MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 816 VIP

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Bardigo, located in a remote area of ​​the New World, is inaccessible using the record pointer. Only through the guidance of life paper can the direction of the island be found.

Here, it is the headquarters of the revolutionary army. It is a real command center. The various information obtained by members of the revolutionary army active around the world will be gathered here through various channels. It can be said that even if it is just a remote island, But anything happening in the world can be known here.

The world government and the navy have tried their best to find the headquarters of this revolutionary army. They have sprinkled a large number of CP intelligence members, and the world has been pursuing the traces of the revolutionary army. There is even a special agency such as CP9, which is responsible for assassination and exposure. The revolutionary army cadre of identity, but the ridiculous thing is that under such a high pressure, the revolutionary army has become more and more prosperous.

Although this is related to the superior leadership of Doral, the leader of the revolutionary army, it is also related to the brutal rule of the world government and the Tianlong people. It can be said that many members of the revolutionary army were forced by them to Dorag. Here comes...

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. For many years, the revolutionary army has been secretly developing forces and rarely exposed to the world, so that many people even heard about the existence of the revolutionary army, but what strength do they have? However, it is ignorant. Only the world government that regards the revolutionary army as a big affliction can only see the tip of the iceberg of the revolutionary army in the process of long-term pursuit of the revolutionary army.

It is enough to see such a general understanding, which is enough for the world government to regard the revolutionary army as the most dangerous enemy...

Yes, the four kings and the like, the world government is not too worried, because they know that the four emperors are only the identity of the pirates, even if they are stronger, they can not shake the foundation of world government rule.

Not long ago, the various intelligence agencies of the world government sent invariably sent information, saying that some of the suspected revolutionary cadres who were under their surveillance suddenly lost their tracks and did not know where they went. This is a situation. It doesn't matter if you have two words, but at the same time there are a lot of suspicious people missing, which is a big problem.

Officials of the world government, through these intelligences, have noticed the uneasiness of the atmosphere. They know that the revolutionary army must have made any big moves, but the trouble is that they not only know what the revolutionary army’s actions are, but only The head flies are generally, chaos is a mess, but there is no clue.

In the case of the nervousness of the world government, the revolutionary army headquarters Baldige has a large number of strange ships and personnel coming.

These people are either weird or strange, and not only humans, but also fish, humans, long-handed people, and so on. It’s true that these people are coming from all over the world, responding to the leader Dora. The revolutionary army cadres gathered by the grid!

The demon king Ivakov once said that these revolutionary army cadres are a bunch of temperamental people. This adjective is actually very reliable, because these revolutionary army cadres are too maverick, as long as there are three or five people. If you get together, I am afraid that it will attract the attention of others.

From the beginning of the day to ten, to dozens of everyday, and now, Bardige is welcoming hundreds of revolutionary cadres.

In just over a week, the Revolutionary Army headquarters has ushered in the sheer size of more than 2,000 revolutionary cadres!

When these people sat together in the huge conference hall opened up in the Baldi Gothic, they were very surprised by their own. In the past, in order to prevent them from being wiped out by the world government, they all took their own way and each led their own. The divisions operate around the world, and there is no connection between the cadres and the cadres, so that they have no accurate concept of the revolutionary forces on weekdays.

Nowadays, when these cadres gathered together, they discovered it unconsciously. Unconsciously, the revolutionary army had already developed amazing power in the dark.

These revolutionary army cadres, until they got together, recognized that the leader of a country’s largest resistance organization turned out to be its own comrade, or a well-known pirate wanted criminal, and it was secretly developed. The revolutionary army cadres, and even many celebrities, stars, businessmen, naval schools, and even some small country kings, princes, princesses, are also revolutionary army cadres!

It can be said that today's revolutionary army has already spread all over the world. If it was not seen at this gathering, no one would have thought of the true identity of these people hiding under the surface identity. Even a member of the revolutionary army cadres...

This gathering can be said to be a great encouragement for the revolutionary army. More than 2,000 revolutionary cadres are very clear. There are dozens of people present, and hundreds or even hundreds of people. Under the tens of thousands of people, these forces are combined, which means that today's revolutionary army members are afraid of at least a million people.

This is definitely a huge force. Everyone is convinced that once Dorrag is ordered, all these revolutionary army members will set off a huge storm in the world!

