MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 775 1 touch

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Just after Ian killed the Marshal Red Dog in the Navy headquarters and took away a large number of slaves of Mary Joa, about two or three days later, Kaido and others in the New World and the country also got news newspapers.

Yes, they were back, and after successfully grabbing the fruit of the soul, they did not return to the base camp of the Beast Pirates, but continued to come back and lie in the country.

However, the time they came back, and Ian staggered...

The good mood that Kaido had successfully grabbed the soul of the fruit, when he returned to the country of Jiuli, suddenly disappeared.

What did he see? It is the body of a member of the Firefox fleet of the Beasted Pirates!

The three disasters of Kayto, because the relationship between them is not too good, so Kaidu asked the three of them to command the members of their pirates group and divided them into three fleets. The drought Jack led the mammoth fleet. He himself is also the captain of the mammoth, and the disaster relief Quinn is led by the Firefox fleet, the captain of the Firefox, and the corps of the lion is the captain of the Lion.

Before the departure of Kaido, he let the disaster relief Quinn take her fleet to stay in the country and the country, and the disaster relief Quin proposed, the investigation and the action of the country of Kyoto, also got the Kaiduo Licensing, however, what Kaido didn't think was that when they came back, the disaster relief Quinn disappeared, and almost all members of the Firefox fleet were killed!

Who did it! ? Kaidu was worried at the time.

However, when they finally found a survivor, they suddenly found out that the pirates of the Beast Pirates in the country and the country are likely to be killed by One Piece's ‘left hand’ Spark Jaba!

Spark Jaba is really in the country, and this revenge is so fast?

In exchange for other people, Kato is probably going to hit the door long ago, but Spark Jaba is an exception, because he is the only one who has left a huge scar on Kaido, and Kaido is a bit jealous of him. .

Of course, to be honest, if Spark Jaba is singled out, he may not be able to win Kato. He can hurt Kayto simply because of the ‘relic’ brought back from Rafdel.

The pirates under his hand died, and Kaido didn't really care much. However, the disaster relief Quinn disappeared, but Kaidu was very angry.

He also received information and learned about the movement of the disaster relief Quinn in the country’s Kyoto Castle, and thought that Quinn was caught by the general of the country, just because he wanted to kill people. When the door of the Tokugawa Hixi was gone, the Navy announced that Edward Weibule had caught the news of the disaster relief Quinn and they were in their hands.

The disaster relief Quinn is still very useful for Kaido, so when he saw this news, Kaido did not think too much. On the spot, he wanted to kill the Navy headquarters with a beast pirate group.

If it is a decision made by Kaiduo, then it will be fine, but the problem is that now more than Dover Langming, and Black Beard and Gold Lion Shiji are also here. These guys are all old-fashioned giants. It may not be possible to see that this news may be a trap, so I immediately discouraged Kaido.

In their words, how could the Navy go to the country with a thousand miles to take the disaster relief Quinn? Edward Weibull is not like a man with such a brain, so there must be a black hand behind it.

This black hand, Dover Langming, they guessed it, and Ian was definitely ran.

As Ian guessed, this group of bad guys, the first thing to consider is the gains and losses, not the loyalty. When it is discovered that this may be the decision of Ian to lure them to attack the naval headquarters or promote the city prison. Dover Langmingo and Tiki are the most opposed. They are the main force to discourage Kato.

Golden Lion Shiji is a little better. He is, after all, the one in the era of One Piece. The shelf of the predecessors still has to be attached, so there is no such thing.

But in the same way, he also opposed the full-scale war with the Navy headquarters in the case of knowing that it was a trap.

Kaiduo was not a madman who could easily be discouraged, but his allies were not prepared to do so. He also knew that the hope of saving Quinn was not great, and he could only consider it for a long time.

From here, you can see the difference between Kaido and Baibei. In the past, Ace was caught by the Navy. Bai Beiming knew that this was a trap of the Navy, but still fully launched to rescue Ace, not at all. Consider what kind of price to pay for saving Ace...

Originally, these guys were prepared to slow down for a while, and then figured out how to get Quinn out, but the plan is not as fast as change, then they got the news that the red dog died!

Ian appeared on the islands of Champs and Marin van Gogh, which confirmed Dover's Langingo's guess: the disaster relief Quinn was captured by him to the Navy! But the news that the red dog was killed by Ian made them a little confused: this script seems to be quite wrong!

Since Ian wants to lure the beasts and pirates to fight with the navy, it makes no sense to kill the red dogs! As a result, the naval force has suffered huge losses. How can the Beast Pirates fight the Navy? ?

This time, even Dover’s Lang Mingge and Tiki, who are determined to be traps, can’t understand it...

