MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 807 Peace agreement

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CP intelligence personnel did not think much about it. They just removed the instruments that could be used from this institute according to the instructions of Begbank.

Among the institutes, there are still many scientists. They are all scholars of the Naval Science Force. They are very depressed when they dismantle the instruments of the CP intelligence personnel, but they dare not ask.

No way, the personnel of these world government agencies directly under the intelligence agencies are extremely mysterious in the eyes of many people. Even the scientists of these naval forces are very afraid of them.

Scientists can't understand why they suddenly let Begamba move away, but they are full of complaints, because many research projects in the institute are hosted by Begbank. When he walks, it means that many projects can only be stopped. .

And most importantly, this time it was just a transfer of Begbank, and all his assistants could not follow!

Therefore, they can only watch the intelligence personnel dismantle the instruments and watch them watch the instruments that are very precious to the scientists and rudely drop them on the transport ship...

At this time, CP intelligence personnel carried a black cylindrical object. This black cylindrical object looks like a huge nail. Scientists at the institute saw this. The instrument suddenly caught.

strange! What is this? How have you not seen it before?

So, some people couldn’t help but whispered to Begabank: "Dr., what is this? Your new invention?"

Begbank did not answer him, but vaguely said: "Oh, yeah..."

Seeing that Badabank didn't want to answer, the scientists didn't ask. They actually knew that Begbank sometimes had a person in the lab and slammed something on his own. This may be a new kind of research he developed himself. Instrument.

Not long after, the intelligence personnel of CP had already put the instruments listed on the Begbank list on board, so Begbank went under the gaze of them and took the boat, and what followed him was The pacifist PX holding the book, the Basolo raccoon! After he boarded the ship in Bergabank silently, the ship began to depart under the **** of several naval vessels.

No one knows where this time Begbank will be transferred. These accompanying **** warships are all CP intelligence personnel, but even they don't know where the destination is...

After Huang Qi’s nephew and peach pill, after he came back, he learned that Begbank was transferred. So he immediately contacted Huang Wei, who is far away from the navy’s headquarters, to ask about this matter. However, after listening to Huang Wei, Silently silent for a while, then he said: "I know!" Then I hang up the phone.

After putting down the phone, Huang Wei said to a naval commander in front of him: "Go back, tell the five old stars, I am not interested in the position of the marshal, I just need to do my job well!" ”

"But..." The naval commander looked at the appointment document issued by the five old stars in his hand, and looked embarrassed.

"Nothing is wrong!" Huang Wei tilted his leg on the desk and said: "Is there not a steel skeleton? Is this the commander of the three armed forces? Let him directly lead the navy. Is it OK? Or let the Marshal of the Warring States return to the mountains. Okay……"

After that, Huang Wei closed his eyes and faked it. He didn't want to talk any more. The commander saw him like this. He knew that the topic could not be continued. He could only withdraw from the office of Huang Wei with great sweat and report to the five old stars. went.

When the messenger left, Huang Hao opened his eyes and whispered: "The Tianlong people have already dispatched Uranus, then the new war is about to begin, and the fool is willing to take this drowning at this time. It!"

After that, he also sighed a little depressed, saying: "Red dog, why did you not understand it at the beginning... That position, not so good to sit!"


The reaction of the navy and the world government is not mentioned at this time, and when the ship of Begabank began to depart, the white land of the great land of Baldigo, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, suddenly flashed red light on a screen. point.

Looking at the light spots on the screen, the members of the revolutionary army who were answering the telephone handling affairs in the hall, first glimpsed, then all hurriedly stood up, a member of the revolutionary army wearing headphones, flew away like a fly. The seat, ran to the door of the conference room.

In this conference room, in addition to the revolutionary Dorrag, there are still many people sitting here. These people are all very distinctive, and there are all kinds of people of all races. Among them, the demon king Ivakov is also there. Not far from the left hand side of Dorag.

These people, needless to say, are the revolutionary forces from important cadres from all over the world! They have already gathered together!

In fact, when I saw the news newspaper, Ian killed the naval marshal Sakaski, Dorag will understand that something big is going to happen, so he summoned these scattered worlds earlier than expected. Revolutionary army cadres everywhere!

This is not to say, Dorrag does have a foresight. Just after these revolutionary cadres arrived in Baldi, the Tianlong people dispatched Uranus!

Now, three days have elapsed since the battle between the Baiyu Pirates and Uranus. The news that the revolutionary army has gotten, and this conference has been held, under the auspices of Dorag. What are the revolutionary cadres doing to discuss the upcoming world conference...

When the revolutionary army member wearing headphones knocked on the door, the conference room suddenly quieted for a while.

Dorag nodded and gestured to open the door of the conference room, letting the outside people come in. As soon as the door was opened, the revolutionary army member panted and sighed: "Mr. Dorag, and everyone, the signal appears. The help signal has appeared!"

As soon as he heard this, Dorrag also got up and sullenly walked away from the conference room with a sullen face. Evakov had a group of revolutionary cadres who looked at each other and quickly followed.

When a group of people came to the hall in a mighty way, members of the revolutionary army in the hall were gathering in front of the screen, watching the flashing red dot.

"It is indeed, Dr. Begabank and our agreed distress signal!" Dorag saw the red dot and immediately confirmed it!

