MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 809 Surprise, not unexpected?

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Since becoming the Seven Wuhai, Baki has set up a pirate dispatch company with prisoners who have escaped from the city prison. By means of the prestige of Qiwuhai, he has sent mercenaries from time to time to help others fight.

But for Bucky, what he earned is only a small amount of money. For him, it is still good for him to dig into the treasures and make a fortune.

So even if he started to do business, Baki did not let go of his hobbies. From time to time, he took people everywhere to dig and dig...

Moreover, since becoming a seven-Wuhai, there are people under the hand, Baki has been making it easier to find treasure maps in recent days. There will always be a pirate who wants to shoot him, and give him a copy. The legendary treasure map.

This time, Baki is very happy, so when he has time, he will run around with people and dig his treasure all over the world.

However, the nine treasures of the ten treasures that are obtained in this way are all fake. It is simply that the pirates are dedicated to Baki after they have painted the pictures. Their purpose is not to mention, of course, they want to borrow Base seven Wuhai this tiger skin only, but Baki is more miserable, this time has dug more than a dozen treasure maps, the hair has not been dug, but the next person tossed enough.

Now, on a huge island in the strait, Baki is also digging a treasure map.

Hundreds of pirates, carrying all kinds of tools, sullen and weak, are digging on the island. At this time, they have already carved a big pit that is more than ten meters deep, but so far ,Nothing at all.

When the boss, naturally do not have to do it yourself, Baki, this guy sitting on a tall rock with a knife in his hand, holding a whip in his hand, doing supervision.

"Little!!" He shouted with open arms and shouted: "Take out the strength of your breastfeeding and dig for me. If you find the treasure, you will definitely have a dividend!"

"Yes..." The pirates rushed down their eyes and responded with anger.

Not far away, Mochi and Kabaki, who also hold hands as supervisors, are whispering whispers.

"Kabaki, do you think Captain Bucky can really dig into the treasure?" Mochi asked.

"I don't want to report anything..." Kabaki's face was sore and said: "I don't know where the captain got the treasure map from here. I looked at the old ones before, and the same is true. fake……"

"Really!" Mochi sighed. "Why is Captain Bucky so obsessed with treasure hunt? When he was in the East China Sea, he dug for several years. Later, after entering the great route, he thought that there was a treasure in a cave. As a result, he ran into the naval base station, causing him to be arrested and sent to the city prison. If it was not for the Iraqi boss to save people, he might not be able to come out..."

Kabaki also recalled these things, and the expression of the egg hurts into sadness. It is said that following such a captain, sometimes it is really unlucky to think about it. What is the treasure, Mao has never seen it, and Always follow the troubles of some big oolongs, dig treasures and dig into the naval bases of others, if you say that you can’t be laughed at by others...

"Shut up, both of you!" A voice came from behind. Mochi and Kabaki looked back and found that Yalita had come over. She had a mace on her shoulder and said, "Don’t you think? Is it a good thing that he is so addicted to digging treasure?"

"Where is it a good thing?" Mochi and Kabaki black asked the face.

"Stupid!" Yalita pointed at the two with a mace, saying: "Don't you read the news? If Baki did not dig the treasure, it is estimated that it was already called by the world government to go with the Caddo Golden Lion. Going to war!"

Mochi and Kabaki glimpsed. Of course, they also saw the newspaper. So I suddenly felt that the words of Yalita were very reasonable. I couldn’t help but feel a long sigh of relief, so I’m tired of digging treasures, but I’m always better. Is it better to go to the Four Emperors?

It seems that Captain Baki, the seven Wuhai who is eating and drinking, still has something to offer...

At this time, a pirate suddenly ran out of breath, shouting: "Captain Bucky! Someone is here!"

Bucky standing on the rock, showing a sullen smile, touched his chin and said: "Hey, what are the pirates who don't know how to live? Don't worry about them, wait for them to see the banner of my Baki. Nature will leave!"

Baki certainly has this confidence. In fact, he has been here for two days. In these two days, there have been many pirate boats in the nearby waters, but as Baki said, these pirates are watching. After clearing that it was the flag of Qiwuhai Baki, it immediately circumvented far away.

Therefore, Baki did not worry that someone would disturb him to dig treasures.

However, the pirates who reported the letter looked terrified and said: "No... not, Captain Bucky! The people who come are also very big! Yes... is the nine-snake pirate group of the pirate female emperor!"