Where do they know that Ian’s killing of the red dog is simply a temporary one...

However, when Dover Langming and Tiki were together, they found the opportunity!

When the red dog is dead, the power transfer of the navy must be in a blank period of time. At that time, whether or not Huang Qi is sitting on the position of Marshal, the sequela of Marin vando's war can make the Navy scream for a while, and because of this death. The direct drop is the naval marshal, which is a huge blow to the morale of the navy. The distrust of the navy in the world will reach its peak, and the wrangling between them and the world government will continue for a long time.

If you attack Mary Joa at this time, you may be able to get a huge harvest...

Yes, out of caution, Dover Langming and Tiki believe that they should not attack the Navy headquarters, but should go directly to Mary Joa!

Because... the national treasure of the Tianlong people must be in Mary Joa!

Disaster relief can be saved and saved. It cannot be saved for the time being, but the key is to get the national treasure of the Tianlong people. They have been working together for such a long time, isn’t it for this thing? This time, it is a great opportunity!

As for the beginning of the whole thing, the Dragon Hunter Pirates, Dove Langming, they think that it is not the time to fight with Ian.

Because they have already got the news, the Baibei Pirates Group has already rushed to the Cake Island, and when the soul of the soul is snatched, the red-haired pirates also have a stomach fire, so they are also on their way to Cake Island. When Ian came back, it was the time when the Three Emperors gathered. This lineup, even Dover Langming and Tiki, felt a shudder.

In order to defeat the Dragon Hunter, the white beard and the red hair three pirates, the odds of Kaidu’s side are not big at all, so it’s better to wait for them to get the national treasure of the Tianlong people. Wave crushing and killing them!

After they have no opponents, they can easily rule the whole new world...

Ever since, the Beast Pirates, the Black Beard Pirates, and the Golden Lion Pirates have started to move up, pointing to Mary Joa...


I am afraid that even Ian did not think that he had killed the red dog by mistake, but instead promoted the release of these bad guys.

However, when the Bad League began to launch, among the Mary Joa, the five old stars are also hosting a secret meeting.

The participants are the patriarchs of the 18 existing Tianlong family!

"The descendants of the Creator", this is the name of the Tianlong people. 800 years ago, among the 20 families that established the world government, the Neferutari family returned to Alabaster because they refused to become a world aristocrat, and Tang Jizhen The German family was expelled from Mary Joa because Dover Langming's father took the initiative to give up the identity of the world's nobility, so now there are only 18 families left.

"Shame! This is the naval marshal you elected!?"

The speaker is the patriarch of the Rhodeswald family. This is an old man with a glass cover. He is the patriarch of the current Rozwald family. He is the grandfather of the Xilu Liya Palace, who was killed by Xiao Ian, for his granddaughter. The death, the old man is very angry, and blamed this on the red dog, so at this moment patted the table.

Five old stars look gloomy and do not speak with their mouths closed.

They all know that this time the Tianlong people are really anxious. There may be nothing to die of a tribe, but the murderer has once again entered the middle of Mary Joa, forcing all Tianlong people to only enter the basement to take refuge, and the navy And the world government did not have any response!

If it weren’t for the last time for Karp to come forward, maybe Ian’s kid had a three-light policy for Mary Joa!

For the first time in history, all the people of Tianlong felt that their lives were threatened. It is no wonder that they now gather all the family’s people here to condemn the five old stars...

If the existence of Ian makes the whole Tianlong people deeply uneasy, then the Dover Langming brothers and Kato of the National Treasures of the Dragon Kings will be able to make the Tianlong people feel like they are in the throat.

"You don't have to say more!" The patriarch of the Chalkema family waved: "The national treasure's start-up plan has no change. This time, say what makes these lawless people realize their mistakes! These dirty The untouchables, they will use life to wash the sins of offending the descendants of the Creator!"

"The ancestors have already woken up!" The patriarch of the Musgarud family also gloomy face: "He will control the national treasure to give sinners God's sanction!"

One by one, the patriarchs of the Tianlong people’s family yelled in the meeting with indignation. Looking at this posture, the five old stars also knew that the anger of the Tianlong people was not so easy to calm down, so they could only sigh. "Okay, if that's the case, then we won't stop it. I just hope that you can remember the promise, don't expand things anymore, I believe you don't want to see the destruction of the world and let you no one offer it."

"You can rest assured that this!" The patriarchs of the various families of the Tianlong people looked at each other and nodded.

Ever after, after the meeting, the identity chips that were kept by the various families of the Tianlong people were opened from a separate room by their respective blood vessels, and then taken out...

Read The First Vampire