Iwakov hasn't figured it out yet. This thing was more than Ian once said. Most of these revolutionary army cadres still don't know, so they couldn't help but ask: "Dora Ge, what the **** is going on here??"

"That is a signal transmitter installed on the bear!" Dorag said: "At first, you estimated that it is strange that Xiong Mingming is an important cadre of our revolutionary army. Why did he join the world government, become a seven-Wuhai, and voluntarily accept What about the transformation of the pacifist?"

Evakov they nodded, they were the most puzzled at the beginning.

"In fact, at the beginning, the bear was preparing to assassinate Begbank!" Dorag is surprising. He said: "He joined the Seven Wuhai Sea in order to find an opportunity to approach Bergabank. This is the most important thing for the world government and the Tianlong people. The character, but after contact with Begbank, he changed his original intention and contacted me, saying that Begbank is an object that can be won. The most intelligent scientist in history is actually only coerced! ”

"Then, the bear later found the opportunity to explain his identity to Begbank, saying that the revolutionary army was willing to rescue him, but the time Baikabank refused!"

When I heard this, Iwakov asked incomprehensibly: "He refused? Why?"

"Because at that time, Begbank has actually touched some secrets of the Tianlong people!" Dorrag said in a sullen manner: "He told the bear that he must stay in the hands of the world government for a while, he needs to figure out the hands of the Tianlong people. What is the national treasure?"

"And then, over time, according to the news that Begbank passed to me through the bear..." Dorrag sighed: "He seems to have discovered a very terrible fact!"

The people present were attracted by the words of Dorag, and they both held their breath and listened to him.

"For eight hundred years, because the rule of the world government is still stable, Ulanus has been in the hands of the Tianlong people and has only been sleeping, and has not been activated!" Dorag said: "So there is a big The problem is that for the long-born creatures of Uranus, it has no time concept. In fact, in its memory, the battle that occurred in the blank hundred years is only a long time ago. thing!"

"This... what does this mean?" Ivakov, they are all stunned!

"That is, if it has been in the hands of the Tianlong people, it may be okay, the Tianlong people command who it attacks, then who will attack it!" Dorag said: "But if there is any accident, it leads to Ula North is out of control of the Tianlong people, and that thing may be troublesome. The memory of Uranus is still eight hundred years ago. It may also think that the enemies that attacked it at the time still exist!"

"Damn!" Ivakov immediately understood, and couldn't help but slammed the table: "Isn't that, when it finds someone who has fought with it, it will not hesitate to attack!" ”

"Yes!" Dorrag said with a heavy face: "The people who fought with it eight hundred years ago, the only thing left is their descendants. Now they don't remember the history, but Ula. North is not like this, it will treat these people as enemies and carry out indiscriminate attacks!"

Evakov, a group of revolutionary cadres, have long been stunned. They can't imagine how much damage a lost weapon can cause to the world today!

"According to the news we got, Ian and Ace fought a battle with Uranus on the island of Nine Snakes. As a result, Uranus flew away and did not know whether to fly back to Mary Joa. There, if not, then they are really self-defeating!" Dorrag said: "Although there is no news about Uranus for the time being, we have to consider this situation!"

"So, what about Begbank?" asked Ivakov.

"Fortunately, Dr. Begabank also considered this situation of out of control!" Dorag said: "Although he did not foresee that there will be people like Ian who dare to face Uranus, but he also I thought of the situation where Uranus was out of control in the hands of the Tianlong people, so he created a very special device for this purpose, and he planned to deal with Uranus at a crucial moment!"

"What device is it?"

"I don't know!" Dorrag shook his head. "But, Begabank once said to the bear that Uranus is out of control, not the most terrible thing, but if someone can kill it, it is Really terrible thing!"

"Why... why!?"

"He said that the devil fruit ability of Uranus is the most dangerous and powerful devil fruit in the world!" Dorrag looked solemnly: "Slightly different from other demon fruits, Uranus If it is killed, its demon fruit will be reborn, but at the moment of the death of the host, the energy of this demon fruit will all erupt! At that time, the whole world will be destroyed by Uranus! ”

"I think the special device made by Begbank is to prevent this from happening!" Dorrag said: "So, I have already let Sapo when I heard about the news of Uranus. I’m going to inform Ian. I’m afraid that Ian accidentally killed Uranos... This young has a very strong potential, so no one says it’s so good!”

Evakov looked up and looked at the red flashing signal on the screen. "That said, the next step for our revolutionary army is to rescue Bergabank?"

“Yes!” Dorrag nodded. “Not only to rescue Dr. Begbank, but also to bring back the equipment made by Dr. Begbank! This device is whether our revolutionary army can overthrow the Tianlong rule. The most critical item!!"

"Why don't you let the bear send the Belabank?" Ivakov said: "Since Bear and Begbank have an agreement and stay with him, then he can use his ability to send Begbank. Come out!"

"No!" Dorrag shook his head. "Becabank is also a demon fruit, but in fact, he does not have any fighting ability, not only him, but also the equipment he made, it is also a very sophisticated instrument. No one can guarantee that the ability of the bear will cause any accidents in Begbank and this device, so we can only rescue him from it..."

"Understood!" Ivakov, a group of revolutionary cadres, suddenly rushed to the ground: "Dorag, let's order!"

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