 star card libraries in the catalog of magic banned books was as many as 96!

Basically, as long as there is a name, the characters are listed, but the number of stars given is different depending on the role.

These cards are all made by Ian in countless times of ten consecutive draws. The cards of 1 to 3 stars need not be said, there is not much use value, and the main character of 4 stars. Cards, such as the top of the line, such as the numb, Inticus, Ian actually got it, but he has used the card of the 坂 坂 Meiqin, super-electromagnetic gun has become one of his signature skills, so Also not used in exchange.

Now, these cards have to be sacrificed for this sacrifice...

"Do you confirm the sacrifice?"

With the prompting of the system, Ian took a deep breath and confirmed this option.

In the next moment, the cards below were all turned into spot fragments and began to dissipate. These spots were finally injected into the magical array and have been promoted to the five-star red Yumi Meiqin card. Then the light flashed and the original Ian was familiar. Yumi Meiqin card suddenly changed!

The original card, there is only a portrait of the gun sister alone, but when the sacrifice is completed, the background image of this card is more than the same characters as the 坂美琴琴, but these same The scorpion head is wearing a military night vision device.

Ian suddenly understands that these are exactly the same as Yu Mi Meiqin, they are all sisters!

At the same time, the system's prompt voice also came, telling Ian that the status of the Yumi Meiqin card has been turned on.

Ian checked this card and found that all the attributes have a small increase, and there is such a special skill in the card:

[Sister Yu: You can consume a certain amount of power, create a clone as a avatar, and be able to use all the skills you currently have. The avatar will always exist until you take the initiative to let him disappear or use a skill. After the avatar disappears It can be created again at intervals of 30 minutes. 】

Uh? What does it mean? Ian looked at this skill description, but I didn’t understand it. I lost it with one skill. Do you need to consume your own value in creating a avatar? It doesn't seem to be much use. I have to use one more skill. Is it different to consume the value of the mind?

However, his doubts did not last long, and then he understood it. He couldn’t help but realize his heart. He understood the meaning of this skill.

Creating this avatar consumes only a fixed value of mind, but the description of the skill does not explicitly indicate that the skill used in this avatar will be extracted and deducted from his subject! In other words, you can completely release the skills that are consumed by the big power to the avatar to release!

For example, if the snake's sunshine is released by Ian himself, he will be able to take time out of his powers almost all of a sudden, but if he is handed over to the avatar to release it, isn't he or herself more than a cylinder of blue bars? .

Or if you release the same skills with your avatar, it will become Azure X2! Super electromagnetic X2! Black Dragon Wave X2! Lying in the trough, think about it!

Quite easy to use!

Ian quickly equipped with the Yumi Meiqin card in the state of the state, and he could not wait to try it.

It’s just that Xia Wei was chatting with him, and suddenly he found that he was a little distracted, so he asked him, “What happened?”

Ian smiled at Xia Wei and said, "Nothing, just discovering that the power of the demon fruit that I just had suddenly evolved..."

"..." Xia Wei also looked at Ian in a circle, and his ability evolved? Talking about the evolution of the day? Do you want to hit people like this! ?

Xia Wei does not know what to say, the devil's fruit ability of other people has to work hard and constantly, but how come to Ian here, become stronger and play like?

However, she was very curious to ask Ian: "Oh? What kind of ability has evolved? You won't wake up?"

"I can't say it!" Ian scratched his head and said: "Probably, maybe, is it an awakening ability?"

Isn't it true that card sacrifice is equal to enhancing the original ability of the card, which is also a kind of awakening...

"Can you show me?" Xia said with a smile.

"Good!" Ian nodded, no nonsense, trying to use the skill of Yu Yu sister.

Then the next second, Ian’s body was blurry and there was a light and shadow of something. I didn’t wait for Xia Wei to see it clearly. This light and shadow will be solidified into a solid body. A person like Ian will appear. Now!

Xia Wei looked at the avatar of Ian with surprise, and Ian turned to look at the past with curiosity, but this time, Ian suddenly stayed!

The avatar is exactly the same as himself, the same dress, the same waist and two swords, but... but why it looks a lot smaller! ?

Not only is it a little smaller, but the face of the avatar looks very childish. If you have to describe it, this avatar is probably the appearance of Ian in his teens.

And the most important thing is that this small one, Ian, has a stubborn head! ! !

Have a stubborn hair...

Roots are ......

Staying hair...


Looking at this stubborn hair, Ian was struck by lightning, and he finally reacted. The image of this avatar was actually made out of the last piece that he had drawn before, and Yusong 20001 was used as a template! Otherwise, there is no way to explain why there is such a hairy existence!

However, waiting for Ian to check the avatar, there was a man who was faster than him. Xia Wei suddenly turned from the bar, and both eyes lifted the body of Ian and then used his face. Hey!

"It's so cute! I didn't expect it to be such a cute little brother of Ian!" Xia Wei's face is full of maternal love, and he will be entangled in a slap in the face: "Well, the face is soft..."

And Ian's avatar, but a face of the cute, biting his fingers, let Xia Hao hold him.

As for Ian, it was a big mouth at this time, I don’t know how to describe it.

He now feels that he is full of slots in his throat, and he doesn't know how to spit it out.

This... how can this avatar be like this! ? How should we call it?

It turned out to be Li! Ian brother! ?

At this time, Xia Wei has been holding a high brother in Ian...

"Oh, brother, your awakening ability is really fun!" Xia Yan sat in the face of Ian’s younger brother, and he said to Ian: "You can create this." A lovely one, he won't disappear?"

"For the time being... no... right?" Ian was weak and capable.

This summer Xia is more satisfied, said: "That's good, lend him to play for a while, Xia Wei, I actually want a child..."

After that, she couldn’t help but kiss her brother, Ian...

"You are free..." Ian continued to be weak.

When Xia Wei took Yi'an's younger brother out of the bar and planned to take him out for a circle, Ian was a guy on the table and then grabbed his hair.

"I finished the egg! How can this skill be like this?? If this is going back, everyone will ask, when do you have such a big son, how can I answer it!"

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