Upon hearing this, Baki’s whole person was stunned, his hands flew out, grabbed the collar of the pirate, and brought him to himself. He asked, “You kid dare to lie to me!” Poyahan How can Cook's Nine Snake Pirates come here? Are they not all staying at Nine Snake Island?"

Here is the new world, the second half of the great route. Even the nine-snake pirates, even if they often plunder, will only be in the first half of the great route.

"No! I really didn't lie to you, Captain Bucky!" The pirate was screwed in midair and hurriedly explained: "It's really a nine-snake pirate group, and the flag won't lie!"

Yalita looked up below: "Let him down, this may be true!"

When Bucky's hand was loose, the thief suddenly fell and fell a big fart. Baki looked at Yalita: "How do you say this?"

"Remember what the newspaper said?" Yalita glared at the waist: "What new biological weapon of the world government is the dragon, which is said to have spread to the Nine Snake Island in the battle, perhaps the Nine Snake Island has It was destroyed, so the people of the Nine Snake Pirates will leave and re-find a new island to live..."

When Bucky heard it, he suddenly rushed: "The woman won't look at the island!"

"It is very possible that here is not only a desert island, but also a large area..." Yalita said.

How is this going! ? I still want to dig treasures here, if the island is occupied by the woman of Poyahankuk, how can I dig? ?

At the thought of this, Baki did not rush to supervise the work, jumped off the rock, and rushed toward the coast with his men.

To be honest, Baki is still a bit worried about Poya Hankook, because he knows that he can't win Boya Hancock, so on the way to go, Baki has already made a good idea. Can't do it with the Nine Snake Sea Thieves.

By the way, isn't she also Qi Wuhai? Now my Baki is also a seven-sea sea. The identity of both sides is equal. Should she not conflict with herself?

Uh-huh, it’s not good, you can also move out of the name of Ian’s kid. Poya Hankuk seems to have a little unclear relationship with Ian’s kid...

Along the way, Baki’s brain hole opened wide and I thought about the way to deal with it. I felt very sure to persuade the Nine-Niu Pirates to leave, so I came to the beach with confidence.

"Well, it really is a nine-snake pirate group!" Baki looked at the fleet of the nine-snake pirate group that had been closer, and looked like a bamboo in the chest, nodded slowly.

A pirate who joined later, with a wretched smile, squatted and asked Bucky Road: "Captain Bucky, I heard that the Nine Snake Pirates are a bunch of women. Is this true? Otherwise, let's set it up. Take a trap, grab them, and then... oh!"

As a result, the voice just fell, Baki is like a mouse that has been stepped on the tail, jumping up against this pirate is a mess!

"Bastard! Bastard! Damn! You guys guys want women to be crazy!? Dare to dare to play the idea of ​​the Nine Snake Pirates!?"

Baki screamed and yelled at the side. The guys who joined later did not understand the situation. They dared to come up with such a dangerous proposal. If they were really heard by the people of the Nine Serpent Pirates, it would be bad for him. Bucky...

The result was slamming, and Baki found that the eyes of the pirates around him were a little strange, so they immediately reacted. It seemed that they were a little scared of the Nine-Nestuary Pirates. So he quickly went to work and pinched his fist and coughed at his mouth. A voice, forced to say: "How can you understand this group of bastards, not that I am afraid of the pirate female emperor Poya Hankook, but she and my brother, the four emperors Ian have a leg, this ... friend wife can not bully, You should understand?"

Since Baki was rescued by Ian, many people thought that Baki and Ian had a very good relationship. After Ian killed BIGMOM and became the Four Emperors, many pirates could not find Ian. The doorway, so I just came to Baki, and Baki’s goods were quite resentful at first, but with the increasing number of people who are relying on it, this product has even shamelessly used the name of Ian to pull the tiger skin. Up...

So I heard The thief suddenly looked awkward.

"It turned out that this is the case, Captain Bucky is really a strange man with a sense of righteousness!" The pirates rushed to flatter.

Baki is enjoying the pirates' flattering feelings. He said that the name of Ian is really easy to use, but he still has to be careful. Don't be caught by the kid and use his name to swindle and swindle.

However, just thinking about it, Baki suddenly heard a shout from far away on the sea.

"Hey! Baki! It's really you!!"

How does this sound sound familiar? Bucky looked at the sea with a puzzled look. As a result, he suddenly saw a familiar figure on the flagship bow of the Nine-Nusser Pirates.


The next moment, Bucky's eyes were rounded, and his red nose was clear and his nose was flowing out...