The revolutionary army cadres, excitedly exchanged with their comrades around them, they themselves were touched by their own strength. After all, these revolutionary army cadres, all of them are full of ideal people, when suddenly found that there are so many The excitement is inexplicable when you are like-minded comrades.

I am not alone...

It was at this time that the door of the conference hall was opened. Everyone knew that there were comrades coming in, so I couldn’t help but look around and want to see who I was.

However, the people who appeared at the gate this time made all the revolutionary army cadres stunned.

Many people have cigars and cigarettes in their mouths, all falling down...

Standing at the gate, it was a tall, very thin man. He was wearing a windbreaker with a headscarf on his head and a pair of round sunglasses. On the left side of him was a pair of sunglasses. The old man with purple hair, the muscles on one arm swelled high, on his right hand side, a white-haired guy with a cigar, and two seemingly imaginative, like twins. Beautiful girl, both girls holding a long knife with a sheath.

"青...青雉!??" After the revolutionary cadres returned to God, they lost their names: "The Navy General!"

"That... that old man, isn’t it a black wrist???"

"And white hunter Smog!?"

"Who are the two girls? Twins?"

The revolutionary army cadres were astonished and stood up vigilantly. It was clearly a gathering of revolutionary army cadres. How could two naval generals suddenly appear?

Although it is a 'previous' naval general, but...

Qinglan, their group of people, stood in the door without saying a word, looking at so many revolutionary army cadres in the conference hall, but they were secretly sighing.

I did not expect that the strength of the revolutionary army would have been so strong that such a large number of cadres would not be able to add up to the ranks of all the naval officers.

How many people will be forced into their enemies by the world government and the Tianlong people...

Just when they were sighing, Dorag appeared. He came in from the rear, stood behind the green, and patted his back, saying: "Go in."

Qing Yan nodded, with Smog, Dasqi and Gu Yina walked into the hall. He and Zefa sat side by side on two chairs, Smog and Guina, then It is standing behind the two.

This action naturally attracted the revolutionary army cadres to look at the Dorag.

Dorage said with no expression: "Don't be nervous, in fact, the generals and the generals of Zefa are also our comrades..."

When this is said, the revolutionary army cadres are even more surprised, lying! Even the navy generals have become our comrades! ?

They don't know what Dorag's ‘comrades’ mean only like-minded people. It is not that they have joined the revolutionary army as their partner, but what does it matter?

The people were almost there, and Dorag also appeared. The revolutionary cadres thought that they would start the meeting next time. As a result, Dorag suddenly took out a pocket watch and took a look at the time: "Let's wait." And two important people haven't arrived yet!"

The revolutionary cadres stunned, but then they turned around and found that it was true. The chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army, Sapo, did not appear.

However, Sapo, the chief of staff, is an important figure. After all, he is the second person in the revolutionary army, but who is the other important person?

Is it a bear? He is not already...

Everyone secretly guessed, but among the people present, there were only Qingzhao Zefa and Ivakov, who faintly guessed who it was.

Not long after, when these cadres were still desperately guessing, the door of the conference hall was opened again, and Sapo walked in with his hat and looked at the people in the hall. He smiled embarrassedly: "It’s not late, our boat just docked..."

The revolutionary army cadres did not care and nodded. Some people who had seen Sapo also took the initiative to say hello to Sapo, and Sapo responded politely to them.

Not waiting for them to chill, another figure appeared.

A pair of deep and sharp eyelids, sleeveless trench coat, strong chest of red luo, arms with bold tattoos, two long knives squatting around the waist, and bear ears and head behind the head Long hair bundled.

This image, 99% of the people present were recognized in an instant.

So After the cigars and cigarettes that had been smashed had fallen to the ground, all the revolutionary cadres who were present had fallen off their chins this time!

Their eyes almost came out of the box and screamed: "Four... Four Emperors!?"

Can appear here, indicating that the people have long been a member of the revolutionary army, so in everyone's mind, this moment has a feeling of licking the dog.

Originally thought that the two former naval generals were their own comrades, it was already very powerful. As a result, Nima was still scary and still behind, even the most popular four emperors Ian appeared!

However, what surprised everyone even more was Dorag's introduction to Ian.

"Everyone, the four emperors Ian you are not strangers, but what I want to say is that his true identity, in fact, the total length of our revolutionary army..."

Looking at Ian politely paying tribute to everyone present, all the revolutionary army cadres are all in awe.

Lying in the trough! Let's revolutionary army, this is going to take the wind and wind up to 90,000 miles! ?

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